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May 14, 1895 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1895-05-14

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Sketch of Mine. Nordica's Career- The western tills of the 'vatsty Seven Contestants Compete for 8O0METHING
Invited to Sing in the Bayreuth baott ball tixinr will begin next Friday First Honors - The. Law Pro- Ix y."
Festival-Has Attained a Great igt and labst tntil May 2. After fessors Judge the Speakers.
Repuatin I Geman. te gins ithWisonsn lre h~t The senior law oratorical contest for
By far t he most fantous oflt~h sex- tFridtay afternoon te teams will 1eofchosigtsoaort
tim purpose .fcosn h rtrt
eal celebrated soloists ots's will tbe over the Michigan Central for Evans-reesnteclsonom neet
in Ain Aribr this Week s Mne. Li- tots, Ill., where they play with North- 51 South Main t.
dasy was held in the law lecture roon
hAin Nosdica, who will take the part weterts Saturday. Tim0 folowitg
lasst evening. After a few inro-
of Mlargaretba in the Diamnation or gamies sill be payed: Wih Iowa iutrreaksbtrs.WlH. -we
F'aut, Saturday eveting. U~iversity, at towa City, ta, te dto. Bright took mrtesey oor Prs asoke on E po
Muse. Nortica was borii at Farn- Lsiversty Cut , at OmahaNe.; Mlt- ,h ayri u rtoa ie"YUl
ington, Me., anti received her csatihy tseotst tiivesity, at Mitneapols h sx pasr 1 ctdsust
meusi instruction under Toin isla.; Wisconsiti University, at Mad-"LbradSiaitt"JT.ttiy'
O'Neill, of Bostotn. After studyitig un- tin Wis Beltiit Ctllge; at Beloit, sbetws"trNtoa '-bes ei spr sas o tigeeAe
dier San Giovantiit.atMilat,Itsly, shte Wis., Ciscago t'nivr-ity, at iCicago-an tsPrptit"Thnyorltco- seoteswte senthse onsspproalt No
and ts Prpetity" Th fouth cn- orkse stil the bitce arrives and prve
mattde hsr oleratic sdetut its "La '1rav- After this gatsst with Cictgo, May tstat . .Dvs ilk t W tisaYounr adeye.vee
ista" at Brescisis, str iseaitig in 25, the eatti will return to Anti Arbor. tsterati T NDaotsoetion"WTiebsst- Yousens LadisessuteelesM -
risPaiRt eerbr, n.Te University (tinis, at Omahasl,s m eded Wite for parttoeasr.
Lotioti PaisSt.Pet'rsuu', asulject of the text oratiots, Tis"tRelatiotn ACME CYCLE CM'PANY,
again at Cosvent Gaudu. Sue has a coimptost't of sl old players frotm vir fMdritns otrgeo"+is LHRID
repertoire of forty opieras, atid as apt- iss essterti atd western tisiversites. trae yL .Lu.Tels e~e ihgetscesa fr rn rwod at~nadctl ,seatedrbyLarGs on. 'vi tthoe st- ___________________
gucite init "Faust, Elsa in "Lolseu- satnd A. W. Jefifries, first iase of str Hetwao"awat' itetyastie 1O-3 S
grin," Telika its "L'Alfu- itsts" atnd 'varsity teamusits '93, ae tmetubers of
- - Eti~~~Bsis of Governtenit." Tise' oratiossL W EYS C O LA S
Valentineits "Les xitntot." Site iis teamtt. - O N YS C CLA E
-- -_____ as a whole were excelett ithiougit JUS RECEIVE AT
n-stengaged ityFeanst(isipa. stgser --r
Michigan's Chances With California titd delivered effectively. L. G. Lotg f TUTTLE'S,
to sissg int ie Bayrethi festival ofi last -
wots first pl1ac waliik .N. Dax's saus
year, nd laer rr1reatcchose trseposid.e juttigdefildd'livery n d48 S. STATE ST.
its othet'Gernssauscitits. ('slifottn ias trisse tots itit Stitr- coewr eodTej~gso eie
Tepesof th U nited Sttes atiti-dity gave usntportuity t etisintiexeePoe sr ol' hitpostdJUST ARR TI VD
obson; on tought sasdtshsom sston "YJ4I
Germny for thst hast twoeaturs has this' strentgths of Califorsis' teai- I'rfesors Knowvlton, M Aecieiss ,atd
tesened withs criticisms of this great 1Utous thet sosiug mae, Siehigau's
Thotspson. A SIPENT OF
singoe, andhe' presence at Ann Arbor -ihansses of witsningftoti Caifornit.
