Knights of the Hudson
See Page 4
:43, a t I#
Little change in temperature,
with rain tomorrow.
Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom
Kennedy Visits State
Senior Women
To Receive Keys
Special To The Daily
DETROT-President John F.
Kennedy came into Michigan last
night to see what he can do about
electing a Democratic ticket in No-
This is the second stop in a'
hectic weekend tour of Ohio, Mich-
igan and Minnesota. A small, par-
tisan crowd of a few thousand
greeted the President when his
plane touched down at Detroit's
Metropolitan Airport at 7:15 p.m.
Included in the crowd was a dele-
gation of 50 Young Democrats
from the University.
Showing little sign of the severe
cold that forced him to cancel all
appointments Thursday, Kennedy
stepped briskly from his plane to
a waiting reception committee
which included Gov. John B.
Swainson, Senators Patrick V. Mc-
Namara and Philip A. Hart, Con-
gressman John Lesinski and Neil
Staebler, candidate for congress-
Customary Fashion
In his customary fashion, he
then walked over to the cheering
crowd and shook all hands in sight.
Gov. Swainson introduced the
President for a few brief remarks.
"This is not exactly a non-politi-
cal trip; it is a political one. We
have come here in order to talk to
Democrats who have stood up for
progress before and will again.
"I come to ask your help in
electing the kind of men who will
move this country forward," Ken-
nedy concluded.
Has In Mind
In clear, biting tones, he named
the men he has in mind:. Staebler,
running for , the at-large seat
against Republican Alvin M. Bent-
ley; Don Hayworth, running for
Congress from the Sixth District
against Republican incumbent
Charles Chamberlain; and Donal
G. Jennings, running in the Ninth
District against Republican in-
cumbent Robert T. Griffin.
The President then joined his
motorcade and sped off for De-
troit. Small pockets of people lin-
ed Edsel Ford Expressway to cheer
him. As the motorcade left the
highway and drew closer to down-
town Detroit, the crowds grew
much larger. Children, rather than
voters, predominated.
Kennedy arrived in front of his
headquarters at the Sheraton-
Cadillac Hotel by 8:30 p.m. and
went immediately to his suite. He
left several thousand disappoint-
ed people in front of the hotel who
had hoped to hear him speak. As-
sistant Press Secretary Andrew
Hatcher reported later that the
President conferred with Gov.
Swainson, Staebler, Lesinski, and
Congressman John D. Dingell
"about political matters." Hatcher
said the President retired at an
early hour.
The President's schedule calls
for him to meet with state Demo-
cratic officials this morning. He
will depart for Flint at 11 a.m.
Republicans Tour Flint
Urging GOP Congress
Dorms After Curfew
FLINT (P)-A Republican "tr
calling for the election of a Repub
as Governor of Michigan.
Sen. Roman L. Hruska (R-Nel
B. Derounian of New York and R
here the day before President Joh
Democratic candidates on a whirls
Reveal That
Gifts for'U',
Reach Ho
The seventh annual joint board
'meeting of the Development Coun-
cil and the Alumni Fund Board
was held yesterday afternoon.
Gifts for the 1961-62 University
fiscal year ending June 30, 1962
reached a new high of $543,865.
This is a gain of over $127,000 so
far this year. Organized in 1953,
the Alumni Fund has received
gifts totaling $2,586,247.04.
Started in 1961
The Law Fund which was start-
ed in 1961 has so far contributed
$12,882.05. This is better than 25
per cent of the total collected in
all of 1961. The possibility that
the Law Fund might hurt the,
Alumni Fund was considered at
the time of its inception but the
Law Fund has brought fresh sup-
port to the University.
It was reported that The Presi-
dents Club.now has 84 members.
The goal of 100 charter members
can be expected to be met by the
end of 1961 the committee report
stated. Membership in The Presi-
dents Club requires an initial do-
nation of $1000 and $10,000 dollars
within the ten year period fol-
lowing membership or a deferred
gift or bequest of $15,000.
Donor Relations
The date for the proposed donar
relations day program was set for
January 8 and 9. The pilot pro-
gram of soliciting gifts-in-kind for
the construction of an Alumni
Family Camp which was proposed
last year has been delayed until
final determination of the ma-
terials that will be required.
