I~ Uof
Al. m1ill
Vol. -- i 14di
A Large Audience Listened to the
Pine Music.
There were over 2,000 iveopisi ini
1'Itiversitv IHall last cveenie'g It
tvas, a birilliant aissemiblage, eveeiesf
tress ibeiii" thle rule rither than the
oUl~hiy enjoved cii n fiolie he
lihera iapilau ise. The symiphion in
I flat ws t eei ved ithi mooe erai-
he~rs, thy list iioiviii it, thy /Iiisvs
bing pa rticularl 1fine liv \l s w ho
hevardl thy coiiert list syvari rvgretteil
fhiat thye isiiilsatisv i overtutre wvasI
not uiponi the prograsi. Thle over-
tre ''L.eostore'' was very finie, the
soutnd of the ilistaist aiid then near
at hands trumpet lbeiiig espsecially
effective. Thec tio selectionts frossi
W~agner were, as usual swithi that
comploser's nmusic, qitey noisy, if
5e may be piardoined the expression,
oni accotiit of the predomnance of
thte birass. PTe solo stork ini the
last numtiier, aii arransgesienit frsim
of the Atlaintic. 'The cap~ital ini-
vested. has lieeii iseid iiibrie- to this
couestryithe bst msic'ian s iofthe
Articles by the U. of M. Professors,
In the crrenitsiiiimler of the
Moderni Iangusaie Notes." lirof.
is)ther ii v v 0 ti iIiii i ii ii chy tit hasth leaiv gatl l.rh
isvso ralieheciIeies't''usicciiaisii siil ii
to teiis tees t isisi Sit teio iithe iat lcve i r cccisa
lv'ssrlsl i lii rvii iiivDp Gi enealtvogiii lv vii'sainif Slid-s
lnshsressswhosri edirtor the p fteatce cosista sl iii a
luistr foiier Iti thr ers iivWithym iosr omiv theto avs hfrsiarrted
CeIcl e of of.seu f iis lijiess i antlisirs 11111 emsuc a slvo roiv e tio. lsif
a1si tcatthsled aois c cuntislvatsssv cottas rss svs agstlier paper, ibs
body of usicans for viyea siocacl inil thrs eiissite ati sre f
aiisc, itandtiture.W n eflcnrl fo-oe h ups fti ril
11eha oerth ochsta as the s imltr ingntoeudaoasiltalo!
latevNewinLaborastryhouf Mateasne gabtterltonfty
MedicsM.and oTheii ra orutics. authors utocosisiossersion.iPtoe
'pielaoattory hortba eohcomvlietSauteprstissaethartvavertssn
fall, is intended for the Iprepsaration other hI_. of M. mni, onetic i'Prof.
oif class expserisments tuo illustrate the 1-enipl, isis-Jafl55 viiSInexro t
phlysiological actioin of the snore m Kisige's IDictionsary,"sl aares viw
poirtanittlrs(is, aisd also for research of -KuitoFislier's G oetlie'sSasso,
bANI; the expseriencee of Cosllege
Meii iwho knowsisitd sappreeiate
the esarefusl scrustinyr of College Sits-
denits. hasvinigsi lsarge cvorps of skilled
D)esi-niers aitid Jeswelers spiecially
ltratinsedfor lbaiige andIithier jesielled
wrkt. imp~ortiing, ssie do, directly
fromstParis, Lonoin andt siAmiisterdams
o ur Diamiosnds aindiothler iprecios
stonies, wi re in iia ipsitlinto0Isro-
ducies lst thfissest plisnstinsijewel'levi
SocitNla(iges iiif sllIhins i chvii arei'
manufiiiactureivilliithis ci'iiiitrv.
WrI~ Kay & C o,
-MAN t'IsACTUI' G fh .1E ELE
Detroit, Mochoo
Chas. Speller & .
University Outfitters,
201 SiOUTrS STT5s.
0FU212B, 137I1Ji B/Thu
' sonn i'ssoitul ndAthletic (Goods.
"t isv Strian s o ti N"''" tnl1,; ork ion the actioss of miins.yi'cu.1. 1OSlci5i. iilavsv also aGENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING
tt'as very plcasi 5g. 1lvI rses i~sI svsryfittisg eulogy oif te late 1Dr. sisiis5i.
