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October 11, 1962 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-10-11

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t t fat :4 Eai
Seventy-Third Year
Truth Will Preva l"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

"Some Of You Have Perhaps-- Hrmph - Heard Of
These Tribes"
Cod" ON
a . : . .h i .i ?i I .

Dutch Evacuate
New Guinea Colony

Gubernatorial Candidates
View Education Superficially

GOv. JOHN B. Swainson and his opponent,
knight in not-so-shining armor George
Romney, have something in common politically:
appallingly limited and parochial views on edu-
Both candidates have talked in generalities;
neither of them has expressed a really sound
program for Michigan higher education in the
'60's. Instead of realizing the vastness and the
complexity of the problems facing state-
supported colleges and universities, they have
chosen to deal superficially with only two
issues, expansion and research.
EACH CANDIDATE has promised to do his
best for higher education. Each one has
also made the appeal to parents about "will
Michigan's colleges and universities be able to
admit your child." Each has promised or in-
ferred that if elected he will be able to help
public colleges and universities be ready for the
post World War II baby boom that will soon
inundate higher education.
These promises are nothing less than sheer
political dishonesty. It is already too late. The
University is planning only gradual expansion
as University President Harlan Hatcher' noted
recently. There is even some question of
whether the University may ever attempt to
expand in proportion to the number of those
requesting admission. After all, there is almost
certainly a point not far from the University's
present enrollment point where further expan-
sion would seriously injure quality.
The two other large public universities,
Wayne State University and Michigan State
University, whether or not they are willing to
expand, simply do not have the facilities. The
capital outlay program which these univer-
sities, as well as the University, had requested
throughout the '50's was never forthcoming.
Neither were the appropriations necessary to
expand or eyen simply to hold faculty. In ad-
dition, it is doubtful that these institutions
would want to undergo a 20-30 per cent en-
rollment increase in a three to four year period

since their student bodies, like the University's,
already number well over 20,000.
MICHIGAN'S SMALLER universities are sim-
ilarly unprepared for drastic and rapid ex-
pansion. Although the growth of the state's
smaller institutions might have been the best
alternative for meeting increased educational
demands, these institutions would require mas-
sive injections of funds for both capital outlay
and operation as well as time to prepare.
Thus Michigan's state-supported colleges and
universities are not and cannot be prepared
for the first wave of the baby-boom. Any can-
didate for public office who claims that they
can be prepared for massive growth within
the next two years is simply playing politics.
Two or three years cannot undo the lack of
progress and foresight among legislators over
the last five.
Furthermore, there is a misconception of
what public universities ought to be doing. The
constant emphasis of both candidates, espe-
cially Romney, has been the role of higher edu-
cation in the Michigan economy. Romney has
gone so far as to say that thedmajor reason
for locating the automobile industry in the
state has been Michigan's leadership in higher
One may well question Romney's proposition.
But aside from any doubts one. might have in
this direction, it is certainly a limited view-
point on the function of higher education. It
is especially significant when one considers that
Romney does. not seem to have made any com-
ment on any function of state-supported col-
leges and universities unrelated to economic
OF COURSE there is nothing inherently
wrong with the University being the train-
ing ground for technicians and various other
persons interested in industry-related fields;
but a university's function extends far beyond
teaching technical and professional skills.'
This economic view of universities extends
into the candidates' view of research. Research
obviously helps the state economy. The Uni-
versity is an internationally known research
center. Therefore, Romney has proposed a space
research center probably to be located at the
University and Swainson has charged that this
proposal shows Romney's ignorance of the
existence" of the Institute of Science and Tech-
nology. The space institute would help Michi-
gan attract space firms to the state. Swain-
son's proposals for increased research appro-
priations are aimed at substantially the same
Perhaps increased space research would at-
tract industry to Michigan. But again, both
candidates have failed to take any notice of
the broader function of research in a scholarly
community. They have failed to consider the
great amount of research which may have no
direct or immediate economic effect but which
may be of great value in a scholarly field. TheI
University is not and ought not to be a research
factory for industry.
STILL ANOTHER AREA of higher edcation'
which neither candidate has even mention-
ed is graduate education. So concerned have
they been with the baby-boom, that they have
not even chosen to comment on the growtha
of graduate study, especially at the Universityi
where it has been greatest.1
Another major, fault in both campaign plat-
forms is their failure to provide a really sound
plan for financing higher education. Swainson
has consistently advocated larger educational
appropriations but he has been unable to in-
fluence the Legislature to grant them. Romneyt
has said that the future of Michigan's higherr
education is tied to economic progress. But itx
is hardly a suitable system to make UniversityI
appropriations a function of automobile sales.I
There is still another difficulty with adequatec
appropriations. Even if a fiscal reform program
centered around an income tax passed by the
Legislature in its next session, at least twoe
moderate Republicans have predicted that itx

