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November 30, 1913 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1913-11-30

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T'he Ic

At the Majestic,

December 3-4 -6.

Whitney Theatre,
3-The Girl Question.
ife's Shop Window.
"hauncey Olcott.
10-The Third Degree.
-Blanche Ring.
-The Spendthrift.
-Within the Law:


Majestic Theatre.
-Panama Canal. S
4, 5, 6-The Last Days of Pom-

6-Ethel Barrymore.

inhumanity. This struggle of the re-
ligions is an under-current through-
out the dramatic production, and it is
even more vivid when visualized than
when expressed in the chaste and
stately language of the novel.
There are a"number of features in
connection with the Pasquali produc-
tion which are uniquely its own. The
amphitheater in which the Roman
games are shown is an exact repro-
duction of the amphitheatre of Pom-
peii, and the struggles of the gladia-
tors are as real as the ones which were
actually held there in the pagan days.
The chariot race, also, is the acme of
thrilling dramatic action; the horses
plunging and straining to draw their
heavy cars and then, one team falling,
the whole becoming a confusion
through which one can almost hear
the shouts of the excited on-lookers.
In this amphitheatre scene, more than
10,000 persons were employed, grouped
about the arena and forming a living
picture within a picture.
This motion drama is the same that
was such a success at Wallack's
theatre in New York where, for the
first time, it was shown that a drama
of action could be produced on
Broadway in competition with the
spoken drama and the bevy of musical
attractions. Owing to the length of
the performance there will be but one
show each night, starting promptly at
8:15 o'clock and lasting over two

Jolly Blanche Ring Makes Unqualified
Hit in Anne Caldwell's New
Musical Comedy.
A good comedy by a successful auth-
or, presented by the most popular
comedienne of the day-supported by
one of the funniest men on the
American stage-with a dozen or more
taking songs, a company of clever
players, singers and dancers, a sump-
tuous production and a choice assort-
ment of feminine loveliness as a pic-
torial background, these are some of
the features promised by the announce-
ment of the forthcoming appearance
of jolly Blanche Ring in "When
Claudia Smiles" at the Whitney theatre
Monday, December 15, with Harry
Conor as leading comedian.
This comedy was written expressly
for Miss Ring by Anne Caldwell, auth-
or of "The Lady of the Slipper," and
is guaranteed as a sure-fire laugh
producer. Brisk action and clever
dialogue developing a consistent story,
give "When Claudia Smiles" more
substance and point than the con-
ventional made-to-order musical com-
edies. Blanche Ring is one of those
rare and radiant personalities whose
smiles disseminate gloom and whose
songs set all feet keeping time in
unison with their rhythm. She has
never played a better or more con-
genial role than this Claudia, who
gets tangled in her love affairs while
trying to awaken the jealousy of her
divorced husband. And Miss Ring has
never had better songs to sing than
she is warbling nightly in "When
Claudia Smiles."
Besides Harry Conor the support-
ing company includes Marion Sun-
shine well remembered as the In-
genue of the popular vaudeville team
of Tempest and Sunshine; John J.
Scannell who has no superior as an
eccentric dancer; Bertha Mann, a
gifted young leading woman; Harry
Hilliard, Mahlon Hamilton, Charles
Winninger, R. M. Dolliver, Florence

Edney, Nellie Fillmore, and sixteen
attractive chorus girls, constituting
in its entirety quite the strongest
jo)pany ever surrounding Miss Ring.
Thei action of "When Claudia
Smiles" takes place at the ultra-
fashionable Ritz-Carlton Hotel, New




That the children may see "The
Last Days of Pompeii," that marvelous
dramatization of Bulwer-Lytton's clas-
sic novel, matinees will be given at

'York and in the boudoir of an actress,|1 3:00 o'clock each afternoon of the

Raymond Paine and chorus in "The G irl Question," at the Whitney, Decem-
ber 1-2-3.

affording opportunities for an attrac-
tive scenic investure and necessitating.
gOwning by the women that illustrates
tv very latest modes of a year dis-
tin -uished for the individuality,
beauty and novelty of its styles in
teninine apparel. Manager McKay
Las spared no expenditure of money
a n I good taste to accomplish the cor-
rect result.
Mail orders will be accepted now.

"'he Girl Question" Has


e Last Days of Pompeii," Costly
Italian Film, will Appear
at Majestic.
ust how wonderful the achieve-
its of the dramatist in adapting the
sics to thermotion drama form can
is shown in the Pasquali "The Last
s of Pompeii," which will be given
Ann Arbor, Wednesday, Thursday,
day, and Saturday, afternoon and
ht, at the Majestic theatre. This
n of Lord Bulwer-Lytton's master-
e is not only the -most successful
mpt to transfer the story to the
ge, but it is also the most expen-
theatrical production that has
r been made, costing a quarter of
illion of dollars as put on in Italy.
even greater sum would have been
ded in this country where all costs
far higher.
of only is the dramatization a faith-
following of the story in every de-
but it is also minutely correct in
;orical view. The manners, the
b, the architecture of the Roman
have been copied throughout with
greatest accuracy. Famous actors
I actresses from the best com-
.es of Italy were gathered-to enact
principal roles and these were
.led in even the most trivial mat-
s of habit and dress of the ancient
ple whom they were to represent.
erefore, to see "The Last Days of
npeii" is like rolling back a cur-
i from the past, and finding one's
for the time in a city of the cen-
y after the death of Christ.
t is in a city of pomp and magnifi-
.ce that we find ourselves, for Pom-
i and Herculaneum were cities
ereto the wealthiest patricians of
Roman Empire went, as do our
dern rich to Newport and Bar Har-
1. Splendid temples, palaces of
mndeur and monuments and statues
the most costly and beautiful sort
re upon every hand. Yet in this
geous city of the rich, there was
'agery and cruelty beneath the sur-
e of gayety and display.
'hose who have read the great
glish novel know that "The Last
ys of Pompeii" is a wonderful pic-
e of that.era when the sway of the
. gods was waning and the new re-
ion of the Galilean was finding ad-
rents in spite of persecution and

