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January 31, 1893 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1893-01-31

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Our Eti xc Stock of negligee Sirts , with stairced C oll~ariii
(liffo'si t ONE-I IALE 111PRIE.'Tb is is f' ormOxxwee'oiilt.We

AiLL SINGLE IAiNTS AT 'OFF. iLax e No1b eStyles,11a(1 the Correct ('olorstior lhe coniiiil" e auoi-

See these bargains before buying.

Blues andii 1Piks.- 'omiebefore your0111 ' S1/. ' s( ii'e
JIIcr1 2E''iW Q iS BAL1\ a °ES'~ir



Ann Arbor Savings Bankff PATRONIZE EclirLudy
nAix or iiaitalxxoicok, $.) (5,00,OWEN'S BARBER SHOP! ° ASit" OSTE.
Ori ze ne h ixoxei iixx i' Ii xiiix ilx [I Ixiix" No. I T'xxx 11Iii xc STxiixx I ix Iitrccc1 oo1 cttld o
of tiso slaxe. Ox'iv DeoitsIix xi S _____________d____1The Newv StocIdIlut. anx ~i xir. A. F. COVERT. cxcii.
xUnited Stateill. ii sI'ixl odupx x oT t r TH ARGUS,-. jSixes Discomtort, e
inli lx io l xx'ixxxxixrxi iivx''xllxxx-7' 7 j' .ueo xr21 Y c t ' - c s
i.i.i ixi. I reix. 1'ii xii. AFl xO.r M altefor i. x Y Y
(,l~s .lxi cK, r ii- . -ixi aix l,.l., iilix ix l.ii..lli,
rsz At.( zsl ~c. w . ii . . I . lil. ('i4<r tro o, 'M M iCtte t.3,iO N I. Fs ,
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itt OFi11 ti Liii DiiOxm' 'rTIO.
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FINaPH TO RAP S. ' ~ c'lixiixx'l l i i t nor t his xlii. Iti
ILI RY A D A T G O S cay xtrrxicou, lix;lr,(iKexitxxxi txii Mi (xxx x1iix)ixtxitsixtetit, ht r
'xt MARK xtlorx e.'. to xppoih ixterxaryxxitiett'exart xxxlx' ti2iii1ttxthexxill lx ~tpt iiii'' ~eea 11 igbi l SA.IPays i
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.1xiiix'i tvrxx tvthe 'x lass miti g s tiir-i c tholdx ieivrxx i iiinfe lh i'er f xlix i'l1xixuYlsinR~ontr
EIEPH T GAPHSV c &~Qlayxirrafte-xion, texxresientwax t he hnorxxilkr frxxxiitxxii't'l th isx ayx I is
tOf aith o t le ithiviuL oleft tci snce the lleliuxi'ofiman xrull
A xx1is xxxxxxconcernigigl Jitii lt l dcyioc lr notlti t hexxliy ntrat' he spexiiri.i xiii? fxtI.': t'IE
ldr - ~ llr iol c.oixii. r. 'I'x ul -a lete dayI f xox'iiiiit-x' exurxl;t-y xixI iAS Iii N F 1
'~~74 !~~~~Ioiluexi maxdeixi ipitiail reloptrtcxiite O~
00r 0,K S 10 R E.ilerch~re xxihelecxhonut xux '1'()uni i Ixiixfxie.',0
NW i US hi trtsix.vlixx lotex; Mis ('hi lay adixtice asul er asylto ifstey til U h) c rlhtc;ai 9 x Ili- ixtix iiaxlhixitlx therx ht ~x 0i
iiit'1_I) o oa, xixxciripc etfardaills puit nit ed xxxhlpugestreth
n v t d il,~ ~ c r r ai repx rt ed xxat xil -ixeo u r ex id t ol D ex rt s.i i -x N o p ih lxuu. h e Nas
N tete.ohxxig liix. xetrdtecnisiolrtran rsdltr use h Slneo h
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rwea , om lee.I- xx.Co.. luee pxpsixt ndfor eohre p latens atd rCol i- Ln e" aiiix iihorxicaS I0 >(..
Tmexshamefxyxul. ixx.hei' hi o ousid pper lixefcuiiu'xia
Exacoine 011' Stoclc and Prices ix tt hol e nl c ut eetled xbeeti a'trtxiieRcuicaserlyeixS ML
Beoethvig ehicles.atloIbixteofairdgrou nds tlh Se sariticle i head nelex-. IIF I tSOR U('EI) .-
- rIn liltigedteir d corps eof lattent s ietibice calsn o x ther. sport
tie'giex citnhe peeane o ix e ani otixinsacu r al trythe iaAt1E
'rx~~o s'ro~s x andare prs olptin rsp}ontes )apHinacassa."'ix xe io h
22SuhSa Srets Icainsuta osCppiansIierJ sicxerle ieraterfthan ONwWEEKONLY
n 4NothMan tret Drerdssprointes;ind he .)nat te noxv.o herad e rught ito heirarndh
Opoit ortS fsel xorth, it ora .fraR bica l ug st teBOM . ProhaLoi:e tat etexv h to rayo f Yfr in oftixeas taliteitored
R F ha i aRpmaka.filte vaxan y orct2x'dlxsvicepeis-1 Elx aid."NLY

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