Associated Press Feature Writer
HOLLAND-I A, Dutch New
Guinea-The Dutch are pulling
out as fast as they can from West
New Guinea - their last colonial
territory of the once great Dutch
East Indies.
There is no panic, but they leave
with a mixture of emotions-deep
regret, sadness, relief and some
As one Dutch trader said: "We
knew we had to leave sooner or
later. But it is always sad when
you are actually faced with leav-
ing. Our role in this part of the
world has been played out. We
have reached the end of the road."
This tropical territory astride
the equator with most of its 161,-
000 square miles consisting of
dense jungles, coastal swamps and
undeveloped lands, will be trans-
ferred from The Netherlands to a
United Nations administration for
a seven-month interim period Oct.
1. Next May 1 Indonesia takes
Stone Age
Native Papuans in the central
highlands of this California-sized
territory still live in the stone age
and have little or no contact with
white men.
Since the Dutch-Indonesian
ceasefire on Aug. 15, the departure
of women and children has been
accelerated. Many dependants of
Dutch officials began leaving more
than a year ago, when the Indo-
nesians threatened military action
to recover what they claimed to
be part of the former Dutch East
Of a total Dutch population of
aboutn16,000. only 400 to 500 will
remain after Oct. 1. These are
mostly Dutch officials who plan
to be home by Christmas.
Although the United Nations is
offering double salaries to the
Dutch who remain during the
transition, only a handful are
willing to stay.
Chartered Flights
Airports at Biak and Hollandia
are packed with women and chil-
dren boarding regular and char-
tered airline flights to Holland
and some to Australia. Airlines
and ships are booked solidly
through the end of the year.
Many homes are for sale but

there are no buyers. The Dutch are
shipping their autos home because
there are no takers.
Business in Hollandia has been
almost paralyzed since the cease-
fire agreement. The flow of capi-
tal back to Holland has quickened.
Businessmen are remaining to
see whether they will be able to
salvage some of their stocks after
the territory is transferred to the
United Nations.
Stocks Depleted
Banks have stopped credits.
Business is limited to cash sales.
Shops are running out of goods
and shelves are getting bare. All
building projects have been halted.
Many Dutch came here from In-
donesia in the 1950's after they
were forced out because of nation-
alization and other restrictions.
"We have had our fill, doing
business with Indonesians," said
one Dutch trader. "I assure you
I want no part of them again."
Some Dutch are bitter at the
United States for pressuring them
into a surrender of the territory.
They also find the short transition
period under the United Nations a
huge joke.
Administration o f f i c e s are
emptying rapidly. Of 2,200 gov-
ernment employes about 400 are
remaining with the United Na-
tions. Schools are closing.
Hilly City
A Dutch oldtimer sadly shook
his head as we drove through hilly
"We gambled on securing inde-
pendence for the Papuans in three
to four years. We hoped we could
continue business here. I am not
a blind idealist but the Dutch gov-
ernment, perhaps trying to make
amends for the sad experience in
Indonesia, began pouring in about
$30 million a year for administra-
tion and development of this ter-
ritory. We got little in return but
here was some growth and some
"It is possible we attempted too
much too soon at this late stage,
remembering the mistake we made
in Indonesia when we forgot to
give the Indonesians responsible
"We promised. Papuans inde-
pendence. But any hope of inde-
pendence in the near future is
gone. It is the end of an era."

