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November 30, 1897 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1897-11-30

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it E


PotIcE-3 GENT$.

Has received a full line of Novelties
for Fall and Winter in
Suits, Trousers,
and Overcoatings
A legretti's
Fresh every week.
Only in packages-'
tile a pound.
Lowney's if you

Thursday. Dec. 2.
and Mr. Jeseph Haworth In Schiller'a
Great Play,
Prices, - $1.50,$51.00,75c and 50c.
+ a.*AIA'O0 %%,AAA9AA#%
Jnst Itecelved a .Large and Elegant
Lin.e of Now "ipez I
Host and Cold Lunches at all hears. Agents
far fluyler's and WHIlams and WernersoCCe's
Chocolate eon noas.
R. F. JOLLY &0Co.
308 -Snuth. State Street.


Noted Comedian Accepts Pres.
Hutchins' Invitation.
As the result of rrosnete tht -
have just bein comtpleed Je eft's'-
on, tito disinishhed actor, will beo
in thillcity Dcc 13 .0 tle guest of tec
Oratorical Asocioion. Wile ill 'll
coga lot tFriday, Prof. T reloo, illi
att itrview wtilMr. Jeffron, pte-I
:esnfcd us letter from Presidnt Hotb-
nos, inviting Imo to Comse to AnllAbor,t
1r1nd a olollar iviatiol froms the Or-1
lerical Asoitlol. M1. Jeffersn o-'
precoord hitistelf at occ as dsios oft
makingtorrasgementstoto accpt the tn-c
nitiU01t. lThe only iliclty in the
way3 lthe-n was te citteof M. feter-
somfo englgele~t inDetroit,dand :ei
eialtl give n11deicnlite answer util he00
i-a;d consulte11d wit is115manallger tieI
feiiowistg day.
"this -lorsilg tProf. 'roehisaod -
-icoil floe following leter, which ex-t
sty-Dear Sir-i lhtd ila c weillE
reacht'.Detroit osot ndy, at 7 o'clock
a, n., Doc:. 13. t will start at oc fat,
Ann Abor, giving omy dioitoo at 11
a .ott 0 htt tay. Thio',ill gte' tue
tittto get hbtckto lDctroit ill title for'
it edei lest tulrofesxtil ltti1'.
Pkttase let me knowoxif tilt; illxiibe
agreablei'thoc Univerity, and oblige,
tiilfllv yours,
Mr. Jefrsofo adtreoostwill besooooe
thing too the onatrtof a hoconse 511
hils art, of xxhih te i15 he bding
lrlt'seltticon 0111110Amrian01:g.
As hbe 19i:0topp or before tie, Oooi
ot Aociation, te said he x'ocill have
sumiiootioig toosay aouotithe n ci aittoof
atinhg to rato~y.
1i1'. Jefferonlohas rceivc ii ltof
itotilie receitios at lharvard ai hYle,
liii former college coferrilg tie d-
goce, f A. M1. on ioio in 18115. Il
chief ooleo orP in "htip Voo Wiokle,"
"'fle Cricket ooo fle Hert,' "Ls'ndt
Mie Fixe lollilg" hd "'le Ritval."
At the monlg of thoc rtomcl
ilotoixi toitght rraige'ni'ito xxwil hi'
toes fcted:foel acco'nmodatig fle
glet. Teocleptiono viii e etololi-
11.1 ltory, and toere xii be no adoi-
sooochaorged atthe door. '1Tie gess
xiii oceive invittiono fron floe aso-
Last evning lt a mettilg of fle
faclty of the literary department it
vas voted to sspenethoc class exer-
cises Monday, Dec. 13, from 11 to 12
a. 11., in Order to give all the stdeeuts
a chaioe to hear tie celeirtet actor.
Thoe facultes of the other departet
xiii take ation later.
Needlework Guild.
Circumsttaes have necessitated a
change In the alrroagolents of de
Needlework Guild. Thei annual
meeting will, therefore, ho held in the
parlors of the resbytran church,
Thursday afternoon, Deember 2d, a
3:31 o'lee. All contributions ci
clothing can -e set there any thu1
during Thuradeny afternoonoo or Fridas

