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October 07, 1962 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1962-10-07

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UCLA ....... 9 UsC
Ohio State .... 7 Iowa

7 1Wisconsin ..... 30 Northwestern 45
0 Indiana....... 6 Illinois ....... 0

Michigan State 38|'Purdue ......24 LSU .........
North Carolina 6 1 Notre Dame ... 6 Georgia Tech..

10 Penn. State....18
7 \Rice ......... 7


See Page 4




Occasional rain, with not
much change in temperature.

Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom








i 4' <L vvV

President Scores GOP

Special To The Daily
FLINT-President John F. Ken-
nedy stormed across Michigan
yesterday, leaving in his wake a
series of political blasts at Repub-
lican obstructionism and fervent
pleas for more Democrats in
In Detroit, people began lining
up outside the President's Shera-
ton-Cadillac headquarters at 7:30
a.m. Three and one half hours
later Kennedy emerged from the
hotel with Gov. John B. Swainson,
Detroit Mayor Jerome P. Cavan-
augh, Congressman Charles C.
Diggs (D-Detroit), and Neil Staeb-
ler, candidate for congressman at
Asthe crowd of 5,000 roared its
approval, Kennedy explained why
he will spend so much time cam-
paigning in this off-year election.
"I believe that the elections of
1962, both in Michigan and in the
country, for members of the Sen-
ate and the House, are equally
important to any election of a
President of the United States.
". ..under the Constitution of
the United States, especially in
domestic affairs, the House of
Representatives and the Senate
have equal power with the Presi-
dent, and if member after mem-
ber, Congressman after Congress-
man, Senator after Senator, says
'No' to all of our programs, then
this country stands still," he said.
Your Decision
"The decision is yours," he said.
"Every off-year in this century,
with the exception of one, the
party in power has lost votes, and
I can tell you after the razor thin
majorities by which we have won
or lost (in the House and Senate),
that we need every vote we can
Referring to Swainson, the
President said he was proud of
the governor."as a man who puts
on his literature that he is a
Democrat." This was an obvious
slur at Republican gubernatorial
hopeful George Romney who has
kept all party identification off
his literature.
The President noted that this
practice is prevalent among Re-
publicans of other states as well.
Drawing his biggest burst of ap-
plause he commented, "You can't
find the word 'Republican' on
their literature, and I don't blame
At the conclusion of his speech,
CORE Protest
Hits Johnson
Bearing placards such as "How-
ard Johnson Segregates in Dixie"
and "Landmark for Hungry White
Americans," the Congress of Ra-
cial Equality picketed Howard
Johnson restaurants across the
country yesterday.
Ann Arbor CORE chairman An-
na Holden said that about a dozen
picketers joined the protest at a
Johnson restaurant on Woodward
Avenue in Detroit.
Simultaneous Protest
She added that about 30 CORE
units across the country simultan-
eously staged protests at various
restaurants in the Johnson chain.
"The purpose of* the picketing
was to ask public support in pro-
testing segregation in the south-
ern outlets of the Howard John-
son chain," Miss Holden explained.
She said CORE was asking the
Johnson head office to adopt two
policies; 1) end segregation in the
Johnson restaurants it owns, and
2) add to their franchise agree-
ments a clause prohibiting segre-
gation by the operator of fran-
chised Johnson facilities.
Seek Help
In addition, CORE seeks help
from the Johnson headquarters in
A.,, - xA...l.....J I ~l

ON TOUR-Gov. John Swainsi
President John F. Kennedy's po
toured the state yesterday. Ken
Swainson and election of a D
Flint and Muskegon.
the chief executive climbed into
a convertible with Swainson and
Staebler and began a 10-mile
motorcade trip to Detroit Metro-
politan Airport. Police estimates
placed the number of people along
the route at 100,000. Signs every-
where proclaimed "Support Ken-
nedy-Swainson, Register to Vote"
and "Those who care for Medi-
care want Kennedy-Swainson."
The President arrived in Flint
from Detroit exactly on schedule
at 12:30 p.m. Again the crowds
were everywhere in evidence, and
local Democrats could not find
enough words to show how happy
they were at having him.
Addressing 8,000 people at
Flint's Municipal Mall, Kennedy
repeatedly s c o r e d Republican
legislators for their opposition to
his programs.
Popular Judgment
"Because all the members of
the House and one 'third of the
Senate go before the judgment
of the people this year, I come
to Michigan. It is very important
to have a working majority in
Congress if we are to move this
country forward," he said.
The President examined the
fate of his programs in the 87th
"We passed the most progressive
housing bill ever passed; 82 per
cent of the Republican Congress-
men of Michigan voted against it.
Negative Vote
"We proposed a very much
needed bill for a department of
urban affairs; 73 per cent of the
Republicans of Michigan voted
against it.
"We proposed raising the mini-
mum wage for firms dealing in
interstate commerce to $1.25 an
hour. It doesn't seem like very
much for a 40 hour week. Ninety-
one per cent of Michigan Repub-
licans and 81 per cent of all
Republican Congressmen voted
against it.
"The Peace Corps which was
originally suggested at the Uni-
versity of Michigan in the 1960
campaign at around 1 a.m., 73
per cent of Michigan's Republi-
can Congressmen voted against
Philosophic "No"
"They have made the word 'No'
their political philosophy," Ken-
nedy said of the Republicans.
"Your responsibility is to regis-
ter. We want every citizen to reg-

