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October 09, 1962 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-10-09

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Str Y rna
Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom


Drizzle, ending in morning,
with little change in temperature



Swainson, Romney
Debate State Issues
Governor Notes 'Great' Advances;
Opponent Asks Voter Participation
Special TJo The Daily
DETROIT-Gov. John B. Swainson and his Republican opponent
George Romney met last night in a debate that ranged over fiscal
reform, unemployment, leadership and the role of the citizen in
Speaking before the Economic Club of Detroit, Swainson led off
with a 15 minute speech that charged the business community with
"political laryngitis" in what he said was the failure of business
leaders to support his taxation program.
Swainson went on to note that "despite partisan opposition, Mich-
igan has taken great strides forward in the past 22 months."

'U Plans To Create New College
Within LSA Academic Structure

Views Soviet Missile Progress

May Be Operational

. . cites progress

* Specifically, Swainson cited eco-
nomic expansion which included
45 new firms that have moved in-
to the state, 84 new Michigan
businesses and 320 Michigan busi-
nesses that have expanded. He
also noted a reduction by two-
thirds of the number unemployed
and the setting up of a new office
in Detroit designed to give busi-
nessmen information on how to
bid for government contracts.
Romney, also making a 15 min-
ute speech, called for a "new di-
mension" in public affairs to pre-
vent "power bloc control of Michi-
gan government in the future."
He cited Michigan as a "dy-
namic, progressive, pioneering
state" that has changed into a
state wrought with "stalemate and
stagnation, bickering and exces-
sive partisanship" since World
War II.
'Economic Domination'
He cited "organized economic
domination" of the two political
parties as the source of Michigan's
ills and called for "individual cit-
izen participation in public af-
fairs" as the answer.
Later on, in a five minute re-
buttal speech allowed each candi-
date, replying to Swainson's
claims, Romney attributed reduced
unemployment to "the second-best
automomible year in history." He
also attributed the second-best
automobile year to the deVelop-
ment of the compact car in which
he, as president of American
Motors Corp., played arole.
Swainson, commenting on Rom-
ney's action during the last year,
noted that "it is one thing to talk
leadership. It's quite another to
exhibit it."
Kept Silent
"My Republican opponent-if he
will permit me to put the Republi-
can label on him-kept silent on
every state issue, he was nowhere
around when the fight was on and
the people asked to lay their lead-
ership on the line."
He continued that Romney "has
a standard alibi for keeping silent
on state issues, for refusing to take
a position. He says he was just a
private citizen, that he was too
busy for citizen participation in
government. In fact, he seemed
so busy urging other people to
speak up that he just did not have
t i m e to practice what he
Later, in the question and. an-
swer period, Swainson - despite
boos from the audience-claimed
that his tax position was public
before Romney's.
Dismisses Charge
Romney, dismissing Swainson's
charge, noted that he, as the head
of Citizen's for Michigan in 1960-
61, could not take a public posi-
tion on the income tax and fiscal
reform before the organization as
a whole had approved a stand.

,, . fiscal stability

... funds for mentally ill

Cite Concern
For Growth
Of Research
Prof. Richard Cutler of the
psychology department and State
Senator Stanley G. Thayer said
last night that development of the
state mental health program must
be gradual within the restrictions
of the state budget.
Each felt also that research pro-
grams within the- University could
be better correlated to and used
in administration of mental health
programs, although Cutler said at
a prohibitive cost.
Major Concerns
Thayer indicated that the maj-
or concerns of the legislature in
planning programs of assistance
to the mentally retarded were the
facilities and staff required, re-
search and the "ultimately. im-
portant" administrative organiza-
tion of the program.
One of the most pressing prob-
lems is the great lack of bed-
space. The waiting list includes
over 1600 names, two-thirds of
which have been classed as emer-
gency cases, Cutler said. Plants
are running at full capacity, while
an average hospital considers itself
busy when three-fourths of its
beds are full.
But plant expansion must pro-
ceed cautiously since programs
change continually and facilities
may become obsolete.
Cutler saw a need for day-care
programs to take pressure from
parents, pre-hositalization care to
provide skilled help for waiting-
list cases and an adequate level of
nursing coverage so that 80 wards
throughout the state would not
have to go untended daily.
Cutler said that research ap-
propriations suffer because the
public "doesn't see much use in
it." But Thayer said, "the issue
has come alive in the last ten
years. We can anticipate that'
there will be some solid action."

