.rTT7RnA3.L AJTARVZ~Z. U, 109.
Homerun Helps
Wolverines Host Unbeaten Cadets
-- ----- -
(Continued from Page 1)
41st home run ball
thrown this vear
Terry has
side out the Los Angeles Dodgers CandJe4tica k
hadscoed eve ties.Candlestick P a r k observers
had scored seven times. claimied McCovey had hit a long
The first hit off Sanford was a lamed Mc vehd hit a
pure fluke. Tom Tresh bunted a hoetha sm 50
pop fly back to the mound with feet earlier in the year, but this
one out in the fourth. Sanford was long enough to put the ball
went back in a try for the ball, was lon euh
interfering with Jose Pagan's at- game beyond reach.
tempt to catch it. Tresh promptly The 43,910 fans roared with ex-
stole second, the only Yank to pectation or more runs when Tom
reach that station until Mickey Haller singled and shortstop Tony
Mantle doubled with two out in Kubek dropped Jim Davenport's
the ninth. double play grounder following the
Terry Tires homer.
Terry also had matched Sanford With men on first and second
with a fine pitching job until Mc- and nobody out, Dark ordered
Covey hit that towering home run Pagan to sacrifice, moving both
drive in the seventh. It was the runners, with the pitcher next to
Ernie DavisAWinning
Fight Against Leukemia
Sanford missed the pitch on a
suicide squeeze attempt and Hall-
er was trapped between third and
home and run down. The failure
of Haller to move toward the plate
in that rundown prevented Daven-
port from taking third base. Con-
sequently, when Sanford singled
to right, Davenport was thrown
out, trying to score from second,
on a perfect peg by Roger Maris.
Best of Deal
Sanford, 33, isan ex-Philadel-
phia Phillies right-hander who
was traded to the Giants Dec. 3,
1958, for pitcher Ruben Gomez
and catcher Valmy Thomas. It
turned out to be a great deal for
the Giants.
Manager Ralph Houk of the
Yanks was high in his praise of
Sanford. He.said the scouting re-
ports showed Sanford was strong
and the reports were right.
"Both men pitched great ball,"
said Houk. "Sanford won and you
have to give him all the credit but
Terry pitched great ball, too."
Despite their 2-0 defeat today,
the New York Yankees were made
7-5 favorites to win the third
game and 9-5 choices to win the
World Series over the Giants.
Broadway bookmakers last night
established the Yankees the 7-5
favorites (man-to-man odds) for
Sunday's game at New York.
Sports Editor
If ever the second game of a
season was a crucial one, it is for
the Michigan Wolverines as they
host Army today.
Starting with the 1:30 kickoff,
the Wolverines will be trying to
turn the complexion of this season
onto a more successful note. They
weren't supposed to win many
games this season and one of those
went by the boards last Saturday.
A loss to Army would make a dis-
mal season almost before it has
Army, meanwhile, under new
Coach Paul Dietzel, is shooting to
uphold the national ranking it
gained with successive victories
over Wake Forest and Syracuse.
New Lineup
Wolverine Coach Bump Elliott
has drastically changed his lineup
for the Cadets. Right end Bill
Laskey, tackle Tom Keating, guard
Dave Kurtz, left half Jack Stro-
bel and fullback Wayne Sparkman
have all moved into the starting
lineup. They replace Jim Ward,
injured John Houtman, John Mar-
cum, Harvey Chapman, and Bill
Halfback Dave Raimey is ready
to play despite the presence of a
heavily taped shoulder, and soph-
omore fullback Mel Anthony may
finally see some action. Anthony
was first string fullback in the
spring and early fall before sprain-
ing an ankle.
Dietzel brings to the midwest
the three unit system which
brought him national fame at Lou-
isiana State. His Regular, Go, and'
Chinese Bandit units will be rec-
ognizable by the coloring of the
socks, patcheson the jerseys and
by the way the Cadet corps shouts
as each team goes in.
