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May 20, 1891 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-05-20

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*ij U.Of
#tn, ai 1p.
Vo'. I.-Nv. 161.
Plic, Toi-iCENT'S.
German at the U. of M. antd at Har- in 's I-its in BalcteriologyITuesday
yard. m torning tirnonti other thin-s hej
Ia recent issue of th tu a saitat iialairia is tiut to a firoto-
comptaratice statemoent regtaringte hepamdu mlra o
study of Latin at H arvard anthe iers theitreattmetnt if malariia tithlt
11. of Ml was published. ft causeuf jttuitinwsknotsni ishile the etiol-
so much suirlrise that the 1)DAILY t sots r
tihou-git it wcouldl he of interest to its Thits is the exaict covelitfth
readers to puihlish a similar slate-lit-tori cttoiiadIcgermlisess
ioeiit conicerniiigthe attendlancein I heir cils th at thit thley
the cariouis classes ini Gernian lit er de to a ictit t~ eil ic m iaco-i
antI at IHarcard. The attendaceoc-anismt asftll ltlisheil lint
for the classes at the hU. rof .Nt.re the ir specific tireatmt wa 5 s obsiure.
foir this semester aiid are official. It Thei conitttuane it the lf fti
wsa founitimipossible tot seciire fit rgaiitii vle h daho
vial figuires from H arcard this sciics- iedlblood coirfustc.Iinlpersistent
ter. Inasteadl, the figures for last attacks of miialairia as lit-h as one
year hare beent taken fromi Presiclentt corpuscle is three are attacked hy
Eliot's annual report. The atteti- this ptrotozoa. This fact intiicates
dance in German at the U5 of .Iswhiat ansettornious inmher oif blood 1
is not so large as it wsatits SS9-go, corpuscles are destroyed it atn at-
and it is safe to assunme that the at- tack of mialaria. This fpriitozoa is
tendance ill Germians at I-arrard is of mtarkecd value in the tilagitosis'
not mucih larger flits year titais last. antd progntosis of malarial diseases.
( 'iyroc(a anI N' i' no !lvfT1Microscopic examination trill cereal
Fielding and Batting Averages.
Thetapplendledltale tcontains tlte
arerag'es iin baltig attil ieldttt o1
the mtemblers of the 'Varsity base-
hall teamt, fur the five gamies that
tate been pllayedl this seaison.t Ihr
erroirs are its followis: heiii,6;Ab-
botll i: Pearson, 2;tWitlkitnsonio
Stze ; ih,2 C otl1I AtWalsh
Iltitie ti:ts eri ;i ng lli;
''hre -b s; his ierston, I;tWillkin-
base hills:Irelit'a earson.
Whilkinisoni3:Iicli f; oisthIt
Codd, 3 kobitisoit 'SeritotirI
b tYINGfiteexerieetiof College
Mleti wshoiknios- atifappreciate
fit aefuIitscrutiny oh Ciullege Stu-
hentsli-iavinarg ecorps of skilleid
Designies-oaif le«elec spcally
traiitnifed if fo if--l(e intlother jetrelledl
ior1k, impforting, s «teito, itely
S toute1.ite Iareiil aopointtisnto cproti
ifuce~l thfinestlidtil nd fjeweliled
Siciety It il-s-s of ill kindi-,siwtichItare
maufac-tudilotiiis cotitir.
Wright, Kayi & Co.
IlPfORTEf'fS, -l fdV-EfiS
Zo--,trot, M~chigan.
Petaruet b _-iod(, itrf---
Kelly,'' -----
Sitzeri, ss.- -._
GAYS A=O F1:LD\(.Chas. Speller & .
4 i.51 it000 Uiversity Outfitters,
1 slit Si-i tillSiTHilSTATEC Sc.
-.25(1Gymnasiumuianduitlietic (Goods. .5 .lt
there this year.
