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February 07, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-02-07

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ANOVEL PROGRAM. rade eine 9 r The two candidates A SEASIDE LABORATORY.
Proposed Rendition of the Ope oereno oc rdae For te Study of Marine Biology at
etta "Trial by Jury' at the failed. ILardnei aindiliddlecoff Leland Stanford. Jr-One of Four J (KA&Io"
Coming '95 Cass Social. have foinied a patneiships t Du-Ii in the United States. I"
Steps are beiing taken to secuireInlth '\innesota5 oatoy or'1iiidl YPRT S&
tile rendition of Sullivain and Git- terCa amn h etnCStanford Ji L ni. liabeen lCcalc
.,AohrColFmn_ Traee._nv abenlctd DETROIMICH
beitis one act operetta, "Trat by -atlPacfic Grove, two iles west of
ur,'' at the '93 class socaSi Aisirepoirtcd that tir aie good 'itOnteret. It is the firt1laboratory -
soloists aind a chorus of about 2 piospects oc closigte iuc Iivii ty ot the kind on the Pacific coast, andb
mate voices and 8i or s-o fcnmale svoices in a fday oi so on account o the 01inc of tlic foti in the Uiited States.
wilhe requirecl. The opecieta is get storage of cost. A\rilioaii Tic aiiis iof the laoraory are,
lpoplar and calcity, heng.i bur-blotkd nth atistleuc rausc of iis lto splem'eit the work giren
tetip un on aii hnglisli cout tetrosuihec atn a lires'corond-0111is the renlr corses of instrutionl
Fraiik ltrisriie,iwto sas apone ne has biccuhli lithislrai ilroadictniithe zooloical, totanica, antI'
by \lr. Lviaan, preidet of '91, to officials.lihysiological idepartimints; seconi,
arnethe musical prograin for the I 1TeUiviersity still tis sifete to proicde facilities for investigator"oWhen$4 r$shosaiii t oto 1aicaesiitiianrc
social, till enldeaivor to mai kc thic;carloads on hand, and if the present alto are prepared to nake researchesAnsraipiettediei'ttget
operetta a great success. It in prob oild weather contiiues they may be iii marine biology, for whicth te .Pa- fl
abeta an ftemebr fablc to pll troagl. The average circ slope affect exceptional attrac- F F
abeta tayo h ebr fconsumsption dring the recent cold a
the '95 glee clob sill Iparticipate, of Isnasp was several carloads ter clay.tosinhaisfelisvrrchnd o,13-5 ouimAF.
whlichi organization M\r. Briscoc is - . is at yet largely ntorked. To showv DETRIOT, - - ICIIGAN
presicdent, The social swill probt- THE FACULTY IS WILLING. that by these facilities the laboratory
hily be held alouti arcli 15. Ninetv hy- rn teBseatMaae is a ttracting great attention, twoof*z tn Srag Q .
STeGrnthBaealMng-N.tine sncm stho swishs to take pat met Permission to Piay Bailthei mot prominent bioogists Of the -
shiouldilek it a point to see 'IMneModa east hac alieady writlcii to tteCGA ETE
tin sv iet 'innc.ettrnmanaement to nake surc of tabec te l1 gto oiiiitratihi
The etiionof he aseal.roa - t_ 1101 th n tie prttice
laeal for tieinext secsin.Ti e ti h iir ii ehri fornttie iic riltll
anct to play't1 .ame- af ibiseballei tie
nidethiiLiterary Society Proagrain. imneoit si bit' is to aford an opportunity to taci- ' 'iTs i a)uierii is
ergv cy iwhsio dsirc to becomse atut int lil i' 'lerrte.it tttate
ITic fititoingiiprormi vi as granted by the factuts listnibtt it, ii lt t ii'ioirteme titi tilt-in
twitiimiritc ani als timd lants 'ttiand llnnc i'i''teit'iflatord andliii i hi t n
redc e itlic' 1t tt dctti Iic r cccorrlimg to tileSNoitesecnIn-iite satia I clits ci 1111 i iii iieiiiii t ie5 ' iti te
toyIchirsAieIphittintit ('iii' i liii'rid
