lIjc 19. of
su.l Wail.
V. U I-\o. 14-l-.
11zit2, Timm. ; G ENTS.
A Description of the Grounds and
the Grand Stand.
If anycone had venturedI to Pe-
dict, at the b~eginintg of this collsege
)'ear, that the long- talked of ttniiting
of the three athiletic associations
wounld b le accoiiiplisliecd, that ove1
fil,ooo for a gym inasium ouldc011l
raised, that the 1Regenlts would tr
titase a jew athletic 1fie(1 and fit it
111) in the most aipproved modern
sttle, and that the base-hall ni ne
wiould~ train tinder an exerielnred
Professional roach anol be sent East
lo play the large codleges there; if
aniyonieEarl assertetd that all this
itould come to pass in one short
tdllege year, lie would hare heein
tenmed a fit subject for treatment
at Piontiac.
The DIits' announnced, last Satur-
day, that the Regents had appropri-
aled $4,500 to fit tup the athletic
field. The field is located at the
southerni end of State street. The
atcomnpanying cut gises a htter
idea of the field as it still he ishen
tompletely fitted tul, than can 1)e
iiVen Ihri Irscrii)tio2 . 1'1'e 220
Iardls strar'glt isiswith thi cep( jtionl
of Harvriid, h ol nneIithe
cnttry it ac1i eoruiersty.
Illc tenis court 11dthe ohrck ili
hr sopara tedl%-h ro,0(11 w11shicti
carriages til i drv ll t itnless
tlc loot-bal) ams11 h 1ron mIs
will 1be 01)tirei lytll uil hrbya
cindeor one.
Thle ground slopes fromi sonth to
'O0rtli twro foot in fouirihunidred fet
'there sri11 he two differoiit 1e)e01,
tltc tenn~is groundilIbeinig t1ofee
higher than tiio rest of the field
and there wrill he a terrace twcoIfe01
in height at the road sep~aratiiig the
AXING the experieiice of College
'Meonswho kniow vualdiappreciate
Itie iiirIfils'rtinysi of College Sti-
dent, hli s ii"a large corps of skilleds
Designers asid Jewrelers specially
traineoba hdge and oilier jewelled
wor1k.11111105ting-, )stwe 110,directly
from Iai, I oilli iand Aimsterdamn
em ouiriioiids iundother precius.
;tlonesice ire ill a polltion to pro-
diice tle fnest pliniamid jewelled
I it, ~ d~e fall kinads whichi ate
mnufac~ltureilliiithis coititr.
Wright, Kay & eo.
Dotrort, Mioh pon
Chap. Speller & .
Uiviersity Outfitters,
201 Sotr'islS-rATE Sr.
s il '-iiisuiad Atletoic Goods
A G ranid (loll-i.
Cii. (aso-lc iaid. l-.)01-sil
hiigti in the frotit, iiccasionied hr- the
slope0 of thic seats ahose. Tlhe el]-
trance will ho iii the rcar, 1)y stepis
loading to the niiddleo f the stand.
The seats swill thus he dividled into
two sectionis. This is the pilani that
has hoots found to wtork vory satis-
factorily at the University of Peonn-
...................................... ...................................
dloors wi )llbeoened ati 7o'clocl-,
aiid thieconcert uwill liogin at I8'-Sole .sgels in X1111 Achror.
The doors swill be closod lpromtlly A$A. $PELLER & 0.
at the hegininin" of the first nuimibhr__________________________
anid reminsclosedl throughout that == S FA
inmher. If nececssary, iti order to
p~reventt interruption, theoystill lie ItY A
closetd again at the heginning of theD Tme(
secondinunsber. The programsiis as P P 1 U01 - 1-
Thoill~5--------- %till frnm -i igsrlin is RHRiIIC
schllil' _ilit....S illiiliiilNo. ,in1-fa
I Andn i 1 tepoconasoo
(Allegro nos)111vi0ace.)00 O LI S N
As~o cllgroiaso. o -azoo
i. oard.---.-..-Firians Sontg'
Orallorss-5__tergelliiches Staiendchsen" +31 4D ADAEU,
Waogner------Prelude, 'Lohengris'
Wagner. 'Siegfrieds] Passage isollrsenshil- itILLtOItVl YOU
lies ock, Morning Oawes,adRhiine
Journey" trainSiegfried' and "DOie Goes- $PCgIAL IRA TC$.
terdasimmerang.'Vl ItS1Cr
Saturday eveningthe orchestra
(Coancluded as third page.) TRY HIM.
tii-o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~y a in'0- t-luil ) (.iii. silo work of graodigwill
behomenit~cedl imediatelyc, ando
lloughed lbefore the iw-ork of grad-) helienttire constructioni aiidlfit-
toil)-) till spill behe01r thei-direct
The grandl standi, schichi sill a10
comodae bou athosad po (uponvisioti of the aitudtiliti tilmit-
t~tstioiateiloin a ltilstil 100too, onsisting of Presidenut \mi'ell,
'le, siill be huilt frotmip1)an115by
Irchiitect A risolml of D~etroit isho T roamurer Soule atsd Secretary
has designedl the extenision to the I ihaio' h RgS'ctnite
1s ilding Ilesieathi the seals on huilditigs ando grouinsds, of wshiich
0 Regernt Whitmsans is chairmian.
there still be dressitng roonss, shioswer
Laths, and a coons for the storage of Boston Symphony Orchestra.
apparatus. The latter coons,wtliclh
eatends the full lengths of thte grand The fourths concert of the Choral
stand, is in the front part and is not Union se'rico will he gires in U'ni-
fitted for any other purpose, as the versity IHall, hy the IBoston Sym-
Ceiling slants until it is only fire feet phony Orclhestra this evening. 'rie