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May 09, 1891 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-05-09

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j c . o
LU. Wiii
VOL. I.-1N. 152.
The Farmers and the Gym.
Ai interesting l itfle trick Was
played on the fainter inlenihers of
thte legislature ot 'it9 ill 'onisectionl
Withi thie I icersi tyapplroplriaitioni
'Ik. Te farmer lass' nakers of thte
ne sessioni seere ttnssall I tlcerse
to the bill tiidlthee propiosel 0) 1o
snnte sturdy and inign-iaiitcarciiig'
tiheti theinasue ccaine sci thin
reaich of the ir swell-iwhetted pruning
knises -ieitor IllackwesllI iht
sttla, a graiute't hela choolj
aisd a isairmiifrieindl (itthe I riier-
titi, wias chairman of the senate
(-Otinittee hlicg .Ml im-igans pride
in charges le site hose the tariier
mtemilers felt, andi lie fooleidtteiti1
beautifully. Ilie niost saniguine
friends of the C niversity' kneie that
ani appropriatiomefcir a gyniniasiui
Wioulid act up~oni the rural miettiers
like a red cloth ini the face of a hull
Senatoir Biackiwell seas aweare oif
this. 'We'll fix thsem,'" lie sail to
the V.nicersitylboard osf regents.
"'We'll arrange the various itenits
jint as see waiintliiim anith ieit we'll
sandwiiichlini a goo ui m ttp for a
by iii slui iiithatse Pknos e secan't
;;. hefamestwill Juiiiiil it
figt tthe friinsii fte 1 ersity
can yielid the ipo intiaiiiililoiisthe
Gyi1' itsenitoiestricekeniiouit.
Thlen the lli ll i uSssiist is wecc
Waiit it.'
'Tliileliebitseisas one o)1 the iiiiist
anunsing' leg islatisve episodes ini the
annals of Al icliiaii-to those wehoi
Ii ere in the sce. Th amriis
belloiweidahout the dittes ait
Arbior wehoeidensi itit to soil te
soft liaiisbs pluitt it ooil ora
tlheir troiisers at the kise hi sainiig
it. The iilea oi askig these liorii-
liauisedllegislators to siil their
hard-earnedl cash iiitaixes to hiuiil aE
gymunasiumut"for cigarette-lpuffig
tandlies to fooli."' Bah'. They
coffed at the idea. Whein the ru-
ral indigiiatioin had evaporatedl, the
friendls of the University sadlly
The May Inlandser.
Thiismtomnthm's Inilaiiiilriihicli iiill
apieirieiiisst Wedsiliasiiiis egi lualtoi
if init suptsriiir iniiiirit, tii sithier si
the tiwo i liwIh i ichhv es iiiuili shed.
'hlueatig ri cenild"Sl
hlsiuetie," yM L cnrwa
Aiiuuiuius o he-. fM , i aiiiiii1
ocisis lovstrwl it.n Th
iiritcr tdispilaisy stisidl- lr1tr
ahiiitai el sa aigstyic.
The setondtarIt ofiithe article rio-
titledi Twl eaer f: <e.ssian
'fouisglit,"hiyIPrtis. J . IDenev,
andi Alexander /iiiet thriowes a t'reat
deatl of I lit on the liives ndiworitks
if theIxuissiani iiites,5 Nek rasof1
anid Saltyk si "Th'Ile Rise andi Fall of
ier ub, yGrc : arh f '90o, lit. discribes the vicissitudes
ini the career of a ittan of stmall abuil-
ity' suddenely g'veetia reptitatioin,
wehichi lie is tot capiable of miaintain-
lng. MY LI y"a I schatrtiitg
1 poeuti ly' 1:sic Joutes Cosoley, fully
sustainis the repuittationi of that risig
young hpoetess.
j \.spets,"a ho ticini by
ladi.tanlt lidsieli, is sers guss.
lDiclKlage lDst Jungiiran - " is the
N eswell I iiict iiihas a lostmsittitledf
I its iioinetistitasalso aisertinitter-
esting' descripitiontiost a iall tufoni
'Elie utocrt of ItisBrekfast
Iaalis" I"The drost i Isish a
pioem by J.1 Isalsii rNelsonti is a
good slntciption ot the sotu- of a5
thrush.I"lie Angle of Retlection"
ande F Eery fIntin His lsOwin lst-
iner are treated itt a seesir tret
itrs-in-' mianner-
Thle Iloardl of Editors of the Its-
landter ileserve great credit for the
seork they are sdoitng, atnd the Sfls'
numisber souilsd meet with a largej
stile, ais it is fully- secrthi the ptrice
The-Foot-Ball Game.