The results of a questionnaire
sent out by Alumni Fund Board
indicate that the Development
Council should proceed slowly con-
sidering the establishment of
"other" school funds, and local
chairmen should contact their
Alumni Club to suggest the estab-
lishment of a local scholarship
The theme for next year's
Alumni Fund literature will prob-
ably be "Unrestricted Giving Helps
Michigan Grow-Faster."
uth squad" toured Flint yesterday
lican congress and George Romney
b) and GOP representatives Steven
obert Wilson of California, arrived
n F. Kennedy led a slate of state
wind tour of Michigan. Sen. Barry
Goldwater of Arizona was to have
headed the "truth squad" but was
delayed by car trouble in Louis-
ville, Ky.
GOP Truth Squad
It was the kickoff of GOP
"truth squad" appearances na-
tionally in behalf of Republican
congressional candidates.
"President Kennedy has America
moving as he promised during the
presidential campaign, but the
nation is moving in the wrong di-
rection," the squad said.
Rep. Derounian said the nation
since the presidential campaign
has been misled first by promises
and by "lies that are being told
about the Kennedy administra-
tion's performances."
Right To Know
"We believe the people have the
right to know the truth," Deroun-
ian said.
The New York representative
said, "America under Kennedy has
been acting like a paper tiger,
slinking before the Communists"
in Cuba, Laos and Berlin.
Hruska said the Kennedy ad-
ministration has not lived up to
its promises. He said unemploy-
ment under the Eisenhower ad-
ministration was 4.1 per cent but
has climbed to 5.8 under the
Sharp Increase
Hruska also said that despite
the Kennedy administration's
pledge of labor peace, there has
been a sharp increase in the num-
ber of major labor disputes.
The Nebraska senator also cri-
ticized what he said was the favor-
itism shown to Massachusetts in
the awarding of defense contracts.
He said the amount of defense
contracts awarded to Massachu-
setts under the Kennedy adminis-
tration has climed from $240 mil-
lion to $1.3 billion since Kennedy
took office.
Hruska said Michigan receives
less than half the total amount
held by Massachusetts.
Invites Rubin
To Speak at 'U'
Daniel Rubin, editor of "Com-
munist Viewpoint" magazine, has
accepted an invitation from Voice
Political Party to speak at the
University during the second week
of November.
Rubin will discuss American at-
titudes towards Communists, al-
leged distortions of the Communist
Party of the United States of
America, and its view of social
change, in order to clarify what
Communists really believe.
"Rubin's appearance will be part
of a series to attempt to define the
explicit and implicit limits of
present and future University
speaker policies," Voice chairman
Robert Ross, '63, said.
Rubin has said that he "has
been identified as a member of
the 6PUSA." He identifies him-,
self as a communist youth leader.
Lewis Says
Students March in Protest to DG Ban
Approximately 1,200 fraternity
and sorority members marched in
protest yesterday against the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin Committee on
Human Rights' recommendation to
ban Delta Gamma.
Robert Jennings, president of
Interfraternity Council, said that
"the march was not merely to pro-
test the suspension of the Belta,
Gamma chapter, but was aimed at
the local autonomy clause which
was recommended by the commit-
Check Out System
Recognizes Maturity
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis announced
yesterday that in orderato imple-
ment the policy of senior women's
hours, keys will be available to
women in the dormitories on a
day-to-day basis.
The local autonomy clause states The system will take effect as
that all fraternities and sororities soon as the keys arrive. Lewis
at the local level must have com- noted that he hoped this would be
plete independence in nominating within one or two days.
and selecting members. This pro- Senior women will be able to
hibits pressures from either the check keys out any night they wish
national or local alumni. to return to the dormitory after
The committee recommended closing. The key must be returned
-AP Wirephoto
PROTEST SORORITY BAN--Umbrella-toting University of Wisconsin students marched for 30 min-
utes in rain Thursday to protest faculty human rights committee recommendation that Delta Gamma
sorority be banned from campus.
Clamor Mlust Accept Control Policy
Dean Louis Fibel of the Flint
Community Junior College said
yesterday at a student assembly
that the recently suspended cam-
pus newspaper, "College Clamor,"
could resume publication at any
time following this announce-
However, Clamor staff members
must agree to publish under the
conditions of whatever Ocontrol
policy may be governing publica-
tion at the time of resumption.
The policy statement released
last Tuesday night may be re-
vised at a meeting of the publica-
tions board and Dean Fibel this
Tuesday, but Ann Therrien, editor
of Clamor, maintains that "the
staff is not willing to accept the
policy under any circumstances.
