ijc t . of
LU . W1ai p.
Vol'. I.--No. 1,59.
The U. of M, Bats out 15 Runs and
Northwestern Scores 3.
The batters of the'N orthwesterni
Universit nine r eeutter1ly unable
to find Robinson, in the game on
Saturday. Three hits are credited
to themt lit oiili one of these was
it clean one, and it was a single.
McGinnis, the lilred itclher of the
N. Wv. xU.-saspoundsied nil liner the
field. 'Twenty hits were made off
hIs ilelivery, and iiost of these isere
two anidtliree-baggers. In the sixthii
inninig, the honme team itade one
three-bagger, four tswo-baggers aiii
one single.
The fielinig of the some teamt
was fair, bitt sot cup to the fielding
in the Cornell gaime. Spitzer
handled es-crythitg that camte to
hins, bot Pearsso's thsroswing isas a
trile slowc, and it was ant"off can'"
for Kelly. It was by tihe latter's
error that N. W. ise as enableid to
score tinsrmiss Kobiinson shonul
Inane been credlitedl withtshue thiril
"'shut-out'"-fosethis seasion.
N ortliseiii es iieiitl m lhis not
mucclifaith ilitscllg n.-lct-'
('Aiiiiis, the pthri n of the
"rich" lull r o ?th tCicnago
Cit s'I nu nditnut a studelnt at
N. W.l_ .:)auer nitMcrails
are not regultri - ve.. -Manager
'ebboti objectedi toipuaynig againist a
hlolsetne aciiliaiilf-ired lentil,)tit
-'ante by' isigs is is follows:
01n steal to second. 'Abbott, base
lilt anid snored iotimuff of Pearson's
fly' to ceintre. Pearson scoreid oil
Wlilkinson's base lilt. Rich liiitin\
ball. Coddilsacrificedl,ande Wilkin
son scored. Both, three-bagger-
and Rich scored. Btoothi snored oii
iriiff of Robinson's thy hail. Spizer
oiut first base. -Mchraths out first.
McDowsell struck ont, -Moiildingiitli
by' ball, Santer 0111finst.
a. Kelly base oii balls, Abibot
struck out, Pearsois base on balls,
Kelly snored on WIilkiiison's lilt to
third where Pearsons sas lounched
out. Rich struck out. Barns,
-1- Abbott foiileidout. Pearsion IEarnedilrunls. I'o f Al. . isuT-base
out first.- IWilkisonu, base on balls. fis, KBeily, Milkiiiscii. litnli,Glod.
Ris lneiii. 'od ts Rlogi lbiiisoin, Spitzer. Three-base fills,
Lic, aselit. vdtwobager iBthl, Peairsoii. Passed bails. Abibout
btii g in Slilkinisoit iiid K Rih j1;IBass 4. Will pitch, IWrfluuis. 1.
Iloiothifoiiuldout. Sluel eniaci aitilI liii by' pitched balt, Ilitch. Mtouliing;.
Baiantes struck iout. \-outldlis iasein ubutirf. a.Base oiibhalls. by' Robt-
oil blls.Sainter, basw liiit StMouilid-soil.I; by -' in iiis, 5. Struck iiut, bs
h ig sciire i il he Ice - iid ii cho Robinson, I",;be Mc~innis, 4. Lefit oil
w-nrc lntlii'iiout Saiuter untilni
l 'iiof gallmc, 2 usls., 15 I-S tut. Utiii re,
i rst and sed. ttil
struck ouo. ell, '-'o-ra THE FIRST PERFORMANCE.
'Alibott, ot irt.I'ss iase-liii The University Minstrels Appear
Mbctiiinis,-tinsck out. Co iiIafteri Before a Crowded House.
a lined un, soulit MStnh's in Ii
right.I Tie YpsilaiitiIOlien I louse seas
fi. ourniiis s-cn snred cii rossed to the idoors oin Saturdlay
Pearsoun's tiiree-bag'-er, two-bagg-ers esvening si-leu the Universits - SIl-
by- W5ilkiinsoni, Ricls, Robhiasons,' strels appieareul for their initial 1pcr-
Spiltzer and siiigle bsy' Boothi. liie- foriacaie.'lucere s-crcabiout 150
lenbach struck out, -lonlil-'ndUn of Mt bos priiesen1t.1 lielin-
SSatiter, out first. streis are funny froni beginnin' to
7. Abbott, fly' out. Pearson, out end I lie iiifortuinate wh5otmisses
first. Wkilkinsois, Rich stud Couiltile performiance nexnt IThursdlay
liase hills, tine first twvo snotreiswhile eseningt isill, fi'iiiatis-elyspseuaking,
("odd is cacight betwveen seicondlanud le '"kIicking 'him sel"frawe
third. iBarnes, liase liiNisbtnther~ieafter.
