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November 30, 1910 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1910-11-30

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Opening Display of
Fall and Winter
The Stuclents'1Typewriter Supply Co.
Roomu 4 Pre ss uling. Opposite Majestic
A few best offers

Alasaging Eddior-Lur A WHIME
Business Manager-NORMaAN 1I1. Hits.
News Editor........... Harold Titus
Assistant ..... l.. arry Z. Pole
Athletic Editor...Walter K. Towers
Assistant........ J. FredLlaswton
Music and Drania...Earl V. Moure
Exchaciges and Piles ... .lDion c.IBirney
Arthur J. Abbott C S Lasher-
Paul teidy.
A. J. Wohtgemath. Ilarold McGee.
I aI-cry G. Myser. Maurice Toatioc.
dr ink Penineci. FEdssard Rolhie.
Loi n dclusadi. Robert Gillette.
John I,. Cox. P. E. Shaw, Jr.
ErwsincKoch. Oscar tBcckuman.
E rnest IBurton. I.lit Wakefield.
,John I1. Tossnley. Waldlace Wesber.
Grald J . f.\I EmmettncllIcclon
C. H arold Illipplcer. J.'nc-icg'cellen.
C. A. Bowmuan. A. R Dilley.
tye Rubin. IKnneth Oshornc
1...RayJohccnsoin. Ilieici GI Ic ccc
( . 1I. skc intnc. Josephliii chclad.
Address: MIHceIGANsDI icY, Press Bldg.
M\ayncard Street.
tiier IHours : Mkansaging Eit or,1-2 p
ini. acid 11:00-ti1:30 PIinus Daily
Biisiicess Macager, 1-, -cSp.cccc1.,n-
cepit Sundaty. Both ctpalncs 960.
11 F1IJNFSIIAY, N0t 1?11BEE30,1, lli.
AVit/l tl ittuec Ecu ccciIt. Routei.
Novme ccii3c o-cl ire Recital,. IIh
Scctcal{ \ccciccciiccc, 4:I5.
cs ricc c c tIFecc tic Recitccl,High
Scocct clidicriccccc,8:o0c.
'1' th i shcitclaiof tic ' I Nivcei Is' cc
cc Iccin gcamess wills thneucniversiies which,
iniartcnstitiuticticeOWesterniC 'icier-
('i c-: acud sheicri- . n thec ic'.ici 'lticc('e
liatii cscobltrudcedl themsselves in such
iane s Icc makehetir reltationin citt
liencciuniritien, siigtcrndclecle
:11 ictc-ccn apprccia tcrchriitineprs
cais it IfIlinoci.is s expressedin thel.i
edtra utdinitice ress col ieste
day,. cnd is is hearty sympathy with
111tol cintheic-oeci ridfori he icesup
tin ofthecicir tinici nil cccid ii cci ii 13
Cla-cierIcrd l thei mcetlinigs of thei iteami
retpresenting the two great universities.
c1cg li delilies 1the threaited
',l i c Sirac. fi c ists Ir :c c ,

