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October 06, 1962 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-10-06

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Seventy-Third Year
Truth Will Prevail"a, a
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

"Fellow In Mississippi Is Determined To
Enroll Here - Shall We Let Him In?"

As Locus of Activity

State of the 'U':
A Lack of Vision

FACULTY MEN claim you can tell a lot
{about a university by examining its presi-
dent. In Ann Arbor the state of the University
and the image of its president were on view
together Monday night: Harlan Hatcher told
his faculty about the status of this institution
of higher learning.
The speech contained inadequate and po-
tentially menacing definitions and analyses of
the University's current position, the concept
of academic freedom and the proper role of
The University begins its 145th year, the
president said, "in a little better position to
do our work." The deans report enthusiasm and
high morale. This is for good reason: students
are being taxed an extra $2 million this year
just to improve morale.
Faculty pay raises were awarded over the
summer on a merit basis. Those whose pay-
checks would have faired better under an
across-the-board hike either left the campus
or resigned themselves to another year of
The University administration, however, is
laboring under a misconception about faculty
morale-you can not simply buy it through
higher salaries. When no raises come, the fact
professors do not exit in masses is not at-
tributable to what the administration terms
"loyalty" to the University. The faculty does
not feel any particular loyalty to the University,'
but remains for a variety of other reasons:
inertia, lighter class loads, friendship in the
community, and the feeling that all universities
would be as disillusioning as this one for a
professor seeking a community of scholars.
seems overly impressed and unduly enamored
of numbers. During the past two years, he has
often spoken of the fact that the University's
budget had passed the $100 million mark, as if
this were some indication of institutional
greatness. Perhaps this statistical materialistic
approach is indicative of the administration's
value system of ranking universities.
This year, numbers came into play again,
this time in a discussion of University size.
Current student enrollment is 26,078, a record
In response to a request by the Senate Ad-
visory Committee, President Hatcher discussed
the University's basic policy on size: we will
continue "to grow steadily, in a controlled
manner so that there will be no decrement
in the quality of the University's efforts."
A fine-sounding statement, even though it
does not reveal who made this decision or that
there are those in the University who believe
that it is already too big. Nor does it cover
up the criticism that the University has suf-
fered a decline in quality during the past few
years as the stack of class election cards has
MANY ADVANCES in University quality have
been made. Several new area studies pro-
grams and centers have been established
(though 'largely by federal research dollars
which Hatcher would rather not have to
accept.). Congratulations are always in order
for the University's pioneer work in communi-
cations science and conflict resolution, its
support of the top rated Survey Research
Center and its construction of the Under-
graduate Library.
Overall, however, the University is slipping.
The University of 'California at Berkeley has
surpassed us as the nation's leading state
tax-supported institution of higher education.
Many programs, which demanded expansion,
stagnated under austerity budgets. Actual cut-
backs also make up a significent part of the
picture. Graduate reading courses in foreign
languages, for example, have been slashed and
the libraries have not been able to purchase
enough new books to keep pace with increased
student demands and with the huge number of
advances in all disciplines.
Perhaps the prime example of how the Uni-
versity has sacrificed quality for quantity is
the literary college's decision to alter distribu-
tion requirements beginning this fall. Mathe-
matics courses no longer count toward the ful-
fillment of any distribution requirement, mak-
ing the math department the only one to
attain this dubious honor. The faculty of the
College of Literature, Science and the Arts

took this action, not so much because they
believed that mathematics had no role to
play in a liberal education, but because the
enrollment in mathematics courses had far
outpassed the growth in the number of in-
structors. Some way had to be found to dis-
courage students from electing math courses.
NO MATTER what the quality, the institu-
tion's size is another problem. At least one
University psychologist has discovered that the
"bigness" of the University is responsible for
the most serious morale problem among stu-
dents. Communication within the faculty and
student communities and between them has
degenerated to a mediocre level and com-

