THE 1 - U.. m rA 1 i V nA N .v
TWOa.HIa! teal lIaaV~l E H1LY~
U' Development Council Panel
Jiews Public, Alumni Relations
Longtime Actor Geer
Examines Life, Theatre
Alfred Lloyd
Public relations, alumni rela-
ins, and University development
re the topics viewed in the pan-
discussion, "That Extra Effort
. Greatness," held before a
eeting of the.Ninth Annual Con-
rence of the University Devel-
ment Council yesterday morn-
The panel, consisting of direc-
r of University Relations Michael
,dock, director of development
an W. MacCarthy and general
cretary of the Alumni Associa-
in John E. Tirrell, related plans
help the University maintain
traditional academic excellence.
Discussing the topic of alumni
lations, Tirrell said, "The goal
the Alumni Association is to
velop a closer relationship be-
een the 204,000 living alumni
d the University, and to arouse
eir interest and dedication to
is institution.
Class Reunion.
Elaborating on the program,
'irrell described the organization
f class reunions and the group
f alumni who last year toured
urope. He discussed the Michi-
an Alumnus, the organization's
nagazine, and the plans con-
erning the cooperative living unit
or retired alumni.
"What we're doing about great-
.ess for this institution is our di-
ect concern," Radock, speaking on
ublic relations, commented.
Better Understanding
"From the standpoint of my
baff, the problem narrows to a
ranslation of greatness to a bet-
er understanding by the people of
hie state, the alumni, and the gen-
ral public; the development of
reater tax support; and the as-
stance of the members of the
)evelopment Council in their
Radock noted that University
ews Service, Information Serv-
es, and "other expert communi-
ators" combine efforts to make
p "the finest public relations or-
anization of any college or uni-
ersity in the country."
MacCarthy, speaking on devel-
pment, said that the future work
f the Development Council will
e to maintain the marked in-
rease in gifts and grants to the
niversity in recent years.
[hree To Explore-
Yichigan Politics
Mrs. John Holmes of the League
f Women Voters, Young Demo-
ratic state executive board mem-
er Paul Heil, '63, and president
f the state Young Republicans
teven Stockmeyer, '63, will dis-
iss "Political Issues in Michi-
an" at 8 p.m. today at the Wes-
y Foundation.
RELATIONS-General Secretary of the Alumni Association John
E. Tirrell (left) and Director of University Relations Michael
Radock discussed University and alumni relations yesterday in a
panel before the University Development Council.
Shows To Detail History
Of A-Bm Product-Aion
I i
How the discoveries of science
combined with the events of his-
tory to produce the atomic bomb
is told in this week's program in
the University television series
"The Nuclear Age" at 8 a.m. Sun-
day on station WXYZ.
Detroit Symphony.. .
The Detroit Symphony, under
the direction of Paul Paray, will
begin the 1962-1963 concert sea-
son at 2:30 p.m. Sunday at Hill
'Aud. They will play Franck's
Osborn Cites
Atlantic Move
Toward Unity
Plans are progressing for a
"constitutional convention" to
form a federation of North At-
lantic Treaty Organization na-
tions, Mrs. Chase S. Osborn, '22,
secretary for North America of the
International Movement for At-
lantic Union (IMAU), reported re-
She said an "Atlantic Confer-
ence" held last January paved the
way for the larger meeting in 1964.
The conference delegates, includ-
ing 90 from 14 NATO countries,
discussed intermediate projects
and called for the 1964 meeting.
Meanwhile, groups like the At-
lantic Institute, are working on
specific articles for the proposed
Atlantic federation and research-
ing the problems that have to be
overcome before the new govern-
ment could become a reality, Mrs.
Osborn noted.
Under IMAU's federation plan,
the NATO countries would unite
under a federal system similar to
the United States. The federation
would "deal only with internation-
al problems and act with a mini-
mum necessary for security and
permanency," she said.
Warningthat the Atlantic na-
tions face a graver threat than
American states in 1787 when they
joined to form the United States,
Mrs. Osborn declared that the per-
manent federation among the At-
lantic peoples is the only depend-
able means for meeting the crisis.
"There must be real partnership
so that no nation faces annihila-
tion without representation," she
Mrs. Osborn added that United
States domination of NATO causes
resentments that do not make a
good base for cooperative action.
