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May 11, 1891 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-05-11

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Al . W1ail
,o1..1-No. 1,5 ,.
itiis, I r aiI ,E CENTS.
~ ~~tiIlG~ motT~ ion, nwhirs ia-rounnd in the oxbesly and lacik. aisficet hits, E X"L\Gthite expiience tof College
steps one loot out and throws the Pearson, btack and lturros.s AlMen whtoiknows and appreciate
sillto rt . ti iab lk pure andi Passedit llbait lsi. Stsrnik out, by- theicarefliiscrititinofC ollege tu-
simspits ins thtet5runer is etiltedIto ' o d t ;1yPret 0. L f ildensts..i-isii-' s i rfe oils ofskilled
COIF\[,LL 11IVLU1 ITY' )LhL .ITI) hs I . I\. is ae Cveyin e itis on. sitbse, -.ofD esigners inst Iseiseles s specialty
suchb a miotions were i c rnIlissilet ls f a e rs., ill. i istls tit-u o ijsels
ss ori ijos ini' i s swe sdo, directly
ht ls hi5 Vt ii ii piv c -iilvs i o ldl li-it se d jiles t -uits -uslis11 l biskis Ii }nsrom isia l s suonlo: ntnd sislerlana
Sld 01 tl'GI0 i ise. ''lst tic lrsst, ocuiicb-ill Sonies. si r e ini:tlposituin to tirs-
1 I. helollilt y lius sliestll
suns t> I botit lift lii-h 11}- to s1 a lwichi htjsrl
I:IG i1'rL O SIB SoietyI~al-c si ll ksinds nihichs tie
LI II'N)SX I -oisistof triuss iss crc 1o) 0 , 'twas stroppetsd, hit 1CI wsfrcdsit isins stints I ill this otisistrs.
it wi itritn i ta or s ottiC oust at scoouul. Isarsoss aideut f- --t.t
Iwtsiiraissof isis coalis eah is out I noike to veturei st sir allii iliiili siu ceht }( x kT (
tookli 1,200stiudts tvt o 1I}ctriu lsso titu oiItt i sascrli.' W hi st it n- to C stillso Io
Satuirdias'tsosssteou in d nGr-silsitBitci('s h n up-iliiu 1-ll ism , for sit lestn i)fiib~i td Asistosiss M SltblS 11WE Et
uieli Unisversitsy, isis1to taint st ts'Ptwh stutIf u st. and Abbtt-rri d.rkIMPOliii. tin EL
silo Cot struck lit. uIlerriisisils Ni
towen-yeiloweassdtbliss Ihelitotcrs sails wile,, sisey should Ihave tis ibCeeIn i s, idXaislils1 lo MA tP CTt INCI .1 EWISLEi-S.
seas a ssell carnessione ansd acrrdi trssosM .
abecs rm ity ttito alld ost isisstrikes. (linlteotherrin timeto thsronsv sits oils. Black V gyrPot, t~jt_
sbeoefoteeypito iw and four iof thie strike-outs s rss i sirteI cs iit iit o ___-_______ - ___
- u tfrs.liIhi o r~htfr-- e U. of :'I took tpossessions of itst to Priest shsouldsthasve beens scl iiuds-sl srik i ssssi /"t 5I1e
1!)tros, uus lit susinias srac isg test to Umpi~ire hBicknell. 1Esery to thirstransitoitP earsoin assdtfeii.
anid chseering" occured.T heits amstai m lAts til e to thets ititsrikesUniversity Outfitters,~
had ius Iheadusttlrtcrs it te N orI{C isisrs Bicknetll tallest sits homse, Sm St iiSi xii h
S awli, C isa t i esre callesd on i m iitht siereIfir lit- mistupnitoissbiects io ig tisse lie ________ S'r
m n e, assdtCornell wasat i isow Iiskisee.
