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October 11, 1962 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1962-10-11

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Terry Wins Game for Yankees

Arkansas, Purdue Climb Up

(Continued from Page i
field and Richardson lined a single
to left. Al Dark, manager of the
Giants, bounced out of the dug-
out to confer with Sanford but
decided to let him continue.
The right-hander then threw
one ball to Tresh. The 24-year old
son of aformer major league
catcher, before the round-tripper.
Terry, the man who threw the
decisive home run ball to Pitts-
burgh's Bill Mazerski in 1960 and
the loser of the second game of
this series, finally broke his string
of four series defeats withran
eight-hit effort.
Open Date
Today is an open date for travel
with the sixth game scheduled for
Candlestick Park in San Francisco'
tomorrow. The seventh game, if
necessary, will be played on the
same site on Saturday.
The Giant manager said he had
not considered yanking Sanford
'M' Club'
Picks Head
The first meeting of the Var-
sity "M" Club was held last night
and formijer Big Ten tennis cham-
pion Ray Senkowski was elected
as president. Fritz Crisler spoke
to a small but enthusiastic group
of varsity lettermen about the past
history of the group and what it
could do in the future.
To get the ball rolling, Carl Lu-
tomski, past president of the "M"
Club told the members what the
club's functions were. Then came
the elections with Senkowski elect-
ed president; Dick Honig, vice-
president; arry Babcock, secre-
tary, and John Dumont, treasurer.
Then Senkowski took over and it
was decided that the nevt meeting
would be held on Wednesday, Oc-
tober 24, in the "M" Room at Yost
Field House..
Crisler Speaks
In discussing the club, Michi-
gan Athletic Director Fritz Cris-
ler made the point that some ele-
ments on this campus are trying
to get "M" men disqualified from
sitting on the Board of Athletics
and there is no voice against this
at present.
Crisler pointed out that a strong
"M" club should counteract this as
well as the workings of other pres-
sure groups.
The jobs of social, communica-
tions and publicity chairmen were
brought up later in the meeting
with some suggestion that they
should be elective rather than ap-
pointive offices as in the past.
These motions were tabled, how-
ever, until the next meeting when
there would be a bigger turnout.
In summing up, Senkowski said
that they had "taken some major
steps" in getting the "M" club
The Daily Bulletin is an official
publication of the University of
Michigan for which The Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564
Administration Building before 2
p.m. two days preceding publication.
Day Calendar
4:15 p.M.-Dept. of Botany sponsors Lee-
ture-Dr. Tyge W. Bocher,
"Variation Pattern in Plant
Speciesnas Elucidated by Ex-
perimental cultivations":
Rackham Amphitheatre.
5:00 p.m.-Biomedical Data Processing
Program Lecture Series -
Prof. John A. Jacquez, "Dig-
ital Computers: Applica-
tion": School of Public

Health Aud.
7:00 and 9:00 p.m.-Cinema Guild-Aud-
rey Hepburn, Gregory Peck,
and Eddie Albert, "Roman
Holiday": Architecture Aud.
7:15 p.m.-Carillon Recital: Sidney F.
Giles, assistant Univ. caril-
lonneur, will present a caril-
lon recital, Burton Memorial
8:30 p.m.-Professional Theatre Pro-
gram - Richard Baldridge's
"We, Comrades Three": Ly-
dia Mendelssohn Theatre.
General Notices
50 Per Cent Off of all texts and other
books to be sold by Student Book Ex-
change at its one time only Four-Hour-
Book-Sale. Thurs., Oct. 11, from 1-5 p.m.
in the Fishbowl.
Engineering Seniors and Grad Stu-
dents: The 1963 College Placement An-
nual, official occupational directory of
the College Placement Association, is
now available free to seniors and grad
students at the Engrg. Placement Serv-
ice, 128-H W. Engrg. Bldg.
Botany Final Make-Up Exam will be
given at 7 p.m. in Room 2004 Natural
Science Bldg.
The Institute of International Educa-
tion announces a special program to
university grads for the teaching of
English in universities of India during
1963-64. The teaching assistantships in-
volve approximately 12 hours per week,
and require no previous teaching exper-
ience or a major in English. Further
information and application forms are
available at the Fellowship Office, Room
110, Rackham Bldg. Deadline for mak-
ing application is Oct. 22.
The First Chamber Dance Festival,
presented by the Univ. Musical Society,