She also cited the conflicting for-
eign policies that result in vary-
ing defense policies.
"Symphony in D minor," Barber's
"Adagio for Strings," Cohn's var-
iations on "The Wayfaring Stran-
ger," and Ravel's "Suite No. 2"
from the ballet, "Daphnis and
'European Writing'...
Adriaan van der Veen, sponsor-
ed by the English department, will
speak on "EuropeandWriting To-
day," at 4 p.m. Monday in Aud. A,
Angell Hall.
Con-Con .. .
Prof. James K. Pollock will lec-
ture on the "Michigan Constitu-
tional Convention" at 4 p.m. Wed-
nesday in Rackham Lecture Hall.
We, Comrades Three . .
The Professional Theatre Pro-
gram will present its second pro-
duction, Richard Baldridge's "We,
Comrades Three," Wednesday
through Sunday. Each perform-
ance begins at 8:30 p.m. in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre with the ex-
Will Geer is a big, white-haired
man who embraces people and life
with unbounded love and en-
thusiasm and who can't under-
stand why people don't drop by
more often to talk to actors-"it
gets very lonely on tour."
All during lunch and afterwards,
as we wandered through Farmer's
Market, Geer made wry observa-
tions onthe state of the theatre,
on the state of the nation-for he
is distressed by the integration
crisis at Oxford, where he and
William Faulkner once strolled
through the countryside and ser-
monized with a Negro preacher-
and on the state of the world,
his particular domain.
Geer, who is playing Sir Peter
Teazle in "The School for Scan-
dal," the Association of Produc-
ing Artists present production, will
play the oldest Walt. Whitman
(there will be three separate Whit-
mans, all who will, at times, be
on stage simultaneously) in the
world premiere of Richard Bald-
ridge's "We, Comrades Three."
Life Fascination
Like Whitman, Geer is fasci-
nated with that abstract entity
called Life and he makes it into
an adventure of constant joy and
excitement. A former botany major
at the University of Chicago, he
happily roamed through the mar-
ket, buying a huge red chrysan-
themum plant, ears of deep red
and pale purple and yellow Indian
corn, a huge white mushroom, a
banana cake, some cookies and
bright orange tomatoes. In the
garden at his Connecticut farm
he has growing all the plants, some
200, which Shakespeare has men-
tioned in his plays.
Geer was cheered for his por-
trayal of Sir Peter Teazle, a wise
old man." As an actor, he said
he subscribes to his oldhfriend
Woody Guthrie's philosophy of
acting: "You just pick up your
guitar, get up off your seat and
start playing ,and when people
start throwing money at you, then
you know you've made it."
He's never had an acting les-
son, except from working with
such stars as Ethel Barrymore
and Cornelia Otis Skinner. He is
a classical actor who has played
26 or 27 of Shakespeare's plays.
Roger's Lesson
One of the most valuable les-
sons he has learned came from the
great American humorist Will
Rogers, who told him "to be your-
self"-"What do you want to play
all those lords, dukes, counts and
kings for?" Rogers asked."It takes
time enough just to learn to be
Geer started his acting career
as a freshman at the University
of Chicago, where a group of stu-
dents put on plays weekly "so that
the school had to create a depart-
ment for us."
At that time jobs were easy to
get; anyone who could stand and
talk could get one, Geer reminisc-
ed. He worked on a riverboat on
the Ohio River in the summer
and later worked in a repertoire
company with Ethel Barrymore
and Cornelia Otis Skinner.
At that time "I used to be thin,"
he said. "My mentor, Mrs. Fisk,
who was also in the company,
had me play ingenues." He played
Slim in Steinbeck's "Of Mice and
Men," but "after a few children
I lost my figure," he quipped.
One of the best parts of acting
is knowing novelists, playwrights
and poets, Geer said. While mak-
ing "Intruder in the Dust," he
and Faulkner became friendly. One
day they tried their forensic skill
with a Negro preacher; each gave
a sermon, and Geer chuckled as
he admitted that his contribution
was lifted from an Erskine Cald-
well play, "Journeymen," he had
been in. He repeated verbatim the
preacher's speech on heaven and
hell, on the sins of a young girl
who ran off to the city with her
boyfriend, ending with "and who's
gonna be the first to come up,
brothers and sister!"
