I -~-~ ~ hi a.t 'a doing away with 'nHaspays .
I . II ,and playing an open game. IHead 3eforeo avi g ' our
Coach Frank But rwrtb. of Yae,
-hlin alsn expressed himself in favor Gf P ot 's + e INSPET THE WORK
Published Daily Sundays excepted during a revision of rules. Capin Jim ..AT."
the College year at in-
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 0111.i siavor sof sauhita re-
Orrrcni Tmes building, 29 S. Main St. be- viio. _e rry miian St u c V
tween Liberty andWilliam Sts The action a th(le Western univ _MIAIGEIO ie tteC icaosee er '-(ScesrtGion&Cak "
J. iF'.TnoMAs, '05 L. grdiing cleanerfotail and a revision (ucesr't ibo 'Cak
[USIESS MANAGSER of rubes was reeivediant le Ulivremly . 112 West Huron Street Ann Arbor.
0. 11. IANS, 'tb L. of P'ennsylvsaniaawihi iiiinininoin (t- -
EDtTORS ia'sstfatproval. Tle vaios Lolii(--
13. . SKILLMAN, '55 L.,Athletics. entions Sug e tfed Nwen the re oltilonrs c .
E. L.. Orsasn, 'as . - --Monday owee p tin nd ande ferrid ts a con- S td n s" sig
BUTLER hAn, 'ta. - .Tuesday mte a lottecl ste
C. 0 Ileewo. '(, ' -Wednesday itlit' tie$tnpsni' nn a h
T. R. WOanauw, '9, - - Thrsdsy rulesunider wiieli te big eiastera l -
A. OriBEsn,,',- - - -mriay legas(ae sell plying for sn.'
1. A. OAMPREssL,,', - - - Saturday yr Yr. The idcigrntultaec interest-,i .4C L 'tr
ini footall lookutothtie ehanige is a
wyise in nsle. y
Presidlent C. . Aamsll of (leie 'll
The subcrption price of the Daily Is $.Htiy tWics l, iS bt l bl i4-
to the college year, with a regulis deivey Eiy o icos('1-1.'li.)d c T i } }4
before noon each day. Notices. communiel- inot ieni iiitcli asirieratioii 0ti' " i
tions and other matter intended for pblica- , ',,
tion must be anded in at the Daily office be- ilJ)0sed ciiLges, lit from a crsswy w5i asesa .. n
tars 5 p. i., or mailed to lbs editor before 38eamnaionhe 1tlev______p"°").___a
p. i., of the day reviousot that on whichernintoie eies(emtssr
they are expected (p poear.'ntl advisalble.'Wletetrteo lthrli--
Subscrptions may be left at The D ily IT ® e
DikMyrsor toitieot's Newtan, or.vt i ties dcciii tm lper or 'not. ,1 a Uor-TA--RS-- --s--ANJOS.-- ec
with 1Bsineso M4anager. 5SucrIsems wilt eonse-
office tns failure of carriers to delver paper. Poiters qtettt_ ('nti. _utriinays Pwora-------------Jan. 22 ToXahuni ti n n ny
ry ihou quetio. (a~r.Rioran aysmae of world-wide reputation. Sold
th((at(le tiroiosl dchtges ieate 0cc-t- Washington _------- __ ---Jan. 29 by first-class dealers everywhere fromn
'Te acthonoufate tudet ihy itnb to Wisosin if they aie to die Bn------Fb 5$5on upward. -Imitated extensively,
organiting a wl st chnitas ocer'taily a ilir tiesie.Sousa'sBad____________Fe.2 so 'e sure that the name "Gerg
%,ery caiiiiueidnishe ie. Oir cicgc s l1uofess'cr StagIi ityeeie Oratorical Contest-------arch 18 A beautiful WashburnBokcnan
lrad eniough is harbor il sorts of nihtit cangs sholdtieeli de iite Burton------------------_ __ __ _Aril 8 in'sesportraitsvand s letters from- dcthe Dcl
legitiintetst ioiuticons, andlis-l it ttiuihs. Ie, tiniks tha-t no tiore ti--n RsheC~S aeNria el
- -'cli attt too oler famous artists and
nsiechi by this' openinig of new fiels'liof it'fortiracs euoght to ie alowh'ed teahers, mailed free upon request.
eform-fto its ,etibers. Thee re ii allatck of tle line iisidetsf tac-ida. StichiAdecss Dept U,.
reusoaiotieiies irony strosng .hinst it rule wuld do away> viti toibhsf Saeyumoy '.abs LYON & EC,
s av ou onybuy bsying Co.Wbse. and Adams S., Chcag.
lyers ini the U-nivesity a-ndl their tie preseit aunginess by preentiing a season ticket.+.
union in site areogntedclatiety esinlis theI'leavy line'110ion titontsbeig ilesh cio
fail'to r'esut in anitrainizitisin whsli rsh its the oppositg lite. I favor.ti
shahl bea' credit to Mietigan. Tlhe too, leg-sfltio-utpesaiing ata. rin.lri NNo.ptemhcetc'
isseis fs vn'iy wilt lsitp n tockiiigs's-ct'the oppoing full biti Pie, S Bikendefcr l\
ship atnd the pjsrmices- aitli mis' an- nfte r h iis sinted. y ewriter Machiesh, cT
oiler wil urely develop a teic tril- Sntito ail leti it ga ay ofthe[bigh-priced machies Incapcity
1x1.:pa t iyes, rsha esnti hold hei it oil tdet il ernwt lesun d add aity fwoee cclti themi Coeeltxe
it itnaigaetunn et glnthitt Jr.Itruod C. Weibeigaslad Pra'cica, tiiw'pee, prtable, ebard macines
tis iehieu i aysrourna iets i(eoli-'r out an p-to-dat lsc hating rinkil Ol ifths yea-BASE O asrew011AD Cnas.5
ay l. bt en 1311 nd ,I utso st. rect a~ya a' aen utKebard.
sac.stei'iirclleges, aeW bti-et Hllsntl iaisnof" -F Uiri.essnn.
