See Page 4
Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom
Fair and cooler
Place Delegates
On Advice Group
SGC Defeats Ross-Olinick Motion,
Adopts New Procedure for Election
Student Government Council passed a motion last night to place
seven delegates on the Advisory Committee for the Office of Student
Affairs, although with some reservations about advisory groups.
Council also adopted a plan to hold SGC elections on one day
only, Nov. 14. The revised rules for the up-coming election were ac-
cepted by the body.
The motion on the advisory board was a composite proposal tak-
ing points from the former Ross-Olinick motion, the original proposal
from the executive committee and
U' ositionon Federal Aid
Predicting that federal grants
for classroom construction will" be
approved by Congress within the
near future, University President
Harlan Hatcher yesterday outlined
the University's position on feder-
al aid to higher education.
He said the University would
accept funds that would be made
available on a one-for-one match-
ing basis in a bill now before Con-
gress, but declared that no such
aid would be accepted for faculty
President Hatcher commented
:+ '
that the University would agree teacher salaries. "Here is an area benefit the nation as a whole "is President Hatcher also noted
"in principle" to a bill providing in which I feel the state should re- legitimate and should be extend- several limitations of federal aid,
grants without the matching- tain responsibility," he remarked. ed." The University already re- and the fallacy of considering it
funds provision. However, since no He said that the advantage of ceives funds for undertakings of a free gift from Washington.
such bill has been written, he de- federal aid over state appropria- this type, such as the National De- "Some of its supporters say that,
clined to say whether the Univer- tions is that the federal govern- fense Education Act's student loan since the people can't provide edu-
sity would accept its grants. "That ment can raise more capital in a program, cation, it's up to the federal gov-
depends on how it's written," he shorter amount of time - some- Could Aid Foreigners ernment. This is an error in ana-
explained. thing vitally needed today. In addition, "the federal gov- lyzing the economics and responsi-
Free Funds Time Insufficient ernment could legitimately aid in bility involved," he commented.
He voiced the hope that federal "Realistically, I do not see how the education of the University's "When they pass an aid bill in
aid for construction would free a we can generate enough capital foreign students, as this is a na- Washington, they will come back
significant amount of state funds under local legislative processes tional university, those elements here for the taxes," he added.
for faculty paychecks. for what we need," he commented. of a national or international In fact, President Hatcher re-
However, the President drew the He added that federal aid on character could be supported by niarked, Michigan, as a relative-
line at federal aid for college education programs which will the federal government." ly prosperous state, will pay out
more for federal aid than it re-
Another Problem
President Hatcher cited another
difficulty that could arise in the
federal aid program, if it went
too far.
"The United States is too big
for a Washington agency to
handle its educational system -
financially, administratively or in
any other way," he said.
"Education ought to remain the
responsibility of the local com-
munities and the states, especially
higher education," he added.
------------------ -1--- -----------
. church censorship
Arnold Backs
By Catholics
"Opposition to censorship us-
ually comes from a refusal to ac-
cept one or more of the presup-
positions under which the Catholic
C h u r c h operates," The Rev.
Claude Arnold said yesterday in
a discussion at the Newman Club.
But the most valid argument
against censorship, and the one
which is of most concern to Cath-
olics, is that "to censor is in some
way to stifle the search for truth,"
Y Fr. Arnold added.
He quoted Jacques Maritain's
book, "The Responsibility of the
Artist": "From the point of view
of art, the artist is responsible on-
ly to his art. From the point of
view of morality the artist is re-
sponsible, to the good of human
life. . .
Moral Danger
Fr. Arnold acknowledged that
often. time takes care of "bad"
books. But "it doesn't matter if a
book isn't around, in 50 years if
now in the judgment of prudent
men, it presents a moral danger
to those who read it."
Ordinarily, to read a book that
is forbidden by the church, one
must have a good reason and be
given permission by an approp-
riate church authority (usually a
bishop), he noted.
But sometimes "one's own pru-
dent judgment is enough," as
when a book is assigned by an
Divine Commission
Fr. Arnold discussed several
presuppositions of the Catholic
church, including "that the truth
can be known," and "that the
Church is commissioned by God
to teach the truth."
He noted that arguments such
as "no one can say what the truth
is" and "the church is a purely
human organization, a sociological
phenomenon" do not impress
Although the argument that
"censorship itself stifles t h e
truth" is more valid than the
others, it also upsets the Catholic
assumption that it's the function
of the church to teach the ideal
and point the direction toward it.
Fr. Arnold explained that the
various kinds of censorship include
books, eccelesiastical art a n d
music, and movies.
There are several classes of
books which are forbidden by the
church, Fr. Arnold noted.
