'W. of shorts about a capan howoldLIKE FINDING MONEY.
The eastern teams hlave their tap- Bly Going to W'iahr & Miller's and save fromo arc, 50C anti 75c on every
' utithntt ailr (Sundayas excetedta) during - t~ s a) pair of Shoes as we must retdnce our stork to
O(ttnCole y ear, by taint, adtebnfti easilyap make room for Spring Goods.
parent. tith oar track athletics -
THiE U, OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION placed ionte hands of a capable - CG
Subscritption price acus tper y(ne, iaruabty ratitain there is good reason to be- Iinc Footssear D~ealers,
in adranet' Siagyt apiva) 3i-n-nt. hatbr-il- les'tht' interest swoulnd increase 48 80)U''II MAIN ST~Tl-r
tiflt mary tie tefttattt ire of the T ie
at stffet's,twitti any ofathtiedlios orat- dii behttei training svould result.
athiziedsiitoirs. 'The suggestion tsay be of grater ' EXAMINE TiHE
1e ftsodrahte eb . T*I 'J S Tcan lkint,'..t .if they- atre tttt ' aet-ttl e et eaclltheti sve retmeaber that ourT - EXV\V!T 1 iI4IddesRal"ate itede1frTubTc- IePECEIav\t7EDtth wstr
in tthe aagin g at ditoSte ntit ti sitint's teamas at (tntca~O text r[nseatari O
teat Mtantater. lichiga ust d o her best to take TAILORt lS ADFossetauFsts. ?1 SOUTHII MAIN STREET-
THE U. of M. DAILY,___the_____hi-Best________honors.______
AttnAtaor ipStlaeitinisst onor. ~,~ji'Y a' Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
pDTOS i teiti l iitUNIVERSITY NOTES. 'v.iLi.'4,iaagnyntJtr. !!E ' Michigan Railway.
.A S it i, Lit. 9 Sitit
AV Ic ttu no C iat9, Assat. J. i uA aderlit 'g0, is ataut i---"--
a1I (1 1 [ i isa P '9ti ttiita at( editot of the ,i1sokane Chironicle, (Jidltai~tttittta 5i ia i
i iRIai it" I 11. C Tlit Ncwts r tk Noice of this ateel,--
1 u i ii i, 93 ',I f. X 1s J"1:. I ra a f(76c
i.0i , ~ .. ( N !c n aiissdi slattri ute-up of hstleri"sg -0
sl 3 aa ti c i ci''!-sa?;,risiu tct e.,cno ne ottOFSt55551t ~ :fal<nd xir 4 ii- .. :ii t. i
fii-ti Ia' ' . {...cISttte 5iLiEAD eIG SCHOO~L rgOF tBUS I uN a.;.. siatrelu IAiti rti.S
S i nI Siteii Cli among itointi, men- n ifi s uitliiitiinine;iteaer;rge tti n n e;tiii'S i. .Iii tSEriti'tti1 or ter * .. 1. !
.,ornti nIN sit ti5, 'li . a. I. 111IN. .Na.,G (ito iscjirae-a s~npaterwrkelisuplied re taint' I s1SIe 1 c ~t nt
Mati E '1i~ri<Id. , . twat. ' pe te ntrey ar; ' meca graduats Foga i.5 trtiritttiri .. ;1lit.1
SiiSi1ni i it otste ai lie, l I,a ti l « g. petigraitin; io tt i rauaesll sI be -ositi n its; iStti ettt
r r pet: gttxian e $2. tt$2.7aitrwtieSi itt-ite ain ANu' te-ittilt
ilac oGgot fitallaeeisriptos itin riat (.l stleadrs , v Noi.ti 4'ti l ti ttilaitte..... .ii
no used. R SLcRYtPris rea6.Toido . Nil itx.rti;I .. MIti
'i lataatonR selow g r ratis, ebe n t - & F iner otiSt-tnlatiTtime tt.lre
Sond:111et;ttalkdoubt1)ssAdarsect, I
butit n1il at tachetos e le, rainsctrit)dge ranaltwttoItneAdebateo
-eniog n i~stretlmu'Plant tisr H oedo only, daiIc etsn KTlii
At a I) o isaood ardh aveeetit n astst xertstoClaof Iand-,arrtntteofilcot
rtig h eintoi f I N sn ai i.- h Toatheis-ensdaly, NI'.4tn y