A glaitee at the tabulated stater
nient still sliowt that our attenifasie
is nitcli larger ini first andifseconud
year trk. The courses ioffeiretd
hiere are fullys is attractive antiti-i
terestiing as tose tfferedl atlar
sard. The folltotsing tbles sltiit
the attendtailceini the liftferect
Co re- ? S li1 01 P a's- ------ 1[
4. itt li-te ci sadC m osto
S Ol High Gerti an ----------- i
sihie 'echrs-Seniar----- t
1;.e.iti it - - - -em n it.------ 1
I1.tLoito------ ------- 3
it-S;. tPetr-- -------- --it. -- .
ttI-t7. HitetIieetarr iIrtsCzne-. :
t.NModernee LEs.D-aaan y
- ri. ~ cat--e--- iiid------- ----14
h5. GOt Itet t-----e -----i -----Ii
6-it. ElytGedrma- - -rtue---
the presence of the plasmtodiunt
italaria if it lie a malarial ilisease.
Drcs. Vaughan, Abtel tilt1Nanut
creile twere intterestedtlilstenters.
U.tioliM. Athletes at Ypsilanti.
Trainer if tirfply has tilt isedtifhe
athletes trainuintgtittier hili its titeter
flie Ap1silaitti Norinui cl ga e
t iext Satturdas. lbe ttill linot be out
hcre oniit cutiibut!siwill i ilt nest
Tuesdaytis hf l lloiiit-Mtet ill
enitert :iMtlleyt shttait hammerv
ie lont, ligIijumifttilt1shot: anit
(Gamtble, shot ttiand -rod tmpi Ilfar-
vey, 100yat icilash.
There Stere about fiiteent atletcs
os thse fair grouinds yesterday-.ife
tout, Gamblle aitil'Malley all ft
the shot 36 feetandl )Malley tiresth ame 6 et
Chronicle-Argonaut vs. U. of M.
The Chrconiclo-argoniaut has ac-
cepted tlte clhalleinge rif the 11 . tic
j -. D rI u to play a gamte of bsase-
sbill. The caute tiill be olaveif text
Freshman Banquet.
flhe fresh itittit Ittt~let ti ccirrt
Firiday- eveitg Mayl 2. titrad
mairchltt-lt leguin it t:30u idtthIe-t
will follotw-aniielaboIrate l . et atdti
feast if goodl thins, fe hc
several toaststcill beresponitreud tri
Ittleit danding twiltlibe inulg-ed itt by
all ttho swishli thlifull orcherstrai itit
sic. The comittecs fiatvebieei
wcorking diligently to itake the bait-
tfnet a success aitdlait enjoyable timse
is exfpected. All tshto exfpect to go
can purocurce tickets fromssLoeb,
IKeating, Ricketts, Term-, Alatle-
son anld Brownu.
Medic Suits.
The suits for the mtetdical teams
tate arrivedl. flier ace a character-
istic mtetdical stilt, and still certainiy
catch the crowdu. They are bluishi
grey tsthu dark blue trimmnuugs.
Across the breast stretch skull atud
Acih Facilitting Aeqiriemtent of
Kitosrltu-e ini Five Lessonts.
Total -----------Slit4j sweek.- ft is esfpecially stifpulated
- D. Dck n Mlara. that nso otne shall pilay on either
team w shoc has play-ed its a mtatchi
Dr. George flick, of the hitver- ganse swtthin the past twvo years.
sity of Texas, swho fiat becoime This bars out Abbott of the hAILY
noted during hate ye-ct as otie of staff, but huefiat been eingaged as
the few men in the United States coach for the hILiY nine. Thse
who have done original work upon wiinning teanm till be treated to ice
malaria, fectured before D~r. Vaugli- creans by the defeated team.
cross bones. flue suits alonue are 2 TIC=771Ea-' = T
enotugh to einthuuse thec medics, and
it is needhless to requnest tlue"Doe- .4
tort'" to be out in force and willth ~ jv7-.
much enthusiasni cheer the wtearers AT 7.15 O'CLOCK,
of tfhese tyfpical medical suits on to To be continued Thursdays and
victory, wvhen they croiss bats withf Mondays fofloweing.
the laws. FEE FOR THlE COURSE x$2.50.

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