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November 30, 1898 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1898-11-30

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U O 4P 6 [Contincued Ifsoc Page 1.5WF AILc..S
to 1. IH G. Prettymn, '85 wasEX USV
Pubished Dily (5is c eptedi) durig the XLSV
cortege ear, atmaccger of this team aldXW. J AlA NT
cott '83, captain. c
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. In 1.885 our team was captained by o
se i iis licacs Dacca.Prettyman, thon '87 yL, played they
BtilPhonl. Windsor Club, is Windsor, Out
'AiA=;A DTR. adwsvictorious b aitscore icofaldBAI1E0
to 0. No maore eastern trips wee FN
F. cc coain , 01 L. made uctil the season of '89, *.when' * SHOES
Imirslhs 3IArAaa. 01ce first Conell giacme was played in_
0T. ii. NcS, 0i. Buffalo. 'rie resutlt f tis gainer1 E LS S O T RE -09 .OAI. 7STT
AsleEitor 1,S.Wimrw 0L. Cornell 56, Michignc0. E 5N. ac-°P BEAo
P. w. Jassa,19i, A. II M DuaccL, '1 R, Plerren, '90., wsas captaina that year. _____
F. . EaMAa, o'0L:5. iHi. Lee, '00 M, In '91 a gacce was played i)CleeG .HDUT 0 . ln iht e CleveladAhei
Clubc iccl ccii' urtecicwas defeat-
ccl iy az ils cr f 8g Icc4. The fcllo icc
nonech aci yci. . Ncii'..c'c~ ccciici iica i, andia.c ci 'cscplayed 1 etroit icc 189(. Socrs,
otiecimaltce.ciiihicccccic i doniiii mustcccc cii
hanedso icaheDILcci cccc boorcici 8 icic i n c ora ccCccccell 0 M clcigai (. The Ilircd
mae teedaic c ii clitr ecorici ,ii th ci ii[la at lie sam lcu e i 8 1 h n w
peiuiis iliac onio.whivicicicccci' . ciaccii'cd iactico891clcec w
piea. c acca lst b 12 icc 8.) This ticce
Mi'y ci.cccsiiic'cia( n,,icn t i tih nucii mcis.. the sccirestoocc 44 tcc 0 aist us. G.
Aaaagcr Serbttl acii'i i c onfer aiii it. favor ci y. 5.'9 tis tescA
cepot its p iompt c}cici1hi iiiioi. any aiici. cPiB JDyc't 93 ictinec iscc am
icyi iSii.i iclcsi"2 t iectcc iic o ve izes 4 0 to44'i-
lusisi.cci' i~i~ i c cc." i We plyed at Ihiccca againin 10 4,
,All. c huntLd li i iii. i icnis," a'cli hlci IIc icv
oni which i~ii iiii toiiiii. hti c a -i 1pclayd inc Detroit, resled '\isit ic ecint occ ucccillccacd off,
Program oil State Horticultural Socciiiesvrailccc Miclhigani'sfavor, the bing ccitred atmc hittic.op andiidrawn cosa
ietij to be Held Here. scoece Iingc 12 tic 4. Of this eaci, liie tioccecc.
Baird, ic'cacgc'c' . Vindc grc' eatC--
Iccn' ccie~c.fic 7 ccndic8.(liin, c~sici tics. chlile Cicecli eacon scsissec of GLO.RIfE S
wilceryvited toi c hcc ccl cc ia Hecnningcer Smii ciithdCarr. Othter Mcha , Riderciid.. ,Lii Liinsdc cccd
foety qicsincthlfdr recl sic this [cccii wclocec iiiiii'5acd uninedInccci icevecy Iashione bshadce
mocielir cicacpieiople h i eiii nii ces- [ci'faces a ailiaretoticlie ucciergiacli-
estec i uccthi ide laci'(clidi cdpcrc. Ain- ate bodcy tcoday are, "Mccr.' Seter , rr
othier'cwiii coiisiii''liiic'ldeiilrb 'cccc''Vlc, 1cici ebc, I '
Chicagic larks, ndccc (llicc Is. ccd lloscc.
trol, as cecl as Prof. W. W. racy, Ician chlcyca
oftThetr iy ci ciiii se fcllwinfo year thee last trip, a{ F
Vice ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ icia fococl lcicc c ficr i~tball team has maade
occanulDec.t inesloficer ilclica seastceas taken. All those cramed iis
onterem7gAlluagric on hich isrelonchcmgimg to tice '94 eas excelt
ineetn l giutui tpo-Dyer cwere cmemabiers of lhis one, be- c
emt, as wel as gcardener, "lice scgar sideo "Buckile" Hall, Farnchami, Dem-
beet acd beet sugr,'' is toc be pre- by amd Hollister. iTche result of lie
