h horn of senltimtent, t in,liotItLI KE FINDING MONEY.
C" of a " his~torcnentorirs. llilartit ('otiege i
- 011 71110r 11 two lllllltded1and ifty 5 'i1s15 By C ino to \A'abr & Nil B and savx fromt 25e, 500 and 7, 1 0nevery
PbishedtDaoly Isiellays x c5epted) dutrng l t d Yalle wax sfotinded 01)0111 . 111 ! Firof Sbhoes as xe must rduce our stork to
the lolllet' 501ar, byl hundrediyears 11070. No t fof the111'make roin for Spinlg goods.
studsetnts of today illttose ittstit tioilsi
THE U. OF M. 114DEPENDENT ASSOCIATION _netetolitnso eeain 2 T -
II b4< 1 i ' r ' ,it pe sa r, 111 ille 11)ably 0711 ll 1111,"lloy 11"1 l iFine Footwear tDealers,
tions may 'orlsit at !1he oltel ofthe 11. )', siU lil lsl ofte lrxet. tt48 1O T 5X srit ei.
at stttrt's, 111111 111(111 ll' eeaill~so' r genlelsit of" silltly, cmes 110-1teIatoie oiitr m tso w e tre fnrasintlb
7'clockt, ?.ifteyar 111 . etpertheliext10 Isyllty, lose 11111drevotiont,rte 'titi- IIROUISE SGD CON
lay. Address all salter intendedt tor1publicaO- tersit5 117XMieligait is it iigity itmsti-1
Litoll ethe Manalging' Edito~r. Allbulsine~s s ttiott, itgrandl mset 51f learingt. 17 Fl'IW11VVDAYS.
comtmunlicatios oldltbe sell)to the 1110its t willtt 111 e luttil 11ge0shtallItave
e7teMarer . ripenesd its tratsitionts attt nctfi d - -G T J c CO_ - 'S, .
THE U. of X. DAILY, ishsoi emre shti an hope
Ann Arbor, Xich. aIit)i l~tlriO iiti a tp
to-tl lellasittt eeru ' }~~ Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
EDITORS. gaol of its ltlllrlti thtat in acoedtrll~m Riwy
A. A. lS~xOlt, Lit. 'l51,Assstantll.,A
W) 11, ttlll rxO, ,it'19,AssiSlaitl. ___
J- 1,11W. AKSIST:Jllt
L-" Aw- - - - 'A i
.rs.15 . 'n ox,t 1' . 0 . itt, t t at ttllll e. INIyttsan MIiratcles, 0' e~si '
t. W. ct i5, '.selLo, , it. 'eh 1.50.inst . ( 1. h n r! 1 T.~imeCad i r ssI #l'tet ClSunday, :lonetars51,tl.
W.W W \~r~~ll I~iLi .11Dst. 11
C.'.t 0-,fmlto l 1, 1: 1 1 0t S.It. t ose. . topit of tl tue re113Ini t1ll' 'lst NI
hlo it. 0.t o lol . 1 11. 1. w ',I 9 1. ('. 111.SweI,':1'>isthe LEADING SCHOOL OF BUStNESS. Sleg' VI ai lstdl z rs . ..... art,
Noo11 11aeo Il .H 01'I,' lll m rll t ( 10111' still t)E' -''le cit t uld~ ingll1No nise teachrts;tlaroge ttelllal) 0 , ' ,,No11l~ e
c ii ' 1 1 ;01.11 1"). 11111 0111' 'll1. N r ''' good 1111ldi slt ee prsr ;ll supptllelid etnk 1 10 C>" 's~ti~l l Ptsl rex ,111
l tIt ti1s'.11, . !. SO t'1 .e.it . O111o 0 1 . eI1Ill',lo le ly'tetllees atuae ning e c~ eptins; r.1..........14tl'=}1I),l 11,,
- 11511101111 the ete}- ea commerial gatein gretatl
- lo"g e"I~t 1101 $2. to $2.e5per eek1irivaefm 11)10')) tilY sen trr......It 3 s
;,tlrtl ostio f o wekto wlsktRaddrtess 7111.1. M'ltlalndllExpr11' t . ...s4iIi.
ItP. . CL.EARY. Pres7 . iE . '0111011Aecrtolillllil.ll'l i-
T i t: ectuer o ths evning Pro. '$2,K $3,005$4.009 $5 l}ally SxeeltI huea,.
