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October 09, 1962 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-10-09

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OCTOBER 10, 1962



i l7uL #il LAjL

Meredith Attacks
Army, NAACP,
U.S. Cuts Troops
By The Associated Press
OXFORD-Negro James H. Meredith criticized yesterday the way
the Army and, indirectly, the National Association for the Advance-
ment of Colored people for their handling of the desegregation at the
University of Mississippi as the Army reduced the number of troops
stationed there.
He said the instances he cited "have made my struggle most dif-
In a formal statement made available to newsmen, Meredith:
1) Again denied a report, attributed to a leader of the NAACP
that he was "picked" for the desegregation move, rather than acting

Indonesia Requests
U.S .-USSR Talks
UNITED NATIONS (P)-Indonesia called yesterday for a meeting
between President John F. Kennedy and Soviet Premier Nikita S.
Khrushchev on Berlin and related East-West issues preferably at
the United Nations during the present assembly session.
Sukardjo Wirjopranoto, Indonesia's permanent United Nations
representative, told the 109-nation General Assembly that the forcible
division of Germany, China, Korea and Viet Nam threaten world
peace. "The Berlin issue in par--
ticular," he added, "which is at -
the heart of the problem of a Legislators
divided Germany, can at any mo-

McCracken Views EEC, Africa Union

... Soviet relations


on his own initiative; 2) complain-'
ed that the Army had segregated
the troops'brought in here follow-
ing the riot that erupted when he
appeared on the campus nine days
No Comment
Mississippi NAACP president
Aaron Henry was quoted earlier
as saying Meredith was selected for
the desegregation move. Henry
could not be reached for comment.
As for the Army, it flatly denied
that~ segregation was the order of
the day at present, but did 'say
some patrols were kept on an all-
white basis at the height of the
tension several days ago.'
It also announced the withdraw-
al of 5,900 regular Army troops in
the area and said it has authoriz-
ed the release of up to 30 per cent
of the Mississippi N a t i o n a l
Guardsmen called into federal
service "in order to alleviate hard-
Federal Service
The Department of Justice al-
so expects to turn over to the Uni-
versity of Mississippi today infor-
mation on about 20 students it
says were implicated in disturb-
ances connected with the enroll-
ment of Meredith.
In Jackson the Mississippi Jay-
cees disclosed they wPl publish
for national distribution a bro-
chure called "The Truth About
the Oxford Story." Swai Yerger,
a Jaycee member, said "We want
to correct the distorted image of
Mississippi as given by Ralph Mc-
Gill, Roy Wilkins and Bobby

Seek Better
Soviet Ties
BONN ()--Chancellor Konrad
Adenauer said yesterday West Ger-
many is ready to meet a Soviet bid
for improved relations providing
oppression is stopped in Com-
munist East Germany.
The Soviet Union made the bid
in a memorandum delivered last
year and promoted since through
diplomatic channels. So far there's
been no reported progress.
"The government is making ef-
forts to improve relations with the
Soviet Union," the 86-year-old
chancellor told the Bundestag. 1.3ut
he did not say how.
"I affirm that our government
is ready to discuss many things
with the Soviet Union if our
brothers in the zone (East Ger-
many) can arrange their lives as
they please," Adenauer said.
Delivering the government's an-
nual statement of policy at the
opening, of the fall session, the
chancellor said only these efforts
could produce results if the Soviet
Union for its part seeks "a truly
peaceful resolution" of outstand-
ing problems.
One of the basic policies follow-
ed by Adenauer during his 13
years as chancellor has been a
demand for elections in both Ger-
manys to enable the whole people
to settle the reunification issue
and freely choose their own form
of government. The Soviet Union
has persistently opposed this.

