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October 11, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

…POLITICAL VIEW OF EDUCATION See Page 4 ilk igau ~IA&t33 PARTLY CLOUDY High-7 Low-54 Mild in the daytime, but chance of showers tonight Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXIII, No.23 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1962 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES -Daily-Edward Arnos TRUSTEES-University President Harlan Hatcher applauded the nation's college governing boards at the Association of Governing Boards dinner last night. To hi...…

October 11, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 23) • Page Image 2

…PAk;f a : THE MICHIGAN DAILY TMTTRnAV (1["! CIIMVD III v' P *0 WG TEMIHIANDAL LA LJmiHY, Vv L3 ~J;J.5. 11, 1962 EDUCATION: - Ericksen Sees New Concept Robert Mark Wenley "An exciting revbiltion is- under way in the process by which a stu- dent.gets.:his educationi," said Prof. Stanford'C. Ericksen *of the psy- chology department, .-in opening: 'the cotivntion of the- Association of Governing Boards of State Universities and A...…

October 11, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 23) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE Congress Moves on Bills, LITTLE WORRY: r Hopes To Adjourn CATHOLICS MEET: May Bypass Marian Dogma By The Associated Press1 VATICAN CITY - Indications1 are mounting that the Roman Catholic "successors of the apostles," meeting here today in worldwide force, may bypass an issue that could place a heavy burden on future Catholic-Protes- tant relations, It is the proposal by a large seg- ment of the Roman Catho...…

October 11, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 23) • Page Image 4

…t t fat :4 Eai Seventy-Third Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN s - UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Are F. STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3241 Truth Will Preva l" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1962 e NIGHT EDITOR...…

October 11, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 23) • Page Image 5

…Y, OCTOE 161962 THE MICHIGAN DAILY r, CT1 1.1 92TH MCHGA DIL DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVEBTISEME TS MUSICAL. MDSE, A-I NEW AND USED INSTRUMENTS BANJOS, GUITARS AND BONGOS Rental Purchase Plan PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR 119 W. Washington GUITARS ETC. Make, Repair, Buy and Sell Private and Group Instruction Hoots Daily Herb David Guitar Studio 209 SO. STATE NO 5-8001 X5 BIKES and SCOOTERS HARLEY-DAVIDSON 45 cub. in. Sacri- fice. $150. Jon Fredrickson...…

October 11, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 23) • Page Image 6

…___THE MICHIGAN DAILY r ! " r- Ford Foundation Donates Theatre Grants v Professor Discusses Critics of 'Stranger' Grants totaling $6,100,000 to strengthen nine professionalnon- profit' repertory theatres from coast to coast have been donated by the Ford Foundation. This was the first action voted by the foundation under its ex- panded program of assistance to he arts, and exceeds any previous heatre appropriations. "We are now carrying ou...…

October 11, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 23) • Page Image 7

…THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1962 THE MIC~HIGAN TUAT.V lft & stew ri a ua uai Vaa l l K1 L['11L1 - _ .'Z PAGE SEVEN Terry Wins Game for Yankees IN COLLEGE FOOTBALL: Arkansas, Purdue Climb Up (Continued from Page i field and Richardson lined a single to left. Al Dark, manager of the Giants, bounced out of the dug- out to confer with Sanford but decided to let him continue. The right-hander then threw one ball to Tresh. The 24-year old son of af...…

October 11, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 23) • Page Image 8

…EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY" M''MSTT4CT1 A'TT A/'tiMnr%--- - .. rwr EIGHT THE M... ..__. ........ _ ___- _. THURSDJAY, IOCTOBER 11, 1962 2 CITES YUGOSLAVIA: Fiamengo Views Socialism DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN F7 1i (Continued from Page 7) By BARBARA PASH Socialism takes different forms in each country, Prof. Ante Fia- mengo, visiting professor of so- ciology from the University of Sar- ajevo, explained recently. "We in Yugoslavia belie...…

October 09, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 21) • Page Image 1

