AT. mlIjj.
Vc,. I.-N . h1f;..
College Press Gonvention. mit a n. i"rll ln" wrk.
'The irst annutal convention of ~I~ i ii lsinl1
the Western I ntercollegiate Press
Association will lbe ield i a' the (liiI'I'
l'alitter h oulse, Chiceago, to-tmh oo
iliorilixi'ansi afternoon. This is the.ii~s i i o 101
ileetilig whtichl l o 1 sr-aIllie te h tll os, Iel S1i1'
1as0ociation.I t ws clle at the
lostanuceositheiii. I x Ii it li.V
Cle Is iB. IWarren iiman'm1il
CilitbsWisit isd 1,niandn I t1ll \iao
editroftheInlandsi'e; itulx dsitti- is
( hrosxcn it 'ohilit ,iiil in I i t'~ ii o
(.1lro'lit-xisr' on u1 GldC lpI he 1isv I inpt of un sis' pos-n
Si i )iton m naingil aed i i nfitesi U.g tiitnI iiiiiisxi il i i
colix-cistloi.redtn uxstistt iii aitgi110 huas s o
Keprseixailcs frm ciilegs t xxi s ttts aitni pe s abat rtsof
onire nstat e xpresslie oprese.dTte s kas m i inotsnlx
tixex'roftsad'sClark as thanr itaioisj
eyontolleianfro; cio ixie - I
wr nn, Iilander set. The1Incts ionalishedcmasnuthaitlirotfvsso
liihtde dsttat1by txtttit
"alt- 'I-'"s hiiix isitswforkaid lnan is. f hboy mustictial aixl
foiltiwingsspnrersashove ofeporteatitiav
thiywl s1enadxts leatnk adelero
xxiti an l ark .x a eitiimitae- tionr
Cleelnd O.tr l in i Iion iv li.; iirls 4'
N f s tthe ni ni vest f:,ih- lgtd adec. T e tm ln
EulHoetrsaofote EastfeGates
osin to ess Euea Clge
Chrice , siftel sushi Coi lage, 1xxfii hli e rforlii nce. 5' brle s que
resilli tie inxlii ilths ns~ Il sr- a ns ilt ise st lii oele sasxver
Ilei;x t e nsItor, xsLake (orlest -xx i v It efrtp r o m n e
10it,;IEa'inn ott1)111'tecxiiisdiiin-
The M ~ ~ ~ 'h iinstrels apiitipi lt ltea lxi in Detroe
General Summary.
B~elow wsill lie founxal ntret
ing tale shoinsig thleinumbier ofj
fresltoieii whio have registeredi each
lear siince IS84 ati shiow ing the
iIIxilier whosi have actutallx- succeedetd
in ester"i 1g. tlii oiliIthtem variouts
meanlsl5o0fventranice. Tieinumbeliir
nsf thosse irorkiig fssr adere S also
b VI G, the eixperXice oIiSsf College
-diexlii liwonwad ap~prcCliate
lihe caref sicru i tliny if College Stn-
dicntsixhxavig a lirge icorpsof skilied
IDesigniers iiid Jewcelers speceiatly
trainiedl Ionriad ,etiiid othxer jexweiied
xxork, imploirtils',as xce sin, directly
iioiixPais, Londoniansi Amsiteirdam
xuriiiaod ) and11 s othisilerIpreiosit
Sl",lxwie' are xill ia psitionlito Ito-
sudtim thfinst lan15111 lijexwelled
"Society I')idlsses sif illIkiinsichxiiiare
miatcxre inillthis emitt.
Wright, Kafi & Co,
M.A.-UiAT INI i""lltiL ES.
Detrot, MIon Ua
Chap. Speller & ,.
Uiviersity Outfitters,
2x0' SxOUTH STAT' S'r.
, _ _ ,.
Y .. :. c
J. l;
'' ! "= - = G'.vinimsitim and Athletic (.floods.
'The seiondil performIxaineofif c
U. niviersity Ai instrels waxxivxen
evening ibefore tixe lrgest audience
tixat ixas beenitnltheIl oplint Ioises
tis year. Th'le auience liegutanir
riring at 7:30 o0cockundvll1firo1mI tha
tulle tiil IiSin thnxrvexxas a stne1(1
stream iof lpeoplle lpassigin.x 'l
iioiuse xxas pacskedinxxgallrs anixni
palrquiet, antitw s xx xitlia~l ntaui
etice loss, fosr te"oed' sexeri-
wihere, evein in lixenallery. ''ll
basll nhne ioscupiedi the boxs.
'Tle lierfoirmianiic1 l1ast vnin1g wai
ax vsitxirovemn~t overix Ithe Ii Cit
appi~eatrance lxx 'x silanti i fler-
tliig scent sixoothilytiandirwold
basesdonie credlit to xaIprofessionIl
trouple. 'ilie mlit lmaritkedimp rssic-
Opera ihouse Iblock,-said tin insults
irill also h xl eind tSi~le s
six State ilreet.
They' Leave To-Night.
'ihe nine iiieae AnilsorIl
to-imsll, xlt 9:o xx'c losk i h i
ilie mxi e rsh"C itt fssic 1t, o
tie stt~ rv0l- od~vlt
tilsionam selhese1i1(sll
ruisl 0 ii f."Cac ~ol
Class Game To-Dar.
ill pIay- oft thy tineuiite if Aprl
I ,, this aftrnoo 01 t 1efai
--roundsn 'ati iourIi'clscn.
Schoolmaster's Ciub.
iliere ixill in a omeeting';xof
Sclo)issssti I lb to-mxo:
lornitl lito iihIxall are ixii'
'ile tfollowxnxx'itieresinigprns;
xxiihe 1s7ix in tooIll24.
1. Le;-lmAutity-ixofitile 'Cesarhee.
j "xewrs- ac i hil, Maisrhxall.
IV.C. eitt, Thrilieeivixes.
11i ena Powerii 'xxis xxSpecmi nd Generill~
' 13. A. Hinsdl,m n', Iixersixyiofxi l
Ill. The - e'Sle i nlexi."
1V. iets ofrls ecial Cxs'niix lx's
i'. 5. 'iihompsxon1~,Prsdnia m
It. iM. Siisin, Secxxetsryx, Colstss
Lawy Entrance Examxnatior
Isl's ill'xmntii n'o-teslw o d isonx to 1tvelbar xwi
29,. Alil lily lia s sic ilxun
leiti015onsi rbrehxxvNiay 5
'in 'ssiumpultionx (olin
miadeSicslits sift l'Ohill~1inill
me Fr~ iithlthel ).Aly ., iie
nranox 'pile .Igx xin IT'IuiArbiiox.
(I5A$. $PELLER~ & q0.
He t Wili eachlils Metlhod iof
Xlis I'ueiliii
1. Klin lsee xin1'ive e sson'isl.
i lie
4 mx r.
To h coniIue ITirsdlixi .and
Mon itdays folloiniig.
PF.E FOR,,TMl COURII 1$2'.5.3