on (left) was the recipient of
litical support as the President
nedy called for the retention of
emocratic Congress in Detroit,
ister," he said; bringing home
repeated campaign theme.
"Ninety-five per cent of ti
Republicans, joined by a fe
Democrats, have been fightin
progress for 20 years," he co


Important Election
"I come here, though not a can-
didate, because I believe the elec-
tion of congressmen and senators
who will move this country for-
ward is vitally important.
"Register and vote! Register
and vote! And vote Democratic!"
he concluded.
The President then left Flint
for Muskegon, accompanied as he
was throughout his trip by Swain-
son and Staebler. By 3:30 p.m.
he was out of the state on his way
to Minneapolis and another round
of campaigning.
Enthusiastic Greeting
In Minnesota, Kennedy was
greeted by an enthusiastic crowd
at the "bean feed" at the state
fair grounds in St. Paul. The eager
partisans presented Kennedy from
saying any more than endorsing
Karl Rolvaag for governor.
In his prepared speech he
credited his administration with
putting money into the farmer's
pocket and cleaning up an agri-
cultural mess bequeathed him by
the GOP.
He bore down, too, on word
that Martin Sorkin whom he
identified as a former aide to Re-
publican Agriculture Secretary
Ezra Taft Benson, had called for
opposition to Democratic programs
rather than solutions to farm
Kennedy was pumping more vim
and fire into his campaigning, per-
haps, than any President ever has
in a nonpresidential election year.
He plans to make similar trips to
the various states every weekend
from now on until the election
Nov. 6.
mer Maj. Gen. Edwin A. Walker,
accused of leading campus rioters
last weekend at the University of
Mississippi, was released from the
United States Medical Center for
federal prisoners last night on
$50,000 bond posted by his family.
(See earlier story, Page 3).

City Editor
One thing seems to pile upon
another in Boulder these days, and
now the Colorado Daily, student
newspaper at the University of
Colorado, finds itself the subject
of a regental investigation and the
object of no small amount of con-
Last week, the regents ordered a
university-wide study to "examine
the role and functions of a student
newspaper on the college campus,"
in the light of a series of events.
On Sept. 21, the paper ran a
signed article by Carl Mitcham,
violently attacking Sen. Barry
Goldwater (R-Ariz) as "a fool,
a mountebank, a murderer, no bet-
ter than a common criminal." He
then proceeded to compare the
senator unfavorably to novelist
Henry Miller, author of "Tropic of
Football Defeat
The Goldwater attack stirred
controversy, but not half the hue
and cry as the editorial running
above it, signed by Daily Colorado
Editor Gary Althen, advocating
the total debacle of Colorado's
football team, because of objec-
tionable recruiting practices "and
the futility of intercollegiate ath-
letics on the present massive
Colorado President Quigg New-
ton and Althen wired their apolo-
gies to Goldwater, and Mitcham
took full responsibility for his re-
marks, but Goldwater replied that
he was "convinced that you (New-
ton) either do not know or do
not care what happens at the
university. I doubt that you have
either the interest or the concern
to be in the position you hold."
To this Newton reacted sharply.
"We have a genuine democracy of
ideas on our campus," he retorted.
"We have fought long and hard to
achieve it, and the fight has been
against those who-like yourself-
believe the function of a university
is to indoctrinate rather than to
educate; to control thought, rather
than to stimulate it.
No Silence
"The cry you raise has a very
familiar ring to us: 'You must
silence those who do 'not agree
with me.' Senator, I shall not
silence them."
But the regents apparently do
not concur wholeheartedly. They
have ordered the establishment of
night classes on libel and respon-
sibility "for all persons in editing
positions on campus publications."
And while the student publica-
tions board did not fire Althen, it
did warn him that violations of
"conditions of responsibility" would
result in his dismissal.
Subsidy Fee
Students too are objecting to
the paper. A number of them have
refused to pay the $1.40 subsidy
fee, a part of their tuition, which
goes, to the support of the Colo-
rado Daily.
Republican candidates for r'-
gent, Charles Bromley and Dr
Dale M. Atkins, have called for
immediate punitive action, and
even the Democrat candidates ad-
mit the material in question was
"extreme and irresponsible."
As yet no libel actions have
been filed against either the paper,
the editor or Mitcham.

