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November 30, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 48) • Page Image 1

…~IJ U.of LU . Wiljj . VOL. II.-No. 48. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER '0, 1891. PRICE, THREE CENTS. Michi R EFEREE VS. UMPIRE. ters, and gave Michigan five yards The grounds of the C. A. C. were or the balt for off-side play or hold- three-quarters bare of sod, and as igen's Eleven Runs Against a, Snag at Cleveland. ing whenever the referee announced slippery as ice. End running was oneof his partial decisions. As a out of the ...…

November 30, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 48) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. of . Tart? Published Daily (Sundays excepted) dring the College year, by THE U, OF M INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subscriptionricre 52.5 per year, invariably in advanceS single copies 3 cents. On sale at Sneena's andl Post Office news stand at. 12 o'clock, noon. Subscriptions may be left at the office of the DAILY, Opera House block, at Sheehan's, at Stofflet's, or with any of the editors. Communications should reach the office...…

November 30, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 48) • Page Image 3

…THE U.. OF M. DAILY 1&T ~oWW s2~ZE NEW GOO8, iFw V,.tinlq ______ N GOOBS* SEE THE NEW LINE OF '_______ The J. T. Jacobs Co., SQOv ercocit I The J. T. Jamobs Co., The 4. T. Jacobs Co., 27 AND 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. 2~i' ~ rr~~0 ~N. B-We still have a nice' assortment of JLight Weigh tOvercoats I. .BLTjrxZ, to be closed out at Greatly Reduced Prices. Anl Alior BteonlLalIIgf. Y, C O A..L. GEORGE L.. MOORE, (Mde sYt r.)+ + WORK CALLED FOR and...…

November 30, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 48) • Page Image 4

…THE U., OF M. DAILY. ~:WE ARE :1..EOPLE. -<> ANN ARBOR( ORGAN COMPANY, V Formerly Allmendinger Piano and Organ Company._ New Was crowns, - - - - - - C'orner of Ma n and Liberty _Streets. I will "Open the Ball" by placing a fine stock of Guitars, Ioaijos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL°'ASTONISH+ YOU. JFid 7Ixr2ZsN'T' S 3kv-mw STTC TOR, 25 South O Oarth Avenue, City. Not Silk UmbrellJaS B UT -A NEW LINE OF- } iALBANY LAW SCHOOL. AT . L NOBLE'S SIGN...…

November 30, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 45) • Page Image 1

…tl f t*t Vo.11-o.45. UNIVERSITY 0F MMDII AT, WEDNESDAY, NOY"IUEII 3d, 1892. WIN.! ances. moaking short wtins of threeI PROF. RUSSELLS LECTURE. ansd ftise yards. 'Tie bait was soon I' PRICE, THuREE CENTS. THE BOOM -A - LANGERS By a Score of 14 to 0 the Senior lost to';,andthue selniors startetd Laws Win from tneir Junior osst for tiheir thsirti touct.-doswn., Brotosheinrser.iiai Pronounced by All an Interesting and Instructive Descriptio...…

November 30, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 45) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF. M. DAILY. 'C~. of 3?(. T$cifu. Pu blisbed Daily (Sundays excepted) durinS the Colege year, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION ONE of the most striking inter- collegiate items that has been going the rounds of the college dailies lately is to the effect that Leland Stanford Jr. university has a cam- pus-of the astounding size of 70,000 'FINE AND ELEGANT SHOE~S Of all kinds for Ladies and Gentle- Men, of course. acre~wih adr...…

November 30, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 45) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. GETCLOTHING SALE&.TI= '= .M ALL OVER;COATS AT OFF. Youman's, Knox's, Silvrman's Hats. Exquiisite G3ent's Furnishings, ]Patlh Robes, Ifouse RIobes, ALL SUITS AT I OFF. Smoking Jackets, Pajamas, Night Robes, Perrins ______Dress and Walking Gloves. ALL SINGLE PANTS AT 4 OFF. RODGEMAN'S MACKINTOSHES See these bargains before buying.. Earl & Wilson's ollars and Cfs. W ADHAA'M8, KENNEDY & ILL.THE TWO SA MS. Ann Arbor Savings Bank...…

