e 4& 1,44k
. of
, nl. Wa Ip.
ViO..-N i; i2.
The Eastern Trip.
The base-ball team will leave Ann
Arbor in their special car, for the
]'ast, on Frisday eveiningp. Their
car will be alttallced to the 9 :30 P.
Inl. North Shore limitedl. flier
reachli Eticas-.Vat1 'lc
Saturdlayosorii.i In thle atr
noon they wsill plassti II sHaiistoin
Collegetins. sevsoon swillI psoba-
(lii Mlsiiasyisthe 2tlithels iils
isill Ilay15ths.ttam5o11tsitlt-ns 1 iiiy
of c Vermont, st Burlngs'toil t.
pirobsablyisobiison in lth boTh
nexst day, uessdas, Coddil sill try1
to puzzle thse Vale hatters at Ness
Hasven. Oni Wednesdlay, osir bssys
still meet Wesles-an at MIisddletowin,
Conns., withs either Seynmonr, o~r
Robinson as pitcher. On Thulrsday
they play thse strong Blrown Uiniver-
sity nine. Coils1 sr Robinson still
pitch. There is no game arransgedI
for P=rislar, bust perh~aps another
ganme ill be arrangeud sith BIrosn.
"Trinity wsill be- plasedlin Saturdiay,
thse 30111.C
The fn1 lao lise trillsswill be
playeid atloston ttiths Ha rvaril,
Mondlay, Jusillsz'whensRllinssn still
tsrobsably 1pitch gi.Tearangpe-
met ofsithr sntfinasl sof
course. Chas i v 5ill sprobablyi le
masde as the trill prsIretsiss
Thse followrs ing mensillbe itakeni
bsv Massager Absbsstt: Walsh, ,Ab-
bott, Codds, Seyimossr, 1oissss,
Rich, ]ecly, Pearsson, Spitzer, Blani-
er, Wilksinssn and Ltooth -
Tise name of the lirivate car is
"City of Saginsaw." It still arrive
in Ann Arbsor to-morrow mnorning.-
Prettyman still stock the car wthtI
provisions. Ttere trill ise three
lICItc, Tints: CsETS.
S o''iisySt0Asir o per censt.
Cornsell ist ssferesd theU f
collpltio O th eater ti. iTihe
conss istratonibuit siss fearsts
faculty1ll rfue oIxt trhleIis
s1Inl It I ttv b r t
miaske aniprso - e ee o-
5 il s lfer t is ait ur-Oisrlte
iriel I h I.O K ad-2
-saransict C 5 ie t ply 151sl
nseutral goidadpo onl
sffers tlth . I fs M. 1 25t Ji ' I
A- A. Directors Meetsing.
Thse exsecutiveboarsd o1 thy Atlis
letic Association niet apaini last
eveninsg. The 'treassirer reisortedsl
St 127.1 3 on hand.- It-as sdecidesi
to pay the fee of all A. A. athletes
enteresi for thle Ypssilansti Field lant-
-alies nett Satsirsday-. ise folloss--
ing, are tile entries froni here: ioo
aitid 220 ssls lash, IIa rvev : 440,;
C Sanlersoit, Coslet; Pho, II scitlis-
sssn, Istier: 120c,Ihursdles, balsl Ii-
staglell- jsittilll ss sh e lsssi,.Gins-
h~;trmissl hain 110ev-, Malleys
iiaher -el--lt srettlsis-g-I erisass.
lrrang-emes t-s tti l s5llt-ba ly esisla e
lov sxtrairs is o liiil te lissir.
'\slslisilto uFIieis1 lit-sveeSat-
urdav ,la 300, wil be50 cclti.
vsdieisrsismebes 5ot A. . h-is
iii-' 7 easoii I'.iitickets. also free.
Fins sld anssdsitsvsr nisdals trill ise
sit-arsied totile it andI2ds1iseach~l
event. Anni Arbor hligh School
stsuseiits still bs asimittesd io :clsedl
A Student from a Far Country. R AVIN(r the expserience of College
Tinsjlsessis~l~O~ins i tse ~s1/Men swho knots saisi apspreciatie
tf:Sn ltt-~~l i-rhie careful tral somkr n tfrscrutinvx- sf College Stis-
the mstt piuresquelsis insitsersst
versits at toilsarbosr. liestat boris
sit Antioscsissandlthesshsakisng'osiisan-
slts sorlist ssasnrymeinsoso irsh leIis
aisiiou5stspirlititails ii yofth
tssrldlhe cu15 lootsisseiomthesparen-
itsl lhstcli ansdlcalke tsiAmerisca to
g et ills ssusssioss. -lie i s ssuIsli is
niscliciiseandis Pthe sslsersesl sof
evertliodsise lie twalkstihe street-s in
d~ents, ia-inga-ilarge corps of skilled
j Dsigpnert sin eiweleros sieciltiy
trasisesi fsr batde iaidithser jewnelled
wok tt1 impiort11 ing s Nteido, directly
f10o11P1ritILolilsdosInd imstersism
olslusr11 Dimnssands so-eripreeiosss
Sores e aii--ri ill aipsssitintsopro-
suie te ii liest islaiissansi sjeeled
- i it li it sf sill kiinswihsare
mianufaI cturei-sinithus itcosslurs'.
