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January 28, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-01-28

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Ijc itI. off"AT. W ail

VOL. I1.-No. 80.



THE MERRY DANCE. '901. Itwiilbe nted thtithef Jniv'er- LANSING LEGISLATORS.
sity of Michigan is jsot two ceinturies
'The Sopnomore Hop an Unquaiifiecdyneitxi ivilytle xln The University Committees In-
Success-A Ciose Rival of thThe spected the University Yes-
Junior Bali. aretothists as stron. he ir lst tei- terday.
sonl tosreieestei in floe University is _____
'Tle second society event of the still liv ing, the Hoi. Lymin D. Noirris, Five members of the U niveritiy
,of Grand Raids, Michig..ns dtolegislative committees, acconmpanie
college year, the sophomxore hop, Our Unilveisity lidsfmiliolt
o>-ven by the ine Palladliums fraterni-( the cointiy twenty-sic college press- by Representative Sherman, madte
fes, occurred last night. Viewed! dents, thiity-twosriepreseintativs in their annual inspection of the Uni- -
fcom every staondpoint it wssa pro- I Congress, flve U.nited States senators, versity yesterday. 'The committee
nountedt sucets. Toe committees I one justice of the Sutreme Court ot the froms the senate consisted of Senators
so chasrge Iiaitvoikted indetfatigaobty itnted St'ts, throe eie justices of McLaughlin, Hopkins .anotDoran,
floheoftitesspiemse couits, towcloteoste
aixdl sith thestusltthost lte 9,5suipreelio eurt juidges, 'souloty-esigt swhle Rsepresentaotive 1M°oore relxre-
sosphoossore toolsiso thet irst solitihe isudgesof tUiitel Staites,5county snd sentedt the house comismttee. 'Thtey
history of thy t nix i oiy to. pi he G itrieifinxsl te c oults. To these mac svere sowni abtot the caixpuis by
cepnss ns rrctbe ialded a numobeo of "overinors'inst tRegents K-iefer, Cocker, Cook,
'rie prori-asswevrec qiite elegint Bese~ogvsois.sole~do arbour, anti Whitnman, accompais- oe so,Y
iacing a pirett- engravin;on oo te.snd teacherssount ieniohavt~ie imaide led by President Angell. An
:.over amd the sorness U.t citll. 75 xvaluabls contiibuionios tslieiratuie, 'l'he general object of the visit was
Sotomoreit Hop, 000nsraised goldtItmla. oieince instthe a. toto reviewv the condcition of floe Uni-
letters. IT'here were isconmbtr il -fOh versity, antI gel an idea of thoe just- t
the proogiramolt nsmajorityibeon" Back Talk In the Senate. ness of the appropriations asked for DET_
wcaltzes. by the board of regents. The tab- -
.Absot iftycoup~ileltsoeeix thse floe Sena'te of the Cniisersity heist oratories were matte the object of e
sgranodtimarcho, vhichs begain it nineit a sesson last evening". ITle seina- a close scrutiny, espsecially tht
o'clckc. Itoedan-snsg be'asosotltorssspent theeeningdtliiveingnoechanital. ansd physical. 'l
salt post niniie sndtsas heist up sutileulogoies oin the loses of ex-:iresidlentnmusecom, library 1lsocbilingmain r
lic "weeesniall lours."HaytoesundI-:Iii.James C. I.aine. buildlinogho'pit-ssandstvaiosis e-sas ,
Th ii oliti oif the yIt 1laie W ii asevolsutionswsos offereitro toe- t ient tbuildingssiweve onliiinso
sreoit «c reH on itlic t ies l~zciii lteidcathi sitChieftJuastictvisted, thy profesoso h aiu
n am ong hs f ot o ton Liait a ittely upps5ose itli schools totin' carec thaot thevisitors s ,

krbors isoices, sisedfr ittlogiiiito
01. 183-185 WoiOosoesoiAvts.,
tI10IT, - - NMICIItIGA .
hmond Sir jght Qtit.
,; '3 s igacteSml' okusers Who
'ii, v si-s ,wil in
}:s\ i i isttp ior to
q oiii- i
L-) 1 t i , t