when he went out to talk with
him before Tresh hit the homer.
"I just wanted to slow him down,"
Neither manager would talk
about the seventh game that might
be played Saturday. Either Billy
O'Dell (19-14) or Sanford again
would be the likely starter for
the Giants and Stafford (14-9) for
the Yanks if he doesn't work the
sixth game.
Sanford almost had a triple
play in the first inning when with
men on first and second and no-
body out Tresh lined back to the
box. Sanford hesitated momentar-

dressing room later and posed for
pictures with his illustrious off-
spring, one of the individual stars
of the current series.
"Where were you sitting?" some-
body asked Mike Tresh.
"I wasn't sitting-I was jump-
ing up and down," the father said.
Still it wasn't over. Out of the
Giant dugout came Ed Bailey, a
dangerous long ball hitter who
swings from the left side. Bailey
lofted a long fly to right but Roger
Maris was there to make the catch
for the game-ending out.
The sixth game of the series
at San Francisco Friday was rated
an even game with Yankee right-
hander Billy Stafford facing left-
hander Billy Pierce of the Giants.
Broadway bookmakers made the
champion Yankees 31/a to 1 in
the man-to-man odds to win the
Sports Clubs
Starting Up
Three clubs are starting to
function for the coming season
under the sponsorship of the
Intramural Department..
All persons interested in join-
ing the Judo Club should attend
practice in the wrestling room of
the Sports Building tonight. The
club meets every Thursday night
from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. and no
previous judo experience is neces-
sary to join.
Boxing instruction will be given
every Monday through Thursday
nights from 7 to 9 p.m. in the
boxing room of the Sports Build-
ing. Let Philbin is giving the les-
sons and theynwill continue until
spring vacation.
Anyone who wishes to form a
skin diving club should attend a
meeting at the pool of the Sports
Building on Oct. 18 at 7:30 p.m.

Only six unbeaten and untied
teams remain on the Associated
Press college football poll as many
teams face their fourth game of
the season this weekend.
The top five-Alabama, Texas,
Penn State, Southern California,
and Mississippi-all have records


of 3-0. Arkansas, also with a 3-01
record, is No. 8.
Louisiana State, (No. 6), Wash-1
ington (No. 7), and Purdue (No.j
9) each have a tie on their rec-
ords. Ohio State in tenth place is
the only team in the top ten with
a defeat. The Buckeyes dropped
to tenth from first place after

... series winner

ily and finally threw to first to
double up Richardson. The return
throw to Pagan, covering second,
was too late to get Kubek.
Strikes Them Out
Sanford really dominated the'
bottom half of the Yankee batting
order. He struck out Terry and
Skowron three times each and
Howard twice. Kubek and Boyer
were his other victims.
Billy Pierce (16-6), loser of Sun-
day's third game, is the pitching
choice for the Giants in tomor-
row's encounter w i t h either
Whitey Ford (17-8) or Bill Staf-
ford (14-9) going for the Yankees.
Many among the crowd of
63,165 at Yankee Stadium second-
guessed Ralph Houk, Yankee man-
ager, when he let Terry bat lead-
ing off the last of the eight with
the score tied at 2-2. But it paid
off although Terry soon became
Sanford's 10th strikeout victim.
Terry wasn't home safely yet,
despite Tresh's three-run blast.
Willie McCovey opened the ninth
with a single. After Felipe Alou
struck out, Tom Haller doubled
to left center, beyond the reach
of Mickey Mantle, and McCovey
scored. Jose Pagan, leading hitter
of the series and the man who hit
a home rune in the fifth inning,
came up in a spot where a homer
would level the score. Terry made
him ground to Kubek at short.
Old Mike Tresh, looking fit
enough to don the pads of a
catcher still, came down to the

-Daily-Pete Anderson
STILL DRIVING-Dependable Dave Raimey, the top breakaway
threat and bread 'n' butter man on this year's Michigan offense,
is apparently stopped in last week's Army game. The Wolverine
halfback didn't realize it and kept on for a healthy gain in last
week's contest.

