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November 30, 1904 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1904-11-30

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Hioag's Home Supply Store r F
Corner Main and Washington Streets ,,S
Fish Nets, Padlocks, Waste Baskets, Brushes, Card Racks,
Purses and Pocketbooks, Knives, Scissors, Tacks, Pi6tures, Ash7
Trays, Paper Weights, Smoking Sets, Soaps, Towels, Strops ando
Pipe Racks at ipopular prices. This is the place,06
* t E. G. HOAG. et
- Jurc field's Fine Tailoring /
Trade Guarantees...I
Yoo the most skillful and artisti' oervice to he had anywhere.
We alwayscarr a large and cnplete line of sea sonable wool-
ens.\We have cthe gency for Beach c& Newel's Custom Shirts
* and can shuw you oat-'rgc, beautiful and exclusive line of shirt-
ings--perfect fitting. w /a
Burchfield's fine Tailoring Trade, 106 Li Huron
all Fashions are R~ipe
nits =fTop Coats = Rain Coats
From the wiholtsat- tilurin g house of
Rocheser, IN. Y.
Illustrating the latest improved
designs, alrc now read}' We
have exclusive salc of L. A. 13.
&o Co. clothing in this locality.
Men who arc more than ordin-
arily par-ticular about the style
and it of their clothes arc es-
pecially invited to inspect these
products of Rtocheoter's moot up-
to-date clothing mn-nufactory.
Wadharns, Ryan & Reule
-VMon ey Loaned' Save the Walk Down Town
"titer persnal iro.perty of ValIe. W tce and Jewelry
Wace ac J , tai~. ~Repaired
Ofice at residec, :331toE. Librysllwateott-1 -,i l itns'll Fobs, U. nf M.
110 Arbotr. Ho, to 1~1 :30 a. m.. I Pins1and Banners at Reduced Pt-icon.
on an 7tio pl. .All bustinessTelephonce310. j
Josnept C. Watts '- F. J SCIILEIID1, 340 S. Slate Street
-(continued from tpage one.l
________________________ iinin th PItol. tic. Anetl tspoke~t
front_11011his ,ottn texpeice it'in te Ot-
L lill indIhis tlll, 11a1eagerly- fol-
"ALLEN' S FOR QUALITY ]oedtSbitevery <tn(- pre setl.as lht
wtrdttha 111tshdhltlis greatintees
in eIrstIll 1workI il'ini.
As Mr. Hrovkla 11was1 itrodult1(lied
10to 1res1de11 Anll t 1, sai,"Well.
PridenIltl AnlellIehvitrIsine lI hIavl
yuill China."
Prlofessori H. J. Biarton of t'eliii-
112 511 1of Illitiois Stulrday laidi be-
fore P trofec-sor A. A. Stagg of the
'-I till Iill tof UChicago anl affidavit
shwng I-lgo tBedik, 11 ltheaotis
slav sill bach, at hating acct-pted
Iiontey for prize fighlting. The af-
11i1d11itis 11ade- by Willian"But-k''
Mttgomeryt alprize-fightler ft-nm
\III, 5111 soc tardst district.
SpldnasOfina Itetitgite-Watches, Clocks and Jewelry
-2 FOOTBALL httciiil'cd itt et w~tiotkmen i
- - 11 re,'litlliil,prics.Allwrtk
Us. led by All [ending Colleges ; ulitaiitcled.
- Font Bali Pasts--I,ace frot,
D-ip1s andtknees t ided witll J. B. [IBL[R, Jeweler, 109 W. Liberty.
- fn c ledhilt.an h;
New tirk Chitago Detter G GEORGE BISCHOFF
apaldise's Official Football Gnide '~ FLORIST Choice Cut Flowers and
. Plans
For 1104
MadlnadGia u ts ylilt by Mt. C- '. I'scll-r, stuio at I h-ave julst, cetivesdthe,-or'cst aidlflnest
IAnii Arbo ll311.iv to. 4if
1o1 lact. Libsral 1.-vaclI if retiiriid
In E. It.lBaco,i7231, Aonoe. 9-0-19 13
Job Printing. Meyers' 215 Main St.
tooth. Phone 28 1. If.
Reading notices, except to Univer-
sity organizatinone cent a wnrd
per nssne, payable strictly in advance
to the Business Manager only.. Uni-
versity nrganizations allowed nne no-
tice free. tf.
Suits pressed, 25c; trousers, 10c.
Fuller & O'Connor, 619 E William St.
Get your Gym :ouppbiles at Cashing's.
Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes
evrlrou ghttlo the.city.
EveriytingttNeat aiitlean
S Agentt tot B.13.I. 10. '1111.