He knew Robert Frost and Carl
Sandburg, John Steinbeck, Ernest
Hemingway, Caldwell, Louis Brom-
field and Maxwell Anderson.
Faulkner and Hemingway were not
to successful as playwrights, he
recalled, but Steinbeck's play, of
"Of Mice and Men" was so suc-
cessfulithat theyndidn't change
but one line.
Ann Arbor Visit
Years ago Geer was in Ann Ar-
bor play Mr. Backbit, a young,
silly gossip in "The School for
Scandal." His last tour was with
two Shakespearean plays, a tour
which included Bert Lahr in "A
Midsummer Night's Dream." He
foresees that tourning repertoire
companies are on the way out and
blames a lack of publicity and pro-
But, Geer said, "I think we can
change human nature and get
people accustomed to this type of
theatre." The best perennial plants
should be transplanted yearly to
make new plants. In the same way,
people should be shaken up,
should readjust to new roots. Even
actors get too complacent, he mus-
His own energy and vitality were
apparent as he said "urge and de-
sire are the most important qual-
ities for someone trying to get into
theatre. Talent is considerably be-
low because nothing can stop you
if you've got the desire."
Admires University
Geer expressed admiration for
the University, which he said, has
been working on this theatre pro-
gram for 35 years. "The leading
forces in theatre are here in Ann
Arbor. Eva LaGalliene, who will
star in her own production of Ib-
sen's "Ghosts," represents the old
theatre, and artistic director Ellis
Rabb the new. Then there are old
war-horses like Rosemary Harris,
Cavada Humphrey and myself,"
he said.
He jokingly said that he was
brought to Ann Arbor "on pretense
that his daughter, who is now
playing Desdemona in New York
and has been with the APA com-
pany, would be here." But he's
glad to be in Ann Arbor, never-
theless. It seems fitting that he
should come back to the spot
where he played Sir Backbit so
long ago to give a brilliant per-
formance of Sir Peted Teazle. He
is a man the kind of which one
has the pleasure to meet perhaps
only several times in a lifetime.
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first
in a series of 21 articles relating the
history of the namesakes of the
men's residence halls. The first six
articles will cover West Quadrangle.)
Prominent in the evolution of
the University's graduate school
was Dean Alfred Lloyd, who, for
12 years, held chief authority over
that sphere.
Born in Montclair, N. J., in 1864,
Lloyd entered a family hard be-
To Research
Peace Plans
With the aim of researching
peace, a group of students have
organized a "World Peace Through
World Law" seminar.
The seminar, sponsored by the
Peace Research and Education
Project, will conduct 12 two-hour
discussions once a week at the
Social Action Center, 715 Arch
St., following an outlined series
of topics that Mark Chesler, Grad,
has given to the participants.
Some of the topics are Evaluat-
ing the United Nations, Strength-
ening the U.N., Can We Trust the
Soviet Union, Arms Control, and
Economics of Disarmament: Fi-
nancing Peace.f
Basic Works
Suggested readings are given for
each topic to supplement the two
basic works, "W o r I d Peace
Through World Law" by Grenville
Clark and Louis Sohn and a book
of readings edited by Saul Mend-
Chesler said that he, Richard
Schmuck, Grad, and Richard
Flacks, Grad, would lead the dis-
Chesler noted that the Univer-
sity is probably the richest univer-
sity in the country in the amount
of peace research being done. He
suggested that there be more com-
munication of findings and that
this would be an aim of the semi-
Social Issues
"We aim to do research on the
important social issues of today
and share our findings on a na-
tionwide basis," Chesler comment-
ed. "Term papers, honors theses
and independent study projects
that students do for their classes
on matters of peace and disarma-
ment will be pertinent at this
He expressed hope that the Uni-
versity would adopt a course on
problems of peace. "We can pilot
this noncredit course and perhaps
export it i-f it works."
