, . laxln:.
VOL. V. No. 1 51.
WILL FURNISH FULL SUM. n all six oratois. As the cx'-cutisv
CHICAGO ALUMNI PROVIDE FOR natve tttitemi, ot caiiibe imade until
FIRST HONOR IN ORATOR 1. ltltL -iu rdyngt
They Will Give the Medal and $75 TH-OROUGHLY AN ARTIST
Annually-Third Year Laws Will Is Miss Gertrude Nay Stein, the
Receive Consideration Tomorrow Contralto in the May Festival.
Miss(t: rltilde "May tii.the coil-
A minlig oitthue tOtitorietti also- Itals totlilt)will taike patili ht.,-o al-
eiiitioii tits beeiucaetid firttomoit'rrows tug _MNay Fe'sitil is easily oniot the,
nighit to conidelr 5ililti rhslitt.s iiton-atest ot AlmitAtbjr tttt~rttttt. Slit
the costsitutiont. At this lin. cling tit: is thloroughily artistic ini teeryihitt
autnotuetnent will be mtade that lteci,, dos, aind wiill sturely hbe arertot't
(Chicatgo Altmitiia tssociationl has de- t royal welconme. The followinig are
titled to tistumie the respiosibility of soattl e tlrenutmerotusuress notices:
furnishig uhert tsttiontillto the Miss Stinithts atipleasing stilce amid
winittr iof tatciyeatr's local ioratoricail Ii e siiiiltitiiistuneflanid 11st ;itt.
-onical. Herrettil rig ot"(.) tetin tLii'tordt"
The utettbers ofthetlt'Chicaigs t.sso- mlits atitt thelii'miore ltraisem-oirthy
cittisit will sublscribec a ftt e, ant li- ettortsoithettocticasionin tilhleiap-
ituat incoeot fr tonm which wtll amottititi iitse 1tht ewrdedtliitwastfaitrly
to $75. Th'iistftundl still be' tritlea tn ii.-Bostoti IHerald.
ter etothue Regt'g5s dtli'it3''liemny Te litra oftt ii pertformsance, tell
znd lmedaltllistn which cessitit' te ftirly tt Miss Stinti. eiiiiontraltos
lerst hiaor in thei'oraitricalcotnest andutl Mt. Itie-ette lt't ist. Miss Stein
will lhereafltler hi'knotwnis 10thte "Chi- is too well trinied-iatutu xtttrie''ct'il
'lii' atuti oft$51)wtas lit first ttledgdc' atutuoppotunttities, tutn sseiwssittt-
$3, tints ttriishitug till ofthtetirlst ity atni lt'irttttticetittitlis stitn-
t'slituonil. This ationitilisill take lithely i'xeigteatisi-Posttsn Trai-
itti et netxt ycitr. scit.
"It is to ite- hopedthaltt tile stetondt
hionistwillhistpro-ittledtiotitiaALLMAY BE ESERVED
iliar wayi y on11f3oit othrta ittniSeats May Be Selected at Shee-
lttst'iatistt." saul l intuI)Ittodt han's tor the Athletic Benefit.
tnisiweittllu- t do'l. Notingest.nttttrrbttss it li etiti t iln~fe i l s nt-ti .11~g~d.toth atera
sTe tin xr Slit-t'ttuis. 'liih51' ticktIs sell it fifty
will havei'tine=itonort'ot tiitaltt b, t- i'tis, anrdiyseatseii e taest-i i
ftte t ttlileCicago ahuimiianid Iho.illcit trsatii tse. c'nli belrtsctrlit in-i
tttun itt' rst-s-ti in thesdress ient-.
fat t hattt tltc countest is to lic Ii ItIilli Toeslt ~ei ti atlttl
(lileats still lhive a. ttiitlciii to breig Toet"oaet a
out , lagetnumbr f cadi t or"tSositt'ck's Little Gamile," whticht
lie~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~fr hat t er'tittgMiiiti su itth rogrziii tomoiturow nilght
ntt tyear" itaseen-it ittigolottwork litre-
"Tb a,+contest at towa Ctywssbet- lienesats titheItast test tdays. Thlost-
ie thtati atnytreviouisi-tliiehd by t' ihtli-t t i hm ssekiii t
League, anti it ss-as the clost-st so tar thiri wor.
its the gentetil exceilt-uti; ftt= -spteak- A tullitichiestraitt tent pieces.,s-ithi
ie'sswas concerne-d. Laig,'i'I,lgaitins
-spetitial littsic, hissbeein steitred ftti
tronti nealiy all the colt gts iii tile iteee-iug, aidtd hoi usual opesrl
L~eagues sill attendttihiscontest ill, oseeclete s'llb dsene
,nt Chlicago is easilyrecachedt. Thtee is huloss- rcetritwllbiis.ne
es-e')' nihhatlot itat i wil excl tth
Designed to Show Development
Since Last Fall-Physical Exam-
ination to be Reured of Football
and Track Men Net Year.