…THE SUM OF THE PARTS See Page 4 Y Str Y rna Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom 74Iai4 PARTLY CLOUDY High-68 LOW-54 Drizzle, ending in morning, with little change in temperature VOL. LXXIII, No. 21 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1962 SEVEN VENTS SEVNTCNT EIGHT PAGES Swainson, Romney Debate State Issues Governor Notes 'Great' Advances; Opponent Asks Voter Participation By DAVID MARCUS Special TJo The Daily DETROIT-Gov. John ...…

October 09, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 22) • Page Image 1

…PRESS NEUTRALITY See Page 4 Lw&43Uf Da3 tI4 FAIR Iligh--'7 Low-48 Chance of showers late today Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIII No. 22 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1962 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES UStarts New College Studies Foes for Governorship Differ on Tax Reform By DENISE WACKER The establishment of a "new college," separate in administra- tion and physical facilities from any undergraduate unit now...…

October 09, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 21) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAYOCTOERit 9, 196z Tlfrv 'n t TlllTV I xenon is so significant. Scientists will have to work out another theory to explain the inert char- acter of the other "inert" gases. Another, more complex com- pound, xenon-platinum hexafluo- ride, was reported by a professor from the University of British Columbia at Vancouver, in the proceedings of the Chemical So- ciety of London in June, 1962. Because of this compound's com...…

October 09, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 22) • Page Image 2

…NTATION PANEL: Committee Henry Carter Adams SGC Members View Issues SlcsUisHnyCre dm Selects U nits (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the At his retirement from the aca- third in a series of 21 articles tea- turing the namesakes of the men's demic life in 1927, the Michigan' y GAIL EVANS _ "oresidence halls.) Alumnus said of his, his "greatest er ban is when anyone is allowed achievement rests in the influence tic freedom, the frater- F*~. . . .e a swhn...…

October 09, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 21) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE! TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE Bowles Seeks Revisions In Foreign Aid Program GENERAL ASSEMBLY SPEECH: Cuban Demands UN Condemn U.S. Acts. UNITED NATIONS (P)-At a tumultuous General Assembly ses- sion yesterday President Osvaldo Dorticos of Cuba demanded that the United Nations condemn as an act of war any United States blockade of his country. Outside the hall Chief Delegate Adlai E. Stevenson served notice that the...…

October 09, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 22) • Page Image 3

…OCTOBER 10, 1962 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE i l7uL #il LAjL t Meredith Attacks Army, NAACP, U.S. Cuts Troops By The Associated Press OXFORD-Negro James H. Meredith criticized yesterday the way the Army and, indirectly, the National Association for the Advance- ment of Colored people for their handling of the desegregation at the University of Mississippi as the Army reduced the number of troops stationed there. He said the instances he...…

October 09, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 21) • Page Image 4

…Seventy-Third Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS, OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN - - UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3242 Truth Will Prevail"'' ' Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. rESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1962 NIGHT EDITOR: ELLEN SILVE...…

October 09, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 22) • Page Image 4

…N Seventy-Third Year EDITED AND MANAGED BT STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDE AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Are STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3241 Truth Wil Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. MANDATORY RETIREMENT: Y, OCTOBER 10, 1962 NIGHT EDITOR: PHI...…

October 09, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 21) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE PM TINE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE JIVE I WAS REPAIRED AT BEAVER'S WE ALSO REPAI R BIKES AND SELL NEW BIKES FOR " $ j195 60 4 4O6 605 Church NO 5-6607 SURVEY AMERICANS: Place Blame on Russia For Cold War Tensions For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone NO 2-4786 from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, and Saturday 9:30 'tit 11:30 A.M. According to most Americans, the United States is exonerated of blame in the Col...…

October 09, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 22) • Page Image 5

…R 10,_1962 THE MICHIGAN AIY ~R i. i9a TI~ M~W!A1V LYPAGE I Soph Show Selects Cast. for Birdie The Soph Show has announced the members of the cast of its upcoming production, "Bye Bye Birdie." It will be presented Nov. 15-17 at the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- tre.I The cast includes: Marshal . Rubinalff, Conrad Birdie; Michael Shapiro, Albert Peterson; Gail Weinberger, Rose Aiwarez; Kathleen Thompson, Alice; Karen Isgrig, Debor- ah; Linda Shaye...…