ment pluge humanity into a nu-
clear holocaust."
He expressed hope the leaders
of the big powers will not let any
opportunity go by without making
a supreme effort to ease the dan-
gerous situation prevailing in the
divided nations.
"It would be most desirable," he
said, "if a meeting between
Khrushchev and Kennedy could
be shortly arranged, preferably at
the United Nations while the as-
sembly is in session. Such a meet-
ing could pave the way for future
contacts between representatives of
the divided states, so that they
can negotiate a reunification."
The assembly also heard Al-
gerian Prime Minister Ahmed Ben
Bella pledge his country to a policy
of non-alignment in the East-
West cold war, and also voice firm
determination to work for the
freedom of all areas of the world
still under colonial domination.
His statement came at the end-
of a series of speeches welcoming
admission yesterday of Algeria as
the United Nation's 109th member.
To Withdraw
Last U.S. Units
partment officials said yesterday
the remaining 3,000 American
troops and airmen in Thailand will
be pulled out.
No date was set for the with-
Officials said the phase-out op-
eration will not take place until
after further consultation with the
Thai government.

Inch Ahead
WASHINGTON (P)-Congress's
drive for final adjournment stalled
again, then inched ahead late yes-
terday with some progress on ad-
vancing the multibillion dollar wa-
ter projects bill-one of several)
remaining legislative roadblocks.
The House Rules Committee ap-
proved by voice vote a resolution
to send the controversial proposal
to conference to iron out House-
Senate differences.
The resolution, subject to House
adoption, could be presented today.
New Target
Sen. Hubert Humphrey (D-
Minn), the Senate's assistant Dem-
ocratic leader, said Thursday night
is the target now for winding up
the longest session since 1951.
He predicted that goal could be
achieved, but when Majority Lead-
er Mike Mpnsfield (D-Mont) was
informed of the forecast he retort-
ed, "what week?"
Flood Control
The water projects conference
will be dealing with a Senate au-
thorization of more than $4 billion
for flood control, navigation and
beach erosion propects and a
House authorization of $2.3 bil-
lion for the same purposes.
There were also these other ma-
jor hurdles to adjournment:
1) Settling a House-Senate dis-
pute over a $25-million research
item in the $5-billion farm appro-
priation bill. House and Senate
appropriation committee members
discussed their differences yester-
day but announced no results; and
2) Legislation granting a tax
break for self-employed persons
who set up their own pension
plans. The bill, awaiting President
John F. Kennedy's action, must be
signed or vetoed by midnight or it
becomes law automatically. Con-
gress is expected to attempt to
override any veto.

Prof. Paul W. McCracken of the
business administration school, &
member of President Dwight D.
Eisenhower's Council of Economic
Advisers, views the potential as-
sociation of parts of Africa and
the European Economic Commun-
ity with a "wait and see" attitude.
"How much the African coun-
tries benefit from associate mem-
bership depends on the magnitude
of the concessions the Common
Market would be willing to make,"
he says. "If these are consequen-
tial, there is some advantage to
be gained."
Prof. McCracken sees two im-
portant factors in measuring fu-
ture benefits. Those African coun-
tries with large export markets,
and particularly with exports use-
ful to the EEC, will naturally be
in the best position.
Tariff Concession
"The extent to which associate
membership will give them a re-
duction in tariffs and other bar-
.Boards To Review
Men Classed 4-F
LANSING (R) - Some 118,000
Michigan registrants classified 4-F
by their draft boards will have
their status reviewed to determine
whether they would be eligible for
military service in a national
emergency, Col. Arthur A. Holmes,
director of the state Selective Ser-
vice announced Monday.

riers which they could not have
outside the 'market' is also im-
portant," he notes.
"At least, though, these coun-
tries won't be shut out in the way
that Commonwealth nations such
as Australia and New Zealand fear
they may be when Britain joins
the EEC," he says.
Turning to the question of eco-
nomic growth in the under-
developed African states, Prof. Mc-
Cracken feels that association with
the Common Market will only be
of marginal helpfulness, "not very
large in respect to the total prob-
Quicken Pace
"As these countries try to quick-
en the pace of their economic de-
velopment, the difficulties they
face are only in part solved by
finding export markets," he says.