cWright, Kayi & Co.
h M OIti PriSJ I ii'iNV
is natives tumenll i to Iviciell Ie still V X 4 I.CTUI\G J:iE E S
clings out sitf sloyaty to the ihistoric -- - -ltt JtW L i .
ans ieIsleft. Like all the isiher D~~rt, Min m
Iisl friott foreignlscoun~tries at the
U1551rsty hesces 5~ i sholarship C ha. SpellIer & adwl rdaewt i oos nvrit uftes stet-ieyasod n
i~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ ~0 i15ttslyilsyasssais SO SUrH S-IA-rEST.
still sloctor Sy rianss after Americani ____
nittlsihenl sheitsets Ii s sipIlolssa.TEDIJS BAE BNi L,
Choral Union.
Tise clossin-g concert saf hse (hotril
1_ hutsr Ssrise s, hc isl ege
- ilsss oistlitsissli eet ofsit oret
thansoisar irs-Iter--siIforitle -greatt
cst w01k ositis kiistattil gnr
aion ha see il sibesis torl
ehruslea1 comple't-ie he sstrIsssss
clssilsg fouir trumpslets, a hlarps ais
great soloists. The Chsorstl fil ill.
inltendsl to hake thsis conceert thle
host isrilliantlislisral iperformlance
-es-er held illAIAnarlbor, andiI ias se-
csires ivue soloists, 511aii anrchestra
1of forty--fine ipieces. Else colncert
trill bieginl at 7:30 sharlp.
'We irstttile U. oi;, M.DIsYi still
0 tvilnaiti and sisiitletic 0Goods-.
Solhe agets inI An1At-bot-.
5A. PCLLC1R & 0.
Will Tetach lilt Method of
nmen besides tisstliirteess players, 1 Ill rely- to tise Conmnunicatioln in be satisfsedi witistisese ''fuller re-
tise manager aiss conchs,swhso still yesterdia}'s issute of thse i:sss.v frst ports.'" 'ie hsas in ~tention of jj7{ UE jjjG
aconmpany the leant, Albert Dorss, i 'Messber of A. A..'"permsit me0 to m sisrepresensting Michigans and 110
hugitVan Dieventer ans i:i. L. 1iihher. say thsat if tickets to thesiUsiversity msotine for takitsg sies. We stated
Tist atter, swio is official scorer, Mimstrels are oss sale at "osse or fragmnstary facts, expiectinsg to r tetnlsho1-e Mrot EM ORjY5
siireisortts gne frtse1lmri ore of thse ssaioons 'they'Itaveti" lelssest thsenslater. Is simlluts-
and Ciicago nlewspiapers. been so placd withsout my nksownl- tr sesilna-dia As rbrse- FasIlsciitatintgAequisremsent of
Titelans for tite Hanslitons Col. edge ansd ssitisosstilly cosisesit. If nies thse lsarge of "diirty bahil' and Rnossiedge itsFve Lessoiss.
lege ganse, ott Satsurday, still he : Itihe ''letsber of A. A."isas iiifornt- that Cornsehi does not1 holdI i icisi- 1
Seynmour, s; Walsh, c; Richs, ib; ation thsat tickets to thse Uttis-ersity pan or its teams resisoissible for the 1,-TCI ZS Z17
Keily, 2b; Pearson, 3b; Codd, ss; Mlinstrels are on sale at "o'nle or samse. Thes C. sI, hi. DAILYs top- -0N-
Wilkinson, i~f.; Bhooths, cf.; Abbott, msore of tis saloons," ansi sill runt- gests thintlte"tunfortunate conshi- U P Y l 1>1
rif. ntunicate wills ne at 49 Thonmpsons nation of circumsstances"titat fin-JsLy',1yCJ M -Y zis'
The guaranstees for the trip are as street, h can take nteasures to has-c feated Cornell, wtas a consbination AT 7:15 O'CLOCK,
followss Hamilton, $75; Univertity any tucit sale stopped. of "nine Micitigan baii piayers.'"'-- To be continuoed Thtursdays and
of Vermont, $roo; Yaie, $90, or 5o R. T. FAPBRANDt, Oberlin Review. Mondays following.
per cent.; Wesleyan, $50; Brown, Manager U'niversity Minstrels. Minstrels, to-night. FEE FOR THE COURSE $2.50.