j c . o LU. Wiii VOL. I.-1N. 152. UNIVERISITY OF -MICHIGAIN, SATUE'DAY, MAY i, I-tl. PRICE, THIREE CENTS. The Farmers and the Gym. Ai interesting l itfle trick Was played on the fainter inlenihers of thte legislature ot 'it9 ill 'onisectionl Withi thie I icersi tyapplroplriaitioni 'Ik. Te farmer lass' nakers of thte ne sessioni seere ttnssall I tlcerse to the bill tiidlthee propiosel 0) 1o snnte sturdy and inign-iaiitcarciiig' tiheti theinasue ccaine sci thin reaich of the ir swell-iwhetted pruning knises -ieitor IllackwesllI iht sttla, a graiute't hela choolj aisd a isairmiifrieindl (itthe I riier- titi, wias chairman of the senate (-Otinittee hlicg .Ml im-igans pride in charges le site hose the tariier mtemilers felt, andi lie fooleidtteiti1 beautifully. Ilie niost saniguine friends of the C niversity' kneie that ani appropriatiomefcir a gyniniasiui Wioulid act up~oni the rural miettiers like a red cloth ini the face of a hull Senatoir Biackiwell seas aweare oif this. 'We'll fix thsem,'" lie sail to the V.nicersitylboard osf regents. "'We'll arrange the various itenits jint as see waiintliiim anith ieit we'll sandwiiichlini a goo ui m ttp for a by iii slui iiithatse Pknos e secan't ;;. hefamestwill Juiiiiil it figt tthe friinsii fte 1 ersity can yielid the ipo intiaiiiililoiisthe Gyi1' itsenitoiestricekeniiouit. Thlen the lli ll i uSssiist is wecc Waiit it.' 'Tliileliebitseisas one o)1 the iiiiist anunsing' leg islatisve episodes ini the annals of Al icliiaii-to those wehoi Ii ere in the sce. Th amriis belloiweidahout the dittes ait Arbior wehoeidensi itit to soil te soft liaiisbs pluitt it ooil ora tlheir troiisers at the kise hi sainiig it. The iilea oi askig these liorii- liauisedllegislators to siil their hard-earnedl cash iiitaixes to hiuiil aE gymunasiumut"for cigarette-lpuffig tandlies to fooli."' Bah'. They coffed at the idea. Whein the ru- ral indigiiatioin had evaporatedl, the friendls of the University sadlly The May Inlandser. Thiismtomnthm's Inilaiiiilriihicli iiill apieirieiiisst Wedsiliasiiiis egi lualtoi if init suptsriiir iniiiirit, tii sithier si the tiwo i liwIh i ichhv es iiiuili shed. 'hlueatig ri cenild"Sl hlsiuetie," yM L cnrwa Aiiuuiuius o he-. fM , i aiiiiii1 ocisis lovstrwl it.n Th iiritcr tdispilaisy stisidl- lr1tr ahiiitai el sa aigstyic. The setondtarIt ofiithe article rio- titledi Twl eaer f: