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November 30, 1904 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1904-11-30

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Th Mchgn"Daly
Comedy Club Try-out This Eevning - I Address by Noted Cornell Graduate,
at7 'ClOck at Sarah Caswele 1Is Causing Considerable Discussion in University Circles- Proinntis Y M. C. A. in
Angell Hall-Parts Assigned Views of Prominent University Athletic Authorities China-Pres. Angell Gives
-IiricI hs iet c (ttIithcon the Subject Informal Talk.
klce t ers a be low hsit can lev iribefoe intht' Inivecs- j No ci tc--c 111 itIl t cnferenicei cuise I beliveii ci cit il aie ii ciStadt- I Fk ic- . B1occkmccat, i Shang
yaComfledly (1i1ili nitti priomisestoc hoacti vecit ausiie[io chic i s cicuc- atd i tltito liarsh ip tey ii yeiar Iha t at ittal scre(talc OftheicY. it.
Isa the miitc succc-iscilii ce-aionuiin S li iiiion o g itiic-stuiiiitiibodu alcii it cii densci Teiiciiyar i alays} C.A. ttina aat, aid Korie-i,
in lilitry. This iicre-acidiind -te t iii i ia c as ie riuiicriceni- adotii-i te lhrdii-iii-ci ude t liifihadc iiciii,;cc c auii in ii eeieciighnuiiig of
tic cigiiiiieatitn i i a lare e by thai iibody c-liwiccts frI ic-c li-ti tesciiianisic ept ioutl ofI athleiti iiis vr it rn ai Mctiiiiciii Hal
Octitie d title hei i c t aiithai bi tei atlee tirm it: ccciiegiatce c itc p - duingii ii ichci icis i-ete.Ik %il( atci-eniii. ii- Isciciic, fu icct i
dot th fist lay is ead fo po- tiol o atletc-tamfoion-aafth vei bit-r ti-attic o sart bilowt ltall a
(lilt-at ec(,quippedth- eatrt-ces c-t I -tt ti.,vr lt- ircts t at-111(11i muti be t cit.Al ioit i l ititti ven t l t ia i etn of i tei ccciis cnot I citrtaccc-tl iy.
aAiiM ticithe illd cc ascwholtci eu isittitlc l tic e yhi-at-c-eligible- io ciif cch i c twnimprtii ce.iticouretii t : anyI cti c dicic--c ith1te. Te center
e hack-tiltsc tall at-itPattil D ic i. oetic -ftit- city tuitecity tea . it i't alw-iastrue, butitti oftenihacliiifiihe11wcrldhs s iftdcin itce a-
It i at prstt--tt coi i n t hei (lie -iiadin ftic iiIi itsr le i ccsifollow c:-petic itiat.a (tsi-c t i whii ital e c his tci. LI iii ti c liifrtomiuA te-ica ci
hositl u- whciwill e cit st ly. "g Nitudenictts hal patcilate iti aty ic- vtersi ittfoot tll ta i ist he ir c at citiia-. Hy tcietithle
x01 id, Htcket, ell Dutiiton, Mcl-Iittercliii atei-ciitit -t ho-uschall ntcc itlcii t ilt lte ia i;) h u ritdiiStatescchtcs lieen placce itt a
Hnciici, lcc- eiiglt, Ni iliitlc ii cc- r ha e beitt-iti h t-c incc- a ettlect ct-r-iy ciiiuldn'tI c-Ige t lt tilmiiI cc cciw uiho ttston of moe im ttttattc inthle
d ey issiccc llatiit-aBi lei nd ind laveI ftlicidit titi a etetiet s i mt.tutIat ticn any iti hetritInat in. Ruticia
Mss wortcicc icicttc li i its otetr rsre- " o t b t ttli-ci- tictithineIi it Germanyttii r- itmakin tpc-h-
Micibc , 1 i i iiof laci -i-ast er in i ch thll at braciht-ifiathlile itic cacur-e tiill caiise all teliti iii ci i ia ehorltstoI obtihai t hl s ot n c