"The present philosophy of the
USSR in missile development
seems to be to make do with what
they already have," Donald Ritch-
ie, staff scientist of Bendix Re-
search Laboratories, said last
Ritchie discussed the philosophy
and capability of Soviet missile
development at the faculty sem-
inar on Arms Control and Dis-
According to Ritchie's studies
and calculations, the Soviets now
have the necessary capability to
land a man on the moon and bring
him back, with an arrangement of
only 33 payloads of the Vostok
type used in the double orbital
flight of cosmonauts Popovich and
Open Source Literature
"Ninety-five per cent of every-
thing we know about Soviet missile
development is derived from open
source literature," he said. Techni-
cal information is g a t h e r e d
through monitoring of Soviet books
and magazines. However, Ritchie
noted, this information differs
from ours in that it passes through
a "narrow filter"-the official cen-
sor. Code numbers printed in every
Russian magazine identify the cen-
sor so that he is held responsible
for its contents.
Much of this material comes
from the USSR to bookstores in
the United States. However, "only
one in 100 engineers in the United
States can read the Russian lan-
guage, while one in five Russian=
engineers can read English,"
Ritchie said.
In addition, the Russian gov-
ernment has a rotating board of
2,200 scientists at work translat-
ing scientific publications from
English, so that only one or two,
weeks elapse before a Western
journal can be circulated to Rus-
sian scientists.
Private Enterprise;
"However, we must depend on
private enterprise for our transla-
tion, and the delay in access to
Russian publications is often as
much as six months," he noted.
Also, the Russian process decreases
the cost of publications greatly,
while our methods increase costs.
Using slides reproducing photo-l
graphs from "Red Star," the offi-
cial daily newspaper of the Soviet
department of defense, Ritchie
enumerated several examples of
the implementation of, the philos-
ophy of "making do with what they
have" in Russian missile develop-
Some of the missiles are the ra-
dar "beam rider' type, but these
have limitations in that the pilot
of the aircraft must supply the
beam for the missile to follow, and
therefore he must stay with it as1
it approaches its target.f
Self-Contained Guidance
Another type, similar to U.S.
"sparrow" missiles, have a self-
contained guidance system. A thirdt

type seems to be a copy of thet
British "fire-streak" infra-red
missile which uses the heat of its
target for guidance, and thus needs
no outside help from the launch-
ing aircraft. It will be deflected
from its path if the sun is in its
"field of vision" or perhaps by the
heat given off by clouds. One air-
to-air missile seems to have been
copied from the U.S. "Sidewinder"
of the type lost to the Commu-
nist Chinese.
University 11
Federal. Res(
The problems and advantage
federal aid for research was discu
the heads of the nation's institut
Executive Vice-President Marv
meeting of the American Council
the University have not become iso
of the school because they have<
put in extra time to fulfill their
dual role.
"We want our people to remem-
ber their primary purpose at the
University is to teach," he said.
Niehuss explained that the large
number of grants received by the
University makes it necessary for.
it to be constantly on guard
against becoming too involved with
President Nathan Pusey of Har-
vard University reported some of
the drawbacks to federal grants.
These included the difficulty some
schools have raising matching
funds, the problem of a professor
having to divide his loyalty be-
tween his own project and his in-
"The government has to invest
where it will most benefit the
nation, and that is in the sciences
at the moment. The universities
should use whatever money they
save to build up the humantiies,"
President Clarence B. Hilberry of
Wayne State University said.
This point of view was also
stated by President Judson W.
Foust of .Central Michigan Un-
versity. However, he would like to

P ru
'Lad" H!
"Land Ho!" the 1961-62 Musket
show,has won a competition spon-
sored by. Broadcast Music, Inc., to
stimulate college composers and
Jack O'Brien, Grad, who wrote
the show, and Robert James, who
wrote the lyrics, will each receive
$500 checks and another $500 will
be presented to Musket itself.
The musical was selected from
34 entries. The B.M.I. competition
was established a year ago to
award $1,000 to the best musical
or revue presented in the United
States or Canada during the aca-
demic year plus a $500 prize to
the drama or music department
that sponsors the production.
Among the judges were Sheldon
Harnick and Jerry Block, writers
of the Pulitzer Prize-winning mu-
sical "Fiorello ! "; Lehman Engel,
composer and conductor for many
Broadway shows; producers-direc-
tors Edward Padula, Howard
Baker and Herman Shumlin.

