Ij~c t.tof
Al . W1ail
VoC~. I.-Ni.. 14T.
seventuth il
Laid out in Oratory and Base-Ball.gn hle
Score, 25 to 0.
About 1 000 studeints wet to5 thills libise
Fair Grounds yon Saturdas'- i to Sitse1e
See Robinson strike out si xteeni 01ik adfi
the Oberlin players. It will s tn]ule t01111)
intierestinillgaste becautse ott ie~. t I ,sIe
Te tomte team batted te bdallt-
siethe tdiamondtl freent and ithlnt . i
they knosketi it tot the inield i ill-aron
teas fumtbled tatd 110111y fiildd.5 li.son . i.--
F ord, te right fieliler iif te Ober-t odr.f_-_-
lin teami, entered himself Nwith tlory tRobinsn, l.
by catching twit tifficulttfties.Spitzer .s---
"HI-at, hat,"' demiantded the crost1
and Fortd'sSat cante off hotstimtt.
Robinson is nmakitig a reputation as iF
a pitcher. His stork in te box wtas Ittdgol. . f.
very fine. Tue (Oberlin pitchler Jaesone. e.
tired at te enut of teseventhin- Holad, .---
lingantdnmereiy tossedth ieitiits.tGrosvnra, Sis
Wiilkitnson a-aits distitituisliid it-ttne, s.s
n 5 M(adrit1 ..--
self by kntockitig athonmt.run.licksSit..---
There swere bit t o15 hits mtadeis ftilt 55 tli)._--
Robinsoti's tdelirery andilone of
thtenmarose frotnia mtisundtetrsSttsdo
itig betweetn Seyiour andtI i kit-I-of't----
tots. Boith i tielt sere u drlhiii111------
Eairned rti
Saw' etthotticr.sT liii.ibal droppedt S1t .
betwseenti ieit 'tdilu'inertithSitsat-
ter, mtadtird 0se.Seyi Si hai!i
11111, 1 tilkiuts
starteditliiick Wtilkinisonttia
Sthe hailw nl eft iieliiibt V d1'rigltS, Si
talledi So Seymur ti o tkit. TIhie i itki
olier hit ws as lso mtdOblSumne1511tr,~ nt t
SirsAI r. IFei
a cleantsinigleititshorun ci trfislti
A detatiletdscitre bitingtits wotuld Mr. Mui
be btt a repestitiou.Iit wsatsligt' ~t
runs by St theU f :".it ysanit ' S.t. C.
strikeoutitby Obesrlin. il tkinisotn11.A.C., wa
scoretd in setotud ittnig bys tdaisItmornitng
tingle andh srritrs. KellytAbbot, ttraits for t
Wtitkintson attd Cosdd scotretdit inte swere aitotutt'
thirtd iniitg ottiase hits by Abbuott, eager So take
"Wilkinsons atod errors bty Oberliit. ativice. H ei
Itn te fourth Kelly atnd Abbott j iump~ers nlut
storedt oit a tsro tase hit btyte ruimnti o
fortmer, a three btase hit bythSie laS- 1i Msrptiy swil
ter antd errors. Sn te fifth iting andt those sri:
Coddt, Seymoiutr, Kelly, Abbott, I i- htitliust be
kinsois atndiPearson scoretdott a btase 4 o'clock ini
hilt by Kelly, anti a tso-bagsr it' Al- in athletic ci
bott. It seas in this inning that nmorrosw, liev
Codd stole all te seay' arotithSte day. This i
diamond, aind that Ford prettily nity for our
caught, with one hand, a fly front should those
Codd's bat. ' Mr. Murphy~
In the sixth inning isc, runs were prompt in t
piled up by the U. of M., Wiltiant- Murphy is cli
son bringing in two men by a house services.
rnts stere scorstinlithSli
ig Sty verrotrs itt Ober-
scotrediit itsesI Sit
The play-ers 'were vsettl
lavetI cc1iii iball:
le scotre i oi«s
---5 "1 1 1'
i .1 °t 1: I c
Thse Regents' Meeting.
'le ikegeitts lid lot IadjoutrnlfrotI
exetutive sessiton tintil late Friday
tlight. l'They tdecidtloctate te
(j '\ii tllnthe cain is, 1an1dte til-
iluIteeiionlbiild~inigs andtgriounits stas
instructtedi t emloyl'an trchtitect to
ptrepaire tiatis. 'Sork trill Stedcom-
tteticeti is siotntias te itlans tre
readyc. It isihotpedto htaltte te
butiilitngitalic fotr use text fill.
