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May 01, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 147) • Page Image 1

…~Ie ~. f l VOL. V. No. 147.. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 1 1 ;i OFF FOR IOWA CITY. MAYS: INGRAHAM. AND BROOKS LEFT AT 7:30 A. M., TODAY. The Chicago Alumni Will Give Them a Bouffe Luncheon-The Orators Get a Chance for Rest After Arriv- ing at Iowa City-Prof. Trueblood Starts Tomorrow Afternoon. The 7:30 train over the Michigan Central this morning bore our repre- sentatives on their way via Chicago to this year's Northern Orator...…

May 02, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 148) • Page Image 1

…I ti , ' . 1a lU. VOL. V. No. 1418. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1895. 'PRICE-THREE CENTS. MAY FESTIVAL NEXT. OUR ANNUAL FEAST OF MUSIC BUT TWO WEEKS OFF. The Course Includes Four Con- certs-Several Old Favorites to Be Here-'"Damnation of Faust" to be Sung. The recond annual Maytt rol iof ii, Tlrive-sIty Mirsiclil society is ro', lifttle lilore Ian two wet.s off, and it can safely b.! said 'hat lastrSyear's grfeat sue c swill l...…

May 03, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 149) • Page Image 1

…ti , t . 1a . VOL. V. PTO. 149. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. DEPEW ON COLLEGE MEN. WHAT COLLEGE MEN HAVE BE- FORE THEM TO PERFORM. A Large and Orderly Crowd-A Fine Talk-Coin's Financial School Re- ceives a Drubbing-President An- gall Introduced Him-Trilby Com- mended Strongly. At S o'clock yesterday afternoon Ui- versity 11ail1was crowdeci by aicaud- ience eager to hear Anerica's mot poplahr orator, Ca...…

May 04, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 150) • Page Image 1

…ti /* Of SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. VOL. V. No. '150. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MICHIGAN VICTORIOUS. JAMES H. MAYS SURPASSES HIMSELF IN ELOQUENCE AND WINS FIRST HONORS AT IOWA CITY. An Eloquent Oration on "Interna- tionalism"-Captured the Large Audience Immediately-Mr. Ingra- ham Responds to a Toast-The Speakers Return Tonight. Tie annual contest of the Northern Oratorical league held last night at Iowa City resuited in a spl...…

May 06, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 151) • Page Image 1

…Of AW4M Vo. V. No. 151. PLAYED A PRETTY GAME. SATURDAY'S DEFEAT BY COR- NELL A BRILLIANT CONTEST. "VARSITY'S HARD TRIP AF- FECTED THEIR PLAYING. Score 2 to I-Pitchers' Battle Be- tween Priest and Sexton-Bril- liant PlayinE by Shields and Blooringston. What ',vso'aiiul to ho the lest con- teted gne ever plyth ot Pere lit id at Ithaca, N.0T.. took piatot'ato- srday, witn Mieligani wett dowvn be- fore Cornell by the core of 2 to 1. Althioughtdf...…

May 07, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 152) • Page Image 1

…-tIJE .,o..Waln VOL. V. No. 152. UNIVERSITY OF MVICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. EDD~Y, THE ORGANIST. A BRIEF SKETCH OF THIS EMI- NENT MUSICIAN. A PuPil of Dudley Buck, and of Haupt; Pronounced by the Latter. "The Peer of the Greatest Living Organists." Among 'thie artists of _world-wide m-putatiorb who figure in the Mlat Festival, Is Clarence Eddy, the esain- enst organist, born in Greenfleld, Mass., inst 23, 1851. Clarence...…

May 08, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 153) • Page Image 1

…tt* , . 1a ly. VoL. V. No. 153. UNIVERSITY OF MlICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. A GREAT HOLLAND PIANIST. MAFTINUS SIEVEKING WILL AP- PEAR AT THE MAY FESTIVAL. Highly Praised by Musical Critics -His Compositions Played by the Lamoreaux Orchestra -Appreci- ated by Patti-At the World's Fair. Aniong oilier notabileiuii tins who aippear in Alln Aror during the May Festival, sue of the gratest is a Ilo- enee and is c rtainly a...…