3508 S State St., R. E. JOLLY
(IRAN (I R's
Floor. We've nor1,1oulltide 4'rey-
Gitasterns Academy, Phosne, 240
New Brunlswick Tables
Flue Clears and Tobaccos.
I Jilt. NV. iReiid. Probi.. 012 S. Mate Street
I-enny Underwear, 38 cents apiece.
Ste Cutting, Reyer & Co.'s window. Yo~s a:,~~ . ta
Il i thellollie lgl it ot oth ey k Hana- & Sn,' LU C
'SE~cN slsi,.i I ,llv- ttat Ils' fougchIt with10100Il n "Shoes.a&SoldlSoii ly by CoGo.H clbraeMiller, hlA 4.i :si.I ir'.i itro wceA~tl'.38S tt
~ ard -andi-fast ruletsbtat t ,1tom i lt - t.lehMin.a3tfe* AtingC los, 338i.nSthe
Sly 0011d tastelgot-rined iby cer1ain pi e rcin lg as "Yont;Huge." Stotl-2525. Mi.3t
eral regtos, onlery alleges 1801tlie flight, withi
Alen's Hand-Tailored Clothes Iiezeint'k thlb ring of lhe Crystal Michiganensians $1.00 each at
ar 1the ol,1,1 0t5-llclilllad Athhlivc ('1111 111 March 31, 191111and Sheehan's, 'tf.Bua
el/or eyxpires 'o f1organition 11 10 ls igl ~-~ nol~rtllteci iuiy folrmedv-hat- Ie lPvciai 1.1 shi r oe fGs~gs ieCoo
i y a n d a rt ll i t ti yl 'l T -d rw,,clleo-se c e i edt1 21 0 at-isP a r k e r F o u n t a i n P c
Oilt8ll d o't litake an l tIlsin -101e 111e. c sll loh re-of the pulrse, ats.tt
pcnlod wlttihtbau t lilo clra t -. Sonltnlt'rv flitlit-c alleges Itiat a
later he a01111Bezdlek fought at the G to Cushing's for Met-obeys & Mann's Drug Store
$10 and $15 \Vatita League boxing shiow- the fight Cailler's Milk Chocolate. tf 213s. tMals St.
go____.in o It helItonl a fol anid the
1,011cr getling $01 as the winner's The folks at home would appreciate N C t~
ALLEN, THE CLOTHIER I end of1 iiitlpurse . a Michiganensian. $1.00 each at tOC1DITkt
___________ Wabr's. tf Elmitamor ahd F'nieral Dir.
Main Street Steam and French dry cleaning and Ambulance--Calls attended day or nieht.
____________________ repairing at Fuller & O'Ctonnor's, 619 Latest novelties in suitings at Ful- 205 IA-. ltd-i
l.WlimS er & O'Connor's, 619 E. William St. Pho1 0 40A. tn Ridenre
Yon will always find the right thing at thse right time at the
New Clothing and Haberdashery Stores of
Iryricenew and this season's styles.
AlGIG ON CENTI FJ . SCHUH, Sanitary Plumbing, -Rowe's [aundry THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD
- - Electric construction and suppliesI AND OSAMSHIOP LINSo.
"The Mowgara Falls Route." Gas and Electric Portables, Gas and: Thomas Rowe, Prolprietor.
THEESHORT LIRE Electric fixtures, steam and hotF 326 N. Fif th Ave. TIM TABLE-Taking effect Sept 25, 1904
water heating. 'Now Phonle 457 hell Phone 457-L OUI
CHICAGO 207 If. Washington St. L'.OUT-H 0 w .N OTam
BOSTON gF~2 K K Funeral "'4- 8:15 pam. Lv. 3t- 4:53 p.
NEW YORK P HOQT OGRPAPHS "I). il.Iartill "1021-6:41 pm. '"l0ll9:5 Sam.
$,direct connections at Chicago forDiectr Dily except Sunday bletwesn Ass Arbor
In~ ""~I assCtS aladCall c ffca55 th v. Phn 5 aind Toledi.t. Throu g traims daily exeept
tO assCiy t al.' fie20 .4hAe.Poe9. Sunday. 9ISunday 'tnly tbetween lIohelasd
'w'est.O5 For information and TESYORSUI, Rodne~5 yPoe34 and Toledo. Free clih cart on Not. I and 4.
CAroOg tickets call on or write to w. H EMU TDO eiec 0 .5hAe n 1. W. T. WILLIS, Agt.,
CS ,Aet n ro,30So asAmblnc ncal J.3J. KIBY, H. P. A., Ass Arbor MSich.
Agen, An Aror.316SoutMai St. ( A bulnce n cll.Toledo, Ohio.

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