anbbrdeamaaendol -riinIC'. NV. l and Neg-o rae r of"ery ail'iodilyivte.oatn
Sottdins ou r it boxe. illeaitttiwere VI. fis, I.0II.1tipttia. SH3IH N & COMPAN 'S t .txLF
Ale.ecam tin St-ot tins lReeiselltpetratioorn,
notised tirithisillasinteritig tm s UI 5LCL. H LDy & Feiner('IGen.!Pas. et. oca 1gnt
Irltliit tissau ta r erfrs Edmotin i'IlBloc;l, st Itt)st. as;t l C s s ' Jfi L
ruta- t-i-Clou t e 11rs sigt ureitCe it tlbeiabtolis
muic__ us-gean H m -idbte
tortially- itii tetiiig thl -st:. o I-
Stitl that (otritelis Is avn' twoitc-
tll wsiltes isitli tie n' iversetyiaoaf
Michtigant, tueo ichti-lwsill 1se-playetd
herea, gin-es ititli ysatisatioit n tthe
'rl:~ addlress at Neawberry ilall,
totmorrowv mortiitg, will be given by
l~r. AMarkley- is sisbject sell] ie
"iReligiousa Life in Americans Col-
leges."' Fewsensesare better quali-
fied toi treat this subject, as tite
speaker hsas liati a witie experietnce
its college life. After four years at
a dlenomuinatiotnal eollege, lie spent
four years at Hartvard, ann] has nose
been here for a cumber of sears.
Students may expect some iter-
eting conmparisons and instructive
lessons from the address.
'THE attetntiotn of those interested
in track athletics in calledi to thte fact
that wehe lnsever htad a captain of
that bransch of athletic weork. NNoultd
it not be see]] to centralize leack
1'f)IIJ1 f lls. ljtist Ii rtII oiftite ltstt-lbf - ;lil1ae thueANis-t Sithulo 1t lii t ueL at It o ts.
offiie, fitasfSit e st lit-ks, eiriitg -a.
j i ito s itn itthe - Ity iii. tf
4 -_-_ -- ----_-__ The University Booksellers, - State Street.
StrSI tnvilttatoa. N N ARBOR ( RENTSCHLER,-
__ ___ STEAM LAUNPEY7! Vhoto rapher,
-23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE.. nS)ItNs.l 1Ial\sual 5 tt'tLt ala.
Nntonlty- ittrinpa, btiin tultherr 'r rl C b - MA'N olb
emetry sa well, oar variety is rieh satu i. S.niauii S, A
rae fnt st eriRingstmmuandeen-aaGRAND OFERLA hOUSE
darewecnsow atnle uns utusd as - _____________________
antana iiNO0TIC El ONt NIGtIT ONLY.
DIAMONDS TO11 EVERiY STLiSSNS i f the Utivei-rn tef MONDAYJAN.30'9
OPL iiuhligatun nttohomet'withomut it oar AYf 30,
OPEAL S t ituPCholateiuB'on tons. Wepguanrateto
PEMERLS hare the lurte anud tent sttsodtowesat -
PE R SpricesSn thcityei. Dotiorgseet.te natuber Theicmsiiiutamteat itfthe Se~aon. at tytlatur
RUBIES IN SELF Ol. ttnd namei. R. L.JOLLY & CO.,No. t26 ruituttI ii(ilttlttgun i
TU HQ UOI SES (nOM BINATItON South State Street.- fmriet Vi.Giltesluhe ~
A~Jiiau Seoa mt HOT LUNCHES WIQ~1N J~rt~
watcfulcar. Iisorai toproure And the very choicest Candles
oinly the most perect. timepieesoh -AT-55rith a comtpany attomda su ndaatier te tiree=-
wrdproducens. In addition ia all the lj'~-- T ~' io of Charles Frohmaa. IThe
famoust makes we ask special attntin *' I1T U11TLT L..E.S.JGreatCorstndy Sccess.
i ti r swn speeial F. U. S., hi & So. 'a
moveenst. The mot perfectly-bial- 48 SOUTi STATE- STatEET. PRICES, - 50c, 75c and $100.
WODWsI FpG S EBLEZ heats sit sale at; Watts' Jwarey Stotre.
& Co. 11 W. Washington St POORPE
--^- -ouiz0Wn acm- 8 NO.-12 W.-HURON ST