November 30, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 45) • Page Image 4

…TE 12. OF M. DAILY THAT IRL you eft;Q)1 S11Q behin-1 n Stringjed Isrmn CALKINS' FINS.CC~Oo-- LATES ~W I SZEY'S,I thiV l o g l oni r ( liituiis. are Low 34S..taejtret F.romei le ud iii ci rails to the best iianufiatcturd, at EXTRIA VALUE I7 NATUIC'A WOOL, Also the Weii-IiDOiw1i WA'INEII'S IEALTII l'NIEIIWEAI1C atli WtVIIIT'S IU-LEJ-ZWEAtf. MOORE & WETMORE, BOOK STORE, ')NO-) 'AEN 6 SLOUiT.H M51VAIN STREET Stoclk oif ' Keiilel aiid Esser I rl...…

November 30, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 50) • Page Image 1

…11 F 9 it E VOL. VIII. No. 50. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1897. PotIcE-3 GENT$. WILD Has received a full line of Novelties for Fall and Winter in Suits, Trousers, and Overcoatings NO.1lOBE. WASHINGTON ST, NEAR MAIN A legretti's Chocolates.... Fresh every week. Only in packages-' tile a pound. Lowney's if you prefer. PALMER'S PHARMAGY. THOSE NOBBY UITS! MILWARD THE TAILOR, STATE STREET. ATHENS - THEATRE, Thursday. De...…

November 30, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 50) • Page Image 2

… 2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY, b I -~-~ ~ hi a.t 'a doing away with 'nHaspays . I . II ,and playing an open game. IHead 3eforeo avi g ' our Coach Frank But rwrtb. of Yae, -hlin alsn expressed himself in favor Gf P ot 's + e INSPET THE WORK Published Daily Sundays excepted during a revision of rules. Capin Jim ..AT." the College year at in- THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 0111.i siavor sof sauhita re- Orrrcni Tmes building, 29 S. Main St. ...…

November 30, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 50) • Page Image 3

…THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 . SPECIAL OFFER IN OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT For One Day Only FREE!'REFE !xi6 ;" On Saturday, Dec. 4th we will give away freea Pair of Good- ' year glove fitting Rubbers (Low or Storm) or a beautiful College - Pin (the Block X) enameled in Yellow and Blue on Sterling Silver -- - - ~oworth 75c with every Pair of our Ladies Fine Shoes from $2.0i upwards. See Our Line of $3.00 Shoes in Welts and Turns Worth $3.50 ...…

November 30, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 50) • Page Image 4

…4 THEIUN IJMVRSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. W. W. Wetm ore, 1086S. Main. St. and 342 S. Sta~te St 44jUNIVERSITY TEXT-BOOKS, I NEW AND SECOND-HAND. liAS FULL LINES OF NOTE. BOOKS, and ,STUDENTS' SUPPLIES. Fountain Pens and Fine and Staple Stationery and offers all at the Lowest Prices. For Forty Years GO LDEN SCEPTRE Has been smoked by college men and is to-day, a LEADER as a pure, mild, sweet mixture for the pipe. Lamps Expressly t, Students' Use ...…

November 30, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 55) • Page Image 1

…AiN jXbr _ i' o , , ',I - ow4 VOL. IX, No. 55. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1898. THREE CENTS. i 'WIZLL !1 T H E T I 0 Q FINE FALL SUITINGS. T H E WE CARRY THE LARGESLT1 aSTOCK A IN THE CITY. p 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. _NTIt IIl CHEST PROTECTORS AN D2 CHAMOIS VEST S This is the timeeci the year that we need protection from the cold cow winds.+ Achetotcectt or hmt prjeventaives of cold cod 40 uni trtibe. nc eh YCENTS worn ...…

November 30, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 55) • Page Image 2