______ _r____ fTs' wopsl rink cm e rafl's-c sithcs. sitsor S b trigt ' Pric.SM
pasrt ibeing dlesdiita guitSi Oles .- to pnct Rnbm3iscte
With lintercollegiatestities hpr Teti- ibresd hiatsYamul nicefots to ake s' ' to anysiswe hndedi aunft Prenamli sas
cary s' l ltitiNpbri tag allnluteict nepeett is sirai" tlthis ;Ti. .nie o top ~ -Acnme .ted c,--.'
contxsabetas-een cegesc 'awill ieci- usocd aeaibrhas tinselsss te e -. lgmoniinwdh Non)t.fmhensh.m
toned aitnlebtite a~n 'd ornto~y. Mieleig aul e at h ause bas een fitt,d out Ifiir ta e.:.neenm Sn m7 eeeidb t.~ ht oafsf7
waill insetCct Ioil l landtI alid t7
t'iiag iiAlni resa-arsninulg and iss-es will be senr ~ ~ FIBIN&t ~nrvel pua~e.i Siamaen~esneen
Dilnfrttsiiuslbauestagi omseaned biniig youraskats aitti youi. Siwod51, epsi bch ---roenyite nis ra
isn r led iser'cis.Wt n essi tickets, 40) skates, for $. S sr a. s . Furth Ae, Locl Aqnt --nuet..i
rosed cash ,tetiuloiias inl th le siinsoitOeit.a
prospect of a Hague (tasti~nlafe iil -__________________ _____________________________________
ry interest in debste lisa eneivesha IF YOU SANT TILE BESTGE WHZ 15 EL FU ?.
gieat stiuiuilus at ticliigin this ccii. GEV~Z!I ELFL? -
rw ino nututofa contestants ic ue FRATERNITY STATIONERY, Henry Irving was playing in Faust" at a Lodn theater and, while
larger thoan formerly aid ihe irein- AGES OR PNS descendingg into the infernal regions, for some reason of another the trap
in'the slgs failed to work, leaving half of his person in full view of the
nsaly debates excitas git itr inteat Send to audience Some fellow in the gallery hollowed out, "Gee whiz! Is helb
titan vent last year. Oratory ias'lot SMITH, STURGEON & CO full" It is a hard question for uts at the present timhe to answer; but there
as yet huctonm o apbrouiiiiet nas d eli217i;t2,39, 21 Woodard Av.. Deroit. is one thing that we are sure of, that SARG'S CORN PLASTRS will remove a
beautse this1 relimnti1soesWilI not le Designs oseestimates funshedon all woris corn with less inconvenience and with eter rsuts thaia aythingon the
hel unil laull ate intll ofthi kidmarket Get a sample at J. 2L. SnuR~'S or at your shoe deaer and try
hed3'i sc lii nti eartunlit o hsknitfor yourself~'.I 1 dcen plast rs 2c,
it is safe o prdict that dil'Jin Wsaill PARISIAN REMEDY COMPANY,
not aywhiarrecord of iv amttouus5
uto eo.eunat oe c y ~s2115Randolph Street, Chicago, Ill. Sole elltng Agents.
aliosve _____ s 0 urer ®CHRISTMAS 9
Proposed Rules Endorsed. 9 nfflVc
PA~er evkeaarin otu ut in Ot We have an anawer to the YOU SHOULD DRESS MORE COMFORTABLE. WE HAVE THE: NECESSARY
fsvs f oen iplayillny oblltctc question, 'What, shall I 7 LOTHINCIBE IT UNECLOTHES, CLOTHES, OR OVERLOTHES-WE HAVE THE
as advocated by ibis' onttntsi i itf buy for, Christmas?" A
asestern colloge held. in Chiega maat. camera Is the one thing LARGEST LINE IN THE CITY.
Fia.Tesadaiciwstkn9 that everybody wants and9 CUTTING, REVER& CO,
athat .everybody, enjoys
at hila cofreucs' in favor of abslute when e gets it. Now thatV 201 ad 203.South Min Street. - - Ann Arbor, r'1kb
ainatmuunlias is ciated t ounkco t.--: a good camera can be bad9
meat in theenat.- Tbe eil at'aucr -for froni $4to $8 it is posst-
nies is more wuith's ina the east. ble for moost anyone to give
lur-a 9 one at Christmas.; If your
thanm it is leien thue west, and to friends have cameras whty 9" tHE ffet]foundation on which these shoe are built prevents taking cold
thi -acttht i disahug ls tteblun nt gt n abu fo al 3chil proof, damp proof, heavy and dressy. Thtey are the best for
of ties east toaiiy action the net 9 their prints.9 Fall and Winter wear.
nay take:a." Camera atalogs free. Rutssian Calf, French Enamel, Box Calf, they are $5.00.
Jfudge Hery H.lHowlandof N s'v *YCLKISs PHRMAY.
York, Prostdeitof this Yal1 Aumi CLIS PAMC.uu a JL
Asociation, 4sid that he was in fava o s -1 19agEAST WASHINGTON STREET