VOL. III.-NO. S. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY FEB3RUARY 7, 1893. IPRic, TrieR ENTS. ANOVEL PROGRAM. rade eine 9 r The two candidates A SEASIDE LABORATORY. Proposed Rendition of the Ope oereno oc rdae For te Study of Marine Biology at etta "Trial by Jury' at the failed. ILardnei aindiliddlecoff Leland Stanford. Jr-One of Four J (KA&Io" Coming '95 Cass Social. have foinied a patneiships t Du-Ii in the United States. I" Steps are beiing taken to secuireInlth '\innesota5 oatoy or'1iiidl YPRT S& tile rendition of Sullivain and Git- terCa amn h etnCStanford Ji L ni. liabeen lCcalc .,AohrColFmn_ Traee._nv abenlctd DETROIMICH beitis one act operetta, "Trat by -atlPacfic Grove, two iles west of ur,'' at the '93 class socaSi Aisirepoirtcd that tir aie good 'itOnteret. It is the firt1laboratory - soloists aind a chorus of about 2 piospects oc closigte iuc Iivii ty ot the kind on the Pacific coast, andb mate voices and 8i or s-o fcnmale svoices in a fday oi so on account o the 01inc of tlic foti in the Uiited States. wilhe requirecl. The opecieta is get storage of cost. A\rilioaii Tic aiiis iof the laoraory are, lpoplar and calcity, heng.i bur-blotkd nth atistleuc rausc of iis lto splem'eit the work giren tetip un on aii hnglisli cout tetrosuihec atn a lires'corond-0111is the renlr corses of instrutionl Fraiik ltrisriie,iwto sas apone ne has biccuhli lithislrai ilroadictniithe zooloical, totanica, antI' by \lr. Lviaan, preidet of '91, to officials.lihysiological idepartimints; seconi, arnethe musical prograin for the I 1TeUiviersity still tis sifete to proicde facilities for investigator"oWhen$4 r$shosaiii t oto 1aicaesiitiianrc social, till enldeaivor to mai kc thic;carloads on hand, and if the present alto are prepared to nake researchesAnsraipiettediei'ttget operetta a great success. It in prob oild weather contiiues they may be iii marine biology, for whicth te .Pa- fl abeta an ftemebr fablc to pll troagl. The average circ slope affect exceptional attrac- F F abeta tayo h ebr fconsumsption dring the recent cold a the '95 glee clob sill Iparticipate, of Isnasp was several carloads ter clay.tosinhaisfelisvrrchnd o,13-5 ouimAF. whlichi organization M\r. Briscoc is - . is at yet largely ntorked. To showv DETRIOT, - - ICIIGAN presicdent, The social swill probt- THE FACULTY IS WILLING. that by these facilities the laboratory hily be held alouti arcli 15. Ninetv hy- rn teBseatMaae is a ttracting great attention, twoof*z tn Srag Q . STeGrnthBaealMng-N.tine sncm stho swishs to take pat met Permission to Piay Bailthei mot prominent bioogists Of the - shiouldilek it a point to see 'IMneModa east hac alieady writlcii to tteCGA ETE tin sv iet 'innc.ettrnmanaement to nake surc of tabec te l1 gto oiiiitratihi The etiionof he aseal.roa - t_ 1101 th n tie prttice laeal for tieinext secsin.Ti e ti h iir ii ehri fornttie iic riltll anct to play't1 .ame- af ibiseballei tie nidethiiLiterary Society Proagrain. imneoit si bit' is to aford an opportunity to taci- ' 'iTs i a)uierii is ergv cy iwhsio dsirc to becomse atut int lil i' 'lerrte.it tttate ITic fititoingiiprormi vi as granted by the factuts listnibtt it, ii lt t ii'ioirteme titi tilt-in twitiimiritc ani als timd lants 'ttiand llnnc i'i''teit'iflatord andliii i hi t n redc e itlic' 1t tt dctti Iic r cccorrlimg to tileSNoitesecnIn-iite satia I clits ci 1111 i iii iieiiiii t ie5 ' iti te toyIchirsAieIphittintit ('iii' i liii'rid 'ntit ci 0 li 01 1 tet ccsteg ateAthletic' s lcic lin-ts ern teIrctcl t ios o , l iwilriii'i 111 ivi't, i lilt' vi their study >tieteti oittittittnri iii~r tt' I th ie T l, II. InR. iroziier; dccaiaiii esicota sill ulay t A Arbor, Mon- ttriiit ett