sented by Procf. Paid C. Freer, of lie Harvard gamae played oni that trip is MPmRTRS AND MAmUFATUERiS of
Unicversity. Hin. C. J. Mocnre, ofi cell k cmiiiand aeds nsocmmuet
Souithlavacecn,cwiii coccsider' "What fr kerthncccc hsmce sidbyCHEMICAL and PHYSICAL APPAltATUS.
legislatiocncshould ie hacve thiswy fur t roucam ionitasthsareeiscld. MCOCOI byNG.Hagarefral aoa
winer?" IRegent Decan, o ieTica o f carcdheimctUlnsarice. MiIorSu la is NS emqsrer o olLsoa
versiy, is to tell of "Tcche value of A necw law firmn was fcrmced intoY Su11ie s. MainSrt, Ann Abos, Mcc.
edmucaioau toclie state." amid Br. B. Alegamn last week. Oriemn . Crsss'________________________________________
A. Himnsdalse, of the IUmiversity, is to whlo, for lie piasi year, lass een asT
speak ofe 'Rural scools.'"hPresi- sciatedcicitha H. i. Pope, has formed VR HOT CHOCOLATE,
dent Amgell is to make lie addcres~s a paretcaershach with thact gemtecim, None lit ceiulsee. ~ f
of welcome, acd Charles WV. Grfield tiacifirmiam ice being Pope & Ccoss. 200 EAST WASHNGTON STREET, -
me to respond thereto. A placi is to MicCcoss is ci jpost gacuate oflte 316 SOUTH STATE STREET
he comsideediy iwhlicic thi sosciet Univeity ofci ihchiganc caw sciol Iiiiiicaeucac a cds c h iy
maay aid icc lie Icrcatcion of village acdiscorecpresenced tic us as beingitccc edhoriy. oyte si. c'd in acy syie.-
cimprovemcent clubs icc the stale. Be- thorocgha sudcent. He iccs beesi ex- ------
sides lice tpics to be cocsideredh by ceedcingly successful icn lis .practice )Orol.1Bindig rPilno ntigi u ie omte
papers a nmbcier of questiosaofc great durincg his residencec here. We be- .flYO IVat dno Rhno ntigi o ie omc
istiene ticth poccashcgics oflpekfain tics icw firm abundnt how small or how large
Michigan are tobcconsmsiered by scccss.Allean, Demcact. 1.~ fW A 0I
questiaccs to be subcmitted for die _____________________
__________ Printing for you. Call and get acquainted.
niqluLeur. Athens ThetreI * * The Ilad Press,
The next lecture icn the Unity-SraigBck
Cub course will be give" Mscnday WEDNESDAY EVENG, DEC. 7.
evening, Dec. 5, by lcaJ. i. B.I
Sillof Detroit, oci c"Korea acd It DELLA O I 1 F g (
People.'' Sr. Sillcwas fsrmecrlen n ulr Li Illl ,/.
president of the Normal School at
icuocema 5iDiiiy'c lc-scaih, a
here.aHeiasd spjcved U.l S.wnMSoietysfavritein_
hee HewsapitdU .Mi-itrt oe by President Cleve- The Lile Host. r
hisd anwn lltherefore speak fromci T hia acciieaicics ~l l . MTELE
oknowledge amd osrvation at n sl t sa lae.OAL. E.very knd.
of lce eope ufthat emuctry.As _________________________ K 119 West Washington Street
tice Eastercc qucestiocn is loomncicg ip- - UNIVERSITY State Phone 144. IBoth Phones, No. 108. Ann Arbor.
n the mnear fmutre o Acmaria our
interest icc tha cocutries involved ina School of Dancing - ________________________________
it s socaethingmcgsore than ere erl- - AT- In ',oeP c,
osity. ____ Granger's Academy. CoePcse
Notie. Do.l JPhn 24, Wih the earing and going at the seasons ae he fashins
Notie. - - - -- -in Shes. The Syles at yeteday ae sass forgten is dhe desie foi
V~c thirs faici' ccccct vii heiii ALL 'TS WEEK, E. J. le55500 thac of to-morsw. See one windows toe the bem up-o-dae line at
Allthe Paimiet, anaccon o hasuexp em tesye rt-orw
given icc Frieze SMemorial Hall, e Ad sccecssche h a etwih,wnli remam h ile o o-eew

Thursday eveucing, Dec. 1 at 8 p. n : I W o 12 a. m., t 6and? t 9P.m:I

fl~ftll~l ' SHOE STOR, Ann Arbr.u t"


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