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January 25, 1893 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1893-01-25

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,"-j Mf T1iitmovement of Lansing alumniLIE FN NG M EY
" d " Q L '' towards organization ought to startLIE FN NG M EY
sip: or seven other "ities of the state By Going to Wahr & Miller's and save from 25c, 500 and 7,5c on every
Paulise I faily t(iin(ia3- exceptedf) daring in the same direction. There ar7 pair of Shoes as we must reduce our stork to
the College year, by make room for Sp~ring (goocds.
at least that niumber of placsill
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSO'CIATION whchtace enough t; iversity of T77 _ , R - ,- a I
usa~erifitian iprietht.:5i per year, iaVariattty Nichigan alumni to form an associ- Uine Footwear h~ealers,
a~ua iar'fi' rt.S~eteanoan, chich wconld not only he the 8 SOUTH;F MAIN T: R>ET.
tions marytie left0 ralte fierofathelDILY'ia
fit 5sio1lrt's, awit any ofther editors itr source ol macit social enjoyment, !
uhrse oictr.ltswhich it etittalso be if lbeneft '-EXAMINE TiHE
7 'lokP.m i r r t I ea henxtttoiseivlintiivsi ty, when opportunity NEW SHITS lU TR C VE
,lay. Addireras all inattrt ene o ulc- i resetedilt. I 'or instance, aill the,
noin ts the1ratig Edtitor. Alt tninetsa miascicoi vr
eom uiat ioins shol d iteiisentitistie ii - ltu- n soiain eeexcee'dingly QJ 0 0-t
aea attaner. valutable auxiliaries of thte ltiier- Tntiions iIsit RNsf5Hittt. 1 SOUiTHI MAIN STREET-
THE U. af X. fDAILY,___sity,____when____the___gymnasium______-fund____was_
Ann Arbor, Mich.sysht iegmtsut lt~ ca ''" oeo n ro n ot
--- ~~~~being raiseid. Aicitigati alumii oeoAnAbr n ot
EDITORS. ottght to ta ke a leeper interesc itsi V
E.J > . I-y1,i.'4btngn1dtr Michigan Railway.
A. fEIanSii, Li'it.JAasitant I thtetir aliia mater, Ihere is no reason _ t
IVI. ft iTt J e, Lte l 'iAssiistit
J_ 1)stiisee, Iiew."iAeisti Ic wilythen-ir tihence should lnt lie as ........
1 IH.N.Clv i ti 's i~ t'. it. fit., ftiiiiiiss Manae'r great, anil exercise as beneficial atiii I 'ie Icdits efaiect iiiii a, a ny2:i 11:
5. titer, teti. 'itinflutecie ans lit the altimtni iio f t e
i'. II'. Soitiwthit i, '9t, iV.. Eit t . I e sernu i veircsities. F t iler-"~ralcll- /
liE. K .ft 'To tle :. 1 . . l 'iceascoit uhich ititcl .it'LA*W. %o//iss.Stg Nt . ttt tii ituce' 7Stu
S Gu ttilsuoi,'N . . .I CA. 1tote tutin Lutgstcud resu~ t. owardt~auttatte i.t 'tt~'Aii isrIetut.ili
1 . , 1Ist.ui tu'.uiitsttheL A IG C O LnOFUI NEu S S.ae i'filag-f I5 .t1. : Til i< tin iir
LisiittyI. 1.i '9t~s .. 'in. os ,js it9i:3 y' pstisrenrgcitte asat tti,.Gt'
at I' iltit 1 itct e. C K i'iit'topnith enitetiar co mercaliradatesintrea
diemitti stortthttdlgsteel.eit'all .ecunietpisiiooiotGitNg ccxcii -
t'entiregardbeo Chictating Thre.li r~ exenes t$200 $400 $5 'rvat fatistxeftSttt
NiNtc iite 1O.. ieni im lli on sa isedtH I i'iti 'tit rii iiier" .. tii Iii
tie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - atths. a.F.reorngrott. Inso eCATALatOtGtUE11 aoicnN0d ~~ i st of ha i/in titltiliil whtoa
. ttitts froit BIHNcari iti state ipol-tisngicenmtoeite coietkcydtherescill E.I1I .v. i. fffdNNY5T, i.... ...f. 'sipini.
tee alotieste Ciieobies b i a lceine io of ea cultos E Dt y &.R. e in Pe. 0Vi.e(i.'T laecmat.ion.eiiij(')',.II,
-i e -aPch tonid eiitsim lwatntheettaluof - Central Standard Time._____
itefinofnteret.hisnaer soisritin te ohlscti
Lioniinare glaito to seenthat stiide $its0i$3ec0arationt
t ttuifaatity tirepasaed:ingFtheir Isityso malethatldritigy hiscexamifiation,.
hel)ai~cief hne. l few hc nitergie nr eciedas Ad'ede aon"h D~ly" edis odal nie oatn
fileni aatt e.Ci a eadng faculty Rsstaii ed h t u tlfu''tc vi, 'qy te iin alye.eIIrld
Stnots aromalpth aioultt o-isiteiveor th oBUSIeSScoaLS. SHEEHANl & CIV.OM.PNY1S, H s 3E.Ntco
lgeanuvriiesnwilrdobtldsafitosuptici 'stonofceIterhnatins, DoH(&IFener.Ike.YPss+ gent1LoclKA+na.
idthe ofitrs icte fiesi ie JfJI'htS iitiict ftt ut
Scheti .ssicittittttiid \ cci ihicepapertasuttib s t i's cribigtefloig
atecve i i iunceulticiite or Itot I pdetia c myi' u henoitasva ete-"at
andtggfcltae e i g h i r ii watcesto m ta t , utti s it I exa i nti onetes
'PeI~ickt acliigit iis'.tll nesvne ithe gve.nr hcivtTenvrstdoosllrasttSre
ifm aneiacitechitedstli an al ty isac
a ctm odti n f tu en stund r -Is41tI ts''itrtpittttttiiNi
singleaBat, hot oiicldoinrcite
ill effIts o art e ff ce lf set , ' P ut nth ft he. l j'kS I il.Postt)-s. 50 f tlA
ltltc A deo atinta d :N ...t fie at hy Iii titian, ksiii carit es r ikno' iu sif~'I 1
andt hortoattacteinrythe ci ityTiIr in. tf ittiWiett'}hie the'NicftfihlGoosfrAtee aOPERA l IQU