May 09, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 154) • Page Image 1

…Ct , . laxln:. VOL. V. No. 1 51. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TI-IURSDAY, MAY 9, 1895. PRicE-THREE CENTS. WILL FURNISH FULL SUM. n all six oratois. As the cx'-cutisv CHICAGO ALUMNI PROVIDE FOR natve tttitemi, ot caiiibe imade until FIRST HONOR IN ORATOR 1. ltltL -iu rdyngt They Will Give the Medal and $75 TH-OROUGHLY AN ARTIST Annually-Third Year Laws Will Is Miss Gertrude Nay Stein, the Receive Consideration Tomorrow Contralto in the May Fe...…

May 10, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 155) • Page Image 1

…VOL~. V. No. 155. UNIVERSITY OF 1\SIII [1 FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1895. PRICE-Ti-REE CENTS. ,GAN, -COMED)Y CLUB 'TONIGH T. Faculty Concert Last Night. DETROIT INTERESTED O''1l' oplollliY of lb faclty ("1110 1's THEY WILL PRESENT TWO WELL i t u pert iaeuo hal IN THE FUND FOR THE WOMEN'S KNOWN FARCES. ________ 0 Iiof t."-a w ai slon, for ti, GYM NASIUMV. It Will Be as a Benefit to the Worn-, i 1e hlll was comforootbly fllbcd las: en's Gymnasium and ...…

May 11, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 156) • Page Image 1

…tt* At SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1895. PRICE-THRE~E CENTS. VoL. V. No. 156. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGANI,. i MICHIGAN YS. ILLINOIS. GAME TO BE CALLED PROMPTLY AT 3:30 THIS AFTERNOON. Huff, of Dartmouth, Captains the Illinois Men. Who Have Improved Sinoe the Former Game With Us -U. of M Batting Order. This nafternoi itt3:31) th(e 'varsity) tealm will mieet the Unit:esity of Illi- niois nine. The visiting teaim is strop;i; this siiason, aost a sthartp c...…

May 13, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 157) • Page Image 1

…IJE U. off VOL V. No. 1517: UNIVERSITY OF MJ CHIGAN, -MONDAY, MAY 1, 1895:. pRScj-Tmrim CExiTS __ _ i , COLD DAY. FOR ILLINOIS. i'TECilS" HAVE A BANQUET MEN FROM CHAMPAIGN TOOK HOME BUT TWO RUNS. 5Vichgan Scored Eleven Times in Three Irnns-Errors Frequent, But the Game Wan Interesting- Visitors Were Outclassed. The cold and the vhd,_cue of the wind was largely re.sloolsile for tie large number of errors in Saturdays game. Although many, ...…

May 14, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 158) • Page Image 1

…VO. V. No. 158. UNIVERSITY OF MVICIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. RIME. LILLIAN NiORPICA.BLTEMSWRNRP. SENIOR LAW CONTEST. SEE OUR WINDOW!g AMERICA'S GREATEST SINGER IN Lae rdyAtrh~m~t L. G. LONG SELECTED AS CLASS THE DAMNATION OF FAUST. Wisconsin, ORATOR FOR COMMENCEMENT. ___'THERE MAY BB Sketch of Mine. Nordica's Career- The western tills of the 'vatsty Seven Contestants Compete for 8O0METHING Invited to Sing in the Bayre...…

May 15, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 159) • Page Image 1

…Alt t r ry,. J e Fr t l i ---------------------- VOL. V. No. 1.59. U:Xl'V*,Ii"'USfTY OF AMIC"1110-AN, WEDNESDAY, NIAY 1,5), 180),5. T'l 1: RTCE-Tijm,,i,, G- -NTTS. Vos. 11.. l N". 1'.+._..rTY O 5(H O N.W DN SAYAY1,. mcmTl ti._~xae THlE HOUSE T1AtOCVS t-i' U"- P. VOTE CO 3i-21". Representative Watt !V eas the MoQtion--Rao!rosnthe Cci'4 lV'!)J Ubiects-The li-y i t (%i Yr Likely Co't $'>25,00,D a.n Law Li- 'irery 535,000, at-F C"'n Li t l...…

