'J.Of 1 TF(.1~tU.
Published Daily (f~uedays excepted) duriflg
the Collece yesr, by
tbbst-tptite yrie $2.5t0 per year, lnvarlably
tvitellne inge oe-pe :catsr. Stebsetip-
ttottc tmay be left at he ofice of the DILYto
et Siottt't, tvth wlcofcthe edittorsor
tomme niatieetons- shold rechcthe otibet by
Jay. Addriesseail mtteintendteid fit pubica-
tieitthe Maning Mel tbtir. All binetes
Atn Arbor, Xich.
\r.aret) ldto fte abtti olian-
niittit tolayif tlthpaker for Wlasht
anIsuetIii lty aret ci ciiiitcc
lattdiit iiis, ut)c i li tc iii t U1it
floi tlas, to is itt If c vii i t e
tilt as t a l-tcc -itt toe tr.
isnt fovtr cialii)ti. oiierac) 1 tc;-
fal) prosetctis. It lnetIlit i
followinig fashionti.
lfasebtil proscttlts ificriouirIliii elcifsiy
11e dettd. I tifess soebin I isedttlprodtitf
forc westernti oore lare cslmfur it will
tite e too flte titoicok it afnlVClutec-
oevs n ught to have the moral LI KB FINDING MONEY.
supr fevery lAumtnutfs andth
Tilaferillastsistancet if every aitliltle fBy Going to AWahr & Milier's and save from ')c, foe aed 7ff 0n ever}-
capable of rendering it. The neetis of taic of Shoes as wve mils) reduce our stock to
fte Vniveitywere never greafter ftalntmakt rtoiimfor Sprcing Goode.
nowCC. Theetotigiit ft he a grand rially .
if frietnds tif te nivtrsitx toie ts ai. - -Z I T
I ice Footweac Dealers,
ftR A\ 1if ffER A 4uSf.. E48 tourxH CAINT REET.
31i Ii Ei10-III____ A\INE T
11. if. MaucLeani, taesiivlttek.far et-
elceth iee r to'ttfto f tiltnd N WsCTS USiR CE-E
tite Jew fttrte Citristittntevis excel- N W S I.S U T R C I E
lentt. epee)all infltielt tscenle if tite & OO
ftirtiact,swhereSihyitck larns titat I,,l~aAr tR _I 1SUHMI TZE.
Antontt 's bt niwit l l iiiitforfeited. Mr. T IIlizAt)li-sN sllit. 2 O ,M IN Tf
MacLeant is inideeti it poweftliactor.
i eilvery is sitrong alntiihittachfinigis TldAnAbradNrh
C witout falt- ftt vlllid be ii lilf c t o l1 old, An rbr ad ot
Siylitk.-New Or.)letits Tkils-iftlt-Mihia
c -r M Aac~letotll tlti Mario- frescoitw -
wil la1 i t el t )fiit- It fi-o f- ttl ii o i ci.-uce inti(, ttttcc , 51 . ( ut
ofttVentce.t" cttttctrtecettitcetcettitttcofNt.:n.Arbor.
I ltit nustltiss- ei y T hl e n - iii- cc itui ci 1li ie itietol teettict!ezlit cict
ftis cistetuu'at s ) iii flithe t Ct liti c ' C ii etci tLttttitltitl
Y sth E DI G P.R O O It. E S. Pet!. ' iNo .i1. 'i, ttaut- t (.t
CC Fo il h wi llsu ptes a zit t hetii l it l letlmit)Es ni e t h rs; ag.atVII) ; vl:i o yr ~ n r rA c m" .' fI
room illl iltit ftt satulitayievgninecreceptions.
dem nd sorhad ranCC It scue ostins l ((,i c; <> e / .11 N~ it
BeVfaurs aIESS Lo CAfLS~<T.Fv i', ess$. oy & Fre inaer Ii tiu ;;t;AIit iolAi
fGibston itas tt t e tils pictuilles i-f
i. Sealgg;its ttetfees'goottiu entttat 'tt Dentfanld '44Medic, sebicit littis -
eeo(rk, btitia less' will ntiIiltie taitine. seilitig tt 50lcedits eacit. 81 4ft
foot btll Ittcm sitotifitteiliplltietleticentte.lt tilPtolctlite BilbricSihop~.
f oasttebalttl furies.-IfJ~tl ls tiito ite Pitt- Zi
office, itas the biet tacks, caccillges.
it1N:iropos~teitio ticreas- te athorsiteseill tihe fit)'. in-itim.t. ff
otene-enticlthtill 1stilat ttoicne.