wchich is oute of the most practical,
enterprising ail successful of that
many 'Uiviersity organtizationus.
tice'. II arry 'laylor, en-c aptain of
the ILouiisvilile professiontals, has
Bien elected captcaini. Of chic olid
'Varsity players there tice at Ipresent
in col lege J. W5. 'Tayhor, fist base;
cEd'Young, infieldler andaccatcher;
Priest atnd Cadmtus, pitchers; Rich,
second; Miller,tolie, anal Ferris,
outfielders. Ferris, it will lbe re-
nm'embered., tried iusuccessfully for
a position on that U. cit AL tetim
two years ago.,

WIATCHff55 tiusavaeouirusat
aitctitietre. It iseouraiito asroieurte
titly te mosut perfetntimefpieceetthe
wartSdfproduies.rn itadditionitoaititei
famoaiiak nces ire ask spfeclilattetion
toltuiteolin special tF. .. . &d'iu's
mttem'tia. 'Th'fmst ui sirfe'u'l. t'.itu
OWdiflARIt F.G.

Coi. still fwatelte iicflowiflliiiWilliamtt dtNIGH~fT iNtL'.
atl l '' A ,JAN. 30, 93.
'Ift the GIadclip'niuIihouse firxt Mn-h
daty. 'Piseinci'lenofini ttoducetioni
Irives pfttialyI fnictouis 1ffothir
ttttla e f orfut te pats5atssumedttiniiMht. 'f'iic'i'titerr'it,.irt'eofithite vic'iit. A u'yeiiuui'
i(fillett's tutltily rtl t be l I'uesitnil iiiof tt'i'rianeit u . i_. t'le's autiurihtl
!to nutet seriouts i'ontsidlerationittontthe MiRfi'STIIQ'tj'Es_
parfttof' aniauduience, ra 'ther'nists
pltasetd at hrts/enl fucue, fanttastie WtILKINS-oN-4s
foomlishinesitted comica'tl cotmplitionis, O 'W'IpoW'sA/5
talikelitp title ip' datin i n', atii util , -O - a' --utyii lii u uuin tul
coeulntetttigleandaii fme. Otut'is tii5IilitCharles Frohmaua. ite
slhlirledlausy itllt thevotexnof farciestl itretCoedyt..' urce's.
sittit ui"tfes iitil. h as)img t'tm6oyt'u severtil PRICES, - noc, 75c and $1 .00.
gotod. lhe'trtyIttuiglis. we ttil e eint
tit sta'etteendrt ift il, wilfef foread yita i ui saute' it ltm's' .ien'etrr Slisee.
ritustrindless comicahitions ctofied
ruishitng iniupothtti letaey bureedt
serise if fthe httdicrotus. 'thereaisa
uatert ti fur severtal comedy forces, ttlhsiaOy
wrapt t itt intis one Ireezy comnedyP10 O A L P
which still he presentted at the abiove N.1 .H NS
platceealld deate. N.1 -HRNS

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