May 16, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 160) • Page Image 1

…bCe tofI ,ialn VOL. V. NO. 160. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. THUTRSDAY, MAY 16, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. '5CASTALJAN OUT. Between this and tle oter story i THlE APP1ROPIJATION BILL. q EOR WINDOW a lle.o o~lIl u-ctTHEJiPUBLICATION ONE OF THE tir]," bey G. IR. Barker; "A Se.81(11' COMMITTEE HAS DECIDED ON BEST EVER ISSUED. bty Ilaylnond W'eiks; " Starligl." tb y $80,000 FOR THE UNIVERSITY. TBBMYB Pictues, Sories Biogaphicl Itrettat A. Iloyles. an...…

May 17, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 161) • Page Image 1

…/qW i Aym n ":'?. RACE-T REF, CENTS. }.-- VOL. V. No. 161. VOL. V. o. 1111.UNIVERSITY OF MIiCIIGAN. FRIDAY. NMAY F17. ItfETIECNS A. SYMPHONY TONIGHT. _____ THE MAY FESTIVAL WILL BE WELL ATTENDED. Miss Stein, Miss Stewart, Mr.I Clark and Mr. Rieger Will Sing- Season- Ticket Holders Should Get Tickets for the Organ Recital. The Slay Festival opeis with I symphony concert flitss-evsiing. The prograteifollows: Orerature, Anacreones------- -(...…

May 18, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 162) • Page Image 1

…je . of 4i VOL V. No. 162. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN]V S XPUR DA Y.I MAY 18. 18935. PRICE-THREE CENTS. i A BRILLIANT OPENING. SECOND MAY FESTIVAL BEGAN WITH FLATTERING PROSPECTS. ThelConcert Rendered by PultOr- _chestra,_Choral, Union and:Emin- F ent Soloists-Miss> Stewart and Rieger Seemed to Ibe the] Favor- ites-The Programs for Today. It is safe to say that University hail never before held such a multitude of people as assembled there ...…

May 20, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 163) • Page Image 1

…je . o VOL., V. No. 163- UNIVERSITY OF ,11ICHIGA . MONNDAY, MAY 20, 1895. PRICE-THREE GENTS. VOL.'V.No.1t3.U~iER~TY O MIHIGN. MNDA, MY 20 185. RICETHRE CNTS MAY FESTIVAL WAS ' A BRILLIANT SUCCESS PROGRAMS PERFECTLY T, REN- DERED TO LARGE AUDIENCES. UNIVERSITY HALL CROWDEDAT EACH ENTERTAINMENT. All Was Appreciation and Applause From 4,000 Auditors-Detals of the _Programs tn- ' dered Saturday. The aigl rowdlof Ilite(oleinfg oi- c('rt of th...…

May 21, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 164) • Page Image 1

…je . o AL VOL. V.. No. 164. UNIVERSITY OF M.ICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 21, 189. PRICE-THRlEE CENTS. AINNUAL FIELD DAY 'It- Stuart, 'Pit; .. 1.' It; 1-.IF. ____C_(ary, '(08; L. M-artiu, (Pw L; I.t.ll. THIS AFTERNOON PROMPTLY IltultilTS011, '1) AM. AT THREE O'CLOCK. Shot putatH. Maulha~l, W. H. 'T'Il i on's1, 'd .Itutrhli.:'lau, 'P37; .1. Entries for the Various Events- : LoI' thy; J. . Ilap<1, ' I' P Officers of the Meet-Cold andt Silver Medals...…

May 22, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 165) • Page Image 1

…je 1. of CV s " Ob s VOL. V. No. 163. FOUR RECORDS BROKEN. SHOT PUT, HAMMER THROW, HURDLES AND BROAD JUMP. 196 Gets 2S Points. '96 L Gets 19, and '98 15- F. M.1.-Hall, '96 L Breaks the Record for Shot Put and Hammer Throw, LeClaire Martin, 'SB L, the Running Broad Jump, and Stuart, '96, the 120 Yards Hurdle. (913' W2'i iii iu~ct:ti'e tlt,':.'iti 7 UNIVERSITY OF INLCI-IIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 22,'1895. PRICE-TH-REE :CE NT$. (1111cut, t.hlyd...…