Prepare Collection
Of College Poetry
The Inter - Collegiate Poetry
Congress is now preparing its
1962-63 poetry anthology, con-
prised of poems submitted from
students at colleges and univer-
sities all over the country. Con-
tributors should submit entries to
the Congress at 203 South Third
St., Lewisburg, Pa.
set by financial problems and,'in
typical Horatio Alger fashion, soon
learned that only an unwavering
puritan discipline could gain him
the Harvard education which he
later received.,
Accepting a place with the Uni-
versity in 1891, young Lloyd had,
studied abroad at Berlin and
Heidelberg and was at that time
an applicant for his doctorate in
philosophy, which he received
from Harvard University the fol-
lowing year.
Latter Capacity
Always dignified and mindful of
scholarly poise, he was promoted
to professor in 1906 and dean of
the graduate school in 1915. It
was in the latter capacity that
Dean Lloyd performed his great-
est service to the University.
The deanship of a graduate
school calls for a man of super-
human proportions. He must be
well enough versed in all courses-
from anatomy to zoology - to be
able to direct others in their re-
spective fields of study. He must
encourage students toward origin-
al research and the publication of
its results. He must obtain funds
for the maintenance and expan-
sion of the school in businesslike
fashion. He must shape policies
and develop a strong administra-
tion system.
In all these particulars, Dean
Lloyd proved himself an adminis-
trator par excellence. When he
took over the directorship of the
school in 1915, some 153 degrees
were granted. In 1926, just a year
before death took him from his
multitudinous duties, the size of
the school had more than doubled,
352 degrees being issued.
The man's capacities and ac-
DIAL 5-6240
complishments did not go unno-
ticed by' the Board of Regents.
Upon the death of President Bur-
ton in 1925, they appointed Dean
Lloyd to the post of acting presi-
dent, replacing the temporary tri-
bunal which had been in control.
for several weeks following the
president's death.
Dean Lloyd's short (8 months)
term as acting president was not
uneventful. During that span of
time, the President's Report was
drawn up, and the appropriation
was voted by the Legislature, spe-
cifying, at Dean Lloyd's insistence,
low maintenance fees and high
faculty salaries.
Thus, the dean executed his
duties as acting president with
his customary efficiency until the
appointment of the new president,
Clarence Cook Little in October,
Heart Attack
Just two years later he was
stricken with a heart attack while
addressing seniors at the annual
Swing-Outhmeeting in Hill Aud.
and died the following evening.
The talk he had been delivering
at the time of seizure was entitled
"Some Factors of a Life Worth-
At his death, Dean Lloyd had
five books, dozens of articles and
reviews to his credit. For him,
Lloyd House in West Quadrangle
was named.
DIAL 8-6416
Rita Tushlnghan,
Winner Best Pertormance Award
Cannes Film Festival 1q62
Murray Melvin
Winner Best Pertormance Award
Cannes Film Festival 1962
Winner of 4 BritIsh Academly Awudis
I t To
The RuusityAnd
Extent Of EloenceA
GotrIyt Thic
On the road to riches
it's a Sellers' riot
all the way,!
ception of Saturday
when two matinees
evening performance
a later
be pre-
Atlantic Union,...
The Office of Religious.
will conduct a conference
Atlantic Union at 4 p.m.
and Saturday, in Aud. A,
on the
Jean Renoir's
Faculty Recital...
The music school will present a
faculty recital, featuring Millard
Cates, tenor and Eugene Bossart,
pianist, at 8:30 p.m. Friday in
Rackham Lecture Hall.
Violin Recital..
The music school will sponsor
the doctoral recital of Morris
Hochberg, violin, at 8:30 p.m. Sun-
day in Lane Hall Aud.
C)NeMA.Sc0PE colO on o ,.uxe
ftumdbyWIERRERCUW." tObdnTERuu~trn
I ,
i. __..___. !
-, w
I. I -o
See the
Monday, October 8, at 8
p m. in Rackham Amphi-
theatre. Admission is by
subscription only. A sub-
scription for" the full 5
showings in the Fall series
costs $2.50. For further
nformation, call NO 3-
Tonight at 7:00 and 9:00
Ermmanuelle Riva, Eyi Okada.
RT: D. W. Griffith's Broken Ways, with
Presented by Assembly Association, Alpha Phi Omega,
and the Folklore Society
Sunday, October 14, 1962
-8:00 p.m.-
TICKETS: $3.50-$2.50-$1.50
'"r.a ;i".'5;;;vr-"a {'4.?Li:y;";r;c
I IROUt LI vu-i1 A mi inW In In , -4