ncedullehBe Iici icaueifthichighc ciccir iifthei coiinIferen iccinmtter's unditir dis-
icier cOf cc lilietuci ticnafritedityIce icesscini.dptvotedt i in lmostiever ii n-
;cctlccr cclthicssacd bIcauise if thliitnlcecagcainst'ichi~Iiganc. Andit I at 5
painfuil ll biics faccihilianyuemoie-ethinsivery icesNorthwiee rnhadstin-
mentitoward cce t. cier cci 1icino i-nescitareddin ctercccllegiacc ompcccccctitioni. I)
resolve's it selfintsis ani incicir 1bcyciii hire ocii's cathleti iinititinsre ciltccic
thatcEnd cd-.tiicncsceilhrcin ccethics cnii liy "ccinistitucticonithliiidid notiblievini i
in th ri cilc ailipub rl l ihdb'te 00ec-iecrntthleti c cccmpetitiolcl.occcfocnditsclfell-
ccific ec . abe toimiake cthletics. aiscicess was tinoi
1 iresns whail ich we ll stileee-mucch to iccck;.andl i prdtmi c ch toi l c
ini we bli.c ccht in ite iofthe nci ltie tolercatedt
iels ixtici se'tdccciveMitcigan neithliieIrinLamb ccreverti icc lhe' presecci in-
Calli norii()cightit()cc requeisti nstatemen liicitpleasailiiiessn wic h wei iiccct'.iicilis ito
cclii the IConfeirence.c But list itc elt c ul m c ciniate incal'cccii tlcicisto i 1 i ccc
some thatc Mcci gciganis fs cc cl cThIe (Ccciiirenceir'uie'sstatie stpeciiclly
pacthy ithcclthe'cliiacciact n ud sir ofi lie'coiiosii uncdcer wchi ~h
acciifierience', let us rcidcccur cifindcccmayc coee ith on-scci cclebes ii.
ofi the icest dchcit cr. ciigelI called clii \i1 I llibid.) :
Firs't mecindg ccf thcniversilies wh -o(Cneecuivrisiy shacll Ccim-
such a confetirecnce in ci i; ht i1cclii Ptceec lichay iiiinon i cr-ofrece icstitic-
l.an cici aguacridccf istitutinccs lticcic cccbe1cc' le Wet O rin imcc a
senccieniiacthletics;ticit Michtcian'ccran 'thltialy,-tha ci ccliiwhic
gaciret reng~thicud cher tint cunselscompuccctees wcccl ymemer ifthc 1'cn-
thts the Cli ncciire-cightc thr'ie:can 11 len cs iticcicthe ba sis occltdirccliii i
tliii1\tccl iclilycittrew-ci encl cc u lesscoth cpte undcrcConcftier
'Coiiscientioc'sly be li ciatthl~e icc I e c rle o ligblt.
Lcinha ceasod n. toti tccutcctionfiriti andI Thinscrliecwain pssedtApil it3, iscy.
wcisely.11caftecr.Micia'sdl ie rm th
Ast ih esncic iiiwi ebelievefodisTil o' ic e e' igoroulycciii ed
Olictic''cc cocylit ccclticU) -crctu-n ito t'he l ilteri n iriI ~ I cit when ii is iccig i l
lCnferce :icincnsota 00cit ccriittheLordl
\ cc cwitrewcc frccich11Con'fetireniceUCsrc Ofccthicdwayci has Iitisnide uli-
nmrei liii csc citthecsageiniiof iithcr ii- mtumscn iwhu ciil iii Micigancfcom
)ive retro-aci ctierl hayohice rideerlice cfailto se. Ai(
cil Ithicci.tWe' cotjeciedt ticanycon-ii nccict cclyichatetoithin t'a t icic-
sideratin of a rensumpltioiiccit claiig cita isn'iiigoiingti~ ~- ntemte.
ill thie lint imalirestrictedythaicii t IlcThesereasns are pureric-timatterinof

Laboratory and
For Bn teriology
Goso dsand Prices Guaranteed
University Bookstore

cassed from thelii'tilit ofcit e-gaitletics
Ii nspiti'ocithe1c'time-lithcihs pse ic
caWecc~intoiceff'cti c-c-playedClc
ccyr gacilnt nCi onficierenlce ccc-
clinslibecaune',iciwhiilompeing fti hei
fouthcear, c-ic'.Liaccc-eligilithclans
icc-cc-ed er ciiotildecti e : cccl cc
year it is posisilete ccci willt play Fa
Clarkiwho beguCompiicietitionicbtic-icie

setimIetb ed eiter iton r 1 1c tic
rc e ll s t intrsofte ic'ier
lIii: ce d ncl ele ean Cec i-.!
eligii'le1to ini s hi c in l e I iiier-i
ence, in sugciiiof .Od iiiie t itwk

or heavy, p1ain, coritedI
ebony to sen. t" dwchatyo
lil~' <I~d we - , c iiticor You
b private drawer wittioit
tI t l .

Our Prct


1, Iii c 1] -.- - Pi
111-o lcricrs2 Psi
Otice Plce$c,055
I - t1 i 1141io i l - is ,
cc ii -er i
11 t' 71da tt'dtn

licae ofte tcrc-c-y cear rle. ind 1s I)lii ni tlii cl. t, l 11ii
eligiltoti play 11a c foureth ea-c-ic-- -econdil.ItX'IN d1m]ctileit
00, b-lelivei'niiactraiing table, 111cccc I acterc lMih ian left 1cctie cl
c(ccictct issuncc. W00ha-etio-dors'datediNot.l;, icilyj
heeacite ole if t cc- iii-sicr c-occl- "I tic lin i al m ngiae
le ii- \v chavi noccci rucuccccus ati ciicil letissnll he entiel y- XI i hini
ithiletesin aii ssemille. 00einicc-c- t ra c ci intt Iccli - cclii halp b
ig itcle', cciductctdhotic s ci-. ofecepts ndiepenitures.'
0,1i11 eacia c as conucted th-is instlii t(Continued on Page3
hull. But 1 cc iicii cthis qulentionl - icv
ing thitiiIis o n iiiisue of iiiimortance
Clausie VI thelii-iscelt cicn __________________Re_______-_
illtins"cifthe11cc00 i C onfereniicii
prves t- a rs hmtcc anIin footbalcci cl team- GLO ES
anc c ond ni eci levei s s ha scll pltyii cl \\I t)c l
teamis trcccithe ireownci nstitionus. 01 c Ask for the best ant
hav a risnti tam.ceibeiveini how quick they'll I
-i treshnli teamIci compeitin wit' i i li rign01 you
intiui licNe xe ccitto concticce
thict it mllcl fonstrongcc iathetimcsii
we havei'vet icc see cacimorca lubedcin
It hacs geonirep-ulgnantcciii ic igici
toc tic dlciciteditic andd oi naicciI-t ic by iin
sitti~iiiis that recit scriccuulcirclass. Sic Scticc-e & Sonciftr
iscctiain the-minoircuniverscitiisticin ug cdciills.Guniitain, allsupi
nmel ipiniitheiiconfeti-ncer. Itt h ales.
i-ceccecldi ticctNorcthwnestrnic 'ive-r' - - -
sit-y c casticpicsevri-ecl difierentioccai- Pecller & O'Cconcor, Tailorc
;os, thcc ride wcc dceccidthe cclactinen., 61g I. OViltiamis St.

id see
3c 1(1 I-c-
Sccaii Cleani-

i t -c>itr l
,. ' OA11(

Just Out!*
ier yMolts I te- n t he
I'c 1,t hese addacltelher-
Iho'olicciu c 111il-
711) North University Ave.

I s ei~an Co.
Stui i lii'Booktor


11,1- A1 Allen's Hand Tailored Clothes
Quality is the Argument
Main Street' Allen' Good Clothes Store Main Street


Pis ns, Fobs and Spoons 220 South, Main St.W E B 31 L S
HALRSCOLLEGE JEWELER as TiyudntltUT e yuC ohsaddaiyoClaig
q cwleSells acd Iepcicng LET'S GET TO GETSHER .Ww
Optca Dptl! THE BIG BEN" Chcoate etccue loe
None,, ,,
ierWtchset Jew try tepielet OTHER ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 UP nv riySutPesn o
UAL[UR'S JEW 1 ERYSTORE inMichigan I 5.t-50 TICE'S DRUGSTORE 709 N. Uniersty Ae. Both Phones 266
216 Sou~th Mates St Pn 5.t 50

2i too

RANDAhL, & PACK, Photographers

Phone 598

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