May 23, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 166) • Page Image 1

…I " dlp iw Voil, V. No. 166. UNIVERSITY OF MICHI[GAN, THURSDAY, MAY 23, 189. PRICE-THE E CENTS. ANOTHER .VICTORY. MINNESOTA PROVED AN EASY VICTIM FOR MICHIGAN. Sexton Was Too Much for Minne- sota's Batters-Condon Did Great "WOik Behind'the Bat-Deans and Shields Led the Batting. Michigan tird consecutive 'game ystcrelay by defating tiem Ui- versity f Minnesota witb a sore of 16 ie 4. Wasget was pounded foi twenty hits, all but two Mic...…

May 24, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 167) • Page Image 1

…VOL V. No. 16. UNIVERSITY OF MiCHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1895. PR~icE-THREE CENTS. A. VERY CLOSE SCORE. a n d left this, worning for Itloit. Eol- liwing is the some. MICIIIGAN. MICHIGAN DID NOT WIN WITH- A.B. R. IH. 0. A. N Csts-.r f _-- 51 t3i50 00 OUJT AHARD STRUGGLE. I 2e i. ----4 0 3 0 322 \btisi - 4 0 2 '0 3 0 h_____--telli., ----- 4 0 0. 1 20 'Iietsidt'. f.------- 53 0 0 1 1 0 Dieans.Makes Two Errors-Condon lues bee-sos, 2t__-4 .0 0 4 13 ...…

May 24, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

…tt of A TURDAY, MAY 24, 1895. PRICE--THREE CENTS. VOL. V. No. 168. UNIVERSITY OF MICH3IGAN, S. i A WELL D~ESERVED IJONOli JUDGE COOLEY'S BUST. UN- VEILED YESTERDAY. Appropriate Addresses by Mr. R. J. Barr. Dean' Knowlton, Pres. Angell and 'Win B. Hnornblower- Music by Prof. Stanley and the Glee Club. Yesterday afte1110011 Ill 0s11101or2111021 v eiling ;land prc seroloico I X12121i ;e c the bust o sog fu Lo Co.oely. to the 120ni1212sity, n...…

May 27, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 169) • Page Image 1

…Of Vow. V. No. 169. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, MAY 27, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. GAME WITH HARVARD. MANAGER BAIRD ARRANGED FOR ONE IN BOSTON. 'Varsity Football TeamWill Meet Harvard Probably Nov. 2 or 9 Next- May Meet Pennsylvania Also-Easy to Get Games for Next Year. Football Manager Charles Baird re- turned home Satorday night from a week's visit among the big eastern universties where lhe had gone to ar- range a football game for nex...…

May 28, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 170) • Page Image 1

…IPI.' ofAt VOL . NO. 170.: UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 28, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. PlANS BEING CO PLTEID If It Had Happened Here-Ohl TRACK IIEP 1TRESEN TATIYES PEE OUR WINDOW ! FOR TE GAE WIH CONELL The studnts at. Chicago ] mr sty WILL LEAVE FOR CHICAGO NEXT AT DETROIT THURSDAY. attor the gameiiil ith Michigan gave FRIDAY MORNING. Michigan Wlil Be in Goad Shape to vett hi vriwn ltlliSome ~U. Pt . Students May Gc H R M Ye Meet N nOu ...…

May 29, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 171) • Page Image 1

…tt* I'- Vow V. No. 1 t 1. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. fl VL V No 171 UNVERITY F MCHIANWEDNSDA, MY 29 185. RICETHRE CNTS "VARSITY IS IN SHAPE. THE TEAM WILL PUT UP A STRONG GAME. The Cornell Team and Their Rec- ord- Priest Will Occupy the Box- Seats Are to be Free at the Game -The Yellow and Blue Umbrella Will Cut a Great Figure at Detroit. Michriganand Coriiell xwilHagil scoat in atDecoratioii Day l...…