…2 2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. t I OUR EASTERN GAMES. U O 4P 6 [Contincued Ifsoc Page 1.5WF AILc..S to 1. IH G. Prettymn, '85 wasEX USV Pubished Dily (5is c eptedi) durig the XLSV cortege ear, atmaccger of this team aldXW. J AlA NT cott '83, captain. c THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. In 1.885 our team was captained by o se i iis licacs Dacca.Prettyman, thon '87 yL, played they BtilPhonl. Windsor Club, is Windsor, Out 'AiA=;A DTR. adwsvict...…

November 30, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 55) • Page Image 3

…THE UN IVERSITY OF M-ICHIGAN DAILY. 3 4t+++*+*ttt4*+++f+4+e++f+4t+++***+t*4t*++++t**4++ ++*4+++44+f++ft+++++4t+t4++*++ 4t+++++* +*M tiII1IDD~L Ilf'You wtait the .t LDERIBY hst itllith World FLE CE LIED 1.0 r $15 00 we *Goodspeed's, 117 S. Main St. .+t+++++++++++++++++.++++++++.++++t+++++++4+4+4+++++4+++4+++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++*+t*+ Students' Laundry Association Wne. FOUGilT-Wmt. R.FOX, agetstaftr THlE GRAND lAUNDRtY, of DEUTROIT T...…

November 30, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 55) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. THE AND- Gt ir peopl . A record of personal obser- vation and explerienice, with a short snimmary of the more important facts in the history h rliplao 13Y PROF'. Dean C. Worcester. Publisher's Price, - $4.00 Our Price, - $3.00 SfIEEflN & O., UNIVERSITY BOOKSELLERS Music Studio Piano, Pipe Drgar) and Corr position R. H. KK51MPIF Fromv Stuttgart Conservatory, eemany. 312 S. Division St. Concert Piano Tuning ...…

November 30, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 51) • Page Image 1

…Th Mchgn"Daly VO.XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1904. No. > C!E CLJR PROSPECTS THE NEW E[IOIIII[ITY RULE J l CNI[R Of JTHE WORLD Comedy Club Try-out This Eevning - I Address by Noted Cornell Graduate, at7 'ClOck at Sarah Caswele 1Is Causing Considerable Discussion in University Circles- Proinntis Y M. C. A. in Angell Hall-Parts Assigned Views of Prominent University Athletic Authorities China-Pres. Angell Gives -IiricI hs iet c ...…

November 30, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 51) • Page Image 2

…TCHE MICHIGAN DAILY fffffff ff THE MIICHIGAN DAILY. Continued from page one. HAVE __ __-- yies which caused the adotion of W E WOULD HA E 0Entered .assod t iii atte aibe nnthis rieasurevyet I do iot helieve it * Arbrsut u'suhse. should have heen adopted uithout VIYOU TO KNOW #' drig is the co-operation or the eastern uni- f ulshed 5diy ( undu~v oxcepteduing heversittes. It musirnecessarily result *f ii ile ear ti h. 'ira assintonsree~t. sihs t...…

November 30, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 51) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Hioag's Home Supply Store r F Corner Main and Washington Streets ,,S Fish Nets, Padlocks, Waste Baskets, Brushes, Card Racks, Purses and Pocketbooks, Knives, Scissors, Tacks, Pi6tures, Ash7 Trays, Paper Weights, Smoking Sets, Soaps, Towels, Strops ando Pipe Racks at ipopular prices. This is the place,06 * t E. G. HOAG. et - Jurc field's Fine Tailoring / Trade Guarantees...I Yoo the most skillful and artisti' oervice to he ha...…

November 30, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 51) • Page Image 4

…THE MICH tIAN DAILY f.AO d l e Ai SVO N NN KEEPII O YOU TABLE. You willFOsPTE',ML CHOCOATE ot oiy adeli ason colecton ot aoousoh ing nd notanin foo. Eoil digeted.Doeonotcreae throt Youwllegid EE'SfId grHOatE Not onldegrelo- coscomfiont adnserish- ing n utaiBightodEail Flait ClspGate ST iNoh AP il in ts'dssBri hone i- NoodrNorwcbswornpartie r-etrti mintswoMe taen ti esornless Lt)Ie: O-5 -a lusOi menison ill& eto. n hissaonm ess vr aiknerts Live...…

November 30, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 46) • Page Image 1