their 9-7 loss to UCLA last Satur-
day on the coast.
'Ole Miss' in Front
Mississippi has perhaps the
easiest schedule of the unbeaten
and untied teams. With such stal-
warts as Tulane, Vanderbilt, Chat-
anooga, and Mississippi State
booked for future Saturday's, te
Rebels probably will only be nut
to a real test against Louisiana
The first showdown of the sea-
son between the present unbeaten
and untied teams will come on
October 20 between Arkansas and
Texas. Both teams rolled over
their opponents last Saturday.
Texas scored within five minutes
of the opening of the game against
Tulane and went on to a 35-8
victory. Arkansas, fighting for an
unprecedented fourth straight
Southwest Conference champion-
ship, burst loose with four touch-
downs in the second half and
stunned Texas Christian, 42-14.
USC Meets Toughies
While Mississippi may have the
easiest schedule, Southern Cali-
fornia may have the toughest of
the top ten. On successive Satur-
days the Trojans will oppose Cali-
fornia, Illinois, Washington, Stan-
ford, Navy, UCLA, and Notre
Dame. Three of these opponents
have proved their ability by knock-
ing off highly ranked Big Ten
teams. Washington tied Purdue
7-7 and defeated Illinois 28-7.
Michigan State was upset by Stan-
ford 16-13 two weekends go and
UCLA knocked Ohio State off the
top of the AP poll with a 9-7 de-
feat last Saturday.
Alabama, the defending national
champion, has found a leader in
sophomore quarterback Joe Na-
math and despite Coach Paul
( Bear") Bryant's pre-season pes-
simism the Crimson Tide has
knocked over three teams so far
After killing Georgia 35-0 and
Tulane 44-6, the Tide had relaxed
in beating powerless Vanderbilt
17-7 last Saturday.
'Tide May Ebb
The last three games of the
season will be the toughest of the
season for Alabama. Away games
at Miami (Fla.) and Georgia Tech
followed by the Auburn game at
Birmingham will be major road-
blocks in the Tide's quest of an-
other national championship.
Penn State, the best team in the
East, must defend its top ranking
in the East in its next two games.
Army and Syracuse have the po-
tential to upset the Nittany Lions
who must also defeat Pittsburg
in the last game of the season to
establish itself as its region's dom-
inant team in the East and a
r.ational power.
LSU's Tigers jumped back into
the top ten as its ace halfback
Jerry Stovall ran 97 yards past
the Georgia Tech defenders for
the winning score in a tight de-
fensive battle between two of the
nation's top teams.
Purdue Returns
Purdue was pushed around and
stopped cold by Washington in
its opening game but managed to
gain a 7-7 tie. The Boilermakers
convincing win over Notre Dame
last week put them Lack on the
trail toward football respectibility.
Arkansas rose in stature by KO-
ing dangerous and highly regarded
TCU in convincing 42-14 fashion.
To make room for them new en-
trants Georgia Tech, Miami and
Army fell by the wayside. Tech
dropped a close 10-7 contest to
LSU, Army was beaten by Michi-
gan and Miami barely avoided an
upset in a 7-6 win over Florida

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Iii I

By The Associated Press
EAST LANSING-Both pass de-
fense and offense were stressed in
the closed Michigan State football
workout yesterday.
To avoid injuries to key men
prior to Saturday's game with
Michigan, Coach Duffy Daugherty
spared his first two units from any
Tackle Jim Bobbitt, bothered by
an ankle sprain, will be used spar-
ingly, if at all, Saturday. Quarter-
back Dick Proebstle, nursing sore
ribs, will see action only as a
Sophomore quarterback Charlie
Migyanka is scheduled to start but
senior Pete Smith, the better pass-
er, will spell him in an effort to
supplement the strong Spartan
ground attack.
COLUMBUS - Coach Woody
Hayes put his Ohio State football-
squad through a 25-minute drill on
goal line offense yesterday aimed
at insuring there will be no repe-