cc 'iis 'ls

51i, Ci iii ao
lxIi o' oft


-Mssli occisis
s-ni' ss i sidc 5

Sfenatiorslict1 if I Iloo nci iitii to-sit a "ocoti lilt is she nOc'5 11 ssciigsof5c - c 55 5.s (i tsss.ii
that 1iiss s-Ios c-.-.tsiissiiIt's isv i" 1s [ ti
tie L,1 . ''i ei'srki ls'o's lit +ishe co-eds were ochiied with.
Seniatoss clnicc -odusthisstInthlir i thleir N,2'0,000 1)Ctt as skth Nvc -l
tact, isho repli idtoIn orSiis in5 0 thoe coinitle iws so issicicd Thvioot ecls.hre en osto:lucheontil ls
on . ol-Mcrs.'ho it lketo a sigisilic-ist list foe R 1(1
Ain i-ties to Gonsral .iteraturO.I it s islk owvn tiit thsat lady hsoii iii i i
- tseaiot e os ost nacrihec he-sit. '. I~ (JA ~
1'ls is ilia title of a5elf; 5 1)001. Thle swhioleCliaity cinedcc t lsti scxi- s zui 's '.ii -t ois . 1 si
cetestis cacss-et atccitt 'sosci last evening, -odsthei
i-sclcides references tos Is ss'c-s ic-s s m " s-o etinslm . - Qr
Isi-cssandsl ltca- Iisi'.
5 0 liii 5. itand5literarcytat 0 1s5an
otetri as caaxsdcscuasioni oiithisseqtinix

I iso ftaste.
the toeoUlnuls!
I, ~ ";Q { r

?01I ;.7iaoen-es' 1Nsill -havi e tolook s
s.s tioecrloss --I- Isr :xel
tlsiesat Niso '''sic-c-shaiirmao f sthes

hol s l i ll 1l0n5r5to1thl s wei:- I i a' i i''isll
of toasd s andioci is' vloscwitih
ieslecs 5 3 ~n~ll;1cororectionsetc.'i lie wislkis editedi
-sk, uss11'. e' I , M , I. by illiosxI tiame Iibii'
I ~ ~ ~ i-les colege 1 f i 50 t I 'ii sowill at esptcs-
it xlall lF' lsccoly svaluale o rtfi sbjeft rfcc c ,c
Sums Figores fr on the Iniloider, iand 003) lbv foundsiuon i~ tecrfer-
enscedsk, ith telb lum s o
Ih lx rotic.iin this omsotho's In- Poole'soIndx.

xenxts of the I tu isi. sj '
'rile coninslit'e isftyii ie iii)clis-
lposeit toacd tlb cl eclicitligh igo te c m u, n te b s s i "ecot- Cl g- : ,l ", asd-si-i -!'.i 5 5 t ,
onlxy, the gas bll s being;onorsioux.
'The mxattec of a onicwiadministraton P. TJ. UNNUC.AI
building seas ftoroably discussed.I
'rie conxnittee expxressed tihemnolve s MER H N
as well tpteasedctithlistcondtioin in ~ H .~

lauder 000 'Lonyalty to Al.ma -Mater,''
contains son-e interesting figures
sehichx are subjoixed:s
The followoig is a list, together wifth
floe dates of floe fouoiding, of the five
instittons fn thifs country having floe
largest bodies of aluni: Harvard,
roundedl 1636; alumni, 17,775; Yale,
founoded 1701; alumni, 14,936i; Penni-
sylvania, founded 1753; alumni, 14,000;
Mriehiganfounded t837; alumni, 11,449;
Columbia, fonnded t754; alumni, 10,'

Carsons -Shanmell, Crsu, antI
Lovett, of tlhe senior lawe conmmittee
onohls ston nvers 0-he selection o f

whicho eserythinxg lxertainxing to tlhe
University swas found.
A number of books on political
science. socialisnm, and pxolitics have

class orator, moade a detailed re- just been received by the Library
port yesterday. Considerable oh. from London. Thsey are being cola-
jection was made against the man- logsued and will soon be ready for
ner of selecting floe judges of thme use.
contest. The committee's report -
was finally adopted. Stagg, tonight. at University

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55 W_8FORT T W,
Detroit, Michigan.

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