These include religious books
which appear without the proper
censorship of the church, books.
that are against faith or attack
religion or morality, and books
whcih are considered obscene.
Kennedy Sets
incorporating an additional
amendment from Fred Battle, '63
Evaluate ci
SGC delegates to the OSA board'c h ir
will also act as a study committee
to evaluate the effectiveness and
function of the advisory body and
will report findings to Council next
May, according to the motion. { r'
The proposal also asked that the!f a n
board be open to all Council mem-
bers and that they should have
opportunity to address the board
at the end of meetings.
It stressed that the SGC ap-
pointments to the body are "tem- ACTION BY DEA
porary." ATO YDA
Start Work
SGC's executive committee will
begin receiving requests to partici-
pate on the board and recommend
nominees to the Council. p
In expressing reservation about B
the role of advisory boards, the
motion said that a group "which and MARTHA MacNEAL
provides not the authority to enact "The College Clamor," student
but only opportunity to -advise" newspaper of Flint Junior College,
will not promote vigorous self-gav- has been suspended from publica-
ernment and will not fully encour- tion by Lawrence Jarvie, General
age proposals and criticism. Superintendent of Schools, on the
It also pointed out that there strong recommendation of Dean
are student organizations and fac- Lewis Fibel.
ulty groups which could adequate- Last night Fibel released a pol-
ly act in an advisory capacity, icy approved by Jarvie which would
Definitions offer definite rules for students
By definition SGC is the offi- working on the publication, but
cial representative of the student, details could not be obtained.
The University Senate Student Re- Jarvie said yesterday that he
lations Committee, which is parti-
cipating on the advisory board, isrey
tion, the motion states.
However, Council's motion jus-
tified its participation by stating
that it does not want to deny the
possible success of the proposed
board. Carl Braden and Frank Wilken-
Election and petitioning proced- son, active workers for the aboli-
ure will remain essentially the tion of the House Un-American
same with the exception that can- Activities Committee, will speak on
didates will have to sign affidavits HUAC at 3:30 p.m. today at an
stating that they have read and open campus meeting at Wayne'
are aware of the petition and State University.
election rules and, upon turning Approval. of the speakers was
in of petitions, that "to the can- announced Tuesday by WSU Pres-
didates knowledge all signatures ident Clarence B. Hillbury, and the
were obtained according to elec- Student Forum Committee.
tion rules," according to the re- Arouses Controversy
port of elections director, Michael Controversy concerning t h e
Levin, '63. WSU speaker policy was aroused
__________last May when Hillbury vetoed
a scheduled appearance of Braden
Senate Asked and Wilkeson on the grounds
that he did not find sufficient
S T . evidence of their competence to
10 nVeSigate contrbiute to scholarly inquiry.
Hillbury's latest decision follow-
W l e 's Sta ed a careful review of materials
W a'iers Y relating to Braden and Wilkenson,
including a study of court opin-
SPRINGFIELD, Mo. (M)--Edwin ions related to their citation for
__- onem t of Con ress in 1959fir
" s
d Paper at FlintCollege
Orbits Earth Six
was "delaying publication" of the
"Clamor" until a decision could be
reached on "what the purpose of
a college paper should be."
'Unfair Reporting'
Commenting last night, Dean
Fi bel said that he ordered the
suspension not because of any
particular article, but because "the
general quality of articles was
sometimes unfair.
"A lack of straight news report-
ing in newsarticles and poor
journalism made me think this
move was necessary," he added.
"But the new policy (he released
last night) is a strong step in the
right direction."
According to Christine Decker,
features editor of the "Clamor."
the newspaper had published only
two issues before the suspension,
neither of which was controversial.
leges and universities have been have been distributed, quoting the
asked to send delegations to the I Virginia Charter of 1776: "Free-
demonstration. Seminar discus- dom of the press is one of the
sions of freedom of the press will greatest bulwarks of liberty, and
be part of the program. can never be restrained but by
Dignitaries on Hand despotic governments."
This weekend, at the time of Students are wearing black arm-+
the planned demonstration, Pres- bands imprinted "College Clamor."!
ident John F. Kennedy, Gov. John According to Jarvie, "This is
B. Swainson, and about 7000 edu- not an independent paper. It is
cators will be in Flint to observe financed from tuition fees andr
"the model Flint school system," we feel that perhaps the editors{
Miss Decker reported. need a policy decision on where to
Meanwhile, protest handbills draw the line."
