~ijc ~t. o
Al . W1ail p.
Vol. - N . It.
hoot';, Toiot: CENTS.
YALE'S LUCK. out to W~ilkiiison, aci 1)1 to go- Inth ie eiglitth Pearson hit to
The U. of M. Outbatted Yale, but og out front Spi tzer to ich.vaio base. Wilkinson got a base
Costly Errors Lost thte Came. Tile fortli opernedI with a trike Itit. Ricit forcett tint to secondtt
ott l - it b 'earsoll ilisoi flw wtita base on b~alis. Coddt natte a
N ot :t i sso, CON MaN., . - otto 1 eCloong b ieaOn0 ofit tlitl- it over sitort stop's ttead attdtWit-
tit' artttt ittN ot 1la t~ Ilott U ot his kttsotlwasth lrotwntouttat thte.plate
tite apcloara T utt. tsrttt(ay.1 tiot n s a as 1 als hl a lef in ttem'pitingt c r . 1 0h w n
sAls tfl ithe or ig ant pt t he l Itim tI w s is p iat ttlthe et er t a u o h e ithe id bas:s to
er aleinalthe gamtet everthini!t ad -alewit tt t iltotlit! to Beti 'iI' t i t s; tou dersto (,I dd ansat o t rit t dtt hb ot
goodpperneld f(lititt T hettt. e t cr brtitt o 1111 i t lr of tot rtu inrtoibbellty a itt. s~ot
tieat weitre te r ite attetla te i bettedspole ie alilft aot bet" ttdliteur"at ofte ihower.n
wb ta mtiey'ulageo btw ,anetto ntt- istoidbackdito fthe ngains lotjeo in toti i the score th fo o in
liavadofandlitie tea r e ftae Iaitll wtoken c o i ro mpatlyst ttolt it d.1ma nr: lsottI 011 i s basett oil
gonh ie. (hod istaon citfter sidt. atonertligthot oelttt'Sirtz1erktl als pizr flworo lf
erbe ltjarilm'aestla tremarkisatle Itadewovac irit bit ast teltt. iitg itd fiel.ot -elyflewout1tot 1r.base.
threatr in llre t tat o otoi soesttenaidattitl tttce oeo I sadte 11. m t was o itet.
once. 'l'le gaie tis lst. ttd enca wasse t heall. ls s it intsg si~eaeII I i t i
excinting eroni saret o bitt erltuli- onaeba ktiothe letgatme. dBooe I ll ing tisithe scoit
tite . ett oditut ytr n \ e teithter si t t ________tostealthird._Parker
lthe ooreir ie aasetttatoe arstosecondandt tidatt soe bot ~ ...--
righ.Thfelt alt-s atgt I itt'Cameittwaaicllitto tnditiCiPeairsott , s t I---- 4 00 NtS 015
aondtaa patits'rt otatll.st.Bl s s g 'o t totit ii nsn .1----
extitigfismitl art fi n tils llthec h tthd oleatich ------IuI
lplt it s t k tlabitt ivas t r ii h ut and C alh un l O t rtoi 1300t c.t ------
sFotllotwini a lie t'ied ascou it o (,iter.italit, titit---tilt.aalitti-ti to
faelencotge. th e nll lt tto ba 'opueteraittit-lt reticil tt'0lcli's0I I
tirt'tu ot a is. C s vs Ini tthe siftht ioo t ttfl i ot o eas0ll
ilst.lv e1tv lmadelttbi se. liltto iB r tes itiWals ilt atl easrot uehttot
loteedltilt, aiti wtasitthooliscutlitat
atfirt C A bo tt'llt o r shott i , otItlt At.itBt titreittr. Wilut1,.it.'A. t1:.
secontl. 1 ~~itst. S iteritsb'ew o tit Parker. Oa
andwath rsownolou tt gat 'ikfirst. nat Pteatry-litaolCtoloti:r:I'ts .-----io 0lsi, ' 'ooe ,
s lit to third dwa lrosi tri" h ite tel lct il o >t ik u i 0 ise ;by Iho
fistdRch tt a s Iit by it iitltI tki-oiho erttlltittil hi i - bl- itC-t-- 4b-( s
tt'irker stuck ott.CVislitto, tot----or)t 1tek 111Iotl tl.
aitriksoontafter titoteit oatutrylltg li
stealsecoti. Cdd gt a bse ot nt hel vent.C i toe madto atocitar IBal . letter froitote ftta taer
ballsunbatrukoot u tru tit.s Nae- scritg ate Itaet-ait itt. lit-it t1o a riend it-----.A Abo gve ai
alte woiloth ablikftortb t W alswotf lay Cohl e ffi it ii Itter aciit o °i al o t
Iteall flete otit to Abltott. Iloivert jidowttn it ato od otte to phtftit to to0ras t 1ittar ha bt Iru
goiet o gaet 01 ebal nd itkullecod ottlerad Costirat dsbcoad littoti rootiltet _.fro_ tassel oballs. I
tho w a int otte ti. P ark e lit to IkitghlostionthKellth' i tst ea'st raStd lihty-afert 7e ec 1ti it
seco d anysa tit otitobtl at os t.ng1iti s t r noit all filrs tibbot t it io oti ie U f.i
fl ts tatz a o Kly eiit ie ot el aer, lanialslaitdftlte h old te grass INttvtSi. lii
stole. toi~~~~~itt asnro velr A ltttec ond 1 aseonii tr. A htgoute a tt
tiwedtheith, lsh othetdisomtfoti ta lrtijota is ~oSite h Icked 5 it ;tsitht7
Pf arker. nStiteerhits ag t Kely'I leoutlio cmae a it tiss tolego Valealay-r ranut0frnt 0of 0-+
foldoa nlAbtisrc fot econd.an oer o t a Hisbat o it bll. ita tateto----- it butsliped o
on hs eo.c loniforedihintso whontouedlissi ot ahur ,Poniewyt iso ontern etkin
sect ontdyacengda a s own balls. tirirdg the sexttwBen fredutheto! rdand fter as wen b onse on.
Burt. listswas hiendyofhe is ourysamekPeson goettingothee1outsndpasedoball, TheCother;runwas6
Casels btrikingoutuck u t.ng lng ring s d tatyinningh al sored ion Asdball.esan
b VINk thte extierientce of College
glientwIo ktiowt titil applreciate
the ca1101fit sorttin o f ('allege Stut-
deiitt, ht-ingi" a large cortps of skilledi
Designers -itid .Jeit-lertsspeciatlty
trine it orilbatitgelust othter jewelled
ic11k, 1111portttg, as tie sli,iritectly
110om 1aisItLondon titis ns\ltterdam~
SOtontes.toe ire inl a positioni to lpro-
lillnll titii'oilitinthis citiittti.
Wright Kay &C
D~tmoit. Mohn'an
Chas. Speller & Co.
Uniiversity Outfitters,
201,l SiO-'T-ttS-TA-TES-T.
III12J, 1371SE BFILLi,
('.itltttslll autil kthletic ('Ioods.
ill Teach Iis Method of
Antd Facilittttintg Acqutiremtent of
Kitotledge iti 1Five Le-sons.
To be continued Thsursdays and
Mondays following.