The apptropriaion for te librtaries
swas dlivitded s follistss: Itor ill91,
1general library, n5,couuuetdicti,t, rt
ccc; lass', t500; for rS9y, getneral,
.5,0cc; mtetdical, Si,5cc;Slaw, S icco.
Wiork still1ite comncted ton te ad-
dtitiotis to te late tnd detal *buiild-
tngs as siot as they are vacateti by
te stiudents.
The followsittg applointmlentisstere
mtarlet:CG. F. Novy, intsructor itt
AVtINGl the etterice of College
Mtlen swhoiiknots and apprteciaite
tse carefulii sruth iny ofitllege Stu-
tetnts..i'ha'ing"a'arg cors cif'lkilied
D)esignrrs 'tiltJewislsis sptecially
Srine it for ti btadge titd othuerjewselled
tio St. imtottin ig, ts Ntedo, itt trectly
iton s t wtt I are ittitpt itionttito r o-~i
mianuitactutred ini this coutryn.
Wright, Kay & Co.
Detrot Mithigan.
Chap. Speller & E .
Univ ersity (Outfitters,
2051 SOUTHSiTA'c~TEi:ST.
4 0 '0
0 0
F'. n .
IE M- I\" I\(S'
-(1t U ss i oUr0
itisotit Peas'n
gon titeyaititi
rphy, the Train
.'tttirjtiy, trait:
as ontthie cantic
to meet thoste
lie Field Sptorts
tinty atletes«
aditaniagIe ofl
itnstruceted te s
d1 steighit mn
tf their event
1 ite here to-
tO Swisit to irai
ton teFair GC:
te afterdoont
'~t.bacieriolo's', S fio J. Al.Smuoott,
nmashus in its hemshiitcal 1 ibora-O3EJ'PIS II'S I I3II
It 1 4 Slory. incease fromuS shoe So $S 000
24_ 11_5_ of_ ahemtufiluisiiis, i floe G. t'. t _i- G tuisitutt ndtutu Ahilsetiec Goods.
jtrson, asistaintl irofesisor of1phls5-
s, Stloe 'tr. lotus asststaint in GENTLEMEN'S FURlNISHING
it it a-o1 ihysics, 6 s esere ( tas'u 1 1 iST ITE(T it .
sititrofsisorstuof trieunt'lS I 'u-
S gs$i St floe
The illoin tutwilbedn e
tus tiu>' te summeitu chae acid 4.jAK(ETH
isiliy setti" Iti Sti to tueisbiolers iiiSte GHE A A o E
I struusk !st btiilser htoitse, 'ltim'' steamstSo P
°s I~ iii ndteattuSitng o theuettal bitiltdingt"
enlarging'Stestici neps It.auius to -
Shlu aii inuu and h uati" auttt;
'uuilaiut' Slt Sittultt ttu thi Soletagens in iiiAsiArbor'.
thus iresenut hosital bilinttior te
isi tif Steuse.of thusdetasui idtepartmnt iiat sitl q5Ai$. ','tlLDtER &Y q0i1.
its Satuir-' expesesof S 000 tutaking inutmer-
wh'io are outs citasges in te builthing to ac- rzi s ==AR
s. 'Therecousmnodhate variotus classes antI tint'T_____ ____
shut wert fessors itsSlth iffereuntteitartmentis.iS A
Issgotr nwdatetisbu ob D T ''spiers, establislied.Thelstboardl authuorized___
nithetemdclfclyt eieapa H T"t. r. ftr a irauuinig schsool of tnirsts auid PIfO-K =I-E,
i-lirrost, rep~ort CsoShut text tmeetitugtwhiens,if
itt ututder it becomues feasible, iitrwill hue in- _____
rouuudsattculudtedl itsSt hUniversity eturricuulum.
,dressed -- 0,-'-_MUINSON,
viiite cietSL rin'ds to--AT-
wil coe ut edns- Ii) auu arrausgemseist betsween tse A
ian excellent optportu- mntagers, te ganme betweens '92 +3JOD ADAEU,
athletes, and tihey all and '94,hit, scheduled to be played '
Ttteir apphreciation of on the canmius this afternoon, weill snIGIVi Y'OU'
y's kindness by being be ptostponted.
tiheir attendance. Mlr. __ .__ $PCKJAL IRATC$.
harging nothing for isis Cornell defeated Rocihester Uni-
versity, on Tuesday hash, 29 to 6. TRY HIM.