Army had only two units last
year, but Dietzel spread out his
forces in fall practice( he chooses
the personnel for the teams at that
time and they stay that way all
season) added the socks and stir-
red up the Cadets behind the
teams and now all three play like
seasoned units.
Elliott says he will try to use
three units hmiself, but will not
try purposely to match units with
Dietzel. Dietzel himself warns that
this is unwise. "Some coaches fig-
ure the Bandits are our third team
and try to get their best units
against them, but it doesn't work
because before long the Bandits
are better on defense than the
A Little Influence
Dietzel also admits to "having
something to do with" the red
coolie hats the Cadets wear when
the Chinese Bandits are on the
field, but adds that the rest of the
paraphernalia is the Cadets' own
idea. "They have flags for each
team and different cheers prepar-
ed," he said. "I started it but
they've taken it out of my hands.
They've really gotten behind the
Any inexperience Army has is
overshadowed by enthusiasm. The
Go team, which contains seven
sophomores, scored four of six
touchdowns against Wake Forest
and all nine points against Syra-
cuse. The Black Knights' offen-
sive leader, John Seymour, plays
left half for the Go team while
Cammy Lewis, who has been burn-
ing up the airways of late, is the
Besides the national ranking, Ar-
my has another incentive, and that
is to avenge last year's 38-8 defeat
at the hands of the Wolverines.
"A lot of those guys are back
who played in that slaughter,"
Dietzel said.
Despite all the momentumArmy
has, plus the ranking, those who
are supposed to know have placed
Michigan anywhere from a six to
eight point favorite. "It was only
three when we left New York,"
Dietzel said. "It seems to go up a
little the further west we go."
CLEVELAND (P)-Ernie Davis
of the Cleveland Browns, the na-
tion's top collegiate football play-
er of 1961, has leukemia. But it
is in a "perfect state of remis-
sion," the club said yesterday, and
he is physically able to start
workouts with the team.
Davis has been undergoing
treatment and traditional forms
of medication since Aug. 1, when
the deadly disease ifrst was diag-
nosed. His condition had been de-
scribed publicly as a blood dis-
"Ernie Davis has had a form of
leukemia," said Dr. Austin S.
Weisberger, professor of medicine
at Western Reserve University and
an outstanding authority on blood
disorders. The medical specialist,
who has been in charge of treat-
ment for the former All-America
halfback from Syracuse, added in
a statement:,
Can Play Pro Ball
"He has responded extremely
well to therapy and medication.
At the present time his blood find-
ings are entirely normal. As long
as he remains in this perfect state
of remission, I see no reason why
he cannot play professional foot-
Tebbets Moves
To Clevelnd
Tebbets resigned today as 'man-
ager of the Milwaukee Braves and
became 1963 field boss of the
Cleveland Indians.
Tebbetts, 50, replaces Mel Mc-
Gaha, who was fired by the In-
dians last Sunday, the final day
of the season,
U of .D Falls;
Miami Wins
By The Associated Press
In college football action last
night Detroit continued its win-
less streak by dropping its third
straight in losing to the New Mex-
ico State Aggies, 21-14.
Behind quarterback G e o r g e
Mira, unbeaten and heavily favor-
ed Miami squeeked by Florida
State 7-6 to remain unblemished.
New Mexico State scored three
touchdowns in the last quarter
while Titan quarterback Jerry
Gross passed for 265 yds. in a los-
ing cause.'
Davis will start a conditioning
program Monday under the super-
vision of Dr. Victor Ippolito, team
physician of the National Foot-
ball League club. "The most im-
portant thing is to get his legs
in shape," said Dr. Ippolito. "As
his wind and muscle tone returns,
he can work into regular practice
with the team ... Ernie is a mar-
velous boy and has always taken
excellent care of himself."
Doctors said the complete re-
mission was brought a b o u t
through use,of traditional medica-
tion. No experimental drugs were
used on the 22-year-old athlete.
Rare Recovery .