It does not appear that Dean Fibel
is willing to make any major
Explicitly Designated
Chris Decker, features editor,
reiterated the "unacceptability of
the policy. Until its terms are ex-
plicitly defined, and until the role
of Dean Fibel as possible censor
is removed, the Clamor staff will
not put out the paper. I am not
sure that we and the administra-
tion have the same goals in sight
pertaining to the function of a
college newspaper," she said.
In answer to questions from the
student audience, Fibel said that
the Clamor should "absolutely
not" eliminate editorial writing
from its pages, but that editorials
should be securely based on fact-
ual accuracy. "The job of censor-
ship is most odious, and I hope
that clarification and implement-
ation of the policy to govern.
Clamor publication will relieve me
of this task," he said.
Going Beyond Function
Fibel and Lawrence L. Jarvie,
General Superintendent of City1
Schools, suspended publication of
the Clamor last week for going
beyond what they felt were the
functions of a college newspaper.
A previous editorial policy was
S0how ?Tht
Law Fund
Aids Alums
passed by the publications board
in June, 1960, but was never con-
firmed or rejected by the Board
of Educstion, the ultimate author-
ity over FCJC. Dean Fibel's. and
Jarvie's recent policy has been
approved by the Board of Educa-
tion, but not by the publications
Paul Potter, Grad, of the Uni-
versity, addressed the assembly of
Flint students, charging that cen-
sorship is a make-believe issue in
the controversy.
High Moral Purpose
"How can students maintain a
high moral purpose when the sys-
tem under which they operate
forces them to abrogate morality?
In the sense that you have raised
an issue which is controversial,
you have done your job, and can
be proud of your censorship," he
Potter maintained that the no-
that this clause become University
policy by Feb. 1, 1963.
Marching in double file as house
units, the fraternities and sorori-
ties walked to the main camous
and presented a resolution to Dean
of Students Leroy E. Luberg.
The combined Panhelleme As-
sociation-IFC statement protested
the committee's action and urged
reconsideration before the next
facalty meeting in November. The
faculty has the authority to ac-
cept or reject the clauses involving
local autonomy and the Delta
Gamma suspension.
Jennings said that he hopes
"that consideration will also be
given to the Panhel-IFC resolu-
tion at the meeting."
Roger Loeb, managing editor of
the Daily Cardinal, said that the
march was planned in secret. All
houses on campus, except Pi
Lambda Phi, backed the march.
"Pi Lambda did not think it had
had enough time to study the pro-
posals, and it voted not to par-
ticipate," Jennings noted.
Loeb speculated that the protest'
met a cool reception by the faculty.
The recommendations will be
passed on to University of Wiscon-
sin President Fred Harrington for1
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK - An explosion
heard for blocks around early
today sent fire appartus scurry-
ing to St. Patrick's Cathedral on
Fifth Avenue, home of Francis
Cardinal Spellman. Damage did
not appear to be great. Thej
bomb was tossed through a
basement window, some distance
from the upstairs quarters
where the Cardinal was sleep-j
ing. Police are investigating.
to the desk by 1 p.m. the next
day. It .can be checked out every
day if the woman desires it.
I Seniors' Maturity
"We recognize the maturity of
senior women in implementing
these changes," Lewis said. Realiz-
ing the problems involved with
this procedure, it is only experi-
"The operation will be under
constant evaluation and if we can
improve upon it we will," he add-
Any woman with 85 hours or
six semesters of residency is elig-
ible for senior hours but she must
have a letter from her parents
on file with Women's Judiciary
Council. Once this letter is re-
ceived lists will be compiled and
keys issued to those women upon
their request, Lewis commented.
With senior hours women must
still sign out as usual and pull
their slip when they return to the
Overnight Permission
j Those senior women who go
home for a weekend and find that
they are unable to return by clos-
ing may make arrangements with
their house director, Special As-
sistant to the Vice-President for
Student Affairs Elizabeth Daven-
port said.
Sorority senior women have been
given keys under the same system
but they are not required to turn
them in and check them out daily.
This is due to the size of the
housing unit, Lewis noted.
The administration of the sys-
tem will be done by Women's
"The University believes that
senior undergraduate women have
the maturity and good sense to
regulate their social affairs with-
out resorting to the strict regula-
tions which the safety of younger
undergraduates require," Lewis
MSU Student Council Head
Protests Screening Policy
EAST LANSING-Michigan State University student government
president Robert Howard Thursday refused membership on a commit-
tee which would decide the acceptability of outside speakers.