Armed Units Still PreuParedl
Astronaut Undergoes
Trouble-Free Flight
space Journey Covers 1709,000 Miles;
Europe Watches Telstar Broadcast
By The Associated gress
CAPE CANAVERAL-Astronaut Walter M. Schirra cir-
cled the globe six times yesterday-the longest United States
space jaunt yet-and splashed to a happy landing in the Pa-
The spaceman was plucked from the sea by the aircraft
carrier Kearsarge and was pronounced in excellent condition,
physically and psychologically. The landing was about 275
miles northeast of Midway Island.
In a remarkable demonstration of pinpoint accuracy, the
Sigma Seven capsule landed within four miles of the planned
landing zone only about 9,000"
Far TVyolence ii1s s..,yards from the recovery ship.
FM issi SIppiThe flight lasted 9 hours, 13
minutes-two minutes longer
By The Associated Press than planned-and covered
The suspension order came "out
of a clear blue sky," she said, in
the form of memos given to
"Clamor" editor Ann Therrien and
other publications officials. No
explanation was offered. .
The first hints of reasons be-
hind the suspension to reach
"Clamor" staff members were con-
tained in articles appearing in
the Detroit Free Press and The
Flint Journal.
It was reported that Jarvie had
charged that the "Clamor" was
less a newspaper than an organ
for expression of student opinion,
sometimes on topics not related to
the college, and that an unidenti-
fied member of the board of edu-
cation had complained of "tongue
in cheek" humor directed at him-
OXFORD, Miss. - Nearly 4000 armed troops were withdrawn
from the University of Mississippi yesterday as James H. Meredith
went through a third day as the fir'st forcibly integrated Negro
student in the school's 114-year history.
But federal officials cocked a troubled eye toward possible dis-
orders on the coming weekend. Some 8,000 heavily armed soldiers re-
mained to keep tight control of - -------
the campus.
Some Disturbance tourt Orders
However, during the night an
effigy of Meredith was burned, 17 J
bottles thrown and several armed Lia , 1L5L 1
persons arrested near the campus."
Nearly 30,000 southerners, most On Itegraton
of them with ingrained hatred of
racial integration, were expected
for Saturday's football game. Harvey Gantt, an Iowa State
In Washington, Atty. Gen. Rob- College architecture student who
ert F. Kennedy said he was hope- hopes to become the first Negro'
ful of an early withdrawal of fed- to enroll at Clemson College,
eral troops from Oxford. But he Clemson, S. C., was granted an
added that there is no timetable early hearing by a Federal Court
as yet prepared for any with- of Appeals in Alexandria, Va. The
drawal. hearing will be held today.
E about 170,000 miles.
Frogmen Move
Helicopters immediately rushed
from the carrier and dropped
frogmen into the water to attach
a flotation balloon to the base of
the capsule to stabilize it.
The capsule landed at 4:28 p.m.
and 42 minutes later the Kear-
sarge pulled alongside and lifted
it, with Schirra inside, aboard.
And so the United States took
another step, however small, to-
ward a hoped-for landing on the
moon before the end of this dec-
Telstar Beams
The beginning of the remark-{
able, almost trouble-free flight
was viewed on television in 26 Eu-
ropean countries, including nine
behind the Iron Curtain, via the
United States-owned Telstar com-
:.. round 'n round
A. Walker, former major general
arrested in the University of Mis-!
sissippi rioting, was stalled yes-
terday in his bid for freedom and
one of his attorneys asked for a
Senate investigation.
Walker's corps of attorneys'
gathered to petition for a writ of
habeas corpus seeking his release
from the United States medical
center here. I
Late in the day a question of
jurisdiction arose-whether the
action should be filed in the fed-
eral district court here or in Kan-
sas City, headquarters of the judi-
cial district.
History 1
hvuigreusd o nwe qesiosOnly Satire Ecoraedhe attorneys represening m'nuu'at.L'urmateu. i1 . v i
Only atireEncouraged
having refused to answer questions 'Claor" staff member in- Other Justice Department of- Gantt are asking the court to is- Afterwards, Schirra received the
posed by HUAC.ddCamorhatthefmemerhnrg theriustnwice atedthof-sue a temporary injunction to stop warm congratulations of President t 1W illiam s
Contacts were also made with dicated that the latter charge ficials, meanwhile, indicated they the school from refusing his ap- John F. Kennedy and many other
officials on other campuses whereI might be a "misunderstanding" of were encouraged by court devel- piainfo diso.Ti al ol esngs nldn nt
the two have appeared. a satire on conservatism, and no opments in the Meredith case. hearingn for admission. This early world personages, including nali On W ay O ut
w aeap re. reference to any particular person In Jackson, Miss., a 21-year-old hearing was granted as an appeal e Nations Secretary- General f
Issues Statement referened. N ago n, A san 21-year-od from an adverse ruling in a lower Thant. Moscow Radio described
In a statement released Tues- was intended. Negro girl, Alfanette Bracey, said cut the astronaut as a "courageous son
day. Hillbry said "they have t Flint students, encouraged by a she had received "only a receipt" Aot.e the Aerina s"o e so WilliamsC College is now in the
cademi baground and dexten Committee for Re- from the University of Mississippi Among Gantt's attorneys are of the American people.f process of eliminating fraternities
establishment of Freedom of the in response to her application for Mrs. Constance Motley and Jack "The tremendous amount of in- from the campus, John Kifner,
sive knowledge of the subject area. es het redmo t rnse ther Greenburg, chief counsel for the formation fed to us at the right editor of the "Williams Record,"
and no proof exists that their PrNational Association for the Ad- time, the good weather which made 'sid terd
appearance would violate the um- stration to begin at noon tomorrow And at the university, a groupvancent sfColored People dandnsayes ay.
versity s speaker policy or be in in the parking lot. of professors said last night they attorney for James H. Meredith. observation and the fact that the On the basis of the "Angevine
conflict" with a resolution passed The National Student Associa- have evidence that attempts to, Report," compiled by a committee
recently by the state Legislature. tion has been informed of the place all the blame for rioting here Application Refused flight by Schirra was perfec-al of faculty, alumni and students,
Neither speaker has been proved situation and is sending advisors on federal marshals is unfair and Gantt said that he first applied these share credit in an unprege- the college has begun to imple-
to be a Communist. to Flint, and other Michigan col- almost completely false.fea ary 1961 while a freshman at Iowa who directed the Navy's part of ienten syste as it no xist
State. His application for the fall the recovery, commented. fratereporttwas intiate b
IRES: of 1961 was refused that August. Four Experiments stude repotias initiated by a
Last December he reapplied for The National Aeronautics and
admission for this fall. Gantt said Space Administration indicated The fraterity organization at
that Clemson has taken no action that four key experiments were thel popuin ofs sphomoreso
P a r t me v '] t Tea H onors H yma I~~~on this application.maedrnthsitepoutonfspooe,
Bepartm ent Tea Honors Hym a nHsatony said' lih limrs yseruhn
eetmoismaeduigth i-orbit flight. I juniors and seniors. (Under the
in district court by Clemson Pres- checked to see how much Williams rush system, rushing
By DENISE WACKER Hyia's former students, who cur- and received his bachelor of arts ident R. C. Edwards show that he Ifrom earth can be seen by a man does not take place until the soph-
T iently is a member of the history and master of arts degrees, as well is a superior students and that he in space A the space capsulmore year.
Thee stlRgets y-bwwhchI meets all equirements for admis- "nsae s hesaecpue The process of change is evo-
aterstaRwgents yawwhishr .department at Andrew University as his doctorate in history, at the m passed Woomera, Australia, flares t '" ' g
statesithSprngs.Univrsit.sHebea ah sian. Prof. Norman Rudi, Gantt's lutionay, Kfner said. It will
ss in Berrien Springs. University. He began teaching here were firednot be a case of here today, gone
passes his 69th birthday, he has Twelve of the essays were writ- 1 i 1924.l adviser at Iowa State, confirmed AtDr!,SuhArcee oorw*
reached the end of his academic te yvtents theoessay eted!Po.H ha writ-tmn1m24. the judgment At Durban South Africa, elec- ? tomorrow'. "
career at the University.a ten by students who completed Prof. Hyma has written more College Nearer hometric lights equal to 3,000.000 can- - The college will assume the so-
ceette Universty s rtheir doctoral dissertations in his- than 45 books, and has been pub- G oleg Nee H rme dlepower flashed on as the capsule cial mole of the fraternity and will
Soe tme fomercstets - , tory under Prof. Hymass direction. lished in numerous journals na fer was based on a desire to at- orbited by. probably buy or otherwise take
tiring professor belongedhonors The remaining two were written America and Europe. H nce was tend college nearer home. No Takes Pictures over most of the existing facilities
tiigpoesrblneby historianis wh~o foryeairs have {knighted by Queen Wilhelmina of Ftendtcollegeonearerehome.tN
the staff member for the years of by h soiate s e Ntherlan for msah he course in architecture is offered at For the second experiment, in order to possess a larger role
service devoted to the University. "eeThis is a very rare hnoT that had done into Dutch history. the South Carolina College for Schirra took pictures from his 100-.in feeding and housing men on
Yesterday the history depart- Negroes at Orangeburg. mile-high space craft for compar- campus.
ment, several administrators, and former students would help fa- Sued University Clemson attorneys contend tat ison with those taken of the moon
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