…The Michi _n _ _l .,N, ARBOR MIHG N No's ,\(V,-I;IR3,V) Vol'. X X. O.: 6. MILLER PICKED TO LEAD 1910 ELEVEN Crack End ann Quarter Will nReturn to Captain Next Year's Football Team. 111111110. Jot Miller, 'tie. f D tri 1111111110 ttsit nm1111111,1 of111 rot otve 111111 1111rok 111 It R,11 ofCicg. 111 t elitt itl hit I'ltt\ s dislt inc.'tttttIt lp ilti 1111ug this is11 NitIr' firs1 year 111 I he1asil tam he 111111 tt Ish Him-.1111 seftout th...…

November 30, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 46) • Page Image 2

…, . . G.H. Wild Comupally MERCHANT TAILORS : We have complete lines of fine Woolens for Suit- irgs, Overcoats and Trou- sers, Fancy Vestings for 1909 and 1910. We make Full Dress Suaits a Specialty CALL AND SEE US 311 S0. STATE STREET At the New Store G. H. Wild Comlpany THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing Editor CLA RFNCE E.EfiDItnxxxx Business Allxgex CARL,. O I. AixsnN. Address:.MIIGANi1xia Ii , PrssLttdg., Nilaxexird Street. Office Flours: Mla...…

November 30, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 46) • Page Image 3

…P a y 19/ Forsale at QUARRY'S Money Loaned Watches ane Jewelry repaired. Bargainis in Watches & Diamonds Office at, residence 331 R. Libterty St Ann Arboer. Hoursen tc11:30 a. at.. I tot:30 antiictto JOSEPH1 C. WATTS THlE FARME[RS AND ME1CH1ANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capital $50000 Surplus and Profits$t00.Opp General Blankting Buasiness. 3(percent paid oal Time attd SavtngasiDepoits.SafetyiDe- nositaBoxea to rantat $2.00and upwards It.A...…

November 30, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 46) • Page Image 4

…-UNIVERSITY NoricEs Iprieof our $20,00 Over- coaws. You can't imagine IIi , )[ hll l what swell clothiwe are show-1 ingat 2000 ndYou hear loud talk they've got the wool A1 i \ . . \. in them too. They're simply t - V- I -115C: il the best for $20.00. 1l: . Nhew Whiltixey Theatre 118 East Liberty J. KARL MALCOLM I 111wr ll is - m-, al ONE NIGHT ONLY CHARLES IFROMAN PRfESEiNTS FRANCISU IN tiES OWN COMEDYO The Bachelor's Baby Three Solid Hou...…

November 30, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 48) • Page Image 1

…r _ Y - - -- --------- A\TNT ADPOiD 1:TT(r1:_TTOAAT r ,Tt: tNt rt>>: i Vol. XXT. VoL XXI. XlyAKXII,)XXAlXlX.VIXX 1XN, XX', II',X'f;XXXX, XXIX X,.XIXXI'I'X10, 100. Domination of St1agg Over West Causing Discontent Illinois for Old-Time GamE FACULTY CONTROL NOT 11)1s ' Ci te I " 'i~ c ~ t ir w1 ;e)1 i', I I ~ l i XI XXl(i r> 1l t ; XXX 111 Xlit, I l v al' IV Xll a ll o i'l l1 1 h -it! Ima ll, dX )i t tXX i f r II 1 Inv r1 a1i XX111111 uly ar...…

November 30, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 48) • Page Image 2

…TidE MICHIGAN DAILYl G. LI WILDCO.- 311 50. STATE STREET Opening Display of Fall and Winter Styles FULL DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY 311 50. STATE STEET ALL PRICES The Stuclents'1Typewriter Supply Co. Roomu 4 Pre ss uling. Opposite Majestic A few best offers THE MICHIGAN DAILY.. Alasaging Eddior-Lur A WHIME Business Manager-NORMaAN 1I1. Hits. EITOS. News Editor........... Harold Titus Assistant ..... l.. arry Z. Pole Athletic Editor...Walter K. T...…

November 30, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 48) • Page Image 3