May 31, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 172) • Page Image 1

…:Ijc I . of Al. WiiiIn. VOL. V.. No. 172. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. SEXTON FOOLEDT~ HEM. PLUCKY "BILLY" HOLMyES CAUGHT WITH A SPLIT FINGER. How It Happened -How Blooming- ston Slugged the Ball-Shields Great Throw from Center Field- D. A. C. Park Has Seen Cornell Downed Twine Within a Year. Y(,stercday a. couple of b~g spieials carried tih' crowd over the' Michigan Central to Detcoit to sec thall'varsit...…

May 01, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

…Ije U. Of , n. WalL VOL. 1.N.145. UN\IVERISITY OF IMICIIGAN, IFEIDAY, 1MAXY1, TIS91. PRICE, ToH-E- CENTS. RAVING the experience of College Oratorical Contest. Tse programmei to-night wrill bie: the voting orators to-night uwill tare a fair show hr a fall attendance.I Let everyhodr he present earls, as '92 Lit Versus '93 Lit, Musi.......... Caequmte til.the diiors sit 'I"tle I- t tt i .ThodreKiii e" eah speec. I etp f joiisini IitlPiitliemAteia...…

May 02, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 146) • Page Image 1

…Ijc U. of Al. WaiIp. VOL. I--N O. 146. UNIVERSITY OF MICIGAN, SATURDAY. MAY 2, 1lf)1. Pics.,, TimiEE CiENTS. As CS GORM1bEY \V1NS. THE U. OF M. ORATOR TAKES' FIRST HONORS. J. P. Adams, of Northwestern University, Earns Second Place.-- Four Good Orations. A "Rattle of tse Orators" lastj night's contest may lbe very appro-j priately termsed. Fosur of United States' leading educational institu- tions have niarshialled their oratori- cal forces; t...…

May 04, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 147) • Page Image 1

…Ij~c t.tof Al . W1ail VoC~. I.-Ni.. 14T. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, MXNY 4, 1iS I. PICE, TiiRts: CENTS'. OBERLIN DEFEATED, run. Iwo r seventuth il Laid out in Oratory and hle Score, 25 to 0. About 1 000 studeints wet to5 thills libise Fair Grounds yon Saturdas'- i to Sitse1e See Robinson strike out si xteeni 01ik adfi the Oberlin players. It will s tn]ule t01111) intierestinillgaste becautse ott ie~. t I ,sIe Te tomte team ba...…

May 05, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 148) • Page Image 1

…lIjc 19. of su.l Wail. V. U I-\o. 14-l-. -U-IVERLSITY OF' MICIIIGAN-, TUESDAY, MAX3, 591 S 11zit2, Timm. ; G ENTS. THE ATHLETIC FIELD. A Description of the Grounds and the Grand Stand. If anycone had venturedI to Pe- dict, at the b~eginintg of this collsege )'ear, that the long- talked of ttniiting of the three athiletic associations wounld b le accoiiiplisliecd, that ove1 fil,ooo for a gym inasium ouldc011l raised, that the 1Regenlts would tr...…

May 06, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 149) • Page Image 1

…I~ Uof Al. m1ill Vol. -- i 14di THE SYMPHONY CONCERT. A Large Audience Listened to the Pine Music. There were over 2,000 iveopisi ini 1'Itiversitv IHall last cveenie'g It tvas, a birilliant aissemiblage, eveeiesf tress ibeiii" thle rule rither than the oUl~hiy enjoved cii n fiolie he lihera iapilau ise. The symiphion in I flat ws t eei ved ithi mooe erai- he~rs, thy list iioiviii it, thy /Iiisvs bing pa rticularl 1fine liv \l s w ho hevardl th...…

May 07, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 150) • Page Image 1

…at of.. L.-N. o. 15 O. UMVIYUSITY OF -MICIIIG,,N, TiltiS IDAY, SMLA Y 7, 111. i'iICr, 'illi *: CrT-S. Base-Ball Minstrels. Mrl . .T.Iarind1111w1as calledll Upon00to-da y andilg"tve some valiia- ble inf ormioninit gadtothe c1om11g Rise-Ba ll Ministrls. I I e replorts, that constaiit pratietl haIs been going111oil It the lorcheistra IlllI that thedi ners ( cobati.mlise-i Tlie 11a11111 i Ic l Ie te i- rection o (f Po.I a hsbe some v ersv fine pla...…