Our Economic Strength

Paradise Lost

SAN FRANCISCO is going to have a tremen-
ous hangover Sunday morning. The "damn
Yankees" are in town.
The hangover is going to be caused by
either unfulfilled expectation or else a fully
deserved culmination and triumph. The biggest
party seen In California since 1959 will be held,
or rather be riotiously thrown if the Giants
win. Even Hollywood parties of the past, known
for their grandiose sizes, will be belittled into
obscurity by a town caught in the fall frenzy
The entire state will rock along with San
Francisco, except, for a sad county about 300
miles to the south.
THE TITANTIC struggle will have reached its
climax. Heroes. immortal in the minds of
many, will have locked bats. Homers will have
been walloped, great catches and plays made,
and sterling pitching hurled in this World
Series battle, but the outcome will rest on
some mental lapse, some careless misplay, or
maybe some "pitch that got away.".
After six months and more than 160 base-
ball games, after thousands of hits, hundreds
of thousands of pitches, thousands of swings,
and thousands of outs, the whole season will
be drawn together and condensed into a period
of .six or seven games.M
All the tension of the past six months will
be drawn around the diamond and projected
to millions of people across the nation.
FRUSTRATION AND joy will be compounded
in the bad bounce or a gust of wind. Every-
thing will be forgotten. The cold war, astro-
nauts, and varied crises will be pushed aside
till the mighty end. With transistor radios
locked to millions of ears and probably more
eyes glued to television sets, a whole nation be-
comes hypnotized by a white spheroid weigh-
ing only nine ounces. Like the almighty struggle
described by Milton life itself is being deter-
mined for two cities while many others look
on. But, when its over, one will be named
"Paradise Lost."
Business Staff
LEE SCLAR, Business Manager
SUE FOOTE .....,............ Finance Manager
RUTH STEPHENSON............. Accounts Manager
SUE TURNER .......... Associate Business Manager
THOMAS BENNETT.........Advertising Manager
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
CAROLINE DOW ............... Personnel Director

THE WESTERN world is not
losing and perhaps is winning
the Cold War at this stage of his-
The best proof of this lies in
the way the Western world is be-
coming stronger and more united
while the Communist world floun-
ders and becomes more splintered.
The Common Market is such a
success that:
The United States is. liberalizing
its trade policies so as to be more
closely integrated with the Euro-
pean Economic Community;
Great Britain, Norway, Denmark
and Ireland are applying for full
membership in it;
Greece, Turkey, Spain and Por-
tugal are asking for associate
membership as a prelude to full
Austria, Sweden and Switzer-
land, three neutrals, are also ap-
plying for associate membership;
Israel and Iran are seeking a
general trade and tariff agree-
ment with it; and
Premiers Khrushchev of the
Soviet Union and Tito of Yugo-
slavia are denouncing it as vig-
orously as their Marxist dialogue
will allow.
* * *
such a success that many leaders
are now seriously considering not
merely the economic but also the
political union of Europe.
Thus, the Western or so-called
Free World unites, prospers and
trengthens, irritated but not really
worried about most of the threats
of the Communists. Of course
there are several threats to worry
about, such as China's develop-
ment of nuclear weapons and the
possible move by the Russians and
East Germans to gobble up West
Berlin, which is still Khrushchev's
Aside from these very real dan-
gers, there is much to be optimistic
about. The economies of the Coi-
munist countries are doing poorly,
particularly in agriculture and in
consumer goods. The neutrals,
while staying off the West's band-
wagon, are going for no rides with
the Communists either (India, the
argest and most important neu-
ral, is even actively engaged in
military battle with the Chinese
Communists over the lines of
heir mutual border).
nists are split six ways:
The Russian Communists are no
onger leaders of any Communist
nternational because internation-
al Communism no longer exists.
The Chinese, joined by the for-
mer Russian satellite of Albania,
re denouncing the Russians for
being soft on capitalism. They are
eing militant in foreign policy
while trying to develop the nuclear
weapons needed to make this mil-
tancy effectual.
The Yugoslavs have been at
dds with both the Russians and
he Chinese for a long time. How-
ver, in the past two weeks Yugo-
lavia and Russia have been taking