chl s atn ing Vaccar- andci ha s h l. etcs co gi ecs. ici- he.i fis c e.ii they inetttc- n ftihii-ic-orii l d.1
atli iuaiicwn ter abiltitiyt ia t a t-t--c it ti-ti- ue w sa dccttp - td by a voiii e y i wiii il t t t l i i st cs , "Iiccicit dc tti i-ti liitc ttccttii-
-i thiere, Sestic ic intaiec thel d -gisi t. cct it icc atdifci i y goitt-cle, it liihe- cici titc-ci ci ii i tng ofth acs
itieg rait h ltb'c irt ctlacy. tMiscc i iThe ailt-wasciciniti mctii asictIn Hatard. oticnc ceonthey wilie i ccIthe ataiic Ihlupeopltut hirec tie
cil li Van Vaikenburticti sctudingit tic- Iceticit yofii heIle bde eing at i bigedot-i l ti -ut cli-icattittci lnr lcc I icic icctg Iliong Kng
Dte F -m-icc PranicecCaldiwi-i-u is (iti led by t-b at-sc fc nt rod lt oifcth ti i twerceac hice, teican eiat ciit h-icrai-adliiii-ic-eic ciiit in citiiont a
fa thl a st ci cteicncin-- cice e; Fa tti ctiltic- rsit i es i i- itlucm o in thli'e cicin- ob teit- pr-paiatoiciycschol i uiiiiil ic c iicu - cii tige n ofthe gretett
ladI 01-ee("l at cyar's pot-tiiic I - -ti-e. Pt-itt A. I. Pattenill 'Aidcinitheicsecondti c e, theiiicIici ci ictpar-c iict d
Is noltifn cliige Itic cceat;hit iciga n's-u reprcccsettativet-at het icuc - il ctenc iso s tf ur t- bacilaumen iaecr h li t Nu 'icitit
1Aaothrhew Yrk
i s a i iicilg c beinifiledibe l cDut i.eenc liii is autoiy f h t ateitii - inot wecal tu thy nd c ul it eatic c i 'i i s aii surci- ng ma eilst-omieu iftec
Wh ich cwasheld tNIv.16, ciui ifth i et l biy te ucatds olit l iii -c orderiici to ai eterncc iveii rs-ity, p iti paper i Satghali ta li t ciiin
ttcs ttici ci (i ani tc-iu- t libec itmeiicc-icci. ' C areemen lt "I it ibecmet he l pr~acti c oill-i tiececttut-i- itfiltiwoil. hal hap-
t o all y lour c irdIitnc reii was a deat at teciii-i-ciuci-that n dci- athletes (0o entr te ic eranu s c in h tic iilih acil niceor c-nearly- at-
lid teftue w : fth(ie ii Icc- isicc i i - , c a e t--i hoard - oi c on ciit tro f alyit - i 13 ciat ithe ibegining cii le secndl fects licilIe ofthetw rcdithIlati what
cuy Clib. Ant ertli i ig i w cs iall tircityin thei it- lg n i iti- ine euest e eterth- c onferenucti e ce al- takei- a pctpets anywthec-eu-else.-
W iNv.21andoii i ty ucandiaesc ur lcnh it-dueit itill againti me-up iticnal miiurs icirme y he icl-it ie miist detcrinth le citilia-
Cre tc ci tut cciBuiii ct ciiicuii a i ic i t t ciany- iat, it aciaii aiiactoii titi ciii t iic tihi lscecntec., h ill it
1 Cltc hciiillt li a-tclentsin tg ofuthtiClctiitu-cticc. swhichlistill hc- ily tacssc-s his cxanminatinic at thei c omet-c u dd uhishct-(Co utfuciai iucChris-
r Or ll tie l c-onorsii t he i ufilst held tctent igh e et h e it c ll- endt ofitail sugond viiiesieiliatherestissriteThe
tbhe tilniIe tti tiitC eIoticu al-tsiii in tumtut.cIcnun ci c onthe lug could-uhecnoiugrtat chiceutile wi llow-nt afin these ciibeaici pareSt citth e-
aia lic- tilletisnitc- irsucntu'rtu-itos ittit cit ase y citwoth ingtimetec tuly neotball the cnno - ptrils otitli entluats.i The ii ing-av