October 09, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 21) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUSDAY, OCTOER 9, 1962 TO SURPRISI 1:1 Gm7 s MSU Keeps Practice Secret Platoons Pay Dividends for Wolverines i By The Associated Press EAST LANSING-- Michigan State apparently is working on a secret weapon this week in prep- aration for Saturday's traditional football game with arch-rival Michigan. Coach Duffy Daugherty closed the practice field to all but team members. "We're shutting out the world," said Daugherty....…

October 09, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 22) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, O( TOBER 10, 1962 )augherty Bemoans 'Shallow' Spartans ......--4. DOMINANCE THREATENED: Coast Teams Stun Big Ten By DAVE GOOD Problems keep piling Michigan State Coach Daugherty. up for Duffy All season long poor Duffy has been bemoaning the lack of depth on his team, sobbing to sports- writers about platooning's being a luxury the Spartans wouldn't be able to afford. Now more troubles for Duffy. He's just a...…

October 09, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 21) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN, THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN wftwmmlow Giants Power Knots Series at Two Apiece (Continued from Page 1) "Baseball sure is a funny game. All year I've been fighting for my life. And suddenly I'm a hero." Second Guessers The second guessers immediate- ly rushed into action, questioning Houk's judgment in yanking Ford for a pinch hitter-Yogi Berra- with the score tied at 2-2, men on first and second .and two o...…

October 09, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 21) • Page Image 8

…_______________THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, OCTO OBER 9,19S6Z *W'V lr IrIv -. VWV W % - - ELECTION ISSUE: I Meyerholz Views IFC 'U'Relations By JIM NICHOLS and PETER SARASOHN Interfraternity Council Presi- dent John Meyerholz, '63, predict- ed Wednesday that the question of Student Government Council's jurisdiction over fraternities and sororities will be "one of the big- gest--if not the biggest-issues" in the November SGC elections.< Spe...…

October 07, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 20) • Page Image 1

…UCLA ....... 9 UsC Ohio State .... 7 Iowa 7 1Wisconsin ..... 30 Northwestern 45 0 Indiana....... 6 Illinois ....... 0 Michigan State 38|'Purdue ......24 LSU ......... North Carolina 6 1 Notre Dame ... 6 Georgia Tech.. 10 Penn. State....18 7 \Rice ......... 7 4 THE RACE FOR SPACE See Page 4 Y Sir. ~~Iait MOSTLY CLOUDY High-68 Low--53 Occasional rain, with not much change in temperature. Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. L...…

October 07, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 20) • Page Image 2

…TWO THE 1 - U.. m rA 1 i V nA N .v TWOa.HIa! teal lIaaV~l E H1LY~ SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1962 U' Development Council Panel Jiews Public, Alumni Relations BACKSTAGE: Longtime Actor Geer Examines Life, Theatre Alfred Lloyd Public relations, alumni rela- ins, and University development re the topics viewed in the pan- discussion, "That Extra Effort . Greatness," held before a eeting of the.Ninth Annual Con- rence of the University Devel- ment...…

October 07, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 20) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE THsIHGA IL PG HE Reds Prevent Medical A ToWounded Digger at' Rusk Notes I No- Progress ~ At Meeting UNITED NATIONS MP)-Secre- ' tary of State Dean Rusk and So- viet foreign minister Andrei A Gromyko conferred for 31/4 hours ' on Berlin yesterday but made no li progress. n Neither advanced any new ideas a toward breaking the East-West stalemate. C: "There is no new or startling development," said Rusk on leav- ...…

October 07, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 20) • Page Image 4

…Seventy-Third Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN z_ 4 UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MIcH., PHONE NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1962 NIGHT EDITOR: PHILIP SUTIN O...…