tors with the result that too many all-
University policies are based on administrative
feasibility and not educational value.
What is the overall result of all these quan-
titaive advances and qualitative retreats? The
president began his address by stressing that
the society of the United States has reached
an unprecedented level of abundance and
worldly goods, but that one of the "major
paradoxes of our time" is the failure of abun-
dance to produce "happiness and satisfaction
of the spirit." Despite the attempts of the
state legislators, the University-with its $100
million budget and 26,000 students-is re-
ceiving some share of the general affluence.
Does this paradox of society exist on this
campus? Presiden1t Hatcher presented to the
faculty no analysis of the degree of happiness
and satisfaction of spirit University students
and teachers are feeling. His remarks indicate
that he believes that the abundance of the
University has not yielded a very happy or
satisfied student or professor and with this
I agree. In many ways, the student and his
teacher are less satisfied. While able to spot
the problem, the president made no attempt
to offer an answer to the paradox.
IN THE SECOND major part of his speech,
Hatcher discussed freedom and the need to
honor the University as a place of independent
inquiry. In glowing prose, he asserted that the
University must be "a bright and shining
symbol and example of the freedom of the
mind and spirit to pursue knowledge and
understanding and wisdom . . ." Yet, under
his presidency, this university has displayed
an often-tarnished symbol.
The University dismissed academically qual-
ified professors because they' refused to co-
operate with House Committee on Un-American
Activities investigations, precipitating a cen-
sure from the American Association of Uni-
versity Professors. The University's response
to the loyalty oath and disclaimer affidavit of
the National Defense Education Act came too
late and was too timid. The University's efforts
to combat discrimination in employment, hous-
ing and scholarships have been marked by
a minimum of vigor and militancy.
In his speech, the president claimed that
"the press must be free for reporting and
editorial comment" although he has made no
attempt to increase the freedom of The Daily
and indeed opposes moves to remove the
restrictions on its editorial comment.
"Freedom is preserved not only by philo-
sophical discussions but by the constant
exercise of it," the president says he believes,
but he defends a speaker policy more restrictive
than the freedom of speech guarantee of the
First Amendment. Hatcher, who personally
opposed allowing Carl Braden and Frank Wil-
kinson to speak on campus, now is disheartened
by those who interpret the proposed Regents'
bylaw as an obstruction to free inquiry.
Hatcher asserted "the positive responsibility
of the University in the complete intellectual
growth of students." But he failed to inform the
faculty about what has been happening with
the Office of Student Affairs and how this
fits into the satisfaction of the spirit and
total development of University students.
intellectual growth is, I think, narrower
than the one held by most students. Speaking
about the recent political actions of students,
Hatcher seemed to display a genuine sym-
pathy with students yearning to participate
in the community and with their depression
over the "troublesome sorrows" of our day. He
urged students, however, to remain in the class-
room until they received some career training
and to forget about the protest rally, picket
line and freedom ride.
This aspect of the president's talk angered
many students and for good reason. It prob-
ably deserves little comment or rebutal but
for the fact that it displays some of the at-
titudes which are keeping the University from
achieving greatness.
President Hatcher displayed an essentially
pessimistic and deterministic attitude toward
the role of the individual in social change. We
have, he asserted, a "changing world society
whose movement is shaped and governed by its
own process of growth," perhaps implying that
individuals, especially students, can not in-
fluence this process and ought not even to try

until some magic date when education pre-
sumably ends and we are prepared to enter
the world.
PERHAPS the president would extend this
theory to cover the University, viewing it
as an organism evolving under its own laws
and processes of growth which individuals are
powerless to change. This could explain his
own lack of dynamic leadership in the office
of president.
The University can not be measured in terms
of dollars or student population if one wants
to gain an index of quality and worth. Nor
should yardsticks be applied to any dimension
-- 4U T « ..... .. . -l L .... . . a ._ i -