As of 3 a.m. this morning, The Daily sports staff had rated a
mere 11 of this week's Grid Picks as "definite" tossups; five as "prob-
able" tossups; three as tossups; and one sure winner.
With such favorable odds, no one can afford not to enter this
week's contest. Just wait until Friday to match the Consensus (which
leads the staff selectors) and bring or mail your entry to The Michi-
gan Daily office, 420 Maynard. You can come to pick up your two free
tickets to the Michigan Theatre and a subscribtion to the Football
News next week.
P.S. The Consensus hasn't picked them as well as our previous
winners, however. So don't feel bad. Get out your pencils, dig out last'
week's scores, and start picking them on your own. You probably won't
win, but you'll feel a lot better knowing you lost on your own picks.

tition of last Saturday's failures.
Those, of course, were when UCLAE
stopped the Buckeyes at the 1-yd.
line on three occasions.1
Other portions of yesterday's,
practice for the game at Illinois
stressed ball-carrying by the half-
backs and kicking plays.
Hayes calledthe day's work a
"pretty fair practice." He said
newly promoted Bob Butts is mak-
ing good progress at first-string
EVANSTON - Northwestern'
sharpened its passing attack and
emphasized passer protection yes-e
terday in a football scrimmage.
Bob Puette, third team fullback,
sprained a knee in the scrimmage
and will be sidelined for several
MINNESOTA - Minnesota
Coach Murray Warmath shuffled
through his regulars and reserves
yesterday, hunting for a place-
kicker to replace Mike Reid.
Reid's doctors said examinations
of an arm injury suffered on prac-
tice Tuesday turned out to be a
fracture, meaning Reid is out for
much of the season. He is a jun-
ior from Spring Valley, Wis.
It appeared halfback Jim Cairns
had the edge on reserve backs,
Terry Brown and Len Stream in
yesterday's practice.
CHAMPAIGN-Illinois' football
fortunes dipped again yesterday as
sophomore center and linebacker,
240-pound Dick Butkus of Chicago,
was hospitalized with a knee in-
Butkus was hurt in practice
Tuesday, but it was not regarded
serious. The knee swelled, how-
ever, and further diagnosis show-
ed a torn ligament. He will not
play against Ohio State in Illinois'
homecoming Saturday.
MADISON - Wisconsin Coach
Milt Bruhn was told yesterday that
three of his regulars who have
been sidelined with minor ailments
or injuries would be in shape to
play Saturday.

Team physicians said that Rog-
er Pillrath, a tackle who had a boil
removed from his arm, guard Steve
Underwood, who has a gash on
his forehead and end Elmars Ezer-
ins, who has a bruised shoulder,
would be ready for the game
against Notre Dame here Satur-
The Badgers went through a
modified scrimmage and worked
on a goal line offense yesterday.
There were no changes in the line-
ups of the first three teams, except
to replace the sidelined men.
IOWA CITY-The Iowa Hawk-
eyes concentrated on passing in
another hard football workout yes-
The squad scrimmaged on of-
fense and defense, with the re-
serves using Indiana plays. Iowa
opens its Big Ten campaign
against the Hoosiers at Blooming-
ton Saturday.
Bill Perkins, No. 1 fullback, was
back and took part in the workout.
His replacement, Vic Davis, showed
some hard running that drew
praise from Coach Jerry Burns.
The Hawks expect to have the
entire team in good physical shape
for the Indiana game wit hthe pos-
sible exception of quarterback Matt
Syzkowny, who worked in sweat

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h f
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Y. ~

1. MICHIGAN at MSU (score)
2. Ohio State at Illinois
3 .Iowa at Indiana
4. Northwestern at Minnesota
5. Notre Dame at Wisconsin
6. Penn State at Army
7. Yale at Columbia
8. Holy Cross at Harvard
9. West Virginia at Pittsburgh
10. Boston College at Syracuse
11. Georgia at Clemson

12. Texas A&M at Florida
13. Tennessee at Georgia Tech
14. Maryland at North Carolina
15. Kansas at Iowa State
16. Colorado at Oklahoma State
17. Washington vs. Oregon State
at Portland
18. Stanford vs. Washington State
at Spokane
19. Miami (Fla) at LSU (n)
20. Oregon at Rice (n)

NHL Results
Toronto 3, Chicago 1

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