-...Africa, EEC

The professor asserts an increase
in exports ideally would lead to
additional imports such as in-
dustrial goods and machinery. This
would quicken the pace of capital
formation. On the other hand, he
sees no guarantee that increased
foreign trade will increase the
level ofinvestment. "This is the
major problem.
"These nations also have a ser-
ious need for entrepeneurial and
managerial competence and do-
mestic investment," he continues.
Prof. McCracken doubted that
full partnership between Africa
and the EEC would be established.
"The Common Market is much
more than a customs union. This
involves a full range of political
Bond, Haber
Join Council
Dean Floyd A. Bond of the
business administration school and
Prof. William Haber of the eco-
nomics department have been ap-
pointed to the Export Expansion
Council by commerce secretary
Luther Hodges.
The council's purpose is to "seek
means of expanding the exports of
American industry in order to
strengthen the dollar in interna-
tional trade" and to explore pol-
icies designed to reduce the out-
flow of gold, Bond, who was named
to the council's steering committee,
explained yesterday.

... postpones talks

Report Castro
Delays Session
On Prisoners'
HAVANA (JP)-Prime Minister
Fidel Castro postponed his sched-
uled meeting yesterday with New
York attorney James B. Donovan
on release of 1,113 Cuban invasion
prisoners, informed sources re-
There was no immediate indica-
tion of when the two would meet.
The informants said Castro put
off the session so he could meet
President Osvaldo Dorticos on his
return from the United Nations in
New York.
Responsible sources in Havana
had said that only one final meet-
ing between Castro and Donovan
stood in the way of freedom for
the prisoners taken in the abor-
tive Cuban invasion in April 1961.
Meanwhile, United States of-
ficials are watching the progress
of the negotiations, but are main-
taining a tight silence about the
Garrett Sets
Job End Rule
WASHINGTON ()-The prin-
ciple that employers should have a
free hand in abolishing jobs they
determine are no longer necessary
won another important endorse-
ment yesterday in the railroad in-
Arbitrator Sylvester Garrett rul-
ed that the Chicago and North
Western Railway may henceforth
terminate any telegrapher's job
considered -by the railroad to be
"featherbedding," or unneeded
The railroad must give 90 days
advance notice of any such termi-'
nation, and talk it over with the
union, but the carrier then will,
have the final say. The union will
have to accept the outcome. Sub-
stantial layoff benefits are pro-
vided for displaced workers.

World News RoundupI



By The Associated Press
PARIS - Gaston Monnerville,
president of the French Senate,
yesterday called President Charles
de Gaulle's proposal for election
of presidents by popular vote a
violation of the constitution and
unwise. He pleaded for defeat of
the project in the Oct. 28 refer-
LOS ANGELES-A civil anti-
trust suit was filed by the Justice
Department yesterday against Ci-
ties Service, Sinclair and Richfield,
three of the nation's largest oil
companies. The department said
the suit accuses Cities Service and
Sinclair of agreeing not to com-
pete with Richfield or with each
other in six western states-Cali-
fornia, Oregon, Washington, Ida-
ho, Nevada and Arizona.
* * *
TAIPEI-President Chiang Kai-
shek will make his declaration to-
day that "the time is ripe now"
for an all-out attack on Commu-
nist China. The statement will be
read at a rally honoring the Oct.
10, 1911 anniversary of the over-j
throw of the Manchu dynasty.
* * *
olic church officials are awaiting
to see if approaches made by Rt.
Rev. Msgr. Jan Willebrands to the
Russian Orthodox Church recently
in Moscow will yield observers to

the Ecumenical Council which
opens tomorrow.
AMMAN-The foreign minister
of the Yemen royalist government
said yesterday the youthful king
reported killed by rebels is hiding
out in the mountains mobilizing
loyal tribesmen to restore the an-
cient monarchy.
BOISE - Former President
Dwight D. Eisenhower called on
Idahoans yesterday to vote for Re-
publicans to restore "American
good common sense' to govern-
ment. He blasted the "New Fron-
tier" of President John F. Kenne-

dy as having a


LONDON-A coroner's jury yes-
terday returned a verdict of sui-
cide in Dr. Robert A. Soblen's
death. It found the bail-jumping
spy killed himself with an over-
dose of sleeping pills which he
had hidden in a secret pocket of
his trousers.
NEW YORK-Sluggish trading
continued on the Stock Market
yesterday as the Dow-Jones 30 In-
dustrials were up 1.09, 20 Rails up
.35, 15 Utilities up .15 and the 65
Stocks up .49.

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