'j. ; lecturerndof this L'Sn. .'30 Valrytafd 3Char- I{ 'lrains .31and101ru bto) 1.0 111111 .1 rl an
01111 liske) delivers Itiree lectures 1 1 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 oet'l's0red nl-,dail, oee t iOshlla1-
in Deri in a -tiversity E tI soni'ct Dnes.5011i CNtos, tlO1 l1111l l ther ltis 1', atiy, excl t 0 ItnlIs
course. Personal letters in thIe- W ~ 'i'~ 0. If.NN 'LTi, 1. S. GtliEENOINTA10)
troit dailies osteakr101 his letrsortn1 OPERA. HOSE E S .Doty eine. (tot uPass. Am's). Lcal-A gent
Columbus Slid Charles Lee as in- j SHEEHAN c- Co).SHELEAN & C. SHEEBAN 6&( 0.
tentsely intleresting. tHis subject LII 10151) IAYMAND FRIDAYk')t -___ OO
tis evenisiilg;1lexanderlanilton,)t \ JSECO D V D'" YJy TD)(T i i3OOIKi ,zt t
piresenots fiue,-opportuntity tor'1an iri-'3
lerestingrdsore ___ tti ittltt i~l~O'. Sllltt,.10 ~tt011111111 .
Nt he taret' ooktoed tuett, avxlief 111171010\ iSt eats 1on al tlr5 Sheehaus I(Sae St1, 'Iltle 111 ti~ f t. 'Ve a110 dtltily l~tti,
0 i re{ld o sc theiter s !UQ c b ' of ifr ttivng ,Cottatgtttt'tlta of -
toanifested l111 thle meetings cacthI sitWiaes 11) 1. I stli~ 11( 111.lll''lt 'tlg etIok on tl
Satudao tooiol i g r Ite m~~poe ~ ~ ~ '~E.tat swhicht w's will. tffer attloweprices. 'WV'okeep tle 'retch !
' G POW F.rIuRE DU.h:iS 4and111(er l'i'i 1 iclioillries t'0(oilttlllnrdd115the halel s. ale1
of singinlg collte oi -s015. It 1is 010ail havt e110 et ald1111chleape'st trite Books ill tlhecity'.
oppor11tun~iity ofiStliil 111011mV inore
shouild a~vail themlselves. NAny 7. of1 L. GR UN E R. - EEMA OM A Y
Nt. ma101 0'rIwom~aniwho'letavis th e University Booksellers, - State Street.-°
tot osis' sotlontbe 110 ~l IlS. S. bain Street, - Ann Arbor.
oxente 'ti Nelo al_________________________ SIIEEIAAN & ('O. SIICIIAN C.SHEEEII AN & CO.
ilottling els', ouglht to lbe obli tilto711 "H11110111)111011( 1,eetete' qlen 001. A lxv >T A tRB E NTSCHLEP
seav si dpoatii il.N oder(101' alumiliarte tot oxver- 10'e5, TE TT5. IL L JITP r hoto grapher3
enthusiastic whlen thec majority of I ' 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE.. Iso~s li N t'ttssc
illerlo lease ttleir Alma:Ntater swith-I --'- -F, F ___
outhavng ad ntlU~a~rl e01111 Not snly in rtls, but Ital111other F, S. SLFV I S . ' M A rI 1
011bsigIatClo~isi ntoi Jew'elry astlwell, ourrtitey isrbell ad11111
instilled ottut ettmnt to cause ttenm eare. .ttntn e"e'l l ings1)1 nd0 Pen- tell.1?''SU }~
to lg otetilearnttheir o nU iest 0j ad i tie .1111 en otoft 11111) 01or ONE NIGTl-lOrtNL
thinks thtesverstiet that thle aluiiii
have stterly failedith teir dotty'to
theUniversity i15"an uitfair and
to its reasoning MNicttigan wsill hate
200 years to seratpe along yet, be-
fore the aluiititwill lbeginto11)gel
interelsted. it little thoiightfultnest
intnlltedto 110their ramnksnis needed
more tlhaniisentimeite,iusefl as thtt
article ntay be. 'Fle Demtoocrat
sentimtenitaliz'en thus:
Thte tpirit wulitfinids expressionl in
thme enodowmientas of Yale1and1 THtrvatrd
ETC., ETC. 11.1 511.
WYATtCHES 1111110s haveourtlemtost
tlatetmtili rare . It issour atim to proa re'
oally the mosat perfet timlepieesnthe
woarldiproduceso. Ill adihtlionlto tiltthe
to lureo11011eleF5. (G. S., S. & Cst's
mlovemlentI.'The 111ost sterlctlit-Ial-
'ated lmovemtlleat.~s
/ ) EtRtiiOt1,107. y c
Jolly C(o.'s.IWe dont c rMarge lor style,11bt)Fr'i day, ebuay 3d.,
give'it tol odt 51 111halt 1is lone-hlit. HottantFeb uar
R. E. JOLLY & CO., No. 26 Sonthi
State Street., R. D.XAcLEAN,
Andc the very choicest CandlesTMA IE PrRE COTT
-_ir -SllptorleI hi 51010 1)111 Itpat3-in Ill e-~
i ' -z-'T~fL.~ * ibe." ' (olplettS llletlslttlm iIn
______________PRICES, - SOc, 75c and $1.00,
Seats on sale115tit 1W"atts eoell yStoe
11 w.Washington St M P -z=1T-S OT W IRAP SIE