October 07, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 20) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE' THE MiCHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE SEE WASTE, CORRUPTION: Iranians Rap Pahlevi's 'Feudal' Regime For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone NO 2-4786 from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, and Saturday 9:30 'til 11:30 A.M. (EDITOR'S NOTE: Two Univer- sity students from Iran have de- scribed the life in their home coun- try to Daily International Reporter Barbara Pash. This is their story, though they have aske...…

October 07, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 20) • Page Image 6

…I SEL THE MICHIGAN UATrV cY. . . , .,.........,......, u.." aI a va awtfa L WiLV~ SUND)AY, OCTOBER '7, 1962 I COLLEGE GRID ROUNDUP: Penn State, Arkansas, Alabama Win Big Games HOUSTON (AP) - Triggered by the passes and defense play of Pete Liske, the Penn State Nit- tany Lions scored two second half touchdowns last night to come from behind and defeat Rice, 18-7. Dave Hayes scored all three touchdowns as State, the nation's No. 4 team...…

October 07, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 20) • Page Image 7

…SUNDAY, OCTOBER. 7,196% THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wolverines Outscore Cadets for Season's Firs st Win . WINKS THINKS By Jan Winkelman Taste of Honey WEATHER: fair and mild. Temperature: 72 degrees. Wind: 5-10 miles per hour from the southwest. One couldn't expect a finer day for football. The fans settled back and prepared to take advan- tage of the weather. "It does not matter so much who wins as how the game is played." "Pass the cider." When A...…

October 07, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 20) • Page Image 8

…'AGE EIGHT THE MICHIIGAN A1 IT Buckeyes, Hawkeyes Upset by west Coast Eli SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7,1962 events J UCLA, USC Upset Ohio State, Iowa; First Victory of Season NU, W iscon By The Associated Press The West Coast continued its dominance over the Big Ten yes- terday as UCLA stunned top- ranked Ohio, 9-7, and Southern California held Iowa, 7-0. In conference action, Wisconsin trounced Indiana, 30-6, and North- western smashed tradition...…

October 06, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 19) • Page Image 1

…Takes On Black Knights of the Hudson Today THE STATE OF THE 'U' See Page 4 j[j: giltA6 A6F 4hp :43, a t I# PARTLY CLOUDY High-70 Low-52 Little change in temperature, with rain tomorrow. Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIH, No. 19 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1962 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES DEMOCRAT CAMPAIGN: Kennedy Visits State Senior Women To Receive Keys By H. NEIL BERKSON Special To The Daily DETROT-P...…

October 06, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 19) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY Csmtttrt A P1fYM^10"Vb it :Wwws PAE WOTE vCIA isfillyu SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1962 DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL: Panel Describes Ideal School Band Dons New Duds Hallvig Describes Swedish, Journalism Needs, Trends i v Rv m' ITV~RTTT Wi'yr .LEJ XMLZ 1N1V. VL. I An eager and able student body, a faculty which excels at both re- search and instruction, backed with administrative and public support are the basic component...…

October 06, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 19) • Page Image 3

…SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 19+62 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE T EEu SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 198S THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAflh~ TTTRI~'P! xwA 1111flU is Aw South Fights At Clemson, Integration Mississippi Court Delays Gantt.Case Officials Cite Less Tension In Mississippi Marshals Continue Guard on Meredith OXFORD (-)-A booing crowd of students and a report of gun- shots shattered the mood of eas- ing tensions on the University of Mississippi campus ye...…

October 06, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 19) • Page Image 4

…Seventy-Third Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNrVERSIrY OF MiCHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail"a, a Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1962 NIGHT EDITOR: MALINDA BERRY ...…

October 06, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 19) • Page Image 5

…SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6,1962 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE J M1..Ap .*. L. {{. . Y .. 1 DALYOFICALBUL .I For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone NO 2-4786 from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, and Saturday 9:30 'til 11:30 AM. (Continued from Page 2) Summer Placement Service will hold a meeting on Oct. 10 at 4:00 p.m. in Aud. A of Angell Hall. The meeting will last 45 minutes and will explain what summer placement has in summer jobs. ...…