May 08, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 151) • Page Image 1

…of Al. Wm p. Voi,. I.-Nos. 151. UTNIVERISITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY s , 191. ICIscs, Tn izi,:CEHNTS. What Oberlin Thinks About I. Te Game To-Morrow. Foot-Ball To-Day. The following; clippings are fromn Thtre u lteit i gatite for the cilass chamtpion-t the O berlin Review: norw i l ca ci o tsitp of the U niversity in toot-till!f "Thet'. osf i. liots have set a ( i tr I will be played this aftenoon on the high stanidardl of itter-col leogiate ...…

May 09, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 152) • Page Image 1

…j c . o LU. Wiii VOL. I.-1N. 152. UNIVERISITY OF -MICHIGAIN, SATUE'DAY, MAY i, I-tl. PRICE, THIREE CENTS. The Farmers and the Gym. Ai interesting l itfle trick Was played on the fainter inlenihers of thte legislature ot 'it9 ill 'onisectionl Withi thie I icersi tyapplroplriaitioni 'Ik. Te farmer lass' nakers of thte ne sessioni seere ttnssall I tlcerse to the bill tiidlthee propiosel 0) 1o snnte sturdy and inign-iaiitcarciiig' tiheti theinasue...…

May 11, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 153) • Page Image 1

…of Al . W1ail ,o1..1-No. 1,5 ,. UN\IVEIZSITY OF MlICHIGAN, MONDAY, MANY 11, Pi,)I. itiis, I r aiI ,E CENTS. ~ ~~tiIlG~ motT~ ion, nwhirs ia-rounnd in the oxbesly and lacik. aisficet hits, E X"L\Gthite expiience tof College steps one loot out and throws the Pearson, btack and lturros.s AlMen whtoiknows and appreciate sillto rt . ti iab lk pure andi Passedit llbait lsi. Stsrnik out, by- theicarefliiscrititinofC ollege tu- simspits ins thtet5rune...…

May 12, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 154) • Page Image 1

…lc . of Alt.Wip VOL.. 1--N1. 15-4. What Northwestern Thinks The folioNsing coiiet on tie contest of the Northwestern (irator- 'cal ITeague is fromiittse N orthss sttris World:k _ condeinse the I'. rM DAItIY's accousnt oil the os1teSt tshjeli is certainly nitone too ptartial to N\irttissesterns's repsresentative. ,Ilore spave is givets to eaeti of the othser speakers ttiaisJsotsnsAidamts, alttughite tiook ttte secondiziree of $3o.,Goniitev, [T....…

May 13, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 155) • Page Image 1

…40 Of Al. a V f'. 1. 1 -) : . G \IVENlSITY OIF MICHIIGAN, AWEDN 1SI)AY'. A Y 13), 15:31. I 11c1 ii~iCNS 5 AVINGO the experience of College iiithe i-luiratryof he ~ iiier e nro whisotiis in(owtl;neie - The Athletes in Training. 'There werre ltvenl}iht athletes at the fair gr ooonds yesterday vaater- noon to receciveelostrction from Trainer 1Ii ortili Somle of the Mlien present wr: lreSpence, (Cote, \al)eventer, Duitle,1Don1- liue, Sandersoani\ ...…

May 15, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 157) • Page Image 1

…c jc . of n. W1aijj. Vol'. I.-10x. 1327. LIVEI ISITY OF AMICIIIGiA , FIDAY, MAY 1,-, l 1. PICEo, Tintisi.CENi.i~ Minstrels at V psi, Th hipirogranimue for tithei..of ii milnstriels it'i isilaxiti tix-iorross iiht is xasifollows: Rushi ii like:Ce ie. C. IT.iii xxxilr: rigt xgiardsih:. iDxrrci-. Eari Peters; left garii II. A1. lob-, II. It. Sxiitii: lis; leit tickles, tit. II. Aiixrexrs. . AIV. ,Moirrisoii; riglixieiiilA. D.)Rth-li isiidRlurlFar...…

