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February 04, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-02-04

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VOL. III.- \o. SF.



The Names of Lontestants for Ora-
torical Prizes Have Soon
Handed In.
Thirty-1ic0candidaisfr h oa
toia ontestsil07000ilndcdin 10thir~
Rale o Pres. Oilol hl1~ l
c l' 111 o lt, op s
t'l 1117 e00 7 l10 ° i 12
'1)11 ,7 1j his 0 ;til'0 oil 1p 7 11000z?
<ito gh t a li 0i7:-1111( 05i17i01i and?. tihree
_%)10111700171 oli ri. sL 14 ilers) 1110. (
7077 01t'SS1011 1ave71111r0e110 11101177111

Biritain in i88o. Since 'S1 Prof. NATIONAL LEGISLATORS.
' Fiske has delivered many hundred
lectures, chiefly upon historical The Law Senate Passes Resolu-

Isubjects17 4n0the pri1701p1 l i ties119o0
the L'ni1ted States and ra lian
The Arrow_
t-7j1 f il t)t1) bY "Al~ l 15; 1 ily I
1ipart 1 11ad 1i coposed1 of j
slketlilsopo minen117t7111111 11>eIslis.1
I110111111 1y 1011111c1 4 1G 1711u11

tions and Delivers Eulogies-
( .st of thee Senators
Aftcer adoptiln ruls sid7appoint-1
111' a1committee11 iiofelectors of1 1711
;c ae a j rr(7't171 01001717 1111the
1G 011101 ;%.(!.1 1V tt11 . :a: T1 ho
spolo(t oi
1 1li r40 10i1111 1111\. (i oi
11011111115 0117 1 17411r~m r. :;es
0111t~ns f rcs )ec to ~l~tnc, 117,,s

3 4z.-r y
417071711111177171 7 ~ 07

_liiackIwclI ler, 11r01i110111c1
I 717As s o777),7 110 o'

1711 (h-11-W. FT.21010101 1

*lcs pr710.117.170111.

r10 c 7111 , 17 1111 , .. l
17ra770te 71111171711-orn lil l , IiI
n1ve1 eli iii in the p117r1acielof7the
11010e01107on. 11n1710871101710s11terary
caee was begun 0 with11117141a11 article 171
-Mr. ])tickle'sIFallacies, puhlisshedi1
a0 10ead1in 171101i iiw. lic:th t i it 1
he0 has heens a freq~uenit cootrih 71111a
to Amiericasn aisd liritishlit1117117017111
In j1569-70slie was univesrsity l1c-1
171r7017oh Philosophy at 11701) ird
and instructor ian17History in 5670.
From '72-'79 lie was assistant libra-
rian. Since rs87 Prof. F7iske has
lectured annually on American
history at Washington University,
St. Louis, Mo., and in 1884-'go lie
held the professorship of American
history in that institution, until he
hecame a lecturer on history at
tHe lectured on American history
at University College, London, and
at the Royal institution of Great

^ d11 lhi a GouodPros
La17 11 euis th'lNdoll
C.Iwin ,v Ian i 111s
{on theo "tPump~kin FIail
w sas foiliioildhiyian earn(
Istructive talk on ''Jas. C
hy Ni. 1":. Louiselle. Wil
icr readl a clever essay o1
Little Napoleon'' and J.
followed with a vocal s
nmain feature of the progr
dehate on the F~ree Coinag
The proposition was vigocotdb . .Co n
ly denounced hy C. T. P
which came a short geme
At the business meelin
nation of W. J. Galbraith
resenting the society int
being arranged with the
of Wisconsin was accep
Purdy was chosen for tin

S 10" 11'llysl
411 1 r7 i~~, I 1 101771101701 Ni
C10171111 _ 11)1110lil C 1771. . 1J4011 , 751 eI 4 1111_7
Ise ulii.c.h IloiunoiMo .;_rr I- --" e--
e1 711 1ocety ( IW.1 , 1011 17 111", re on 1 c iCordelt, Niii11.,
1oir 1 . silvy.1 D.StV. ill nl dI I tele ,livse 117.7, iRE'll), 11Y 10 I in
hn o dn S hli s i .V.;n . lI . .rtrC.
I v'hicThe 1110ss11 11a 171 17 1 hointoa.;on.; .'.1IN UC
11s andiott- itnilanIiC.17-0100
IknMn-Nll A 1V iC.leianitiDnl.; t. C. E C-IN
as v the U pton, II ;J. ItI. V70n1Tasel,
ge of Silver. N. C., C. WV. Wells, N. J.
Ifolusly sup- TAILOR
.deoun- The electoral hoard of the literary
'urdy, after societies yesterday elected J. J. ADI70II I(1
rldbt.Blake and J. F. G riffe n as dehaters
g the resig- to meet Ann Arhor's rep~resentatives,
from rep- XV. F Wolfe having declined to ac- FZ TOOI.Mj "TSj
Univdersitycapt the position. Tlse team is now
Unvriycomplete, being composed of J. T. 5 W-FOR.T ST,
tled . Lindley, J. f. Blake and J. F. Grif-
plc. fen-Daily Cardinal. D toiMichigan.

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