Al. Wm p.
Voi,. I.-Nos. 151.
ICIscs, Tn izi,:CEHNTS.
What Oberlin Thinks About I. Te Game To-Morrow. Foot-Ball To-Day.
The following; clippings are fromn Thtre u lteit i gatite for the cilass chamtpion-t
the O berlin Review: norw i l ca ci o tsitp of the U niversity in toot-till!f
"Thet'. osf i. liots have set a ( i tr I will be played this aftenoon on the
high stanidardl of itter-col leogiate lnllaet ttrit at :6tId c ani itms, coiiiteing at , ,o oclotkk
tonrtess- Iltet- treated the O ber- k Itt3' lit and 'gid tmedic aetecn:
gi1 slelgatioti atnds te seenfrotmsthe -taw trll ts. It tiill be a ood ametti
()ilter ctlleges r(iht rovallr 'I The liI l rit aI s the tmenihavte lbeentiimiita llt
lt)sslitalit ssilltnoat lie forgiitten. 1\-:K ly 2n lc t t rf;f a -:Ni ltt TIe e m r : l~gr11rg
"Furth lace. i46Oberlin hs in 1skn 1ed's:trI-Ot)eers
nalizec I 'ci eitrotee inito the Niorti: Dle cen ctre) ciilar Nec m r
eres I Istorial ILeagtie littakingithe6 r .. btttescs oittstiti Ind itast: liaterstct I raky
last ilcc. IWe tire l t pou 'hli, ntt ran eet shuitel h l-b c sCrs i d.e e ul
our rankil II err aretiomie ttings hattery siill be Pitest andtield. acliddenc.i
liscrtutablcestndlthe stats if jutdges -----93lit: Soitlscttlot Pairkesrl i-
See amsonig ttm est , smake list;: A. A.Meeting. IcrThiiomas (scntsrc),lDecke, Cotnk-
factious obljectionisto the siecisiont, Atthiitet: oatlndlictc1 WihX ittcleadi;i quarter-back,
we.' botw to tite insevitable, bitt se I(Crtis; salt-backs, Iietiissost,
til il re~eda tsts-esalsestinest ioari, astes stss"Mr . ost d'N ichsolsoni fell-back, I vgetsl-
It' esa ht'M.Greyd-wsnengagre foe tsvo seeks muore.
Wietsesylstie tsie i bstitiutes iBeldeis (leveecloitliar-
seresi better itisns at the htandss ofsoSatlsis'teber
the Isllgesfotblmaaefonxter. The folloswings is the oteicial list of One Feature.
"Wie pueblishi iir. (trrtley's ora- field clayevesnts: Classedl evenits-; ittfvseri teatgleyo
tione elseswhere, so gise no outlinseThtfaueitear alr o
here. ils carriage teasnstltalto- teS .A leoan.s~ss2 usi l A really title
hetlier easy, luavisiga sgesinofant shuldle els e ii tft.cctbt s iilvIsbsiosasiltads
stiffn'ess. lie g sstr geltifow-lliesie 't i' sascisn oras 1visit stillgo aisaytwllsatistiedl.
gesisesite11,tos-jumnp swiths tweights, puttting shot, Eerystidt in ithe L-. of i-.art
ever, ant init his forcible cielisvery andtI thtiroisn 1 6 lita titier, eela-is- rice secitseiist
strong bari iitnesvosic ermndsiedi isc'rse cn send iiealtrouitaslerI
Of thf atrs lil i ht i enintg:I()peisevenuts, r o siltsl ash, lviidlihttftl hours liiithis 'galilery
the lI a ,eeMll. Il h we 3o s.Is sash, iheavy', misitilellInt. 1 'e, ttiteYittyitl v
th ircticalpoeryeositthyelvibater siturt cnitbterost-eightcsi-restli
atnd thy trecrimit, ciithe ttiue ortor eathrwigtit liimlecning' tront the tfiamouts Msct lillasi
tntlii tiltti tilii'' ii ititi sit a roa tl i ts p oltle vattlt . iecevs iof sit that tiillri cli reipiay
effectitve lassaTos.ite ' cri"~ 5 til a 'nitattoti ittPict t ry
ToteSubscribers to te Gyroe. ittii'tot tttt tteeotc
itit the beist '' sires ini compoilitiont Fund.