Set Terms
Of inquiries
The probe of the Colorado Daily,
campus newspaper at the Univer-
sity of Colorado, will be centered
around an exact definition of the
responsibilities of the editor, the
university Board of Publications,
and .the university president and
regents, Daily editor Gary Altern
said last night.
Altern cited the Board of Pub-
lications as a case of unclear re-
sponsibility. The board is compos-
ed of six faculty members ap-
pointed by the-Faculty Senate.
The remaining six members, all
students, are appointed by the
student government. Yet the beard
is officially a President's Commit-
tee, even though the president has
no, role in the formation of the
Exact Functions
The exact function of all of-fi-
cials and official committees of
the university as they relate to
the newspaper will be careully
"There is no formal talk of cen-
sorship or editorial control," he
said, discussing university action,
but added that he and other senior
editors would resign if any censor-
ship were imposed.
The investigation of responsibili-
ties stems from a "vitriolic" ar-
ticle by Carl Mitcham criticizing
Senator Barry Goldwater (R-
Ariz) . The article, appearing in
a Daily supplement, The Gadfly,
referred to Goldwater as "a fool,
a Mounteback, a murderer, no
better than a common criminal."
Acquit Mitcham
Mitcham was brought before the
University Discipline Committee
charged with conduct unbecoming
a student. The committee, compos-
ed of four regehts and two faculty
members acquitted Mitcham of the
charges in a hearing last Thurs-
Senator Goldwater learned of

have it

? Ground-to-ground missiles util- iWO-Tree Years
ize a modified Stalin tank chas-
sis. Amphibian launchers keep the
same overall design as improve- Plan Ho es To Correct Problems
ments are added in increased steel
strength and increased size of nu- Of Large Undergraduate Schools
clear warheads. Ship-to-ship and
ship-to-shore installations utilize By DENISE WACKER
the same launching structures inBE
watertight compartments. All these Plans for the establishment of a "new residential liberal
are examples ophypersitin arts college" within the literary college are currently being
said. studied by the college's faculty, the Office of Academic Affairs,
-- --and the literary college steering committee.
OLE: From their planning and suggestions will emerge a pro-
posal for the first of a series of small colleges, with a predicted
'enrollment of 2,000 students, which will help the University
leads Dlebateuaccommodate increasing numbers of academically qualified
college students in Michigan,
Vice-President for Academic
$$ Affairs Roger W. Heyns said.
h The plan currently being stud-
ied was formulated by the lit-
s to colleges and universities of erary college curriculum commit-
issed at some length this week by tee after two semesters of seeking
ions for higher education. a way to expand the literary col-
in L. Niehuss told the 45th annual lege without distressing many fac-
on Education that researchers at ulty members who are "against
dated from the normal functioning any expansion."

extended to smaller

City Votes Down Message
To Mississippi Officials
The Ann Arbor City Council last night defeated a resolution re-
garding the crisis at Oxford, Miss., which was to se sent to Governor
Ross Barnett, state officials, and the City Council and Mayor of Ox-
The resolution, introduced by Councilman Lynn W. Ely, read in
part: "the Mayor and City Council of Ann Arbor-a city with a large
university and student population-know well the problems of main-
- taining an orderly environment for
educational institutions. . . . We
therefore encourage the governor
and other officials of the state and

Investigate Question
"About a year ago the literary
college executive committee asked
the curriculum committee to look
into the question of the 'hordes'
of oncoming students. Various sug-
gestions were offered, and one of
these was to establish a new, small-
er college," Prof. Theodore New-
comb of the psychology depart-
ment explained yesterday.
Prof. Newcomb is head of an in-
formal faculty committee estab-
lished recently to look into the
curriculum committee's proposals
and to learn the opinion of facul-
ty members.
He added that "it will take many
months of discussion before final
decisions are reached. The com-
mittee currently is open to any ob-
jections or suggestions which
might be raised concerning the ad-
ministration or structure of the
new college," he said.
No Formal Opinion
The literary school steering
committee was presented with coo-
ies of the proposals for the "new,
school" two weeks ago. They have
offered no formal opinion on the
plan, and "we didn't plan to try1
and get an opinion from the ma-
jority of literary school students,
since this sort of survey would be
very difficult for us to do," Ger-
ald Lax, '63, steering committee
chairman, explained yesterday.
In addition to solving the en-
rollment pi-oblem, the curriculum
committee's proposals c e n t e r
around improvement in four basic
"problem areas" of mass under-
graduate education.
"The first is the nature of out-
of-class student-to-student inter-
action. At Michigan it is our im-'
pression that the residential ar-
rangements are such that intellec-
tual interchange is unlikely. Stu-
dents in residence halls have few
common intellectual experiences to,
discuss. . . . A small residential 1
college would increase the likeli-
hood that students living in close
contact with one another would
have common educational experi-
Own Accommodations
The committee also suggests that
the new college have its own liv-
ing accommodations and "that we
may remedy any features of the
present dormitory arrangements ,
which are less satisfactory then
they might be . .."
' "This could eventually lead to
having classrooms within the dor-
mitory, and having staff men -
with their families-living with
students in a truly academic comn-
munity," Vice-President for Stu-
dent Affairs James A. Lewis said
Faculty, Student Exchange
A second problem, almost un-
avoidable in an institution as large
and complex as the University is
exchange between faculty-to-stu-
dents outside the classroom.
Third, the committee cited the:
tendency for a professor to be-
come immersed in his own de-
partment: this reduces intellectual