Recently - appointed Secretary
of Labor W. Willard Wirtz said
last night that the only answer
to unemployment is to "get the
economy back in gear."
The solution belongs to private
industry, he told a Democratic
fund-raising dinner at the Union,
but working in harmony with gov-
ernment, the two can do together
what the private economy could
never achieve on its own.
Wirtz said in the many cases he
has studied the basic issue com-
mon to them all has been unem-
ployment by automation.
'Fact of Change'
The solution to the problem lies
in the very difference between the
parties, the factor that has ac-
counted for the successes of the
Kennedy administration, he said.
"This is the realization of the fact
of change."
"Jobs used to be something that
a man expected to have all his
life," he said. "But we have seen
that radically changed within the
last 10 years." He indicated that
600,000 workers have been faced
with job shifts and most of these
case involved relocation.
The Democratic administration
has not retreated from change, he
said, but has "faced change
squarely in the face. It believes
that the future is a good idea."
'No Single Way'
Wirtz cautioned, "There is noj
single way to an expanding econ-
omy" but stressed means of re-
turning the buying power to the
consumer and increasing it. He,
cited the "fantastic record of the
last 20 months" in improving as-i
pects of the economy.-
Of special importance is elimi-
nation of racial segregation in em-
ployment. Wirtz estimated that=
$17 billion annually is lost to thej
gross national product of the coun-
try "because the purchasing power1
of the Negro is denied."
He said the present administra-
tion has abolished racial discrimi-
nation from federal government"
and that "it will be for only a
very short time that anybody who
discriminates in any way will do1
business with the federal govern-
Rising Economy
Wirtz pointed out that in thej
last 20 months the economy has;
generally risen, that one and aE
half million more people are work-
ing and that unemployment has
fallen from 13 to four per cent
in Michigan. He added that in
view of the surpluses in the econ-
omy "there is no excuse for four
million to remain unemployed.";
"Cleaning up the country" andr
"improving the basic level of liv-
ing" provide "unprecedented op-
portunities in this period of change1
and growth," he said.
At an earlier press conference,1
Wirtz said that a college enroll-Q
ment expected to increase to twice1
its present size through the next
decade should be accommodated
by a rapidly expanding technologi-
cal work force.
With an expected increase of
a million workers annually and
a million and a half by 1970, he
felt that the economy should be
able to handle graduates easily.
The pressing problem lies with3
dropouts, he said.

Wirtz Notes Need
To Reduce Jobless

... a change for jobs
Federal Aid
Associated Press Education Writer
CHICAGO (R) - The nation's
colleges. and universities have
found they can't live without fed-
eral money, but they aren't at all
sure how they can live with it.
The federal government's in-
vestment in higher education now
averages about $2 billion, accord-
ing to figures presented here at
the annual meeting of the Ameri-
can Council on Education.
Almost 1,000 college presidents
are pondering those figures during
the two-day meeting. The con-
census seems to be that those
government dollars raise a dozen
academic questions for every fi-
nancial problem they solve.
Federal Spending
President Nathan M. Pusey of
Harvard University told the coun-
cil that in fiscal 1960, agencies of'
the federal government spent, in
institutions of higher education,
;$450 million for research, $44
million for facilities, $388 million
for scholarships and fellowships,
and $217 million for various pro-
grams for instruction.
In addition, Pusey said, the gov-
ernment spent about the same
total for separate laboratories,
loans and the distribution of sur-
plus property.
Pusey said the government
spending on higher education has
been "almost without direction."
A major problem, he said, is to
find "a middle ground between
the present largely mission-orient-
ed federal programs on the one
hand and an unwanted and dan-
gerous program of general sup-
port for higher education on the
Red Tape
Doing business with the federal
government, he said, means a very
large increase in administrative
work-"science advances, yes; but
red tape advances, too."
The federal government's re-
fusal to pay the full cost of the
research it sponsors is another
problem, he said. One of the 26
institutions reported it is con-
tributing $179,000 annually of its
own funds to a federal biology
project, but has no money to es-
tablish a psychology department.
There is a danger, Pusey said,
that emphasis on research "will
make it increasingly difficult for
a faculty to show proper concern
for instruction of undergraduates."
Tf -e .