Thtegamte eesterdae afte rntooni was
otie of the must sptiritesd ever wit-
tensed tnt the camtputs. Bthl tennis
seere stronig-the mtedlics chileily- in
Inthe first pa rt of the secondl
hlflt eett sertiouslyiinjutteidliii
anikle andiliias. tomplelledl totslay ott
the rutshline. Ihis materiailly iseak-
Iredthe miedlics andilthey weii stlnosiIs
rishel crsi tefelidtswoitouci-li
ilon is dtw -ils let-iniade
itlhinihr tm feclt tther.
ewetit thcntcairrietI the latd to ti-ithin
t est fee-i if the ssphtltimiirs gottl,-
Ihutlit-hardsIrusihiingit nwis carredi
tails. N ichlssthtieis made t tutu
taroutntithe Il-fitittal scoreid aisnoither
touchdoiwn.st -Timtewstsatiled. -The
'sCf\Nxthelt expteriencre of College
't\felliwitsknowsana ppr iilheiate
ft caitseit setrutliny of Cotllege Stut-
denits.tut-'vingittigecorstiisof skilledl
Dessi-gners andt Jeelsers spsecfially
ftaintedlfotr badgl-e tittl ttlst-jewielled
work ii P itiiitt-, its we doslitriectly
ftrtom Pais, I ntifttantilAmtsterdatm
Sititi's, se eitt'l a posittintoinpliii
'lit eiftin tesitlintittifjieelledl
'Sieitys I-' -s-otill liitds wich are
mainutfatrtedl itthis itittittes.
Wrighf, Kafi & Co.
gameisresulteiniaisettee if Tftoiii u lI'l) llCiS, .J -i.III
ini fasvotrittthe '9; I its I lie teatits AND
were insitublishiedl rsts1 ii M(1ANI'FA('.TUI{ING J.1 ELIlIS.
''Te slain chapitonishipinifitt-uit etroit il it105
halt is thins fitiallssettled.h'93,lit. ------ - - -______
deservs nicstory becauuse nil their Ch p.Speller & Y
huardh andh Lotstcintuiuntrainitg iX
As Caa i tutu ( rttetmarkeid after University Ouitfitters,
the 'amte, the itt1s-yisas in de-eloti t '2it So rt SriSc .
a supleriorit N rit iIselesvenis b his.
time formtuioni of asclass league U P I~S, D hlSili D/1LLI
New phltsyers ire birotughut out anthd
trasine fo h rsity teamsamndh(Ni hut imlan tAhtletic- Goodhs.
time enmthussiausumitlswiss evoskedilahis i -
chis somtet s iimuemtu eii ltehGENTLEMEN'S FURNTISHING
tlay. IThu e ttsy esterihay' temonsms -xs ' its itt-N' i-ut'sY
crteih thatitutumsiworkI will alwss-sspre-
stuii oviem hilhit i u idls-lit n .
''lue Meicsuhu sshi linesstrnbt
theys hiadh mttti tif G ay oeteiE
conusequhientlyt thus siork ofii 5'r cnd ,
ewes te Vriy hiauf-hicks, G$1TLOU
as-aildthems othu ntg. IThue rush I fR
lute of thus'93,hts.stin thuscoutrta-ry
flayed iiniisuperb liform.u it amuy
thou-hut thu-t Catinsis ygerst Ihad
trainuedshihus mmmdiiunmtil theyshltsyesh a tole ageitin iiin Arbuor.
strong-er team -atticthmami1ast tall's U5A$. $PELLIE & Uq
' V r i y e e e.Ge o l o g i c a l S o l
At the miecting Ftriday, 1 .i itt, Sir.
Sones reath aipaiper out " atural
Selection." He Icshowecilthat the
greatumajourlty' if tbothi plants ansd
1anud amnimals nitis! failhto Inature,
Gothecrwsise ltme earth iswoumld 'soot-ihie
overrun.i Natural sclectlions iete-j
mntes wsiuelmshall survise.Atnial1
andsh vegetable oreganiismis are fitter-
sdcpucndemt. Nature alisay's works
fior the goodi of the indisitduals.
Slite so forms their color, structure,
habits, etc., as swill best enable thent
to pierpetuate their kind. N atural
selectioin is thte methosd of evolution.
'Tle essay was very interesting.
The Princeton seniors will wear
mortar boards.
PET IO01111
'truck .$20oo0o out of thie apilrolri- their haf-backs at-d the sohoumoures
htion bill-anud it scent thsroui thtsin their heavy rush line.T'Iue -'amute
egislature like a chilifloating idsen isas calledt at no minutes hiatt four.
the Grand riser after thme spring The first half was a stubborn fight
rtins and neither sidhe scored. Jeweett
-- -- - and Grohs boilh nade brilliant runs,
Thle American Philological Attn- but were well tackled. Adams nsade
citiol0 will bold its next meeting in a touch-down for the nmedics but
Princeton on June 710o9. Umpire Duffy did not allow it.

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