tec omt~hv ner i citsiita itit formeoiuctlct drci llciutuicthel"ig alleuei ue' ott- cthetalte nyw-itvo ltise n cciztina ten t~uuie
Ong the studtsu. It hasrio tic-c- tivao11cc-cIowtua andh Minestia voitedruthtit uia yarof th ulet icc-at Cad- take hic leaig padtifndetecmnhing
ociltyannouuucedl ti-lit-tieiplay againticit-c rudiltey proisedilctto icu-i(or akliltshciuutuit--Iaga~nstheqeto.SnFacso o
I lb so tueitu itt alttIciulaility dci all i hut-icpowertc inducttu he iraC atiltaihe same as at a college, this Ne York:,will le itt ttcctiC ur gea-
ilt somithint-befetc-Chictuci scectie cb-oucasto ri atity- it Bt r utiies nt applyty- Johnonlifci eslt ccor-tdtbecause the ltnitedtStates
as Tbhe namte citthue tiy c-l -cctift ue ctneor tu eiuih Athwsterncctwill la it iithe Oi-t.t
b e k nouwn as socliiias Itheue-i e i-atitutuit is Sinout-ue-tlaut t y Nthat I1 ciiintlt nowit whacta atictiithe "Cinattiis lthe- lost tumiundt ootuud
flit candidates ate elected. the u le ic ctill cuct-i- a two-th ics IMichiga a rd ofccl ttcntrl llcctttake ttiittna t ic sncth uwo l, 'Tihe Chiese
maitjuit ycsice-stvc-i ti cii thut ine ut I shall hi- vey tmuch disiapolint I emptic iu uuii sc-ilboro ed luss fo tcii h-
i'lCLAJGHLIIN CO"rIN& liii ii iii Of theiicounferenuc vtuedin c-uitthy-cliont ratiys-the- tuuac -st hattaly-ocheCeoluetcin th
______avor ii io t-i t ek.r. I would sotonuruccc itee.that te 55 tuhut thtina has chatgedl gealy
wilLecture on Constitution, Corn-11111Wicos intheisfcling ag lau is hi-sast s-ill ot-tis ulc e tha h t i thecutasctcfive vel s.iThcangalue
rtences December 14-Professor ilsiuvt ii obte hta h etwl erc.i.(hsbe rfudeuainloe
Turner Net Week-Profes t altmpcis Icinitg madtidi voriice the Judge LaneltChin is gcivenedl by "the reading
soC Hart Wilt Not A per. atlt ucass ciatitutu frnmufatcult y- Judugeu anwnati cl sti edttiti hsatiti tlme it-uthoielong t iIhe best dcat-
A pa. c-tutulii A, A. StagCc i caot e-iteof he newc eigiblituy rutle ciii c- cluass It his class oitt e cult iotn
Prfso lanuesontitoftChicagoi 17 - dctunllalt-i -ati thitconferntceis-u- this il uy atintintithat ii scll w rki tuct 1icuhiicis madec hr cuista, Cia with
Ie tY t h itst oathic nonu-es id -ii- iii l tfavoroth e nic- ti- tgili 1out1fliltheultilatei good ofuuh niviuets- Ibe itmoriCrist int Ihanutis this ccuii
lbtu rs d t(ciappearcat iMichiigan nt i on 111andt ridciule tu- e id tea Ithat i i tsly athlti c. I tinkth lau it itocca iy toduay. Ticuboxier twar ilac he
YheA1rhteicant i shity tcourse1 thtuis ill tdr ie lluiehtardccathletesc o frehu an'stit besd t t eruest to kiecioutltrlacidtoi lithe ifliuec ofi'the, tca-ui
retfi hascomplntltced h d is or i ndic uh ccs -i tutucti- t ati 1c itoi lt t~ti cl iii tt niltti
liIC.cat H cttu itthitis hboardiof ctroltttttwill log It he udoelake at actutehat Thtie empruesdwagrhwevcse,
Professor VantTytessemiuinaruy at met il lhut-.ueolitthis scec-i-h thu it athletichs Ittutm it he b gnninug he csandus fot bicoth e rvatccccic-eteen t.