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sec-
ond of three articles on the United
Nations University.)
specific notion of the concept
of the United Nations University,
the Association for Commitment
to World Responsibility (ACWR)
decided last semester that the time
had come to explore possible av-
enues of establishing the UNU.
Establishment would come in
two large stages. First a very com-
plete and exhaustive study would
have to be made considering the
feasibility and desirability of the
university. That would include lo-
cation, finance, language, cur-
riculum, faculty and student se-
lection as well as a study of social
and cultural conflicts which might
STEMMING FROM these stu-
dies, a final plan of the university,
in all detail, would be drafted for
debate and eventual adoption. On
the basis of the adopted plan of
action, actual establishment and
operation would follow.
ACWR is presently working to
persuade UNESCO to conduct a
study of theuuniversity in all its
aspects. If such a study is to be
undertaken, it must be authorized'
by the UNESCO General Con-
ference, the overall policy deciding
body of UNESCO, comparable in
function to the United Nations
General Assembly.
representatives in Washington,
New York, and Paris tried to de-
velop a network of support for
the study, and worked to find a
specific delegate to the UNESCO,
General Conference who would be
willing to sponsor the formal mo-
tion asking UNESCO to undertake
the study.
Again the problem of finance
worked against the study. ACWR
was told that UNESCO's budget is
already overworked and that in-
dependent sources of finance for
the study would have to be. found.
However, ACWR was promised by
a national delegate to the General
Conference that he would make
the motion if ACWR could assure
supporting finances. Work on that
specific need is presently under-
It is quite likely that a UNESCO
affiliate organization such as the
International Association of Uni-
versities would be charged with a

large portion of the study, and
that some parts would be done by
various organizations the world
over. When those studies are com-
pleted, they revert back to the
UNESCO Secretariat, where they
are analyzed and synthesized into
a comprehensive report.
* , *
THERE ARE other channels
than UNESCO through which
ACWR could work for establish-
ment of the university. But the
preparatory studies would have to
be made by or directly through
that organization so that the final
choice of agent depends not only
on its relevance to international
education, but also its facilities
for study, and the international
prestige which that study would
Since UNESCO is not only the
most relevant, but also the most
prestigious of institutions concern-
ed with education, it was chosen.
The United Nations University
project is now at a sufficient stage
of articulate expression that it
has at least partially been in-
jected into the proper channels
for its eventual fruition.
The project is known and re-
spected among UNESCO officials.
It now awaits financial backing to
allow it to make still further
* * *
LET US not forget that a sig-
nificant amount of work on this
project to date has been done by
students at the University, working
in their spare time. They have
discussed the ideas thoroughly and
have written books about it. Those
books are among the most ad-
vanced studies and proposals for
a UNU that have been made.
This project symbolizes the pos-
sibilities which are open to stu-
dents to effect change. The work
of gathering support, of approach-
ing UNESCO, was done by stu-
They simply had an idea,
thought about it, articulated it,
felt it, wrote about it, and then
had courage enough to go. to the
proper channels to get something
We are all students. We do not
control the channels of progress.
But as thinking citizens of a world
community, we have the possibil-
ity-to inject ideas into those chan-
nels. In fact we have the urgent
TOMORROW: What remains
to be done.

Asks Revolutionary Discussion

To the Editor:
made on Bob Selwa's excellent
article Thursday re the Regent's
bylaw on speakers. First, the by-
law, for all its new fangled word-
ing is still meant to keep Com-
munists off the campus, or at least
to keep the legislature happy that
the Regents want to keep Com-
munists off the campus. A student
or professor can, I would guess,
advocate almost anything provided
his manner is non-newsworthy,
his arguments reasoned and his
politics or past free of any red
tinge. The present language is an
offensive disguise for the bylaw's
real intent.
Second, Selwa notes that the by-
law, in affirming that in America
we have peaceful democratic
means of change, prohibits ad-
vocacy either of action counter to
the laws or of violent means of
governmental or other change.
Punishment is to be imposed on
an organization if it allows speak-
ers to so advocate. Selwa's basic
points in response-that the threat
of punishment is but another form
of prior censorship, that restric-
tion of free expression is incom-
patible with thedemocratic ideal,
that civil strife is a product not
of ideas but of social conditions
and that it is prevented, not by
supressing ideas, but by remedy-
ing social evil-are important but
I think conventional expressions
of liberalism. They miss more basic
matters at issue.
The problem with this sort of
bylaw is that it regulates things
people generally don't want to do
anyhow. The basis of protest
should, it would seem, be a com-
mitment to exercise the liberty de-
manded: Is it worth the time
and attention of serious students
to confront the idea of violence
as a means of social change? Is
it worth the bother to consider
civil disobedience as a possible
response to perceived injustice?
Are alternative means of social
organization important enough to
merit our academic time?
* * *
THE REGENTS say these mat-
ters should not be the concern
of the University or its students
Whether they are supposed to be
'uegitimate or unimportant or both-
is not clear. It is clear, though,
that a judgement is being made
which seeks to exclude a range of
ideas from our consideration. The
absolutist position - that there
should be no authority that can
censor ideas-holds, and thus re-
gental authority should be chal-
langed. But, beyond that, are these
ideas of some particular impor-
tance? I think they are; and thus
I think opposition to the bylaw
should involve more than the
usual, too oftenshollow, protest of
civil libertarians.
To recall . . . "governments are
instituted among men drawing
their just powers from the con-
sent of the governed, that when-
ever any form of government be-
enmpfi dP.,w 3.-dutipoftes nse