tan setltback. Ilsirriots sliltto B- c j 1 Q. E D Lmr
Riussell. 'Thiere wrsre 'on isoleIs The scuesse s th tscstird t ersliCt nillidi ii '-jj r ~
at ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Cd herais s ast dsi strtick out Conilss igbtl ie sdrmoptedslit and I Isrric k O T~
:lliiiolt h sitfNiLitamsipilayeds it base raan at stthe nt t he Is- rs G-tuus ibd cs
first-stats balit lut t istsfiecilinig it-stlt tisiig til in losndst so d 1 tlsssrcsoitodPti
of belltic h atnidsutP1earson, ass i e sredsbyitsentstri witnssedsiti s rIsilsasnd sitits iis____
te isattisigofiCo(instilWussits n , o0Sitzerwhtt rew i Persi i son GENTLEMEN'S FURNISING
- - , l~~~astsiiaein isit. It wsa ispttiitay - st tsoss st a N s
is wtorthy cpiespeimto.1 IIta iNii1I ~ ;o grcat cstlississsEvelirt- laitysr ts t 1sstit, u
loutridoubtlse pltayss issetiari Is1easi alo ndC d
ioretseamsls te coachsastheuc ilssisis tllIsus
nary recotrdi, tatnd itthow s ietseriihan musssIorfedsonin'sits'sitsitstousrhto
anotitsgusrels, i atcine l d ills Nwere iftett he sit tttottttt of5. fischistrucTHEut.-
Csc exctttedtstttdsrti.stiotdibtscetin iarlls ttll
Vii Isry ii sisassi list tat is 0 c.s-fircecd orut atmssodsi's us t to C
stnc test s s c~n ut .ttst iu t ii I'sstslab ep a.ronI XC3.1cli .O .E.Sowlr un e oustams .fist s h Its p C TA o U
thecteamt oottefirstt oateitaser-liii.___b-no1it osso4s
nec------t4ut s ticisi irsssssi
aindi oarinsott;sil tu Ist>t t1-treoed rist rby st'tsot hrcow to nesteisinAti rt
asttery s i llan. h i. way __1n _Wilki __son, ____.__.________IICkm s.P es o t ls at first. W st uAs ur
rig td ustc1rot.ste-_ni____r-'_-t - uss I 0sa inanun it bas erick liiibotar - T -f S
alecosds ndi henc eleda rouids P A ti it i it t -i 4uI)o-o-0unt s t- Piebs r t e lrinst atsecont.o-
capure in e croa d.liii ttly i li - t~ters ---__ U t ? heakotrS borst d irss t base ilt. ____ ____ 0
sst ho!su b i1 5e l i a r s P er-o o uia tui r t.ir i etsmt tu w i h usly ?i"" H e s a iA
bltacrsosn'itiatCcii aLLtNuls cool s-. I lbseronbalsukHerr~ik hittto far P = I S = = l z LI
riseadulgusasme f ri t h a t u s us i S ons ltiso irtird Pist 55atuis ued
} ilkiurickuss.isstui-sed itis5r1orulo2 1 5u 0 Bho cts ostn autrfitrs.ss ild tit s e ianeLL
heatyrsiin g.pla Icdaseayn aool-ut 111dm 5is s - ----c-i sr5tk10stI55 1)0) hy0I Vi ('R PLI iK
es-cry' tnic liette[ttecbatolthis farsic1
luste Cod ni's attidg, ti s th usa 5 Y0',11------5 1 0 I I 1 ' .! Til nsn
beste for.icfsgat,-tas si-at-ro1 52tisci INN iho e n us lu t h ronnss lto toird bs e.
thinants his. nree-bugg ppbrut-sit" I,------ . :Iiitusssd a sn1)sl hrt Cad T OM
Dries, 1).____ ---_I u I o I stills isst usk fusit iltdd oflu}ci to -
sitr tt imetseasteppedatgougthe scoretoes. h - ii s su
ion '6 t an iiConl' or r tinicharwasnt seC ofriCs~ta . I'loie t ir st. ''yo
to 61nMcugnslso.iet,2 he-ae lss~ k -a-bas't'ils.uCadusit hut e truo ust.ly
Cast Co ssuva ivesias whit wun isCudadTyo. Iou u IKlyota irt it uto l I O D A D A E U ,
a bak.Pielusks moin oCodKly NNIhSdan Ltyhotrcetrig rtand tellyato
dhelivethialshle-b in oRc.Daeoialnbgo tc nti~ou rmkIte $C I RATC$
! 1. 0 t------- 1.) o 0 1 eo n dsou ble play.he fistdo bl
bu ac intadoCon a igesoitarrests uhn by Pis, Cod .an 1-alrb.puHoe bal, o ieasn. Presthbases onYbals.

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