each of these groups in a different
way, and here is where one of
the paradoxes of the Cold War
arises: the administration seeks to
trade with and give aid to two
Communist countries-Yugoslavia
and Poland-in our national in-
terest, while seeking to stop trade
and aid by anyone to another
Communist country-Cuba-in our
same national interest.
Congressional opponents of such
trade and aid have been more
articulate and defiant this session
than in the past. They tried to
eliminate Poland and Yugoslavia
from our programs and they suc-
ceeded in mending President Ken-
nedy's trade bill so as to make
commerce more difficult with these
two countries. Perhaps it is be-
cause of this extensively reported
Congressional opposition that Yu-
goslavia now seems to be moving
back into the Soviet camp.
The standard response is that
conservatives, instead of hindering,
are helping the Communist cause
this way. But the question might
then be asked: Is it better to have
unified, weaker enemies or divided,
stronger enemies?
* * *
WHAT MANY Americans would
like to see would be the people
overthrow the Communist regimes
from within and the establish-
ment of more democratic govern-
ments. But before a subjugated
people can think of revolution they
have to think of food, which is
scarce in Communist states. Thus,
when we give our surplus food to
people under Communism, we are
not only humanitarian but also
political: we better prepare them
to fight off oppression.}
But at the same time we lessen
a source of their discontent. Aid
in surplus food thereby makes the
oppressed more able but less in
the mood to revolt. Furthermore,
they remember that when the
peoples of Hungary and East Ger-
many revolted, the West was not
able to help them much, since the
sending of our troops would have
been aggression on our part and
could have provoked the final
world war.
While Communists of the world
are divided, they exercise firm con-
trol in their separate states. And
while the 20th century has shown
that it is Communism, not capital-
ism, that contains the seeds of its
destruction, and while in C. L.
Sulzberger's words some of these
seeds are already sprouting shoots,
at the same time the "plants" will
not produce fruit for at least ~ev-
eral years.
And while it is true (with the
possible exception of Czechoslo-
vakia) that no people have ever
voted themselves into Communism,
it is also true that no people once
under Communism have ever been
able to throw off the yoke. If this
event would occur, we might look
for it to ocur, and help it to
occur, in Poland and in Cuba. The
Castro regime is still young and
the Polish people are restless and

Soviet authoritarianism, they have
instead reverted to their own
authoritarianism cpupled with eco-
nomic planning.
Africa has resisted Communism,
but LatinAmerica remains ripe
for it, and one Latin American
country has already adopted it.
Problems of Latin America that
could result in Communist take-
overs are the spirit of anti-
Yankeeism and the extremes of
rich and poor with the virtual ab-
sence of a middle class. The Al-
liance for Progress aims to solve
these problems with $20 billion
of mutual assistance over the next
10 years. So far the Alliance has
had little success, and the impa-
tient conservatives in the House
of Representatives tried to lop off
$75 million from this year's ap-
propriation for the Alliance.
* * *
COMMUNIST expansion was
halted in the late 1940s and. in
the 1950s greatly due to the eco-
nomic aid that we supplied war-
devastated Europe. We strengthen-
ed the economies of European na-
tions and helped them help them-
selves through the Truman Doc-
trine and the Marshall plan. Now
Europe has the admiration of the
world for its strength and energy.
In the same way we can help
the peoples of Latin America and
Africa 'help themselves, defeating
Communism.at the same time. The
Communists of the world are di-
vided; the non-Communist world
should seek to become more united.
Those who despair about taking
the initiative in winning the Cold
War ought to give more vigorous
support to freer trade, foreign as-
sistance and loans, and the Al-
liance for Progress.

To the Editor:
Professional Theater Program
is a windfall. Thanks to the Uni-
versity for asking' the troupe to
come,-and thanks to the troupe for
coming! By 'all means let us also
praise ourselves, the applauding
patrons. "School for ScandsA"
promises a lively season. The per-
formance was charming. The ac-
tors spoke clearly. The soliloquies
were direct. The costumes were
more than adequate. The Prologue
and Fpilogue were given entire.
I see no reason, however, to
dismiss the first play, as The Daily
did, with a patch of fulsome rave.
This is not Broadway, we care
very little for "stars." Ours is a
repertory theater, a theater play-
ing to a university town. It will
improve by responsible criticism;
and this means, at least at the
outset, a little discussion of theory.'
Ellis Rabb and the directors
should settle one basic question to
his, and if possible to our, satis-
faction: whose is the play, the
playwright's or the actor's? (I am
willing to grant, both.) There is
reason to presume that the play-
wright k~nows best what he is
after; the actor is to follow the
playwright's intention--so- long as
that intention has been made clear

