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May 27, 1891 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-05-27

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.li C 's
. ilail.
cyr.. I.--\ >. 1 , .
Tmti :i, GENTS.
Mr. Campbell's New Position
i'rseas anniouniid in the D i~ aeo
few days agto, iitiM. A. tmp- tseeii
bell bad lbeen ofttereil ai positioni at noon.
Lick Oblservtor.Il ascllteamii do
tecesti ug facts: ae1
Te ( bser''iatorc is tiderthtli
i'ecttoii of IProif. I olden frmely l iiis
of thec III\si v of 1 s n i . ,,r 1
Ilie isassistedl by fouricastromers
it scislati, the famious doubtlde-stir sI
discotverer,, 'tiabaterle, itr. Camo-
hell 's tpceidecessic it the oltscrvtr , tu
liece.;Bacnarth le iiiteidciiiiit dies- iii
cos'ecec, anid SIrI. Campbdell. 1'tI i il
Canmpbell takes the place oh 11irc trait; 11
Keeley, who has beeii called tiithie mileI
Alieghany (Obsercatocy, at Alle- E.'arm
ghnP.1r apeli ie unan especially good opiportiinity to kills, of
use the fanious 36-inchequeiatiirial. A.'A.
lie has chiacge of the spectroseopseI kinni
whicih is attached tii the larger tel- sea"en,
escoise twco nights etach week, twso iiittit
othiecnights lie is associated with lr ioHldn ncag fti I lii n
phbotogcaphy~.Ilie is tii be eiigaged Si lill
ott the sante work as that which ise t iiiioi
diii last stii ,sothaihsittlesN.AA
wviltiiot bescsi to boss I iglt-
Ice gase a fewiiaidiitissialitfits t't nss
whisliicmas'o bi enrlyinwni wnk
AttltoghLickO lii ov scn- Fni
stected swiththei'i 5,tofCai- stt.
fotrmta, it is sixt-ies ftom to
let'. Inianssertotttithequtstin skitls
whlethier lie swoutilliiiavs to itve5in-{hll:t
striteitin, sir. C ampbtlell1 repliedt i 50 5'
that ito stuideittsceceice istrucetionti ah aen
at ti-, (l~e~r afnr r>>r'tx ncciiV
t's it"
A.C .ill
>.t Wildesc N. sA.A
its" bcoadi jiump-_A1
iii' lii'h'l tip-l.
dc 'ont.
wiii" lsatiiiec - 'iall
stslp sitlump-tut ale
.lse-egt t irestiiti . .A:A.1k Alns
N.A NA, .wts
ccr tcet" it screstl:
a ls of tsami will tlis it IUtica 'against one
Ofttheiseaksst tsamns in tlte cast
1t its it- ciii tntiesameitida ts thes%-iialit
Jttst itsticlltthits itassil Constl1
g i (iiitwichtt Iithe a o t
wou t ii l oshaest oga tte ofthenseachts
r h Sait Nhsa as an ieatac atetercan
badabitt focif ackoryti oc the h
t at ii o cS. etit wthousI'hate won.d
st1i iecilftonbtse aid i
I't t se tttem ligh acolifeelil
I hundiit wre outieoffthCasetitl oame
~' ' thre offhtCotI. ites; stiol aydtock
Itit'%Stie IItes i 'tl
lreen tI Lt t heitaOtt oin Esri rit
rgan, tillEts tl ite isisatNewRav i ye trtay
'a anin- iU. cfcIF. tim iowoul hatil titont
Nitne meweeleftin" ststesotand i
dti ontith seet an eghha b e ht
J5XVING tin exeien tce tif College
ltien wiltskniw(an(diapprteciate
tiii c tic I IIrtisinyusohfCollege Slt-
ies. havinga l'acge icus of 'killed
De ' sineis anti Jeles 'isptecially
I strinedtfc hi'ttIe 'atdothiec jewelled
W orki1. iring, as we dotirteetty
s 'ttn's, wiiarin ia lpositiiiontipro-
Wright, Kay & Cmo.
I MAN CI"AC,'Tt-ifNG di WNi fEI
Dotro~t. Mich:&sri.
Cha§. Speller & ( .
University Outfitters,
liYt Scusco STAcE Sc.
0T12I2is, 131JSE 3JL
IET I 'i (iA TVi.
-- '"_---'s"""" las-r.Sole sagentts inAjint Arboc.
uate students are given Inistrc tinT he edics, ]its, anid la cacti Pik' Tir Lctre $PELLER & U.
only as thtey assist in the weock o it' '1 llpace a relay leant in the ieldi. Ilitoctdecrtmoce fully' to suggest the eOsraoy .O ~U~Ie' Crelcmlis osbite fhssse n h
A. I., '8S, C. sof M.,takes lisdoe-niany sififecent trays in whlichit imaty Wl lac iiMeioln
In's diegcee its Jute. =t cepresentative of the Cortiell be appiliedl, the dotctoc fixed in (lie 7
.Mc. Campbell swil1 ceceivet I St oo imSnnwi tnessed (lie LT. of t-i insill- mindss of his bearers a short snum-I 1
per yeacrwith sfutcnishsed lodgsh o gm.Assaccounttofthte gamse stars' of Englishi IHistory'. Itis-
'('le astcronecs tire g,(ieu a to Itppearsinis the Suit, its sebicli it is e ludedcs this datcs oh the kisigs seiths aT
tooatis tcaioi ts siI-eit reala1 tedh that Coiddh pitchuedhanth cx- (feteohthe heaisi" evenits. Is orsier 'r rnYi Yfl 1
moth aittninmd-itelist oitio ispoitth fwwhiesr
thue weathiec at that tine soesssot eclatitsosse itinsgteas tsthl al not tit atshhusu (i esalls.hsieii v Ui
pecnmit thte use of the telescope. Thcsleesetntative tf the Stninliter- asiy list otfssords stay lie quiickhy j Asd tFacilitating Acuquietment of
Ntr. Caspbc 11 hopses to hue able to it i sauae mht stt itnemtotizedslby icrangitng them ni K legetsleLeos.
leaveehere by the inth of Junss. Ije I if thisV.C of "I.seossid play Corntell pairs of reacish lsdn da.-N
iayontiaofulaigsssseat Ithtaca. Abubott told lhst that thie Wh'lere thse list its-elf cdoes not furnishis
asadif aitfniseor deeres sac-facnlty tiould not pernilt. I cre i lansbeisetd
an ffatfl okdeevs u-This iwas the nmethiod used by the -ON-
cess, ihis research is certaint]-,suit wehat the Sun say-s editorially: uoctor's son in isis rensarkable feat
abose iis deserts. "Tine excuses offered by somue of of quickly memorizing tine 3 nm- , I. -'
-. _--.- thte .Michigans teans for ttot comntg to hers its each of tine 24 squares filled AT' 7:1-5 O'CLOCK,
Johtn Owen, Jr., of Detroit, swi11 Ithaca onth ieir eastern trill seeni by menmbers of the andience; each T1o be continued Thsursdays asnd
of the sets, as 521r, 463, etc., being Mnasfioi
attend the Fild Day sports to be rather frail, It would seen thtat made to stand for words, as sug- Mnasfloig
hed here next Satnrday. thnere mnst be some other reasons gested in our last report. FEE FOR THE COURSE $2.50.

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