citre uccessice Inteltgs ill thue ii c t o ut-cu i i impossicble ha it ccy ikelyci t hto e udt liec that liii- chacactercc fat Ihe xainiaton
Meas Prceding the Thiankscgicinug rccsayuhatcclctaiiliionthehoard will talc uncutproperlytbelonatgctelewhte-quetis or tcadmiiisiontr Icth class
S the tilt e, il-butu itis knouwnm dtht sul- mlht catctheuti l ihe bc mccciircacitnccchg ?tcll lis tien chntged by
Aformett cipct h hu tta-ic oftit. A tmeetig was helud Ic-ftexactly hotw tmuchit- iehcaucaordtlnc ius act- beetisihcardihihador ac
Pahutllbgnteclscotrei-athe ease Howcever t ututte- ight schooil athletes which has been eI culit i he chage frumpaganim
educan nutr 1" Ihtituuilucurels ind-lbIc-taingcanyuuc tuyc icecartfnttadvocaitingcdt ntitibemurtuecahutscertaiwine-ultied cutA-i Ct AisgdinthgOintin
theltcover tha Crid du ing-whitch h- tiicugih amltu ttrn l e avrsic a ndca t-cut cut lit iu s tep iu rther toadc pro-ng tnt- k(oticntuturrhincg Clua fr w istth
ci ttCittinitheCd its tui ctmio, <d t it c tll tle ct fetan-c te. unu m udta pratett ci hu fitly iatccllee n ive stiity- n Th ne d Ch ruteev
luts tdo t e tduinlte beitcae cthe icrutesut rPt ItIegi th tuit t ic s:u ' work.tt i"ay g ec tuce u huu-c-c ltth iid hc
theali fth e 4 q c city- - -uexueru1hut-hMciiigerutBig, culi- lTherMeCfi s uoetnt- nfChtina
ec hes ecof. cul j a Pmg autglwseen huathisnc hicIseema
iction of od nccci--ltcu cuccg-n i e iesia-sunumuatuhaYes I com uucmendaIcbe- toca l . iuettsuA.s testalisthe
r~fl rnA ~~~ocitu ttiu i e suugidnc sitiuigly acdshe wantipc-c- fliteto th isinewil e et Itwa e- 11 c oaisitith iftucui he itant-ofChitic
of o55Vui nilthaunttaut eitssillucoreuIcuu viddt tri
hofl woilhappematyforiatsei-e m Psro esspoce Psattnially a ht
sCi ectunes ot nm(mIleac"Wsterclcmcc ceu olhiwasp:-teancunchtthudalnc r e tth I bed. ctctespeaker idthe eventing ntwhin
MU (~cCFet~dtJTitt- t cct-stiu tuicts heue c erure
Wit t in Aimeuicca,- beginnuitng I t utilehum thu fiu-cu tlace,- is notEul I -ites ta u cho
(the scu-ntl weeklofat heue cindn ew a it w s frt pooed vr to i ve a all o huh ut-tust atthetec to ttiuititcitmthtntv -n in,
ncic cc m va er strnaierne eaistec-itt niversitic s.u If tIhue eaccernt his hoinor just befoce his caddress.
Ot C tPrnfessdot Hart oni arvli a r c ac gogn tic trinmicialcbjcct u ist tui
tlm ho ueivudanetcivet-rhslic t ctu xuutelit- tiedsiwuldtt promise in adopt Amounig thinetiresent wert Presiudent
tilrs deiverd a eris oflee-decrase o me etentthe hile t hi i le, I choul be in taintrill it, Angel, ProtessorsV. H. Lane, Sage,
f,-onnthe-"Diptlomancy oh thut1. ,andhilteirish tdecotedut athletics. No bitutceici ut-ta wndhte JohnuRHAllenhherncu Coddard and
Acctlast year cand ccliio iwad ex- one wises iodci wywt theis tsem om htit ticuld Chstat
8 Hi scm-ticeawcyorwith athleticsstic-cut betetic I ai ituntil hy hid J atcrley, L. -E.Hutch sat
atethis cha ar(ibant uu utaltlpoirniettedtucctnCsagree, ertr fteY .C . n
earhe year, willt (1cotmet-as -ccasc thu-tat lie presc-ntti(hmeathletics mge-ihu!i uitinceay i e Y1i n
tertnotitcectd. c n ciattetiuccu -- Director Fitzpatrick. t art South. AttertMCr.Brockman
occupy__too macchalofydtheeitimiuoandthut-Ihail macie a tew reumicrks at the close
At , ",,.h Es(diofiiunivccrsity Inie h h a umu verwasuicenitowspfistd trn- onI thme luncheon, President Angell
by lb fOrd ~Uiversity che reporut Tis imeasure silt alsot diiaway. thintrel Ivurustutctitkwastcc it sa etedtl traperorh-H
bo theConumittee on Schltarsihipts-ilht huetractice shich has prevail- hsd o'ttiktee-a ewscaldo-oa e od.H
011sthat thus tar in the ceucesue e i-ut ccsomne western universities of in- t osendi all t htiht ts tttcitbc-tuce rtty at he datp sbh-
tO0P hut ht-cben umctindeh ituiue ruumusitg nuuig atlets - i al citbest atltees In eastc- tIiesi inChi nawhich are opntieiIo
lC ern scciols."iversihugstudentsi. He said that a
bewscholarship. Thecreucave eser -idtheut-nuiersityhetture their re~f- great: resposibility rests upout the
005, sevo entythreewarneud that their Iparatory schcnl course is completed. ! Capain-ehect Norcross. tntdSatsnacuttthepo
ad k Ots ntp pto -l* ~~iy -shand-VI"Howe-ver, I withlsy nlyt "tWhite I appireciate lehigh mod- itdSaeoncoutfhr -
t rnl ha h avor Vie measure personally he- (Continued on page two.) j (Continued on page three.) -

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