May 16, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 158) • Page Image 1

…lc . of , 1. '1a . Tor.. NOL. 1.-N~t. 4L' UNIVEERSITY (OF MICHIGAN, SATVIDIA-Y, -MAY 16,, IS1>i. titTtt Urs PRICE, THREE CENTS. GLEE AND BANJO CLUBS. With the subhstitutlionl ci a miotleyj The Delta Gamma Convention. TerConcert Last Evening. aw kiwardevolutiotisthireii the tudi-ii iiilCiiclti ltietcl I~~h three hull- enC cc inito ctiiiriisiiiis oft I iihter.j(lma fatriycoe lisnilt 'ere were onlyabioiit tlii he cluibs are to ie tiomlimented it ...…

May 18, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 159) • Page Image 1

…ijc t . of LU . W1ai p. Vol'. I.--No. 1,59. THE FIFTH VICTORY. The U. of M, Bats out 15 Runs and Northwestern Scores 3. The batters of the'N orthwesterni Universit nine r eeutter1ly unable to find Robinson, in the game on Saturday. Three hits are credited to themt lit oiili one of these was it clean one, and it was a single. McGinnis, the lilred itclher of the N. Wv. xU.-saspoundsied nil liner the field. 'Twenty hits were made off hIs ileliver...…

May 19, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 160) • Page Image 1

…AL of AT. Wai Vol'. I.-ti o. li ). UN\IVEI;SITY OIL MICIIIGAN, TL ESD A, \AY 1,,, 18911. DENNISON NOT AVENGED. The Prosecuting Attorney will not Prosecute. dlhberation or twitht criminal intent. 6. Untier such circunmstanices a Convictiont if any onie of the (deer-j The Seniors' [lie freshmen litsv by the senior lits ye: Prosecutings toriv littinononthsitrrr oureisas coiicicteid it wciuld behriste tosottefi y'esiertlas-esnteredl a n)1, l' i so...…

May 20, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 161) • Page Image 1

…*ij U.Of #tn, ai 1p. Vo'. I.-Nv. 161. UN\IVERSITY OF AIICIIIGAN., AVEDNESD AX, iAl1_V t) 1 i. Plic, Toi-iCENT'S. German at the U. of M. antd at Har- in 's I-its in BalcteriologyITuesday yard. m torning tirnonti other thin-s hej Ia recent issue of th tu a saitat iialairia is tiut to a firoto- comptaratice statemoent regtaringte hepamdu mlra o study of Latin at H arvard anthe iers theitreattmetnt if malariia tithlt 11. of Ml was published. ft ca...…

May 21, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 162) • Page Image 1

…e 4& 1,44k . of , nl. Wa Ip. ViO..-N i; i2. The Eastern Trip. The base-ball team will leave Ann Arbor in their special car, for the ]'ast, on Frisday eveiningp. Their car will be alttallced to the 9 :30 P. Inl. North Shore limitedl. flier reachli Eticas-.Vat1 'lc Saturdlayosorii.i In thle atr noon they wsill plassti II sHaiistoin Collegetins. sevsoon swillI psoba- (lii Mlsiiasyisthe 2tlithels iils isill Ilay15ths.ttam5o11tsitlt-ns 1 iiiy of c ...…

May 22, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 163) • Page Image 1

…~I~cU.of AT. mlIjj. Vc,. I.-N . h1f;.. VUNIVEIISICY ' IMIClHIGAN, FI~iiiLAY. -MA2Y 22, 1>2)1. PitiepTHECETuioVeS. College Press Gonvention. mit a n. i"rll ln" wrk. 'The irst annutal convention of ~I~ i ii lsinl1 the Western I ntercollegiate Press Association will lbe ield i a' the (liiI'I' l'alitter h oulse, Chiceago, to-tmh oo iliorilixi'ansi afternoon. This is the.ii~s i i o 101 ileetilig whtichl l o 1 sr-aIllie te h tll os, Iel S1i1' 1as0oc...…