5at Xl foritit th iiiit ilac Ii t et cxt - thetionestreiptesetutinug the best cilass of
Xbhe Gthyms-tt coitsit i t ok ythy best latitsers. 'Th11ere
ttctvtry feels calleelitistont retiiiir iuI twill alsos li as colletiotn of rare etch-
liy ,tha t your sutbscriptiosns are cute.1i-nsaninte wiaterecoloes. 'The stails
fastest tc rrint iithe history. It Noc moe thats 25 per scnt. of of thygailery still lie cos-ered tith
Strait twithi interest theiercontest wsiths Inoney stibscribedi has iteess taild51in.shanginis otfs-locolate-ieos'ssor soft
Cornecll next tSaturdiay. itec ttsh It iwsillb hr osbl frtile con-shsadices ot s-see-"reeni. Thle siti-
tile contest costldlsatve lien iseld n. te oak o n iiallybeoridotsswsill hr darkested, atid light for
Itirilln e r ddttt 11syone subscripttions. To sate liothn picture-viewrisngfurishiied by elec-
ball gasme wsad ai'fair ott initic time andcicost sof notificatiots bytricity. Catalotuesclay le tail os
Shutof 'i icsteai siail, the cosmssittee requsests that applicationt assilolsters sif art cast
"Mitore itt sadisess thtats itssrathis you pay y-our subscrlitios t tie retvel in lteauty * _
te eoeei ttseiteth etialllofStewearsd's office at your earliest con-t Jefferson vs. Webster.
ner hall team.-STe n-stie ust A seniesice 'Tle commtittee does slot -__
Attis~Te Contest lebiate lieitweetnthe
Arbeior last Saerelas'yteas otte of te ilestre tot iress you nt t this matter, 'teitrat etrutis oite
m b iknsi xtttioi fpo ut swhest -stncottsidiertile atmou nttasieens positonedi sittil i'tosnday
ot sceigehbtoso aPinsg ee ie y nOelnof sworktwhtichl must be done it the evetniigMains istls.Tequsin
etnd of the yene atnd isnadiditisin to "'Resolv-edi,'That tse Cosnstitustiotn
tami.'the gasse trassnit ey'e-opeere.thstefctstteaelte is of L . S. should lie sit ssmesned as
0the stseefstas ohetctwtcareI atssenris'
ur tenreat oor-mathedlatniarlyto smake the ipresidlential terra sev-en
every itoinit. 'Ike are utnble to re- terst o up i sbsciptiis, yeaes atid the piresi dentt itneligible
poet sinte linse-etninsg, as only' you trill stissoisbtedily see the nteedI foreee-electiosn," wsill lie discussedi
one Oberlin cns reacihesittherd, asseltf itaste. by Mtessrs. Neswconser, Largent ancd
only three captured second. It'l-\Very respectfully, liall, of the Jeff ersonian, asnd Messes.
kinson's hsome run tens simiply a re- . I , T~ ENA s, res Phillips, Gormsley and Mclaster, of
SPectable foul, as the Ann Arbor HN~sN '- Pes the Webster. G. II. Thnompson will
Players admsitted. lint because it Dr ~ '' act as presiding officer. The judges
brongist in a snmall nmatte'r of onily r. Adamis bolted liis class in swill be Dr. Ml.lt . hBigelow, Prof. J.
three runs, no obstinate kick was Social and Industrial Reforms, yes- C. Knowlton and Ret. J. MN. Gels-
1hlade." terday. ton.
J5 VVING, tue expserience of C
Xliiiwit itowisstandsippri
liii caitsuI si ctriut sitofColleti
denuts. hitngs a lairge corps oh
tratuinedifor bsside a ther tli sle
worik, uuimrtsing s ste sltoi
fro 011 Patrs sis itut 111thnd tusti
slr its nd an thsourt iiis thr Its
Stoes.we re ill pustit, ti
inasiiiuhuc'turi n i- iithis essiuutys.
Wright, Kay &
Detroit, MichIgri
Chap. Speller &
University Outfitters,
tilt 8ocTI STsATEs:Sr.
I Ir' tisium a d tu h ilhtic (G
I\l'Tt'IN M'tT'IlY1
'-'ole agests in .suiI Arbior.
reef hy
'eu itus
PET F.01 T-
_____ ''
trlLLnolt'E YOU'