October 06, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 19) • Page Image 6

…Srx THE MICHIGAN DAILY .rTT7RnA3.L AJTARVZ~Z. U, 109. SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY QATTT1~TbAv f~f1'I'dT~VW~ 0 1n~n OtIXUJMJJAZo VV'X"VDEIS b, lutiZ. A EVENS SERIES: MeCovey's Homerun Helps CADETS TOUGH: Wolverines Host Unbeaten Cadets -- ----- - (Continued from Page 1) 41st home run ball thrown this vear Terry has side out the Los Angeles Dodgers CandJe4tica k hadscoed eve ties.Candlestick P a r k observers had scored seven times. clai...…

October 06, 1962 (vol. 1, iss. 2) • Page Image 7

… LD,4 Air4tgau 743alt C Foot-ball Special P P P -P 'P P 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- VOL. I, No. 2 ANN ARBOR, MICH., OCTOBER 6, 1962 TEN CENTS OL' ERI ES B. TTLE I SPLIT ACTION-With about half of both teams occupied either in carrying out or halting a neat bit of deception by Nebraska quarterback Dennis Claridge, Michigan's Bob Timberlake (28) looks like the best bet to bring down the real ballcarrier, Dennis Stuewe (34). Leading the inte...…

October 06, 1962 (vol. 1, iss. 2) • Page Image 8

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1962 THE MICHIGAN DAILY C A wnnn Av. ArTnURR. a_ I qR2 ..-AG".E TWO.... .a SwavATURDA. OCVTAsUI/iR V31Q*V3f7T 'W fr''1DiDI NO THE MIOlZGA- -AILY THIS WEEK IN FOOTBALL: Purdue Takes on Notre Dame;- Seventh'Ranked USC at Iowa -, By JOHN SCOCRIN The Big Ten is smarting. It un- veiled the 1962 version of its foot- ball colussi and in two hours of football action last weekend the armor of ...…

October 06, 1962 (vol. 1, iss. 2) • Page Image 9

…PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY VUW M, ICH'WIGA A1 ILY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6,1962 ~Rm - A . - l I1A? AA* 5 GAMES TO 3: SATURDJAY, OUTOBER 61, , 1I7VUO A imZ4L' ITA 1 L 1 W.tx INJs . MA.U- Cadets' Offense Sparked by Go I Cadets Hold Series Edge on Wolverines By JIM BERGER " Today's clash between Michigan and Army is more than an ordi- nary intersectional battle. It's more like a grudge game. Though the Wolverines and he Cades have only ...…

October 06, 1962 (vol. 1, iss. 2) • Page Image 10

… PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN lbAll.V C A mTTbTl A V !!!rml17b1Cn 0 I n +a SATURD1AY. OCTOBER 6. 1962 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAG FOURv THu MCJ&r Ub i tW AUDY COE ,16 Cadets 'Drop oeyEd lyPaon 731tLay1ta~ s111Uravia ws iA TUE MI HIANvDAILY. a FOR ARMY: Elliott uggles Wolverine First { By OTTO PENZLER Special To The Daily NEW YORK - Two major strategic innovations were intro- duced to the Army football team when Coach - of - the - Year Paul Die...…

October 05, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 18) • Page Image 1

…THE COURTS OR THE COUCH See Page 4 Y 1Mwh 741A6F 1y CLOUDY High--6& Low-5$ Light showers during the day Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIII, No. 18 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5,.1962 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES Cause Order Served On U.S. Government SPRINGFIELD, Mo. W)-The federal government was ordered yesterday by a United States district judge to show cause why former Maj. Gen. Edwin A. Walker, arrested in the Oxf...…

October 05, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 18) • Page Image 2

…,TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY vlaTTAvr r%~dlmenlm IV "nwwi A TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY VUIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1962 I, Roberts Describes Religious Humanism, Denial of Calvinistic Doctrine by Camus 1 t EDUCATION: Morton Views Opinions On Teaching Machines 1 .! By RICHARD KRAUT "Albert Camus walked the tight- rope between faith and despair called courage." With this, Prof. Preston Roberts of the University of Chicago Di- vinity School Wednesday de...…

