THE MICHIGAN DAILY Hioag's Home Supply Store r F Corner Main and Washington Streets ,,S Fish Nets, Padlocks, Waste Baskets, Brushes, Card Racks, Purses and Pocketbooks, Knives, Scissors, Tacks, Pi6tures, Ash7 Trays, Paper Weights, Smoking Sets, Soaps, Towels, Strops ando Pipe Racks at ipopular prices. This is the place,06 * t E. G. HOAG. et - Jurc field's Fine Tailoring / Trade Guarantees...I Yoo the most skillful and artisti' oervice to he had anywhere. We alwayscarr a large and cnplete line of sea sonable wool- ens.\We have cthe gency for Beach c& Newel's Custom Shirts * and can shuw you oat-'rgc, beautiful and exclusive line of shirt- ings--perfect fitting. w /a Burchfield's fine Tailoring Trade, 106 Li Huron all Fashions are R~ipe nits =fTop Coats = Rain Coats From the wiholtsat- tilurin g house of L. ADLER BROS. & CO. Rocheser, IN. Y. Illustrating the latest improved designs, alrc now read}' We have exclusive salc of L. A. 13. &o Co. clothing in this locality. Men who arc more than ordin- arily par-ticular about the style and it of their clothes arc es- pecially invited to inspect these products of Rtocheoter's moot up- to-date clothing mn-nufactory. Wadharns, Ryan & Reule -VMon ey Loaned' Save the Walk Down Town on WATCHEIS, DIAMrONDS or Wace "titer persnal iro.perty of ValIe. W tce and Jewelry Wace ac J , tai~. ~Repaired Ofice at residec, :331toE. Librysllwateott-1 -,i l itns'll Fobs, U. nf M. 110 Arbotr. Ho, to 1~1 :30 a. m.. I Pins1and Banners at Reduced Pt-icon. on an 7tio pl. .All bustinessTelephonce310. j Josnept C. Watts '- F. J SCIILEIID1, 340 S. Slate Street -(continued from tpage one.l ________________________ iinin th PItol. tic. Anetl tspoke~t front_11011his ,ottn texpeice it'in te Ot- L lill indIhis tlll, 11a1eagerly- fol- "ALLEN' S FOR QUALITY ]oedtSbitevery