…- M Mz A DAT!,. This Space Reserved FOR Sam Burchfield ::. & Co. :: Ann Arbor's Lei iing TAILrS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Curt House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeh r Alarm Clocks 79c Alarm Clocl-s0$.40 Alarm Clock!, $1.50 Alarm Clocks $1.75 Pully Garnt V1 Watch Repok a,.c ix"6 specAmlty Tnt tIMES rlr;l S 150511h'oC$ FAN' MAIN AND)HURON ST i Ts Capital $50,000 u!!!!! 11! Fm5' s "-,$1000o GOeeal tlasori inY iFloe oo..3t!- poo onTime ad a vings io'jo o it,,. -o...…

November 30, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 48) • Page Image 4

…I c I i IA ts. fIDEAL Our best seller ini Y isercaft SHOES A new lot just in A $5.00 IIOAI AST WAGNER & CO. State Street UNIVEIRSITUY NOTICES cat11111)c } 1 .cl It "i llt ~:1 tt}( t1 :tt r c {-w l. T is Is I I \IIt_a l . New Whitniey etr T I IJ III1?C)r ? cl -,cr V t'r{'III t 11001) r M' 1)tlsl; 'se clc ctc'c1 iz)r )Ilt <jiti tt)]lifr c r ca 11 c i the S i ii'lc (filic I )i* i Clair to ttc s 11 K '1Ztttci.. ztxi Friday Evening, 1Dcc....…

November 30, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 50) • Page Image 1

…Michigan Daily IA ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 30, 1911.. . but he adA HOMESICK on that the and some FATED w m sis AT FOR MANYI 'YORK'S DEMANDS MIGHT CAUSE HITCH HALF OF RAMESE IS MAPPED OUT AND IN WORKING OR] Tri-Colored Poster Was Put On Yesterday Afternoon in State Street Stores. Time Was When Thanksgiving Defedant in Condemnation Pro- "We've got half of this Stood Preeminent as Date ceedings Asks That State out and in ...…

November 30, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 50) • Page Image 2

…HEll MICIHIGAN DAII1T F I '[AjNF}. T'T TYPiE RITERSA, r sale and rent.' WILL ib',fLL :i3?-J I is Popular THiE MIHCIGAN DAILY Offical -Newspaper at the University of 1icligan. Published every morning except Mon~- day throughout the school year. . IIANAGING EDITOR. Walter R. Towers. BUSINESS MANAGERt Albert It. DPiley Want Ad Stations. Press Building; Quarry's Pharm- acy, State and North U~ni vers ity. OFFICE HOURS: Managing Editor,' 1-2 p....…

November 30, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 50) • Page Image 3

…MICHIGAN DAILY Rosenberg dryclean suits. 12tf 't ression follows 1purchase, be- like to put a ocket that the UallV bets. Have you seen those nobby O ford blues at Milward's? Tai'ir Z30 S. State St. 19 tf EXTRA COPIES OF THE SUNDAY MORNING DAILY CONTAINING A FULL ACCOUNT OF THE PENNSY GAME MAY BE OBTAINED AT THE OFFICE. Shoes repaired while you wait. An- dres, 222 So. State St. 34 eod tf BESSIMER'S GRILL - Charcoal giled Porterhouse Steaks...…

November 30, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 50) • Page Image 4

…- - (Contint T ALL PASTORS MADE \TTACK. ed from Page i) es of the present associa- contained exa tly the n concerning its board off mbers have all been al- rivileges, regardless of ed, since the ruling al- >cal Association to make - MUSIC AND DRAMA i New Wh i wn laws on this subject. Union Criticism is Thorn. he Union criticism is the hardest it can be only parried. There ns no question that two buildings introduce a divisive force,...…

November 30, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 52) • Page Image 1

…50 The Michigan Daily I AILED TO ANY ADDRESS $3.00 52. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1912. PRICE FIVE 1-1, ITORS UNITE TO ATHLETIC SITUATION itives of Four Conference , an of Michigan, Meet i C~cago to Form Alliance. WELCOME TO MICHIGAN f College Press Expect to iplish End in View by Use oi' Publicity. an Daily Staff Special.) O, ILL., November 29.- Western Conference putter- closed doors at the Auaito- the editors ...…

