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May 01, 1891 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-05-01

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Ije U. Of
, n. WalL
VOL. 1.N.145.
RAVING the experience of College
Oratorical Contest.
Tse programmei to-night wrill bie:
the voting orators to-night uwill tare
a fair show hr a fall attendance.I
Let everyhodr he present earls, as
'92 Lit Versus '93 Lit,
Musi.......... Caequmte til.the diiors sit
'I"tle I- t tt i .ThodreKiii e" eah speec.
I etp f joiisini
IitlPiitliemAteia ..ie.N. ,:'e . ' 1LaN,
Obrini-CoLll-4 t.
QU is . .. .. ... .... ... ..t'hin ne osn d- y T etts tt
ill li etlcosedl tdtrisig
a versits '92 Law.
dit atnd tiatti tr aecto-
aise hetvee tt tthe aw
lie fair 'grounsi yester-
an. The senilots raisedi
1their noisy- titi horns,
amr dit1as tieli ivithi
-fii ius. Thi e game,
-s by a score of 6 to 4.
-ry wveli, mittSeymoutir's
box wvas remsarkable.
Thle inst speaker trill begini at 8
Ne believe fromisthe replorts that
thet orationss to-night trill be edify-
ti'sanistrucitrive . ire thre
jtheir isoiieri
a-hich tias at
by the junsiior
Deyoe diii rt
work in the
'The gutte yesteridays-afternioontI ~t~ uusit uutttet
wa carctrzecielybyllnteviireltil scrtittuni oftCllege"itu-
sn-a clat t it i~tl lsteiy t1 elltg itl t-sistav i-t lrge ctrps oi skilled
buhit notisthssitninth- ie obistructioniI-unr utlestc l
otil tt litkbttweevn thse ]ioticsiilate, (tr-aitedi for badgite andtittesjeweriled
a sectyIclist aiti 15astlayedi.stan tivlrk,11importilngasite diiditrectiy
N orti itwasihit ifreI el-, homsle riots from111P1risLtondonit andi Amistterdamtt
- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tns weet. slrei iintssgssierpositei 1 ist po
' snd.Osl fie inins wre la iiiicet-e inest plaini tonijewelled
the ag recmlelsi leligt that tse game Soit-BIadigt-s of all kitnds whlicht are
shlstatilai1111past ire. Ihow- intitfarisirt-I o intilsiutry.
evcter, it twas six otctick bsefore- the --- +-
ift in inilg ias finiiiseti.Else score XVright Ka o
wa i.Plww ietnmsIof e iplayers andtihue score inn- 1111 IMPORlTEiRS, JEWELERIS
ings: Juniors-Johinstonse, c.; Vani M ANLI I'ACTLI RING JEWELERS.
Inwagens, p.; Wootd, iib.; Bowen,
ab.; iHeywrood, s-s.; AMePierrais, IDotrolt, MIhLzhhan.
3b.; P orter, If.;'i'owsnsentd, c..
McLaugslas, 2b. Chap. 'pe]]er & .
Sophomores - Diodge, c.; 'an n-eiyOtitr,
Nortwvick, p.- Citeerer, tb.; Sior- O~ SO~UTHSTAtTt-ST.
gals iii.;Spizer, ssn; Loomsis 3b.-
eisonslisoit, if.; lygert v c f.1Fsch-tHWS, 'SI-rjB'9'rI'u
1 '
Niiiety-V ti-i--------- 4 U 1 1-8.T~ L
INintliree---------... Hio1 a't (Umnasiumand thlidle( Goovds.
S Last Night's RUinoUS.
Qtiite a senssailonltas ctetedi last ,
tienber that each candidate hsas H-e struck oat sev-enteen of the sen-
dtone this best in prepsaration, for iors.'T'he juniors played ansalnmost
errorless gmhvn u he
they swell knewv the serere test thateros gsehisgln tre
could be apte to boils thoughi -ror. ironsotn played a flne ganme
and delivery. Besitdes, thsere msust atmoid bas.Te ae a-as a
lie a considerable stinmusus illtse go exhsibitions of base-ball, andtiis-
unite of i-ing sethe honor anti the gis-e' tle full score:
mioney-prize. One husndlred slollars IR.1 Sit.