and is perceived. Miss Harris was
cute, she was delightful. But the
unconverted Lady Teazle is rather
a bitch than a cutie. Sir Benjamin
had designs on Maria. What hap-
pened to those designs? What hap-
pened to Maria's huge fortune;
always a deus ex machina in com-
edies of manners?
* * *
appeared! The first two scenes in
Act III were both emasculated, cut
and rewritten to the point where
the playwright's plot and handling
were jumbled. Is the Research
Center of the Midwest unable to
sound that holy and much abused
word - Jew? Must every stage
rogue and usurer be, like Mr. Pre-
mium, a Christian? Is every men-
tion of Jew (as in the expurgated
dialogue between Sir Benjamin,
and Crabtree in I,1) to be euphe-
mised away?
Are we so afraid of appearing
"anti-Semitic" that we must mod-
ernize Sheridan? (I ;ather suspect
that Sheridan, who was quite a
democrat, and might even feel the
temptation to modernize us and
our Mississippis, would dismiss our
pious efforts with contempt.) If
the company takes on "The Mer-
chant of Venice," are we to expect
a Scotch Shylock? When the play-
wright puts a bite in his play, let
us not knock him toothless. Sheri-
dan had cause to sting the usurers
for, I regret to say, he was sting
ing back.
THERE ARE, I believe, two
rather general rules in play pro-
duction: reproduce everything, and
follow the dramatist's divisions.
Neither rule is holy. Both are to
be applied by the imagination of
the producer. But any deviation
from the rule .must be if not pa-
tently justified at least clear-
headed. We should not cut the
cast: as Trip, Careless and Moses
were cut. Nor omit songs: as the
only song, and a good one, was
omitted. Nor shorten the play in
'the interests of a single 'nter-
mission: this eighteenth century
play was not meant to be done
"straight through." It is better to
have a role acted poorly, if neces-
sary by an apprentice, than to
have it acted not at all.
I would offer one final sugges-
tion, that the program notes in-
clude at least vital statistics for
play and playwright. Where was
it acted first? When, and by
whom? All this is of interest to a
university, audience. Who wrote
the Prologue? What was Sheri-
dan's position in the succession of
English dramatists? I see no rea-
son why one of the lettered mem-
bers of our Enalish Department

Constructive criticism

European Grandeur

not an
if the

mean a great deal of extra money for
education. Fiscal reform, they said,
only a redistribution of the tax burden,
increase in it. They also said that even
moderate Republican program did in-
revenue, many Legislators might be in-
to use the money for paying off the

state deficit and it might be years before
higher education received any substantial ben-
Furthermore, neither of them has publicly
announced a position on the still simmering
question of out-of-state students. Although
strictly speaking this is the concern only of the
various governing boards, the governor may
well be called upon to exert his influence on
the action of the Legislature. Many members
of the Legislature are in favor of some form
of limitation. Nobody knows what either Rom-
ney or Swainson think about it.
IT MAY BE said of many of these problems
of education that, as with out-of-state stu-
dents, they are strictly the concern of the
various governing boards. But very often the
governor and other state officials are consulted
hv these same governing boards on these ques-


THERE IS a puzzling difference
between the world as seen from
Washington and the world as seer
from Paris. On this side of the
Atlantic we are preoccupied with
the Soviet challenge in Cuba, Ber-
lin and elsewhere.
Across the Atlantic the focus of
interest is how the Western com-
munity is to organize itself, and
where are to be the centers of
power and decision. Our Euro-
pean allies are concerned with the
internal relations of the Western
coalition. We are concerned with
its external relations in Germany,
South Asia, and Latin America.
European and American feelings
differ about how urgent, imme-
diate, and earthshaking is the
Soviet challenge. Our European
allies are not getting ready to
call up reserves, and they are
much less hot and bothered about
Mr. Khrushchev than we are.
Their attention is on the ef-
forts of Gen. de Gaulle to woo and
envelop West Germany in order
to create a new center of world

that the Soviet Union cannot face
war with the West, and that in
conflicts short of war-as, for
example, East German harassment
of West Berlin-'the retaliatory
means available to the West are
preponderant. For Gen. de Gaulle
there is no great urgency 'in the
skirmishes and scuffles of the cold
war, and it is quite unnecessary,
indeed undignified and foolish, to
let Moscow hypnotize us and
monopolize our attention.
Thus for Gen. de Gaulle the
challenge and menace of the So-
viet Union are transitory, and in
the course of time, if firmly con-
tained, Russia is destined to re-
join the Europe to whicn she be-
longs. For Europe, in Gen. de
Gaulle's mind, extends from the
Atlantic "to the Urals." In the
meantime, history goes on and
we cannot be stopped in order to
listen to the latest tidbit from the
There is much to be done which
has nothing to do with the cold
war. Franco-German emnity must
be buried. The perennial British
intervention in continenta.affairs.

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