The 'seconad si-ttftphsica texami-
iaiosisis nw goitgtn i tieWatir-
itant gymunasiuimi. Thtegticate part
ttt thosess-ho utidt he gymniaisitu
toeriwoi-ktthis 3yeirepo-tetetito hDr.
stlithten rthe e t il. This sicutd x-
amuitiationi is titr the tturittsitt sittw-
itg wstim protiemcuent has bteu tiuutd
tatd lioss'the sweakIoitsuse ht-ii
develitoped. Mr. F-iitzatriik is sit
htand iattoe gymnuiasitium es-iry eti-
hug toe the ittriose itt cndcing-
these exaiit ils.
Ainesw rue t'httticBioarid ittCotrtotl,
passed'th theiucrequst ot til egi-ts
reuiresa atisfctoittry3 pysical ex-
aumiatou itt',ipssedlhby ery fottt
lie can take tupa tuctiiy itlru-lit'gituc-
iciutest. Dir. 1 itatnelld taes thattiall
a. Itesot's ihteart anuntgs shllIto t
soundut. Ihut e yoe.it ittth luts irtitirt-t
Ioas the tteltst tits aradtyudtlr-t'
gonte sttisfltaetry- extminaliitt lst fal
tatke ttiothetr extiniatiotu.
Subscriptions Coming in or the
Women's Gym.
Thoi'ladlis oittIhit-istierait etnitt-
txc'haveuit oisut citutirs r l pIt
sionalpalttis to tl iiics-ses itt togislt
titus. wttttntii hyictianuus. tut-
iltic ittitltis tof 5womeit's ctubis.
aild oter proinitentu ii tttututof
thi s tte. tLargt '.ittoper hiit
hittit builtosit hut-resuits oitthus--,
systemaitiicattitais. St-i-'rat ettiius-
iusticea'usvers lutist-betilructivcud,
i-ltttt Cihaiilott, havesh~loss-titrt
iutt-itst in tii'etinuse ity-seniing $il.
'fts sumiutitt 19t29.i wssrt-ci
trou thtot'recehptinl is Dr. Deiess.
It addiitioiit ito -estisums, tPof. I,.
D. C'amptbellhas gvru $, mainug
the stminotuss'ubsribedthert, $2,-
'fle cemnuttetes in ehageitt thet
sssrkt: tfraising t'thiifund ht' thatu
this T'niscesity CometyClub swiltitus
i croedut-louseut'Fridiay- tst'uuug.
'11113ask haltitthisstutetts ditlt
tlloss'ths opoupnity t ipus itt
shig thui hearty sutport of te
twso ijects twsardIssiclh tte tto-
ceeds aee tit te given,-athletics and
wt'ometn's gymntiasuml.
Prof. Kelsey's Lecture Postponed.
The cstinued sickness of Pes.
Kelsey lisa eesstated the pstone-
nment oill lecture on "A Sunmter in
Pompii," announcedfo tomsioross
night._ The lecture ill not bo given
until ater the May Festia. Ni-
ticseswilt be given wvhen the date is
Comedy Club Athletic Benefit, Mlay
51 South Miain st.
Youg adisYoeungu
ifitoet lu~t athy l t dstibute cm
asesihed. iotriadvprtise-
bceKhAR sndtemInDapa.
wokdo0uT L UebccleIrfOIIEJ n rvs
mede. t eirpriclas. oe
P.HSOT Show Wind
hi4t8aOTT S. BoTAlToEnTes
$1.50, $2.00 AND20
U I1p Ews. DesTHEw
LtestyImproe arte~ortShop
Inthcty5.St ate s hi gton15., MatsdSir
easo an.nn Arbor.
csntest iftthits year"
of Ite Ortututuhual tassieittiuutwsicthi
it-ill he itrottosedt at thurnuttttigto-
tilsncti nighti are relative to thit'nmew
"thtirdl-year" class itt thin last dipait-
intent. It this class is allsoved retpre,-
asentation in the lecal csotest and mis
othtxr change is imade this mumber at
Contetants ivill be incresand te, eight
Titers is a gtenemral tinting that thus
contests are too lontg ivithiseenti oram-
toes, as at presetnt. I is quite protb-
able thtat this executive boarti, to
wvhomnthemutier wsaareferred, still
recommend the dropping of the two
Orators by wthoma the signior iltruary
-and late classes are represented un-
der the present arrangement. This
would allow each chas ntided to
-'epresentation oescontestant, making
Psi Upsilon in Convention.
'fle sixty-senond t'si upsilsot con-
si't'l:i i tt h bi tughurh id u t' r th'us-t
lines of the Psi Chapter at Htamiltomn
College. Thusesonventisn opened Tues-
tday' muusting, amid the gretleipurt
of the st-et is to he occupied wilth
business aszsions. The ball, whicht
i-as set tsr Thursday tnighut, hiss becit
givern up sonacitunt itt this death of
a promintent me'mber of this Facuilty
and this convention still close swith a
buanqet at U~tica, Friday itighit.
Recent College Games.
Brown drtoated Hsward Tuesday
by a score of 13 to 8. Other games:
Yale 10, Lafayette 1; U. of V. 22, Nor-
wickI 0; Cedar Rapids, 10, Cornell
Collego 1; Northwtestern 9, Chicago
U. S.