November 30, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 52) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fall or Winter from the I ne in the city. Dress Suits a specialty H. Wild Co. Tailors and Importers 311 South State Street Scra p Books, higan Scrap Book is the best on the !Market for the money.. er our books before you purchase. We also have extra leaves I have it filled. If you have not had a scrap book before start get one at heehan & Co. ST 'DENT 'OOKSTORE osiTS n deposits are the leterle I= Liberty Str...…

November 30, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 52) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY IYS we want you to see our at English Custom Lasts the est with the new flat 7-8 inch 1 black and tan, light or heavy $5 to $7 per pair. i. 1ML a9 : . a / - , tN? f: . i t ... e THEATRICAL CIRCLES. The Oleott Engagement. rfield S' 119 S. MAI STREETI We have the largest stock of best fitting punps you ever on $4.00,$4.50 and $5.00 per pair P- .ace of Sweets Down Town One of the most interesting attrac- tions booked t...…

November 30, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 52) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY e of Malcolm's fall suits rcoats,those club checks ight, others will show the spring. ella Overcoats lead all his season, why not B ear man? Malcolm yo very large range of ! ,has a good suit at $20 buys a suit you will B . Speaking of style, and ality reminds you at %LC0LM D9 DETROIT FRATERNITY JEWELERS AND STATIONERS Jewelers, Stationers, Opticirns and Fraternity Jewelers 207-211 M OODWARD AVENUE, DETROIT Whitney Theatr...…

November 30, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 54) • Page Image 1

…I ticH ran a OIL AND WATER, DON" d ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1913. PRICE FIVE . : ON B FREUSH WIILL STUART SEASON WITH AFTERNOON0: DANCING Social activities of the freshman lit class will commence with a "freshman round-up," to be held in Barbour gym, Friday, December 5. Dancing, lasting from 4:00 until 6:00 o'clock, will fea- ture the amusement program. The committee is planning a number of features pertaining ...…

November 30, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 54) • Page Image 2

…EADING T TAILORS . to you the i L. This Week I A tancy box of initial stationery with your initials in gold. )st suitable price. nship the best. iit built to fit. k of woolens of j st quality. The ssortment in the :lect from. Will) CO. S. State St. UNITED LINES 3OR TIME TABLE ress Cars for Detroit-7 : o y to 6:io p. i., also 8:o :roit-5:4o a. m., 6:o6 a. m., ours to 6:o6 p. m., 7:06 p. :10 p. m., and 10:45 p. m. y, 1:15 p. M., 12:15 p. M...…

November 30, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 54) • Page Image 3

…LA SALLE THEATKE SUCCESS Popular Prices Down Stairs S e Gre Wiate SAYMOND PAINE Late Star " The Millionaire Kid " 35 and 50 Up-Stairs, 35 and 25 2, 3 Matinee: : : 15 and 25 0 Pennsylvania students will ho smoker at the Union tomorrow e ing. The temporary committee yesterday morning at the .Union made final arrangements for this together. At the smoker, def plans for organizing a Pennsylv .club will be completed, and pe rent officer...…

November 30, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 54) • Page Image 4

…n T'he Ic At the Majestic, December 3-4 -6. fIINf ATTRACTIONS. Whitney Theatre, 3-The Girl Question. ife's Shop Window. "hauncey Olcott. 10-The Third Degree. -Blanche Ring. -The Spendthrift. -Within the Law: 4 Majestic Theatre. -Panama Canal. S 4, 5, 6-The Last Days of Pom- 6-Ethel Barrymore. inhumanity. This struggle of the re- ligions is an under-current through- out the dramatic production, and it is even more vivid when visualize...…

November 30, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 54) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIUAN DAILY - - -- ------- - --- Y tm Ar r .. .. 11 TANGO DRESS SHIRTS I s a distinction about Two and three dollars each ^ n Bloch Clothes that stamps their Quality and Style as Superior. The prices are no higher than clothes not nearly, as good. Our fIACKINAWS the talk of the town. Jrndcnschmidt,Apfel & Company NOA Just reived a. new .essortrnent of James Keisers, Imp. Ties Priced at fifty cents I TINKER & CO. Cor. ...…