and Blass struck out. I-ibb irt liiit ITie lintformanel a s' esveiiu-'s
bsy bail. IBarnes anod I ubbart scorn - suiisiiie. Itii is inathurally ex
Son Kell's si-lid thurowe. xilii t Ip mi i t iemii'sn-l- '
lieaittifully- capituredilaafli Iionul-1ci woiiinothut3b pittiiilarly Is ansiii
(=iiiiis' bat. s itttiili
S. tooth anail Robuinsoun out fir st.Bti ntecnrrtetop p
,iter, tiase liii. Kelymtfrt erda aiirwt hi oka
t-tuutissoiu struck out siul. prof essiol peiioti e rs ni. tihere as
9. Abbiott, 1l- out tocner h ot a single gintcht.
Pearsons, irst oii error aii scoredciii Ilie first parto h pori
xvilkiuusons's base ilt. 1Wilkiinsoi opeiis wit he oo the ssoIS1
forced iii Rich 's fliii. Coiddl out ln."-- The Chieuamse-on orclues-
lirsi. IBarnes, 0111flest. Nisiet Ira sias seated on ci raisei lat ufoirt
striick out. Biass silt fiy to Bootti behiind the rush line. Thle isork oh
c hic orchestra thtrotighiiiit the entire
iaN'yl~lrrVOF -ziclli l h erformance seas seeryscreditable.
l.1.It. 5.1. ii '.".A 1.; Stost of te imusic hail beensrinar-
Abbott, ......-.II 11i i i oE agedl for tteiitby RudlolpihiSpiel
I of the lDetroit Opera I-louse. Sant
Weilkinso, 1 --- 5 > 4 I 1I 0
Rii, I ib.___-__.. 4:I4 o Park, Ted Smith, Roy' Farraisdianil
i('od, r.t-----;><a 1 0 Jim Duffy- knot the audiece ini
Booiiti, ec.-----4 2 0 1 0i 0
RobilinsonI,--t-- 5 I 1 0a continual utproar of laughter by
Sptess _____________0_1_1__1___itheir sitarpt 'cracks'' it thin faculty-,
45i1 a n)iembters of thin base bla team, anid
not iitiisuict ' cntnniRS1T-r. ?othter swell-linowsitcharaeters. ITe
RAS'l "i the expleriene of College
l1) Mueii shoin koss titdhtpipieciaite
thin caefuili scruttilsycif ollege Slit-
fieuuls ht-vsit' a large corps of skilled
Dlesiginirs iatilJewselers spiecialily
trine foi r baidhisige sunh other jesselled
sicku iorinhg, soswe do, directly
fro o PsaIiiis, Lontdont titid.Amisterdam
iuri Di uiiamns andilotherm precioius
i-coli-ssu e atin ~ ia poisitioinutoi lro-
idice lh iii niest hplaii idad jieelled
Soi i Bd f till kiids hssicls use
maufaui c tureill his isciuuutrn.
Wright, Kay &Go.
1IMPORT'ERllS, .h-;xvi-LE'IIS
Chas. Speller & .
Unsiversity Ouflitters,
~OQT~T -,
GOs uisum uisnilAthletfic 0Goods.
Soie tugei) ts us ,iutAi Abor.
qZ4As. $PCLLC1 & q.
SW'illTeach Ihis Sheluoilof
Anid F-acilitting Acqiuiremuent of
Kiomveeuge iii Five Lessolls.
N=CK=ZLjS' =_ZAZ_7
M( <PY, MAY f~l
AT 7:1-5 O'CLOCE,
To be continued Thursdays and
Mondays following.
Mch~diraith.: 1i---- 0 ii0 0 5
'iui lnet chi r.. _-4 i 0 0 1
Molding:;i . -- 5 5 0 1 .
Nisbet anid Bans struck out. ' Nisbuet, . f -C- 4 0n uu1
Baus. c.-----4 o I1 uu i
3. Codd, base lilt, caught at first Hubihari, s. ---s 1 5 1 s0 0 i
base. Bhooths, base on balls. Rob- Mlcoissis,p.a-- 0 0 0 is
inson, base lilt. Spitzer struck out. n30a3a3u1at
Kelly out first. Hubbart and ic- sOB~INNS
Ginnis struck out, .McGrathi out SOEB :11 S
first. N. W.C-.....040100as0
topical sonugs lsy''eudSnmitli audISans
oPlark, ansd the sonugs by- Sessrs. Joy
r ndnu Darromw- sene heartily encored
ansd nill be appreciated swhens heard
her ne Thursday' night."Gynm,"
i the only danscing giraffe, performsed
- rellion of Ted. Snmiths.
J The second part of the prograns
contains the specialties. Sans Park
-15 and hlis ventriloquist dolls (Mary
- (Continued onThird Pae.)