May 23, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 164) • Page Image 1

…Of /* LU. WaiIp. VOL. I.--~ 1 G-1 UN\IVEIISI1Y OFI MICHIGAN, SATIUDAY, IA Y-i t IIimCsiaTtin vE NTS. l 'AVING the expseriencie of College Men who kow adate mrciie Toe Freshman Banquet. a leasi;pctrofyl 1ad Accordingi"to the tprecedlcnt of lic, rowis'sarlotrt ll prevs 5claisses the sclass of '94 held i ii1t its 1' reshmais Ianucut' last nigt lin , la stertis prosveu olefle Nickels' hall, and to say' that it W is a "lorious success is to give it...…

May 25, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 165) • Page Image 1

…c . of ~rn. WIN Nutl. 1..-..N,.165 VICTORY NUMBER ONE. The U- of M. Nine Defeated Hamil- ten College, IS to 3. T1he team arrivedl at 1,tia at 2:0 p. im. andl as soon thereafter as ps- ssie, dressed and Nvet nt 1 to tie rounds.'lThe daxyxwas lmost ier- feet for isall pIaina' and asiar stlt 0o11 boxs lut 111;n aimot errolss game ittilat teturs eIParxon's a line ly to ilitir Followcingisla dtild cuuntt of the 'ante: ; fM etto bat first. Kelly tru...…

May 26, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 166) • Page Image 1

…c je . Of , n. W1ail VOL. I.-No. 1I sf ;. V,-IV'E SITY OF MIHIGAN, TUESDAY, M~AY 26t, 1591. THE FIRST DEFEAT. Our Team Encountered Hard Luck at Burlington, Vt. in their pocetes instead of coiins. NWiih all her presetnt insdirfereince to civilizattion, ioswever, stie is a nmost hiopiefulcoiutrr. N apoleon l)IC- In the featiher-wveighit wrestlinig, G rochan, U. of M., sustained a serer twcist of the leg and was forced to ssithsdrasr. Its the fin...…

May 27, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 167) • Page Image 1

….li C 's . ilail. cyr.. I.--\ >. 1 , . Voc. I. N. OiL -NVENSrITY' OF1"MICIIIGA-N. W'C)NECSiAY. -I XV 27,lo Tmti :i, GENTS. Mr. Campbell's New Position i'rseas anniouniid in the D i~ aeo few days agto, iitiM. A. tmp- tseeii bell bad lbeen ofttereil ai positioni at noon. Lick Oblservtor.Il ascllteamii do tecesti ug facts: ae1 Te ( bser''iatorc is tiderthtli i'ecttoii of IProif. I olden frmely l iiis of thec III\si v of 1 s n i . ,,r 1 Ilie isass...…

May 28, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

…j e . of , 1. la 1 . t'oi.. I.--\ ,. 1 . \'11L. I--No. 1;UIVENSiTY uOF \IICIII(J'N, TIIV IlAY, MAY si 't iIhtiiCNS P.,zlci,, TFiRm, C :v r . U. OF M. VERSUS U. OF V. A Full Account ot the Gamne at Burlington, Vt. r nlain iurin t? ' l ru 7re of a The ,;idae.I afternioun galie was atil led lithII 'tin letnota Wlsh i oints1)f)1r1 U. Cofl1 I\l irtha r The first ttre til eilit oti itrIcd shlort ordler oto popUflies and(1a0 IW ' ill st strike liut. ...…

May 29, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 169) • Page Image 1

…~ijc ~t. o Al . W1ail p. Vol. - N . It. U IVEIlSITY OFlI' IICIIIGAN, 1FRIDlAY, MAY _10, 1ugh. hoot';, Toiot: CENTS. YALE'S LUCK. out to W~ilkiiison, aci 1)1 to go- Inth ie eiglitth Pearson hit to The U. of M. Outbatted Yale, but og out front Spi tzer to ich.vaio base. Wilkinson got a base Costly Errors Lost thte Came. Tile fortli opernedI with a trike Itit. Ricit forcett tint to secondtt ott l - it b 'earsoll ilisoi flw wtita base on b~alis. C...…

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