iif,0 it till woutld. if mttt ailaw latc e PGFT ' FJ lE& SI OE
,el; I - cusi Itiltrea mucihiftsounderc
liaeis. Scntor-It\c~attglilint is weli- L. 0-RU NEB
tittetii for his Ii teilitig Il i1tics anidj
illy libefdependedl t upon ii toiusiellis; 8.S"S. Mali Street, - Astn Arbtor-
o.iP clr' Vit-I -E ' cl11i s adt o tftittiif '--
t fteStudeints' Bootksftore. sttdets, saet Hllf sf1111 iltrr
attd ti \ oi f tis. 'Vte taci- tiil') ttff i'i 5 tt"tt (lgtlutlc oftc tt 1
e(cl-f- ii) h ait) dIit1 slit t iitucl i O' li-go el fut lo s frot hefit
Eais st-il-lh i t- wil«tilt-ertt lowCIpicesf. We bfeep)tIheIFie011
ilt) (o ,ititl I iultio IIa ic ll'uuhinIlfulttuulf bt IhretFait.it s ';
lioeP o sil11cti he li- f-el ui~ h l t 1 N-I it t h le i-its .'-
University Booksellers, - State Street.
511 EIIAN t-V(G. 511 ELII.A N &,('0. SIIEEII IN & t),.
l:it1tictec, 1ci a)C''1CLc lcielasauc i rca
te fiiversity libuerally anitl lkeept
ttieigato in. fte frtirankc of edcat-
tional intsituitions.
Ti I. State tress is t-ottlttetltitcg i
freely uponil the alitmni quiestion.
,Tise ttpiniton is untanimouts tihat our
alutcnti ougtglct1 rally to the supiport
of tice Un iversi. We are glad of
flits agitationl of the q~uestion, for
eve believe it still etditntoitncreaseid
itteresf amoog aluttci-i. csteray's
D etroit Tribune itt a leafding editor-
ial coticludles in the fttlloweitng:
There is likely ftc be somte differetnce
tf oionl regardlinlg the ind~ictmentt tf
in11iff erenlce evichel Mr. Stone luays att
thte dootc of file ttiversity of Micigant
altumni, aattlsos to 1 tthe Iadequacy of
hifs remcetdy. But it is woorthi whiile ft
hatve tite subject disettosed, 11111 Mr.
Stonehits opetted the diecosefotl ill a
mntner ftattrattt tfenction. What
appears clealrly enoulghl,ihowever, is
ttatf.tite tttvtrsity if AMicltfgat tde-
Jititi itittcuthttare utret1c fieiit-twoAN"N AR BOR ( R E NTSCCH11L ER,
_- STEAM LAJL ', 1 7 rhoto gPapher,
___ 1k ND 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE.. Itt~'UtINcs ~~t u
E.S. E-VSI - ts tl
Noteonly int rings, hot h in l l tetr _____________________
Jewelry castell, towre retyi r iCt hCIId GRAND PERAT flTTQ"
rote. 7nifine iteteled Ritgs atdtetl- jNOTICE.- ) 'it S-r i I 1-c':a 5J ~ JUU
dintsottetan sltm nu rpasttil setlttd its- j
sortmltet in andilCitiziens. lontD entd01111utf it tewn felr JUST ONE NIGHT.
DIM N SCottdy' liento yttucan g etiuts o d uitt IRi. I
DIMODSJolly .kCo t.'s.. W'edont ~tII'tt ct-forilyltbut Wednesday, Fb.1'93..
OPALS gt ttyittit iti ~l-tf. HtellJ
EMERALDS gv t t oadtr sohl.Htuan c l lnches iat alllrsof het Iday1and1n11gh1.C lteielistic lte rit lIlt.'sI TitItESo.
RUBIES tN SELF 1111 R. E. JOLLY & CO., No.'26 South COtItreeting-u
eCATCIIES ehotr lave ouremost t And theyvery choicest Candles liced 1 111011 S. it It site 111 11101 httptio
oilly the olomo.tt perfctl flmtonpirt'epo flitAT -chtaticl itip ths tt itt 'I'lItlor tli 01e
woldol heprducese. I a dtitrtiIIIto ali t te te 1* * i T.- - t * Rlle eo itorierrt , 111110amile iti tll t cn
tvi ouirtiotntspecial I'. GI.s, S <o.'s 48 Slit"ItSiIlLESf1111TI PRICES. - 50e, 75coand $100.
mIovemenlt~t. 'l'le ost Iper-ectlr-bal - _________________________
100011 Imoe t ta u nt. Stuatu ntu e tiiCCtth'Je' l rytt ot.
AN t-E tt)F. G. -u T E L~
S)I'TOIX SONS t1 ahntn St i 9 O&API1W
4 & ' 11 W. W maleo =-T=NO.-12 W.t 1 ONST.