Mlrs. Arthusr N ikisch s ithy silos- srpry al lPiasscsI Ihomsnas I'dchabe, wliosedat c
t of hesiecvciig. Shre wsac-piv e~s aknowsledlge of thev tirthioso vi iseslabtiistwotisotisuos o.
eoiisshasiesl viii the pian'it h r -srsiiiii-+"i+-if--cs-s-s si
«fesexperiment1tiosolos were yen itaviiThe iS, C. A. Art Loan.
hubn.Ie oa eevr elpisooyandilits aris istiosisals e ETHE PACE
i'reiv'edIle11r vice is a sucess-
Stihercompilex phessoniesa hresstedul I orvarios oreassonste tuens ST ATALOU
5iliatsiofy'.ivi vis ~t hii isil the iteractiosi of drugs irith assi- are iintercsted ini this sit lotnirs t s i, 4iG ite maner wstplasin
be sassrii ies ecviauseortial fluiis antd tissues. If the prins- it is to be a really iitie exhibiit, Sec- pf Z
ueaffected.I vhi 'itstuber waso viphlesthins deduced lbe apied to ossul it is the first art loats wesi ofl /_
thie aria frosis -Minn oss sotthisucdationa of lhospital ohsersa- IDetroit, andulthe secondu iwest oh "~ -
to te sso dcrv Hi olsaswithios ratoa sse f practical Busffalo, asid last, List sot leatt it is
tteheracpeuhylatOu 1vtics is the result. TIhe se- workinag its behialf of a grandv cause. Sole sigents its Anns Arbor.
gehhicie Strtrlrsvs lv c~ iicretionss andr excretiosis of hiospiltal It opens '1 ay i 3tls anid continsues, 5 & PCLLCE &.Uo
gelihs teuchn" enger- tients receivisig smedicisses whose vhay' ansulesenisi, Sssira ecetel)
thussiasticahhy ecrd
'he vsvrdactioss is not yet tundserstood, stay for lwo weeks. 'hue art gallery will
Teorchestra cointained 6flit U also liv studieud its this laboratory he a gent, asid the evenings"esntertain s
sirius, as follos: ftrst5violis', asid the results broughst intho iarsioty nmessts excellesit. Every thisg pos- 'mx' A
12 secondl violins,8svsolas, ' it withs other observations. ''he first silde will he dosne to msake the event
fp,6 Lasses, 2 flutesa2ilioes,' requisite of this lute of wvork is ass instructive asid deliglsthssh. Esvery PEI~ 0 -
harisets 3 i ssoss ~ trus accuratv clisiscal stiudy of the dreg iholy keep the art lostn it mindirhasid
Iritnahets, 3 tromonses, z drumsis, i taskess, so thsat shut is puit isito thej visit it as sooss as it is openi.
hapbosishn, uhctsil s d yis the first place shsalt lbe aI - - --=+ - PI1 T0 a.E P
trianigle, kiowns quantity .E Pharmacy Examination. f
'Phe Bosstont Symiphionsyrchestra i-or the presenit there wiiilie I
'va esablshd aoutte cas ao'hue folloisi smensbers of tse
eaetaiseiabutesyerag roost for the professor its chasrge ' n jsilrcas f h Sho
hy Henry L.. I iggisisou, a public asedisch ailassundortideatssusf sahe sissorl
hSpirited citizes of Bhostons. Thle isihprartieslesfr)o of P'harmsacy are takisig the exams-
Orchestra faileud to psay expenses for fessorshsips its this brassch or w00ho atioss before the state boardl of
shout sevensyas losing about $25, ia lsr ocr 1 os pca phiarmiacy: Seniors-Murray, Keen- WODW D
0130 each year. It is nosy at least self- topics. ssedy, Adanms, Russell, Canmpbell,+26AE E,
Supporting, if not profitable. Mr. - .. --IBird, Bhriggs, Hubbard, Ashley asnd ivssLcsx'x xOv'
1"'gginson did not expsect to msake MIr. Allen, '92 lawv, was calledt Hutchinson; juniors, Sutton, Os-
ittoney on thse orchestra, and by home yesterday by' a telegrani an- trander, Bdostwick and Allen. Tbere $PCgIAL RATE$.
Sinking $175,000 in it, he Las -or- nouncing that his fattier was liable are also about seventy othsers Irons
gsnized the finest orchestra this side to die at any moment. different parts of the state. TRYH- IM.