1S no nmeani tonsidtiaions to5 stu- Kellyi--------
deint whlo has not yet be-guin tte iAbbtte------1 0 ; 1 0
binless if tneies-giettintgitfor hitn t i 5 1,: _-_---u 1 u iiI
self. D o e,1----t -- -- 1p
to lie the tiratotrical relpreste tatisvs illkitt 1. i ,..-
~earlsotifive rcollegtes oflhigh'li
itaniisg, atidiwe m151c5 fi deniittly Ttl------- 41
exieci ts toearschloliarly pro titti9' 1,.1w.
tr ilI y-1ur,1------ -it1:t0 is
W~e caisistibitter showss-thle wit in tsHurd,1 1. - it----- it0 it
which itrators- i isheldi atid Iis wicsh Tettis saltlit----1 14 ., a
it should lbe estimnated etsatnby- ttuit-- S1------s. -------- 0 a 2s
leg frontIHetiry Ward Blicher, whs iPerr.u"b--i I 1 i 0i 0
Says, "I thiik that oratory, twt th intMasall et......1 1 E ii
exception of bert andtithere an i-is ; at'; is0 a
Stance sw-hichis issupposedto 1cie;)tcixIxs
naiural, is looked upson, if not w itliah-
contenmpt, at least withm discredt - 9'----------0i0n0s3 1 1 0a 0I i-s
thung artificial; as a niece science of Iesrmspa a-aehs
nmnentation. Still, on time0111cr hieer;er three-base hits, Sptemice; base
hand, I hold tlhat oratory has ltis testt onbills, by- Deyoe -, by Seym~ou~r,
andtimark of divine tirovistence in thlat 1 struck oat, hy Seynsoor 1m7, by I
Cod, wshems le msakes tinspefeccI) oe, in; tinae of ganse, zhounr, o
signifies thatIlie is done bytyhlrow-r1 iteis; umplire, Mr. H arrisosn,
leg9 os-erthsenm tse robe of lpurity.mic
'ow, a living force lithatrings io - ----+~~------ -
ielf all te resources of illagilsa- Fld Day.
lion, alt the insplirationas of feeling, Thle followning is the probable list
111 voice, in eye, in gesture, in Ibos- of events for field clay: O~ne isum-
ture, in the wshole aninsateti mats, is dredt yvds dashm, running high junmp,
11 strict analogy with the divine aao ytds dash, conning broad jun11,
thoughte and the diine arrange- Y. mile rous, pole vault, r2 ouite ron,
lnent."potting if6 lb. shot, ao y'ds hmrdle,
This, Bleechmer believes to be thme i mile walk, throwing 16 lb. ham-
true test of an orator. We hope nmer, relay race, fencing, wrestling.
silght by a hband oitf w-ite-robsedi sesi
jlpresumabtlhly studsents, stlto were till
radlinlg the streets hteatdetdPy a druso
scorits. Nobohttty seemtedi to ksiits
twho they tere.. TI'ley mlarchled
alossg State street asndt tp Waslf'isg-
toss to the 0111 cemsetery,ti-here thsey
ssudenly disappseared. -It is thiotught
that they tiere a squadh of juntior
latss celebraing tseir victolry over
use senlior lairs. 'They tere followsedll
by a crowdt of abosst aoo stusdemnts
shmoustinsg thsehi, of Mt. veil. A rush
twas attempsttedt, ttit as thse whlite-I
rtobevh bandt tias armsed Nitlsstout
clubs, tile crowtd-stotppedt before a
fighltivas iprenipitaied.
Lecture by Dr. Steere.
hr. Steere has conisenited to favor
the I teologiusi Socieltyttith aitapter
emntitled T h ie D istribtioin off(se-
isera1a1111Speciessof tanth Birvds is
thse Phsilippisne Islasnds."'iThe Doctor
trill preseist sosse itleas twhichs have
sot yet beess tresentest to thie public.
It is belietethsat all imnterested in
geology, zo-ology or evolution will
be psrofited by hearing Dr. Steere.
Roon S m, Friday, May m, at5 p. m5.
Wednesday the Medics, in a five-
inning game at the Fair Grounds,
defeated the '93 Lits. Score, 5 to 4.
1 1 V.i1 A Q I P ;I ]

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