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January 25, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-01-25

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4c tt f

. Da .

VOL. III.-No. ; i .



-- Influence of the Roman IEmpire on r
The Laws May Enter the Inter-Un thehere owth of Chiristianity. Ter Will Soon be an Active . -
varsity Debate-Not so With Alumni Association at the
Graduate Student.Ii-ly 711of . A.A.Stanley, Si F Capital City.2
ced Musc."ii) -
The commnittees of the four i tetr- lasy i-Prof I. ,Rlrdnl Ithe following article, cli ppetd? I1PORTERl&
ary societies iiet last esvcning;inl Si citlific Methitots Appliedt to from ttie State :Repnblicaii, of L an- J ADETROIT, MICH.
-\tptha Nui tatt to considcr tthc prop- Cistinity. " sill-,iannounces the proposed foim nia-, lC
tsiiticiin imadet by thcUiiversity o + fly -ro f. LiiiAt.I T ayi}ltr ii oini of ias itumni assoinationii at
1Vico in in rear toth dae . I"I'tie .Right of tDissent ssithin tic L nsn;
1 . t Brioks ptidedt w Pithf1. F.I ITic issocIitions or('ieilat Dc-
WIitcox s sc itry 1 efirst prole ''ble t h7sici'iii is a Christ i a. trcst t adG dIaiilp i sics haiicaliwais
cniciItinilas printtdtiliciMiiday' ern lieu liii Sviforolis ot'e iiiea-
l),iii waisacceptcd..k lotn'dii-' 1'Itic S'tom s of tiic IPiodeitl'stoiti tioiii as iiiy issociatiom of itdie-
iiusiioni totu plaicc ioiercthe second wak . c i iiii liumniii iwoud he ea
so-' estiiiii sihiccoi ouuinphlatic he WORK ON THE GYNA StUM. xt( I to tic anit .tscto hetiop~eit
clSi ~ ni o fii 'aduite stndents iil and I m ne citig Na y ths itdciiiti iysulsiu tcs iiiriaitiaimcrt c iii ,ciiiiiiitt i ci
ivas tmmdt iclcciccit toyictdco tlicis Prorassttettil
recquiest of WIiscoiisis is to graduate 1 t'tic cxterior iof thl IIatcm ii iiiI (Gracdiiatciscit theicviiiciity citMicti- ,
stiuents, bttniot ini tie case of ttie jgyminasiuim is slowly ititsoactii(i ga i re iittiis city are mgitatiste i simb- ltt IS3-taIS i r>:iiii' Aiii ..,
la1tdet. t c comimittee ws comtstctioii. '1Th i on frm i sic feet of forminig iiieatumn s soc iatfiiion, tDETRT , - jii'1'~xk
almost tina itnus in faisor tif allowi- sracticatly finished c d titocei ttiis to ii in ctidebottialitniandt ittlwhii
ingdereenl t dbattmut oihae 'ittendcedithiteiiiiversitytiiid it is ih h1'tand Stign C
reso isti ofsettptienicy tie poit was etenl tiis wit i clbestatcecIocec. tpassedcit lsi siill bti ssmudtoti i) I l3- Fl TIE
list citiiic~it ias itat he icon aiictbliass oft thest yciiit ttie or amiteaitin
tits tl fitc tsnttl e ar clandcl will b l a ccdin Itaiiu tuci<i iittt r i sisic" t+: r sa, us
bettertt tii ti itcisttiie w itcci c fsive *itt-lti te liiiesidesa y hu'e tll~bl riu i i i -ut
t( i e eaohru i o ioins i d of twc oa greiei itcl i ciiwefiekster.s Itiy tttic
iwhoi tc mi it t i ctih c ls t itttiittdt e iii imier it i i I bteliu ii idist inevits Si
vesticmci i ttruai c ,iil s t heIti w icut p5ind ae at c liii tot iiii iir l tii Wthe ig'tes l titit iiof 1 mictheseiiiiiforiui1 to~
1'1 - rrl lrp sl i ,as!w ti a mgheci lne sel~lld ast ii i i I nstitln e nI i lieSSa , .iit. tceiiiei iutiiiiiecrputcc tle i h
isct-i pt. iI1 i {,,"t c aiem al;rm t heiim hr
fuT if~a.tecso nihitoies. wIt :110iirt (iwic . aleieretyieil e . tti1 te r I i'Ccityi iiiing tl . iii mli;, le micims f tL s~t'int ih ta
_ tdht iim l"o leii ci ,se fasiior o te tac i li i lisscr~miili i? uuii iileii gatrown ill ttitueu Ims
cpaiersto tilicsiie ntime iacbitc taci ic hIntrifteenpfernethafroite ,<i'leqaI~. Vl mimmmime )~o1l,0 ii.ttc- rnl ~atto ttt i(;i~iztta
ivtn Mcts ii. ~The ninhthecinm aiIocadenigaotindrI ag teis .AiGor Im S1 C.t liiOltrin- It wsqrues1,otib3iusly rz ~;
te siscitneb ih fl ss e iensetoleaner ior ''te rk sin eth at 'tmo miiBnotisarectotrbmimn atsmride casuie ht h
tou fsecfec a ignates. I tiw s e -ni bctvevefetriivdaty soi l '. o se in aivde w. 1.kl a n'tii l'I r)ie: ))owi neeypcae
wrel ak 'osh~ ui ieubae e i the used lfor 15 111 . cii'timeeiALmkliflln&ialiityextellsiel
in,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~r 'iJ.iio at cihotliibtbl iae tiFbti.tvlemmPu iy aibls active. JSiammes OAtthe meiacces uotitiesCtic
seletoh posetione for debaate tewhic ce foutisftefel etgh.romthewill alprcimecie Wthmschtautotieck-
sr~ ettoan Madison1. ihes-ommleetitmnfamitofmuch btnitiug arcuie. ivemtheme is byoPita pesomswy iro themi-
ofe as aoabledeply. l poer herweieruior.Tco'stofacon iiio ton isomldaysteasefetdmwich RO
Aopefcur no emeSna t um as oll-fbtwetweeet n sidcmtime mmen oviii pmm ovemamisccietrgicn e'tg iv
- practic' h bseont in l and sdgrbases.nmconmmetork1of5111easiex1tesion dii - Mi ic~
wise cseetoMiofnc poenfitscelat.noseamitof mpillars tingtheraotiedaemiv iebtim oessm rs ciifc teiiin-_