engagement at the Majestic theatre,
December 3, 4, 5, and 6.
As one of the masterpieces of Eng-
lish literature, many youthful scholars
have read the story, and their pleasure
in it will be heightened by seeing the
Pasquali production in which, for the
first time, the novel is shown in the
form of beautiful pictures. As well as
an educational help, this production is
also a treat in the matter of acting,

No play ever presented at the La
Salle opera house, Chicago, with the
possible exception of "The Time, the
Place, and the Girl," has been as
successful as "The Girl Question;
which will be seen at the Whitney
theatre, Monday, Tuesday, and Wed-
nesday, December 1, 2, 3, with a mati-
nee Wednesday.
"The Girl Question" in tabloid form
is the same big success that it was
originally. It is featured by an in-
teresting story, clever comedy, and
good songs. The cast, headed by
Raymond Paine, is exceptionally good,
while the costumes and production are
lavish and in keeping with the general
excellence of the piece.

the best players of the Italian stage
having been employed in it. The
entire exhibition lasts two hours, and
seats can be reserved at night.
"Wihn the Law" to Return Soon.
So successful was the performance
of "Within the Law" at th,, Whitney
theatre several weeks ago that a re-
turn engagement has been set for
December 17, with the same cast and
production. At this time a matinee
and evening performance will be
Little need be said about the his-
tory of Veiller's wonderful play. It
is sufficient to remark that ten com-
panies, in all parts of the world, are
playing "Within the Law" to enor-
mous business.

Rida Johnson Young's "Shameen Dhu"
Provides Him With a Most
Congenial Role.
Chauncey Olcott and his plays have
a strong hold on that class of theatre
patrons that stand staunchly by the
Irish comedy drama. Rarely is an
acceptable successor found to Bouci-
cault's "The Shaughran" or "Colleen
Bawn," in these modern days of silk
tights and skirts of thinnest lace and
vexed problems of human life. But
Mr. Olcott promises at the Whitney
theatre, Saturday evening, December
6, an honest successor to these honest
plays of the homely Irish class.
It is called "Shameen Dhu," written
by Rida Johnson Young and staged
by Henry Miller, and in it are all the
characters of three decades ago-the
quaint old Irish inn-keeper and his
wife, the bright young Irish hero, the
sprightly and quick-witted young
Irish widow, the mean and contempt-
ible village lawyer, the beautiful young
colleen with whom the hero falls in
love at first sight and whose love goes
to the handsome lad in a long coat,
knee breeches and buckle shoes. Bit
he's the blarneying boy-giving his
time and money to help the struggling
American colonists in their struggle
for independence from the hated King
George, posing as the fiance of the
young widow to devil the contemptible
village lawyer, who seeks the widow's
gold for his own, while at the same
time he is making love to the beauti-.
ful young American colleen and finally
winning her for his very own.
The play is said to be the best in
which Mr. Olcott has ever appeared.
It has an Interesting plot, the situa-
tions are well worked up, and the cli-
maxes artfully arranged. The settings
are described as being most artistic,
while Mr. Olcott's supporting company
s amply equipped to bring out the
quaint Irish humor and the pretty
story of love and war that the play
embraces. And above all, the produc-
tion permits Mr. Olcott to introduce
five songs, all new, that are sung as
only he can sing this class of Irish
ballads. They are called "I Never
Met Before a Girl Like You," "Dream
Girl o' Mine," "Peggy Darlin'," "My
Little Dhudeen," and "Tno-ral-loo-ral-
loo-ral-ly, That's an Irish Lullaby."
Mr. Olcott plays Dare O'Dourall. the
young Irish hero in question, wlase
aim it is to help Washington "lick"
the Britishers and win the winsome
young American heroine for his very
own. His tongue is sharp and his wit
is keen. And besides, he makes a
handsome lad. So what wonder Peg-
gy O'Dea from America loves him?
They quarrel and make up and quar-
rel and make up again. And in the
end Dare wins her. All this despite
the despicable village lawyer, who en-
deavors to have Dare arrested as a
traitor to the British crown, only to
have the tables turned on him and to
find himself an object of detestation by
As usual Mr. Olcott will be assisted
by Mrs. Jennie Lamont, the finest im-
personator of the homely Irishwoman
on the stage today, who has a most
congenial role in the new play, while
the two heroines (think of an Irish
play with two heroines) are in the cap-
able hands of Miss Constance Molin-
eaux and Miss Beth Franklyn. The
picturesque locale of the story has
given Mr. Henry Miller many oppor-
tunities for beautiful scenic effects,
and as usual he has taken full advant-
age of them. The costuming is quaint
and beautiful and all in all, "Shameen

Dhu" is described as being the best
Olcott offering in many a long, long
To the admirers of Chauncey Olcott
the announcement that the popular
Irish tenor is to retire from the stage
as soon as he has earned $1,000,000,
comes as a great disappointment. The
only consolation lies in the fact that
this information may be press agents'

Stupendous motion picture production at the Majestic, December 3-4-5-6, matinee and night. Eight reels are used and the performance lasts over
two hours.

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