ment is integral to that sover-
Violence is to avoided if "peace-
ful, democratic means of change
-are available." I certainly hold
this as a value. But, whether in
any specific case such means are
available and effective, this is a
legitimate, always open question
-hardly to be settled for all by
regental decree. What if such
means are not available?
The foundation of democratic
order is in a continually renewed
consensus on these questions: that
the government serves the people
and that there are effective demo-
cratic means of change. The pro-
cess of renewing consensus (al-
ways referring to the extreme case
when the consensus would not
exist) serves to redefine the goals
of the society and the rules of
conflict resolution. To the extent
that the system is taken as a given,
that the social contract is not
kept current, provincial interest
comes to overshadow conscious-
ness of social responsibility. I think
a relationship exists between the
incredible apathy, and even an-
tipathy of the American popula-
tion to politics and the universal
outlawing of any views that would
fundamentally threaten the es-
tablished order ofthings.
* * * -
WELL, MAYBE SO, but are we
now at a time in history where
it is somehow important for in-
tellectuals to be concerned with
matters of violence and action out-
side the law? I believe we are:
1) Violence is the prevailing
means of social change around the
world. Revolutionary movements
are the training ground for the
leadership of almost all the, newer
nations. Are their attitudes per-
tinent to the education of our own
citizens? Can these attitudes be
understood if we bar the oppor-
tunity for their expression?
2) Constitutional democracy ex-
ists in few places in the world.
Forms of authoritarian and elite
rule are far more common in deal-
ing with problems of development
and large scale organization. Do
these forms have no relavance to
our own society? Can we under-
stand them if we proscribe their
3) The policy of national gov-
ernment is viewed by some as mov-
ing us toward final war. What
kind of democratic recourse exists
to avoid imminent catastrophy?
Do the bomb and the war lords
of the pentagon constitute a tyr-
anny comparable to that of King
George and the English parliment?
4) Many people in the South
appear oppressed by authoritarian
rule of state and local govern-
ments. Is "armed self-reliance" or
the treat of violence a legitimate
means to secure one's rights? Do
the Negro people considering this
question have nothing to say in
a university?
5) In most of our cities juvenile
gangs establish an ethic involving
violence and life outside the law.
Is the operating code of these
people-many of them our peers--
,.cn_ _ +2 a . _ o o m vn inr

matters are either settled questions
or unimportant for American so-
ciety, or for students at the Uni-
versity. Perhaps the ultimate chal-
lenge facing democratic man is to
find non-violent and effective
means of handling conflict. We.
would seem sorely hampered in
this if the rules prohibited our
grappling with violence and attack
on the law as living phenomena in
the world and in our own country.
As a last point,. I don't believe
that there is any distinction be-
tween consideration or discussion
and advocacy. The academic bell
jar will hardly contain matters of
partisan controversy. To express
an idea, however neutrally, is to
run the risk that someone may
believe it and may wish to con-
vince others of it and hence to
urge action on its basis. There
should be no fear of this possibil-
ity. When one organizes action
counter to the law, then he should
be subject to the law. When he
expresses opinion, then he should
be subject only to the response of
other men, holding perhaps other
The wrangle about the bylaw,
in the context of this argument
then, should focus on whether it
interferes with discussion of un-
portance to scholars and citizens.
If it does, then it should be op-
posed and thenbestsopposition is
to pursue that discussion with
renewed forthrightness and vigor.
-Al Haber, Grad
Theatre .. .
To the Editor:
WAS in the Wednesday night
audience of the APA "School
for Scandal," so I read the Daily
today (Thursday) with great in-
terest. The critic, Jack O'Brien,
saluted the production with the
evaluation such once -in-my-life-
time theatre in Ann Arbor de-
But what was eating Miss Mar-
garie Brahms, the young lady on
your "culture beat," when the
tapped out that scrambled "edi-
If see reads the New York Times,
then she surely must have en-
countered the names of this il-
lustrious theatre company count-
less times, as I certainly have!
And why such a sour-note send-
off for such a radiant premiere?
I'll bet few Broadway producers
could afford thecast we are being
given for this first festival.
I GATHER they work in Ann
Arbor for peanuts compared with
the commercial fees they get in
television, films and theatre ane
are passing up to be here with us
Instead of being all-out in ap-
preciation of the spirit whieb
brought such a wonderful en-
semble to enliven and thrill our
heretofore flat dramatic scene,
Brahms chose to excercize a cur-
ious kind of "You don't impress
me, I'm patronizing the whole
affair" style. I'm afraid our new
APA Company will think Brahms

