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November 30, 1892 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-11-30

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ALL OVER;COATS AT OFF. Youman's, Knox's, Silvrman's Hats.
Exquiisite G3ent's Furnishings, ]Patlh Robes, Ifouse RIobes,
ALL SUITS AT I OFF. Smoking Jackets, Pajamas, Night Robes, Perrins
______Dress and Walking Gloves.
See these bargains before buying.. Earl & Wilson's ollars and Cfs.
Ann Arbor Savings Bank PATRONIZE --TM STAEBLEPR7i Excelsior Laundry,
AnArbor ick. apitl stock 5,(I , OW EN'S BARBER SHOP!? AF enl C r noOV.e > . rTie
Surplu, $110).aBleeOe. A .CVE '' rp
Organized ude the tGeneraol BankigLtts N) -iE%-HUROtN STIMrOT.C o l
of this stte. ieceres Deposits, buyos td
elt ectoite on theprncpa citiec of thett1Yeron t e u i e s
Unitedt Sttes. Draftscashe~d uptono per00 THE ARGUS7.s-7 11 W. Washington S. 2] ear inthe usiess
c nHihTtflatiOn. Offccreg., CITY pLAUNDRYc.
C 4o~Il OKPoci, IM O fv(fl c
W. DTh R1acocMO5Vl)OO pooc, c 000 ObI170iIc1 ,"- 1&M.. gSacsItel. Ic4 . N r P aSot
'I. J. F '01rr', Ae11.(I ohieC. AT Ltw)PRItCfS. _________
HOT -0 BATHS FORa$5.00
OftO=E 4 , s Served at il Houro Il 0)00 )100 ))100 f11
--A -_aforth slt ltl0,)tl lego i a fi'..
i O ON erpI 7 to keep))te fte 1U 1 1 L ,
/tolc I) R E. JOLLY & CO., 26 South 1II1
t.1)'M kJN)'l A COM MENDABLE WORK. cnpIllluet~~ rrrtol$sossfpoo1u11, ;,oo.
ntosat opec'aI RluO lg bocit o. kPos i0
1(1 1 eeeton cc Stc' Depoits. Hossaftfoy
1 ' 3-lt0 fl'nLitrary toclety. Is Prof. Hompl's Old Engish Groi- Depoi oesi foc Rcnt.
Os hIo)i)l itl oo)ll 1 1115 marand Reader, Now in Prepara- It. IEMPP, Pro. IF. i. OIsOR, Cshir
]its,__________on_____ Cmps. ton. ltkclot dOeci.
R A N - L L U~~~~tc 1-t t'll MolltC~lsdl e ,to hm- h ])tIha reivd he l- 2 Srlj
]j7al S/ouscl, , lltil cI) o:f TofD vhs rcf looelail- I 'shtl o Street.lw
net o ro k ream f.r oganzaton f vncesh t the above nanier
INE P O O RfoIt o) lllbI 'otf. ot))))' tbw work by Prof.IHemlp, wirbhxwiii
ILLINERY AND ART GOODS! Dee r ilrl~ eleOtioll l ofii' 0 eof Gos
Julns V heIer. . 1.)100r, i~olCt C. Heath & CO. This swork 00)1-
t AEERNDA ID( -01' 11 1C1)' '0))NI Choe. LetHCb Po. of)51) n i ) ra ma n d011gves theoujcti A L RS
..A reegztoN Ylosaet ta .muIiichr e hifthorough aidsil re
e ® l l)) )))) Westr Ltear. Soiey, l eseostyletlaii in Seets works, IlI RTEIS
Wese ioopScoy ceLin).th11)sa011e "roun.l heI"llI'
E1)1 1t n he f llilnin tetrs tlnl o-10> ojet 1f 1)ework, as st orfth1)if W( )OL ENS.
S OpCutoue grin asbeein arran1gedl for tonightthe o uncemenlirilftt, is Ill lay fthe
1G ll .11 an Phil H ower u ci onainfrasinii nweg
gh15E. )t on . 1 Deate. Rrsod, fbt olestunta orrect iea ofitthe
T tthCoistioitifo Should he s0 earhiest ormousr moSCiOter toigue. G oodspeed. & Sons.
amen e 10a to rv ntrf i den0t1i ai h urlhe or l, 1n latemlpt lhs bn
I letri fomben hosen by i)is-S O .
trncs I i s Afrmsabv \, Phillips 1)1d110pbya genisral tslt r onl)1101 d1
B O K S O EN aind A l Ioliilry negaie,r . hr by exlaatory Cvots t10o ivo tie SEE 'fill NEW C( RAZE,
IllIul ro a kanish 'hitJ. A.1 'ilworlls student a trie o ncept1111on )1 lf e TANo (1 l.F It cI v.
-._____._... _--- imes, the peoletlliO lrcielif islil
Thie soloists rengagefr. for the yro-ts on, ansillieraurr; thus tmaking l'rt.. isi. o
dliiti f the "Mests , lDe.i r the siidy of 1)11d tsng ls itrei n" b N xO N&B YN.1 i N
by thr(Choral un1)11)1 are thei fol- .1as well 's istucive
MeiaIetlan l Invrit rno.f7 o auo; fisl lawllf 111] ls lI lllOlsli sgh siI rshfa cedau mi r ab o hly, -roisf ng im li
Tetbobs h lrgstI]'as, uIa by 'DItro is -Oitlt. hs tematjof the subiject gili tlo wich1isSHATTERS
irl 1 n uite or of i(o lr. oo.hby otibuloev o tanio I oCC)lf ear
B o !Lof rl f basofrllicstso si siflilrfr toudy firbo iaftomteasd ablyro oii111Dr lt ,iifils >o li c Ml
baud poupnxt llond y n ag t 7w 30, atns ilt i f a thorNfit yl t ork te ay ca o - theiTTosERS
s'r opino rt i ta~fll bydo rt.Jill is Vf. TSe-sujeifty OlrEgl ihthis I o lib
StateStretdanaMaiumtr etrviiI o i ol iso lsarby lfconrib ationally hedcorct li tera-S. n~ in
lnth ct5)odie) ents.1111)il 'forNJ. . N. Istisu Ths on ly bfooff1010, ' f a ujc.FU N S E S

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