October 05, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 18) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TIMER THE MIChIGAN DAILY 'PAGE THREE Kennedy Orders Ports Closed to Soviet Ships In Action Against Cuba Open Mansion for Students Legal Force To Use Law Further Measures Under Consideration WASHINGTON UP) - President John F. Kennedy has ordered a four-point United States eco- nomic-political offensive against shipping between Communist bloc countries and Cuba. High administration officials said yesterday the campa...…

October 05, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 18) • Page Image 4

…. eTr £i1iw ~i Seventy-Third Year .EDrrED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN g._ UNDER, AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail~ Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1962 NIGHT EDITO...…

October 05, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 18) • Page Image 5

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE Fn INTERNATIONAL GROUP: U' Glaciology Research Team Leaves r *EFIS r WESLEY FOUNDATION presents a PANEL DISCUSSION on Political Issues of Michigan Participants- MRS. JOHN HOLMES, League of Women Voters PAUL HEIL-Exec. Board of State Young Dem. STEVE STOCKMEYER-Pres. of State Young Rep. Oct. 7th . 8 P.M. Wesley Foundation corner of State and Huron By ARNOLD PROSTAK The University's new glaciology research team le...…

October 05, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 18) • Page Image 6

…SIR. THE, MICHIGAN DAILY SIX TINE MICHIGAN DAILY : -ra+ At I vv; vuli LY X79 1 7V Fr lays, Pagan Collect Three Hits STOP RAIMEY; STOP 'M': Four 'M' Passers Fail To Do Share OSU Dean Asks Nicklaus Withdraw (Continued from Page 1) season ended Sunday. They work- ed out Wednesday in Candlestick to familiarize themselves with the tricky wind currents. However, the wind didn't arrive in full force during the game because it was started at no...…

October 05, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 18) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN F WINKS THINKS By Jan Winkelman Timberlake: Part of Trend +, 1 BY 21'/z20 SCORE: ATO Noses Out Sigma Chi In FraternityOutdoor Meet By JERRY KALISH Not So Fast "THE FACTS, THE FACTS, and nothing but the facts.' Item: Nebraska 25, Michigan 13 Item: Army 9, Syracuse 2 Item: Army 40, Wake Forest 14 On the basis of the obvious facts, the Wolverines do not seem to be in for a very ...…

October 05, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 18) • Page Image 8

…EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY -, ---" OCTOER 3- 1082 EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY .L V V i VLL' ly J 1 70Fi W DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 5) Trigon, Dance, 1617 Washtenaw; Van Tyne, Monte Carlo party and open open, S.Q.; Wenley, Date dance Rec. Room, W.Q.; West Quad, All quad dance; Williams House, Open open and corri- dor party, W.Q.; Zeta Tau Alpha, Open open, 826 Tappan. OCT. 7- Greene, Open open, E.Q. Placement PLACEMENT INTE...…

October 04, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 17) • Page Image 1

…APA FACES CHALLENGE See Page 4 fr4i9an Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom &iltI CLOUDY High--70 Low-48 Fair and cooler tonight. VOL. LXXIII, No. 17 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4,.1962 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES Place Delegates On Advice Group SGC Defeats Ross-Olinick Motion, Adopts New Procedure for Election By GAIL EVANS Student Government Council passed a motion last night to place seven delegates on the Advisory Committee f...…

October 04, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 17) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY. OC:TMER d- I i92 THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUTTR~flAV flflTfl1~I'D A IOD@ a . -- - Lnt,, '.,1- DL4M IL 'E, lyVM ,_ Camus' Works Explain World 'STUDYING MICHIGAN'S SCHOOLS': To View Facts, Needs Of Community Colleges DIAL 5-6290 ENDING TONIGHT ALEC GUINNESS IN "DAMN THE DEFIANT" time explaining it as being un- explainable, Prof. Nelson said. The absurd postulates that the world is in disorder and the mind seeks a...…

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