November 30, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 54) • Page Image 6

…LYNDON "At the Sign of The Kodak " F°I egal Shoes, Latest English Lasts Kodak Films Finishing Flashlights and Groups FRESH Telephone 458-1 L 719 North University Avenue r Press Your Clothes Indian Moccasins More Comfortable than Slippers & CO. 108 . MAIN STREET ANN ARBOR 4OFF ON ALL MILLINERY Beavers Excepted, at- 5 Liberty East DANA RICHARDSON HONE 166 ITS UP TO YOU If you wish to insure certain satisfaction let us handle your...…

November 30, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 49) • Page Image 1


November 30, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 49) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILI u. Neither e or the tail- the least excuse g. We solicit an order ur new model suits, know- we do that it will give such all ound satisfaction that we will be )ur regular tailors thereafter. G. }I. WILD COMPANY eading )Ierchait Tailors State St. Vi>N. j : % / . / TI MICHIGAN DAILY I MORE MEN WANTED Due to the increased size of The Michigan. Published every morning except Daily this year, it has been decided to Monday duri...…

November 30, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 49) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAUIL I Illrlrl. . er r.llNs y"~r' i ~VN I r TT FT' r b. lll i , _ i4 ESra.t 3 6. A DENTSLAND THREE PLACES ON FIRST A LL-AMPUS TEAM INTERCLASS CHAMPIONS OM Y ELEVEN TO OET MORE THAN TWO; EDWARDS IS ALL-ROUND STAR Whitmarsi, Brown, Edwards and Mar- tens Form Backfield on Premier Squad All-Campus Selections First Team Pos. Second Team. McCall,'1 L....L. E....Champion, '18 Headman, '16E . L. T ......Bently, '16 Goetz, D...…

November 30, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 49) • Page Image 4

…otti THE MICRLOAN DAILY. , - - ?rade Review-= Music = Theatre U mr GRET WAR STIMUTES AMERICAN ENTERPRCIS;E DEVELOPil'MET IIN THE BALKANS PROLON' H rALT IN AMERICAN SPECULATION (Henry Clews and Company) One of the most satisfactory and significant effects of the war is its stimulating effect on American enter- prise. More than anything else it has forced upon us recognition that we are a world power, commercially and industrially as well ...…

November 30, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 49) • Page Image 5

…rFIE MICHIGAN DAllo-. . .... . _ ..a _ __ _ -.,....,....r :, 11 I = r 0 , ._' - By Flashlight Xmas {+f/ Pow' i % 2 0 N04C I When you're out looking for your Winter Overcoat, just pay this store a visit. We don't ask you to favor uk, but we do insist that you'll regret slighting us. There isn't a finer, smarter or complete showing of Oiercoats than ours in Town and we'll show you prices that you can't beat any- where. You can ...…

November 30, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 49) • Page Image 6

…;)mSip TrfE MICHIGAN DAIL, a ST RIPES Just .Arrived!l A to POUND BOY would be proud to become the owner of one of our new "Michigan" Scrap Books made especially to preserve the little souvenirs of your Days at Michigan. MajestiC Playing h. Have the Call i T" his Fll -LYN DON THE CANARY CARUSO THE MYSTIC BIRD JACK KENNEDY & CO. - - FLAREBACK SIG. FRANCE & CO O-NEWOLD ARTHUR RICBY TLNCABOUT THE HALKINS - NSHDO-APHS We are showing ei...…

November 30, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 51) • Page Image 1


November 30, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 51) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ...._ I . }' da I r--'. ¢+ f %T.Fif=Sr y,' Treat Yourself To A Nelp Suit or overcoat for Xmas. Come in to- day and select the cloth - from our as- sortment of elegant and exclusive fabrics from the very best mills. The cost will not be unreasonable. And our reputation is a guarantee that the style and tailoring will be irreproach- able. G. L. Wild Company Leading Merchant Tailor State St. #! ililtll !###Ill t##tt!!!#t#...…

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