'ntit ci 0 li 01 1 tet ccsteg ateAthletic' s lcic lin-ts ern teIrctcl t ios o , l iwilriii'i 111 ivi't, i lilt' vi
their study >tieteti oittittittnri iii~r tt' I th ie
T l, II. InR. iroziier; dccaiaiii esicota sill ulay t A Arbor, Mon- ttriiit ett<e,' 'i tinttlitr yikf
clay, Stay ' S ul igi is a to story otiltr' 'ierrd. iNSCdi t mariiirn'
'on, 1!'. 1 ' artinctatee scsaiy, C' jda , iiS.iheofte Adin'ii'rii oi Coi.,
IIThiicu lehte Rsl'cl I thi t6tsschdule wsanbeing ar- fln'oo the loter idoor bigdiie i1n'tre, 7ilnodvrgia
rangeit o'r representatives trieid to iito ttvo general laboraois tr
Ihat thelnc rne~id increenct on get althone dates to fall on Satur- room ndat a library roomi. iucI Thetiua l
auth valuc: shotldl actcirte tin the 'daiysbit this tat found tos be im- soyhsoegnrllb~ oin' i t e
comiminity. Affirnmativ, J .I. possible. They reluctantly agreed upe
'l'rot an U Ifitilanyiue~tire lay Miinctsota on Slay' , sub- tory aiti six private laboratoies foi RTRIYJW LY
i1 'R.K. Icneit', aisilC.1Vt.lDrake.cteoficoirse. to the apptroval of sIalimteaiators. l h vr
5riirs -ep r thSeteiy e nfacul~ty he granting of the lg tables and general frnuitre are Cs i hid ieostASS01tmietiir
p' 11 htsusacn-first clas. There are microscopes, 11 0 TI T'I E+S
Miohigan Law Students Winning medabuletc sitepatoftemicrolomes, inbclcing aplaratis, Aiutir
Honors in Minnesota. j ~ ' and an abntdant sppisty of netv re- r (
At tin ncnst tat Ba ex iitI Senior Lawy Committees for Feib. 22. agents used isnicroscopical inve- RROEHIVI & SON,
Atiots in Sinnesola, than followivti Thin following menmers of lie igation. n connection witli the Do Thor(, - SItciiic c
senior law class are appointed con- laboratory are boats and such appa-
h. of S. men applsiecd for adams- 5 mitteensen for :Feb. 22. ras as is necessary for catching diColleeFags, Pisadlis Butitn
sons: Messrs. Mliddlecoff, Lardner, Reception commitee-Chairman, marine animals; also a gasoline en- ~ IN C N
Dwsa, Bentz, atid MccKeon, all of Mtark Sands; Messrs. Campbell, ine by means of which ia furnished P.. IN C ,
lass of '9r, also Whitely, '92, anad Baird, Nelson, and itzer. Invila
isa htcel peiltlI hr ion-Chairman, . H. Carton; an aundant spply of salt water for
Messrs. DelleisbaskecGood,9Carlock, the ank in swhichs the aquaria is MERCHANT
ivee evnten n im clssexm-McMahton. Music-Chmairman, M. kept. There is plenty of aquaria,
mned1 all belng graduates of law E..iBarnhart; Messrs. J. Palmer, and each individual worker has a
schools except two. Three of tihe Harts, Ford, and Brown. Program- splendid opportunity to study, and TAI\LOR~
candidates were gradluates of liar- Chairman, T. J. Spangler; Messrs.sodthhiercaswkinm-
yardclais of '92. Trhe tet was a Parker, Cuningham, Philips, and E.sodthhglecassorsnm-
B. Crower. Tickets - Chairman, phology. AD IMOTERl OBF
very rigid one, including twenty- A.G.Turnipseed; Messrs. Weterby, The great variety and accessibility
six subjects. J. IB. Middlecoff's Haynes, K~iller, and Mrdock. of nmaterial for investigation is not
grade was the highest of those that Decoration-Chairman, A. D. Rose; supssdbNaybilgca abr-=02'T ~ 0TI4=L-TS
passed, his average being 954. Messrs. Thorton, Lipson, Bordeaux, lb inth wrd The first session
Ths s h hghstgad ee o- roige. ser -haranH. Jarret; Messrs. Ashley, Albert- last summer was a complete success, 55 W_ FEORS SW,
lamned before the Minnesota bar. son, Martin, Rooney, Rountree, and the prospects for the second are
Oscar Mittchell was second, his Wilcox, E. M. Hall, and King. very bright. DtrToit, ihg n

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