son and set the stage for next
with Michigan State. The
Spartans also won yesterday,
blasting North Carolina, 38-6,
in a similar reversal of form
after being upset by Stanford
last week.
The Wolverines yesterday played
'ootball, matching Army's famed
three platoon system with one of
its own and beating the Cadets at
their own game. The holes of the
Nebraska game closed up in the
Michigan defense and the Wol-
verines line made holes of its own
Bottled Up Cadets
The ends that Nebraska exploit-
ed kept the Cadets bottled up. And
the pass defense, a long time
Michigan problem, caught as many
passes as the Cadets did.
Halfback Jack Strobel made the
big play with help from Dave
Glinka early in the third quarter,
snatching Joe Blackgrove's flat
pass in the Michigan end zone
after the Cadets had shoved 55
yds. to the Wolverine six.
"It was the turning point in the
game," both Bump Elliott and Paul
Dietzel agreed. Had Army scored,
or even kicked a field goal, Mich-
igan's 10-0 lead wouldn't have
been so secure.
Upped Count
As it was, the Wolverines up-
ped the count to 17-0 after anoth-
er interception-by Harvey Chap-
man-shortly and that was the
ball game.
The lone bright spot for Army
came early in the fourth quarter
when halfback Carl Stichweh
fielded a Michigan punt at his
own 27, fumbled it a second and
then raced untouched 73 yds. for
the touchdown.
Outside of that sprint and the
drive to the Wolverine six yd. line,
the closest Army managed to get
to paydirt was Michigan's 39.
The Wolverines forged into the
lead midway into the first quarter
after Captain Bob Brown fell on
Stichweh's fumble after a Michi-
gan punt at the Cadet 32. Nine
Russia Renews
Treaty Threat
With Germany
MOSCOW (')-The Soviet Un-
ion yesterday renewed its threat
of signing a separate peace treaty
with Communist East Germany
but once again refrained from
setting a deadline.
The Kremlin assured the Com-
munist East German regime that
it is determined to sign a German
peace treaty and "no threats of
the imperialists will stop us from
doing this," Tass reported. The
assurances were in a message from
Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev and
other Soviet leaders to the East
German regime on its 13th anni-
Tass said the Soviet leaders "de-
clare that the Soviet Union..
ion yesldy r~lenewd awas th

Cadet Errors Aid
In 'M' Comeback
Victory Evens Record for Season,
Sets Stage for Contest with MSU
Associate Sports Editor
Michigan turned opportunist yesterday in a complete re-
versal of form from last week and rode Army mistakes into a
17-7 victory over a good; but outmanned Cadet eleven.
A crowd of 70,749 fans watched the Wolverines, who had
stumbled badly against Nebraska last Saturday, score first
after jumping on an Army, fumble, and then pick off four
Army passes to thwart what offensives the Cadets could
Evened Record
The victory evened Michigan's record at 1-1 for the sea-

week's battle at East Lansing

... 'U' space efforts
Nelson Cites
Space Feats,
Prof. Wilbur C. Nelson, chair-
man of the astronautical engin-
eering department, announced the
University's latest space achieve-
ment yesterday and asked more
support for technological educa-
He said that two experimental
packages from the University wll
ride aloft in a POGO (Polar Or-
biting Geophysical Observatory)
satellite in late 1963 or early 1964.
The University's projects were
selected by the National Aeronau-
tics and Space Administration af-
ter nationwide competition for
space in the satellite.
One of the University's pack-
ages is a mass spectrograph, to
measure the amount of gases in
the upper atmosphere.
The' other device, a radio as-
tronoMy package, will measure the
intensity of low-frequency radio
waves throughout the galaxy.
Face Shortage
On a more urgent note, Prof.
Nelson warned the Development
Council last night that this nation
faces a great shortage of engineers
and scientists.
He explained that a zonservative
estimate of national demand shows
that 80,000 new engineers a yEar
are needed, but the "most op-
timistic estimates" predict that
only 40,000 will be graduated an-
ually by the nation's engineering
"The students now exist in our
high schools to fill this gap." By
about 1965 a tremendous surge of
will be facing the colleges," he
students from the high schools
Provide Facilities
The problem, then, is to pro-
vide adequate educational facili-
ties so that these students can
become the engineers and scien-
tists which are needed, he said.
'i-_ ~-.- ..tieri rnSven~ ^rrn}_

McConnell Explains Flatworm Project

Prof. James V. McConnell of
the psychology department regaled
,an attentive audience with his ex-
periences as a "worm-runner"

they were subjected to a light for
three seconds. During the last sec-
ond an electric shock was added,
causing the worms to contract.
Eventually the worms began to
contract upon contact with the

initial supposition had been that
the head end alone would display
powers of retention. However, he
was surprised to learn that not
only did the tail end retain powers
of response to further experimen-

cellular substance. Prof. McConnell'
realized that if RNA could be
transferred from one worm to an-
other, theoretically "memory"
could as well.
Other methods of transferring

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