The Campaign 'Truth'
TIHINGS are not always as they seem in newspapers-especially
during election campaigns.
Michigan politics and newspapers are no exception to this rule.
Newspapers, under the influence of their biases, often bend stories
to favor their candidates and hopefuls sometimes contribute to the
distortion by issuing misleading news releases as Republican Congress-
man-at-large candidate Alvin Bentley did during his recent stay in
Ann Arbor.
The Detroit papers have been notoriously pro-Romney. This trait
was, evident long before the campaign when both papers boomed

Romney with feature stories and
long interviews to the point of
recounting his prayerful medita-
tion the night before he made
the decision to run.
caught the Detroit News distort-
ing a column of Washington-based
columnist Marquis Childs to favor
Romney. Writing on the GOP
hopeful's candidates, Childs de-
scribes the negative effects of
Romney's constitutional conven-
tion deal with the conservatives
and of the American Motors clos-
ing of the Hudson plant in De-
troit. Both were deleted.-by the
News to make Romney look, from
Washington, like a fair-haired
hero who will save not only Michi-
gan, but-in 1964-the United
States as well.
The Detroit Free Press fell
into this trap recently when it
wrote into a story of the Bentley-
Staebler-Muncy discussion parts of
a Bentley ,press release.
The lead of the release said
Bentley "charged his Democratic
opponent with having a 'do-
nothing policy on Cuba that is
replete with indecision and vacilla-
The release creates the impres-
sion that Bentley resolutely de-
manded that the United States
protect its interests, aggressively
assert the Monroe Doctrine and do
something belligerent, like block-
ade Cuba, to stop Castro.
S* * *
THE TROUBLE with this beau-
tiful picture is that it is not true.
Bentley's stand before the League
of Women Voters is a moderate
one. He never accused Staebler
of anything. He did not say a
single line directly quoted in the
news release.
Thus the press unwittingly fool-
ed the public. Many papers that
could not send a reporter to cover
the debate were dependent on the
news release. They pictured an
aggressive Bentley while before the
League of Women Voters he was
mn -iruf

Borge perform, or at least seen
someone do an imitation of him.
Last night he drew a crowd bigger
than I've seen on this campus--
bigger than Eleanor Roosevelt's or
Carl Sandburg's, and at three
times the price.
Why is Borge so universally
funny? Without drawing up some
theory of comedy or other, it is
pretty clear that his main asset
is his ability to play with the Eng-
lish language, letting his audience
have impossibility as reality. And
he plays with his music In the
same way. For instance, he can
say, "I always save burnt matches
they prevent forest fires.",
making it all right to forget caus-
ality, or, after playing a Strauss
waltz with terrible dissonances just
where you love 'em, \he can check
them against the music, and sure
enough ...
He is not above puns (a lady
told him that to get from down-
town to Hill Auditorium he would
have to ,pass Huron) nor below
the subtlest impossibilities (four
stage hands take his curtain calls
for him-he has produced the kind
of cast you'd love to applaud for
but can't because there's only one
HE IS AT his finest when he
ad libs to insult jokers in the
audience combining a great night-
club technique with sheer vaud-
ville. He is at his worst when he
joins Leonid Hambro to do a
"serious" number, without clown-
ing; you know, the one just to
show that he really can play: it
is a foul travesty on Chopin and
others, but, still no worse than
Lawrence Welk gets away with
every week.

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