Howard, a senior, said the policy of clearing speakers "cannot
avoid violating freedom of speech on the campus."
MSU President John A. Hannah earlier this week set up a five
student, five faculty member panel to rule whether certain persons
YJIAuh a n itt d to sn ak -n
The Law School Fund does not ion of news without editorial
appear to be depriving The Alumni opinion is completely fallacious,
Fund of contributions as was ni- and that one of the highest re-
tially feared. sponsibilities of a newspaper is to
A comparison between the ex- arouse controversy. He cited South
perience of the Law Fund in its African, South Korean, Hungar-
first year, 1961 and the experience ian, and Spanish students as ex-
sof the Alumni Fund in the pre- amples of those who have "spoken
vious year, 1960, indicate that in out and taken the consequences.
1960 Law Alumni contributed $33,-
157.59 to the Alumni Fund, and GREA T DANE:
in 1961 they contributed $83,348.68.
This means that in the year
after the Law Fund was establish-
ed, the amount of undelegated do- B or e r
nations to the Alumni Fund rose
25 per cent over the previous year.
Thus instead of depriving the By JEFFREY K. CHASE
Alumni Fund of support, the Law
Fund has actually increased the Victor Borge's wit was sharp as
amount of undelegated contribu- ever last night in Hill Aud. when
tions from the law school alumni. he remarked, 'Look at the beauti-
ful legs on this Steinway Grand,"
to the Alumni Fund. after having caused the spotlight
Dean Allen F. Smith of the law to shine on the legs of several
school also pointed out that the female students sitting on the
Law Fund is a source of strength stage near the piano.
to the entire University in that it And such were the ad-libs which
allows special needs of the law brought him much laughter in
school to be met with the school's his performance sponsored by the
own funds. Otherwise these needs University Bands.
would be a drain on the Alumni In an interview, Borge said, "I
Fund found Ann Arbor most responsive
"I am concerned about ;the idea tonight because their laughter did
that the Law Fund means profit j not drag on and on; it came in
at the expense of the Alumni chunks, the kind most conducive
Fund," Dean Smith said. "The Law to my delivery.
Fund frees University funds for Spontaneous Performer
other departments." Borge explained that he has a
WUI D e perm aeu LbpeuK U1-
campus. The action followed pro- SANFORD HURLS THREE-HITTER:
tests here and at other colleges
that Communists were allowed to e
propagandize at state-supported G ia-
schools itsBat Yankees in
"I must refuse to take a seat -------
on the committee because I per- SAN FRANCISCO (P) - J a c k
sonally disagree with both the p01- Sanford overpowered the New , inning run would be all Sanford
icy and the manner in which it York Yankees with a three-hit 2-0 would have to work with. Chuck
has been created," Howard said. shutout today as the San Fran- Hiller, leading off for the Giants,
"I feel that thispolicyiscisco Giants squared the World drove a long fly ball to right field
"Ifelthtthspoic s nth.Series at one game each. on Terry's second pitch. Roger
er demonstration of the relative ;ltjMrsrcdatrtebl n o
immaturity of MSU in the aca- The sturdy right-hander let Mans hislove ut co a nd ot
demic community of the United only two Yankees reach second it and rammed into the right field
States," he said. "I do not sub- , base, and one of them had to steal iand
scribe to the rosy image of MSU it. Hiller wound up on second basej
academic standards painted by the A tremendous 450-foot home , with a double. Alou moved Hiller
Administration." run in the seventh by Willie Mc- to third with a sacrifice and Mat-
Cnvv,1naving rfingt ihaspin nva. --
2-0 Shutout
tertains Ann A rbor
one-man shows in existence. His
boundless energy and super-quick
wit make this possible. His brand
of cultural comedy can be appre-
ciated and understood by all types
zN{<.;of people.
About two years ago Borge made
an addition to his company in the
form of Leonid Hambro, of the I
New York Philharmonic Orchestra.
Hambro, a classical pianist, clowns
with Borge, performs seriously with
Borge and bears the brunt of the
comedy of Borge.
Among the many honors Borge
has received, perhaps the greatest
was his being awarded a Danish
:.::. Knighthood by Denmark's am-
I bassador in Washington, D.C.
His Wrist Watch
Borge's stage props are items fa-
miliar to everyone. His wrist
m~atc.the micrvhone. the piano.
(.~~i wards
general format which he follows
for his performances and fills it
? :..: