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January 24, 1893 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1893-01-24

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,.o W T t trcl ege and now prospects LIKE FINDING MONEY .
,.l T "re fare for a debating league. It is
to lbe hoped that the tendency wiii-By Going to Wahr & Miller's and nave from 25c, 5oc and 75c on every
PulshdDil Sndy x- d drn ,.,. nr. So es O. as we mu-s,t reduce our stockto a-

the college year. by
Subseriptiottsraieo&o.50 per year,"invarniably
in sdant'e tingle cpe e~n~ tinate. Sabscrip-
teatstaay be left at the offiee at the DAILY~,
at Stolets,attthanty oftntte editorsor
authintied soiiters.
Cott nictttiotsashtttundtrenttt tttotftce by
7oclockh P. M. ir they are tnt appear the neat
,ay. Addressallttmatter ineeded tor pahliea-
tiont to the Managittg Editor. Altotutinss
ctommutnieattons shtold tte senttotathe IBust-
nets anager.
THE U. of X. fDAILY,
Ann Arbor, Duch.
E. J.TTAWAtot, Lit. '94, MoatagittgEditorn.
t'. A. ttNSOt, Lit. '91, Assistant.
Nt.E, or,itttFs, Lit '95t, Assitant.
JI). Stionnox, Late. '9tt, Assistantt
. S UT. tvett5 P. tt. Lit., tBusiness MMttager.
IVt. .vetie:.ttevea, Lit. Sit, Atsisttant.
A. tAttEY,ietit. '04, Assistatit.
E. K.Ttole, '13. It. \t. Webbier, 'tt.
Mlit.. M. h. Shnwtt'. C1. N. Stiters, '93.
Ntinttttt Flotteto,'55. J.tt. At'teitl, 'St.
MimiicE t. MO ltatnId. C. IK. 1tetrt. '9:.
T'li exchnequcy of tine .thletic
Associatiotn shouldl get a substantial
increase fron thte lecture o~f trof.
.Stagg. 'The admtisbion has been
placed at a low price in order to
secure a goodi autdietnce, anti not an
empty seat osnould be been 1n Uni-
versity salt.
AN Association of Graduate Stu-
tents is nine of titesoncieties at
Brown. From the success these its.
soc'iatins meet witht in othser itisti-
tiutionso we feel gratifiedl in again
talling thne atteintiotiof our gratdiate
stuidents to t'e advatntages tvhieli
wooidniresult tromt sichi atnorganiza-
tinon Inere.

sonly stop swhensit has pgrown at 'a Svc11U.) lc"'" V1 aV%- .
strong as the band betwveent the uiiii make room for Spring Goods.
versities of the east. - -
Fine Footwear Dealers,
'fins. general tetntinment seems to 48 8OUr1 tWAIK S'TREE'T.
be ht 'l tinesota should be drop-
ped froms the WIestern Inter-collegi- WAGNER & C0., will sell
tate Athletic Assotiation, and some NE W AR A__
uniniersity substituted whtichs is situ. NECKW EA
ated nearer the othter three membertsFRO )I JANUARY 15-21.
of the league- 'The great distance is Tailors and Furnishers.
thne maint objectiott to tine menmer -____________________________________
ship of Minnesota. No games can Y TldAnAbradNrh
be paye wih hr exeptwit iMichigan Railway.
financial losos to otte or both utit-JAM~
versities concertned. 'The titte con-
simtedl in goitng from ntte p1lice to " - (' / im ard itinefectSunda-, .ianutaitt2', 1t-n.
anotheraisuof consrdirsbaL AnaiArLoit
ante sofcniealevletas tin accoitnt of thie fact that
Minitnesota coinltinot play her dtaes t h EDN SHO 0SONEO cg ot tni-to Ootrttt0 . 5Otn t
early inn tine s Iring, that the srihed- otbonat tbuidigneteachrs; arg ttedance;No. 3. PaetgrAnnaArbtr Acn,-0iolont
rom diy e turs aturdayevnne reteptons; No.it. tieS atnd 1ntotrtter*....... so i n
ile wsatrrantediais it is, princiallyoettthen'reyear; cecieal graduatesitagretat
preventing tine teanifront taking the uiiaoraprotes.t $2. 5 Sper weeitn rvtef amint. "D~itn~ssnc . ....l.:f.I
'.es. Por NoteCT'ALEatnod Lit ofStudtnts who No. 4. nail ad sEttoir
easterun trip. 11cr lea sas this, taketpaosito fom eek tow-e,address Nod. Mcii"a"""""""""".... 8 47 p.tin
1 hs . R. CLEART.s. No. 6i. Toiedo Acctnomotin ... 7 00nu n .
that tine weather wtouldtItot motider- CeatraltStandardtTnn.
S $2,09$.0 4.00,l$5 tiiiads ecent Stndttay.
ate snufficiently tin permtit them to $.0$5 Trains tad 6 rtttttn rtAtniAro n-i,,-O
get its contdition to play. Gonsid- First Giass antiWatrratntd ill Toledo only, dailnonexoelnt Stindnnt.
cring thnese fatst, the substitution ofN Every Way. othter trains dailyteept Snttty.
som nere intiutin n te eaget. H. IBENNETT, It. S. OEEoNwtCIO,
som narr nsitltonintie eaueE Doty & Feiner. s cn.Pt.git. lrntrtt
would sinum advisable. (Chicago _.__Gen.____Pass.____Agent.____Local_______________
l University is at tine front in athnletic --v
aspiri, anti her menmbershnip in tine
association would be generally ap-
provedasnottldlintnesota loot he
And reader of "The Daily' is cordially invited to attend


Asinlge Batit, tot or cotS, fJr t)
cetts, at tite I'tstofficee lartber Sitop.
POLIIL'M(' >, just northt of Ltne lust'
tificen, hnas tinetbest hacks, eCarriatges,
taod horses in tine city. Trly Ihim.t. f
L~eave ornders for thIniter Ocen at
te l'tstsiiie n't tldinperai Iotte itess
statnds. 711 1St

Weolihave the N itcest ntios for tin at ifNIne

m, r T . 1 "7 - - 1 11


'i'n-.icn: taosbees consitdcrabile dIs I The University BIooksellers, - State Street..
panie ansoung te variouus n-iasses itsn 'I________________________________________________
regarti to thteiplaces of teepirth ie - itn. t'. 5Coi.t Al.lIFR\lIFS T C L I
basebnall atntifootballIbantners. It _G"RI 01l'RI -S R N SC L R
has beeun suggestedth iat pendtng tineorprtooftetoh rom' M.Wiknnswdw. a h r
in tlhenewtgynmnasiumnthnese ban- -( CO lr31.N HRN s h rs.
I Not onty itt rittgt.tutU itn atier Otne'of tine esernneit'inugly finniy SAN.t~)u~ti
nero would findtlhle nnost suitale Jeeraswlouvritisican
rristr ntn enrllbay are. itftemne ttg tdPn. thtitngs in " M~r. Wilkiunstoin's With-GL IP P LA IU
repoitor in he gnera libary ddaae we cia tto titiiianisrpassed as-o-ztas, ' saItl hopears lucre nextGR N 1F R. ,.J },)J
noetteetit It Sh~otfnty lesettitug, i5s saitd to be t iunehi-on uouetnv
'tine idea oh forussing7 a poernmaneunt DIAMONDS etntscene inth ie settond atL.itt oiutehnE I~TONY
b 1OPALS " Matjor l'. FetrgutsotnMalnlory,' planyedl MONDAY, J.AN. 30, '93
seain veau ithn'Wiscounsin is a EM ERALDS byivhmaiisBttrins, is tetinennfortnnate
good tcne, ant i has beeun suippressed PEARLSvitmadheo nngterhns-
RU BIES tIN SELlFn0t, , tine''i\uIajni" sets is it pitil.- A aWeekcThet'tnonentn ae t,'.tortes a.A etn
at tis eund of tine tine iuntil it nonukh , TURlQUOISES ftitIII1NATION of so in t-fle nopenitng neuforinnnnt'e iti n o eet.«m.5 nGileteun.iiaitt t in
be earrned swhlethserthat uniersity ETC., ETC. ttoC1,(14111S. Newt \ntuk,"'-The Mtint tuecue N e ay
nil thne ilntnu iet gilt' t tutu 51 tontttt'dttt M_
wsould tdebate at all. N oowthsat sine L _ - -h esist.e.liednnt, htntttven too nou-is~
has signifiedi her wsilling-ness ton formns WA''T'CHEtS a ~ a vt onostou inistedlthnat inn ninulni n'nunnuune tnt inn- ('iA1fpo w/s,
za ~~~ttchflnte t isaantueapte cure foritlttte tpieulitr feat nof eltili(g < I thilll IP S
such at leagnie,no douubt thet'sather tonly tine ntosnt pterfec tet eestint' no try' nighnt fi.r lirty nittys. - itutit'-
wolipolaes l l ti n o nllt'e uis t l et~tsnof ssNit'e ninthsilk: milt',;the- What tcompatt~t ny tnt'co me itts tnd~en-tiee -o
osill endthinn tismsanner. 'ahis is fatulitinnuts cie tt' ititnttein inttntnn int eni tin oftCharles Frohinau. the
to annetintsprecialt P. G.., 5. . Co's pended uolltt' siltu-nessnof line pl - iGreaut Cotmedy success.
another n'xampnile of uhue tendency nnotnonnt.tune motne tne inll-i. ironnin' emt. .\fttrr t-tnuintt ti
shuostn, of latewears,'tonget into tteittu tiutettt for thnrt't' snenis.'"lhte .Mtnor,"wo Sti PIE,-Sc a cl$1.00.
tlquite inortly int lignite, Shinowedsignsao S eints ottltitle en tntts' Jeane-yttMo.
closer relation swiths the stestern uuni- WOOtDWtAtRD F. G' wenaritness.lie ttriedhttinnkle it sputrt i
versities. In athletics tine teundeuncy StRE TIS SM.VITH, tknowaedgethtin'inntselat, ntbtmaotibc- G
has desneloloed the Western luter- DETRIT. SONS tntedi it to ill--ealtth.Iliefinally effeet-
Collegiate Athletic Associetiono;inI & co. nd a eomnpromise by offerinug to pay his P i V ( 'b DAD 1I1tl
1 losses out conditionn thnat hue woultdnbe .&1 .L LTJ A IIf
oratory stehateeline Northsern tOra- gi-em ainther hncte nduring tine tosur. NO. 12 W. :HURON ST


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