diuring the istitial i3s evishetce of aut- dcidedlhy good. The httie teitm POSTPONED FROPI SATURDAY r+
messuch enterprise a.nd got judgmsent wilviiey hkely inirove iii a fi' 'Varsity Field' Day Wil be HeldGet FieT n Sh s
on thse art of te msusicl inuthoites. events, atsd is asho quite cetin to bt' Net 'Tuesday Afernoon~
The Boston Iteessid 5isa speskhuug of le s sStrotng itsose or miore evt'sts. _____________
'The varity fiiesi day, set fo net
hes'alsperanceein thast itysays: T'litrs'tm-etisig xviths Petssslvssitsxt Sttttyatrsos ssbescss.e A O S&,LI ~N
"Mmise.Nordicaas i i be expect- Saturday will atord us nore Certainst TtslaSssA1, guniu t alslsgiss hLheekAssAbr
ed, tookh eplace a, fst in"'the basis upnth ic xhosl ~udige of ttsen. t Tedy a 1 einn ti Wsigo lcAnAbr
lutatts of the popleO Ue intanrt soe________ p. mn. sharp This xas tuade- posibe P. S.-See our Show Window.
stepped pon te stag .'1The,'oryas Law Notes- by te petissions gantted by the Set-
no need forlher to sing to gain the -aste last nigt to hold the nmeet on a - ED. A. CADIBUX.
favor of -the audiesce; for a single Ptof. tttioxlton xill"sot ii tire to wPOPIETOs-f T55
glanweektday.eThuryecotu"etutudetoqthis oneLatest Improved Barber Sho)
glJc ttseqcsl ineqieteJunos tis afteeu~notsucont of te cotflict teefeld day IseciyE. xlshlstos titdo
captivated all xho ,1ud any sense of Trof. Griffin xiitot 1i,,)sble to lee- nmade wiiths the Say hFestvi coscetIntetof elaSt AssAbr
artitic te r, e d - atisfied tireeye
so ili rougil ~s ttthe ar was n-c- ; tdyonacnutsfsc nes.text Saturday aftersnon. Cit et
essarily prejudiced in favor, of her Prof. Thonpson wil lectre tstead ithors its teseuse.t -ill be MenTH PIEciV
beoe h tgnstessehed Sb' ocuding tie nubject of Etuity fronm classes on thisaccount Ety,°=-AT-
nria, from Gunod's opra, t'eading andt'tactice. blanks have beets printet, and may be JOLL11 ( & C O'S
"Tie great tritipimhof te'singerx' prtr o teeaiaini
cartin sin te h'resaeaory orotmethxenipatios inobtied-of Track SManager Bourlaies15Sose-er~a rs Sr.: Don't efel to coaxe.
secod prt f te' ro-Stiphets nstrutctor;Dweyr Is getitigl
grai, which xwas smade up of rxceripts or othi r membe of the tatk crts- lot andtl Osetun enes at All Hors.
frost Goutoih 'Fatst,' itt which ls ut. Out a list of abous:t 00.lestinotn tt5tiittee of- the Athlei associatiotn uC -
Nordia's singing of the Jexvl Song' the subect. which wivll be ready for They nust be returned to theuanagr D B AN'IUS
as st h xork in the duet with 'Fanst' distribution next wieek. xwits enties before Saturday night $.0 20 N 25
and te fna trio wer truly grand Thre e aminaion in Euiut Pladin" 15 200A Dx95
nnd inspiring." ' ' " So far more cntries liavsie ion.'ts
_________ Waill take placs next xweek. The titmetunee efr t hstteo ee BEST QUALITY.
Game Wth Ilinnesota Canceled. has not yet been fixtd. Thu prospect- are nowy that at east TENI
Thi ganet.xlt tie University of ThleHarvardt wxhist cub hra ffected four or five of thus best of thist present LAW.TENI GOODS
rMinnesota, schedued here for June a tomporary organization and" - .ha'hs 'xasity track and field records xiii SOLE AGENTS FOR
5, has been "csnce' in oamson with joindthe New England wist aso- be eclipsed, and i is quite possible WRIGHT & DISNS CELEBRATED A1f'
all that university's dats for its east- iation. .. -~ that every record on the list wille
ern trip,Ules tie plac of tihis Statistics havt be published siox- dipoed of ~f ~
gam i flld b smeoterth bse in tatofthe1,12Inn wo laed The mseiale for timefiet and second A 17H , RU S
gan s il y oiu ohe, h hs ngtatoftie1,12in \hoplye winners are beitg msade now from ~p Toes. Dws Tw,...
ball seson, tickets xiii admit their foobbsll on college elevens last season,it very neat design Timeflrst laceUleslyektoeBpstosr~ss
hlretth'vtIyfeddy nx Stl e s'r eiprrl disabled nmedals will be of gold, itud the secotd 2Q8, crStat, 1. t N. an St.
Tuesday. and oie pemantntly nijurei. place of silver ' ANN ARBOR

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