"This has happened before in
other cases," said Arthur B. Mo-
Mahovlich Sold
CHICAGO (W)-The Chicago
Black Hawks tonight purchased
Frank Mahovlich of the Toron-
to Maple Leafs for the sum of
Jim Norris, chairman of the
Chicago Black Hawks club made
the announcement at a hockey
gathering in Toronto.
can't -call it a miracle. It is re-
markable, though. He has a per-
fectly normal blood count at this
time. There are no traces of the
It is characteristic of leukemia
-cancer of the blood-that the
afflicted person may feel normal,
physically. Intermittent remis-
sions occur and are not unique,
but no cure for leukemia is known.
Remission means the disease is
temporarily arrested.
Will Davis be sidelined again?
"We just don't know," said Mo-
dell. "We'll have to watch him
carefully, of course. This is a
disease that is not fully defined.
Doctors are still learning much
about it all the time."
Kept from Davis
"I knew something seriously was
wrong," said Davis, the first Negro
ever to win the Heisman Trophy,
"It was a relief to him that it
was clearly defined," said Modell.
"All he wants to do now is play
football for the Browns and help
the team.
The diagnosis was first made in
Evanston, Ill., after Davis was hos-
pitalized while working out with
the College All-Stars for the game
in Chicago with the champion
Green Bay Packers.
The finding of leukemia was
confirmed by five institutions and
more than a dozen doctors.
... now or never
Teams Face Showdown
Three teams ranked in the top
ten by the major wire services
will put their high positions on
the line today.
Penn State, Georgia Tech and
Mississippi, ranked fourth, fifth
and seventh respectively, all face
tough opponents.
Penn State at Rice is the pre-
mier inter-sectional game of the
week. Rice, a sophomore dominat-
ed team, knocked LSU from among
the nationally ranked teams last
week as they played the Tigers
from Baton Rouge to a 6-6 stand-
Coming to Life
Led by quarterback Walt Mc-
Reynolds, a last minute stand-in
who completed 13 of 23 passes for
179 yards last week, the Owls seem
to be jelling fast.
Meanwhile, Penn State had
trouble in getting past the Air
Force Academy last Saturday scor-
ing thirteen points in the last
half to defeat the Falcons 20-6.
Georgia Tech meets Louisiana
State in a nationally televised
game from Atlanta. The Tigers
will be fighting to regain their
fifth national ranking after get-
ting knocked off by Rice last week.
Beefy Line
Tech's strength lies in its line
which averages 222 lbs. from end
to end. Led by guards Rufus
Guthrie and Dave Watson the
Engineers have held their oppon-
ents to an average of 79 yards
rushing per game.
Mississippi will encounter Hous-
ton at Jackson, Miss., today in a
game in which the interest isn't
purely on the players.
Houston has been the surprise
team of the football season. The
Cougars upset perennially strong
Baylor and Texas A&M in their
first two outings. Coached by Bill
Yeoman, one of Duffy Daugherty's
multitudinous offspring, Houston
stands head and shoulders above
their fellow Texas independents.
Quick Start
Mississippi, with 23 returning
lettermen led by All-American
tackle Jim Dunaway, had no
trouble in getting past their first
two opponents Memphis State and
Around the country in other
games of interest many teams will
be kicking off in their first con-
ference conflicts.
Columbia meets Princeton Uni-
versity in a traditional Ivy League
clash for both teams. Both squads
had victories last week, Columbia
over Brown 22-20 and Princeton
over Rutgers 15-7.
Georgia at South Carolina, Iowa
Dr. Margaret
Mead writes of
in October
on sale now
State at. Nebraska, and Arkansas
at TCU are some of the other in-
itial conference meets around the
Highly ranked Alabama and
Texas seem to be in for coin-
paritively restful games. Alabama
meets inept Vanderbilt and Texas
will encounter all-losing Tulane
today. Alabama mauled Tulane
last week 44-6, and Texas is eager-
ly looking forward to doing the
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