. .new college .
At Ole Miss
OXFORD (A)-The federal gov-
ernment cut back its forces around
the University of Mississippi yes-
terday as Negro James H. Mere-
dith began his second week of
classes without incident.
The scene at the 29-year-old
Meredith's first class was the
quietest yet, according to a Justice
Department attorney who accom-
panied him. Two marshals trailed
some 30-40 feet away.
The Army said it was pulling out
some 5,400 troops from nearby Co-
lumbus, Miss., and Memphis, Tenn.
-the first withdrawal of the fed-
eral. forces brought into the inte-
gration struggle.
At the same time, the Army said
it planned to release another 4,000
Mississippi National Guardsmen
tonight. The Pentagon released
about 3,500 guardsmen last Fri-
day and let 4,600 others return
home-but still in federal service
and on-call. These 4,600 now will
be released entirely from duty.
The action leaves about 3,000
guardsmen in the Oxford area, the
Army said.
In keeping with the army cut-
back, the marshals who act as
Meredith's bodyguard have drop-
ped their total number to 20. More
than 500 came to Ole Miss to in-
sure Meredith's enrollment.
Except for those few marshals
who are with Meredith at all
times, the rest are expected to
move off campus.
The Supreme Court rejected an
appeal by Mississippi contesting
orders from lower courts which re-
sulted in Meredith's enrollment
earlier in the day.
Editors Plan
Ensian Change
"The Michiganensian will take
on an all new look in '63," Rcn
Kramer, '64, business manager, an-
The most notable change is the
elimination of all posed group pic-
tures. The 150 pages of living units
will be cut out. The posed senior
section of the book will remain the
All the informal aspects of
group living on campus will be


Hiller, Hailer Grand-Slam to Victory

NEW YORK MA)--Hiller and Haller, a likely name for a song-and-
dance team, put the New York Yankees' M & M boys to shame yester-
day with two big home runs in a 7-3 San Francisco victory that squared
the World Series at two games each.
The Yanks won, 3-2, Sunday behind Bill Stafford's pitching.
Chuck Hiller, a sturdy little second baseman with only three
homers all season, hit his very first grand-slammer in the seventh with
the score tied at 2-2. If Hiller ever hit one with the bases loaded it
must have been along the way in Cocoa, Fla., Minot, N.D., Eugene,
Ore., or Rio Grande Valley, Texas. He can't remember it if he did.
Slammed Homer
Tom Haller, a brawny catcher, slammed his homer with a man on
in the second, the only runs off Whitey Ford and the only runs in the
game until the Yanks rallied and tied it in the sixth.
As a result of these heroics and some masterful brain waves from
Manager Alvin Dark in a duel of strategy with Ralph Houk of the
Yanks, the Series definitely will return to San Francisco for a sixth
game Thursday and possibly a seventh game Friday. However, the
winner of today's fifth game, the finale at Yankee Stadium, will have
a chance to close it out after a day off for travel tomorrow.
Hiller, central figure in the clubhouse after the game, jokingly
pointed to the averages that showed he hit only three home runs all

the mayor and city council of Ox-
ford to make every effort to assist
in the restoration of orderly gov-
ernment in Oxford, scene of the
disorders incident to the admis-
sion of James H. Meredith to the
University of Mississippi."
Conscious of Limitations
The resolution also stated that
the Council was "conscious of our
own limitations and unfinished
work here -in Ann Arbor and in
the north. . .. We hope that soon
no person at thehUniversity of
Mississippi or anywhere in Amer-
ica will be denied his rights--
because of his race or the color of
his skin."
An amended motion, introduced,
by Councilman Hutcher, omitting
all reference to the situation in
Oxford, was also defeated.
Repeats Policy
The amended resolution stated
only that Council "repeated our
policy and hoped that racial dis-
crimination be conquered." Hutch-,

Wahnvwi .Vq"M I% - w".A.


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