year at Newberry Hall, on Sunmday
imorninigs wai so wvell received that
a similar series of ten has been ar-
ranged to comomence in March and
contimmue unil June.
The following prcofetsors tiara
been secured:
March m-Prof. 11. A. H-insdale,
miPreachimg in time light of Peda-
March 26--Prof. J. B. Steere,
"The Religious Condition of Sooth
April 2--Prof. 1. N. Demmuon,
" Religion and Poetry."
April g--Prof. F. R. Mecham,
"Sic utere too, ut non alienum

have been left omt, thus leaving
rooni for pitching isractice- Rime
distance is about seventy-five feet,
and twoc pitchsert anid two catchmera
can easily practice at time sanie time.
The candidates will probabily begin
ftraining in a week or two.
Prof. Rolfe delivered time address
before forty-fourth graduatinmg class
of Detroit High School, la.st even.
On account of takine charge of
Prof. Demmon's work, Prof. Hfempl
postponed his seminary in English
grammar from Tuesday until Friday
at 3 o'clock.

stitumtiosn,mand it as only beemi withminms li lgs inImsaid timasBammns
time tpast fae yars thimm they havminm
ally way become active. 'There are P. J. KINNUCAN,
miore livimig gradcuates of "Michiganm"
(hams of anmy oilier American15 cllege,
yet there mmce fec-er alumnmi asscimations. M EPRCHA \T
W mile numbering iwice time grasduates fHrad hr aeaotoehl
as manmy amsciaticons. Im Michmigan m
there are a number of active organiza-
tions tlhat have done much toward
making Michigan's University whmat it
is, the largest anmd best known institu- A )IPmIF5 I
tion of America. Detroit has an espe-
cially active association, Grand Rapids JFI L-TF = 0 .r 1
graduates are organized, as are also all
the graduates in the upper peninulia. 'GR
"Living Whist" rehearsal. at
Granger's, this evening. Detroit, KXiohgC ,

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