Whint Club Organizes Tomorrow. Athletic Association Subscriptions.
Tomoir ows eve'sotot"- lso' iotresto ' The followving is a coin-plete list of
toi tile proipooed. Wist floutxilliri ocet tile poaidtil stobscriptions tonthoc Athi
Y tee iniig liar.at :3 eiic ssolta o a.Ti ns oclotck. The romoeters ofthoe clb'andi amnotnts lire givenx in ftone order is'
exipect a very latrge litteoneie. No- wvhich lbs nioney xwas polIOfix:
tecoboreve len pooster[ ini the cartoUS D. K. N.tYraternoity $1100, S. A.jIE.
ileiiorlioeta f flohe! Coolveresoly taootin $50, Phi Kappa Psi $50, Zeta Psi $354),
loibny of thoe fraternity hoouses. Maooy lPtitUpsilon $110, SigmaoPflt$50, SRob-
fr-oteonty 10100are intleretedoiin tlioso1000001, ..Dot?,itRiohaorls$5,.Jas'.
e0w xveotiie andtihie 'elnh1)ti'aloiscs 'ft Pre-lotiso $13), IH, L. Clark $1.0, C'. C.
bte a orpresentfative alirte. W alo$3, .. 1.Listiter $23), XAN A.
IHOSt itolia4S1ng , tooianog ic-moot 015-10 CGio-sto'lt $110, 't;ids. Dmnce $7.50. 'teo-
os thoe lilte'evt xtIsithoJ-iyityhiee loeojaosocvki $10, Haock & Co. $11), Pred
plityecrs illte lota'voxelooo'lit. 'fhoy a e toioooer..$30,11. fL. IHealdl$3, J..A.
xxiihog to t'ao'hior oe lt'olx'srgoolic-hiBorair $3, A. AI. Wiol~er $1, Misil-
ti±ns5ailel eleet on :er3iii:eily'nowse Oc f laileotos $31.32. V.x. Pllli'r $10), V.
oilieo's. ioooat xiii colie of this iiic tI' Tuttlt' $30, noseyy $3, Joe ('art-
xxiiil hi' semI 1-~ter oxes lb' xxhittj-o ol xvighlt $5, fGty Milleor $tl, T. of It.
chess 11153'ers illoxi' uheit so'paratte 10001-1 Dally '$30, G. D. Hiutool $1, Sle'ht,'o
ioc~s oi l detdas i's lioen toars'1 o & f's. $301,tGeso. Wild $11), V. Ojoiaey
actol the by xvilssursni'. sould .11'5,I. Rllerl'l'$3, If. S. itaii,'3'$3, (:l.
fit o si-tilies coott'iste til e oo'mh, osloip W_. Kel-fo' $5, G0. .. titatitlid$2, 1.
01ill shooc3t likely he limtited lt lit, .A."('oniloot $2, It. oH. G"tting $f, 1it '1.
Thaoft ttislitor of lIlts'1i11'l i'O gooht'l- t1$10 50l$, 11. Camplil$5, XW. IX'.
sure10 ti f ltelsdtlld lt:tiI 11-g' it It.sglc51$, Il. Ti. Coolidge $1, D ,A.
traoscie'list is othllothe doe SOs. Itndoxlust 'tisoke' $13,A. L. Noble $10, l'o-logioooj1,
cihlitltioitihis. -iiyoito& ilnsle $2.3, Go.IWo-.,r$iso,1I.
_______________ 1. Brsovno$, Gisodosti .h ',VSoil, $135,
No Place for Lawyers. l'glr&h.$1, o.i.tlito$21),
- C. F. XWatkinos $,D. 0. ogoor $5,
Jouge Bssrlisolosoe, of the sesperlor olossoel $. ,It. A1. SitoonstS53, B. -lits-
cotost at tGranod Rapids, 'eoceix-ed a ict- Ililttlt $1, Src'i'cott $3, It, K. frauft ,$3,
tecr otilly fl-o 0 a oow stdesot at C' IT. X'anAllcmi $5,, F.lt'sittto,i t. J
Aoto Aribor Baskhng his advxice abosst go- J. X :lols r $';10, XX'. Ih., liolty $11), Floydl
!if(, to thaot city to locate. Thoe jusstie Zit Ai~li $3,3h. IB. 'T'cy$,9,1'. 1:. iBalco
wotse in reply float thoe ar of Graonod Theita DellaCIii $5ti, 1':. hlcto
Ridts is already greatly overcrowdhed $5), Wills. It~ee'S$3, J. J. VIi 3
oldthaot there ore scores of excellenit Evaot'Scott $3,t' C oss'e fP.
13' to foo.ce a haord ilwiter. 'fle cloiog t'i $350, Phi Delta Plot fXit, II, . Kooti
ttp of te issotoer totwns itoNortlernt F.Loudl $0, Ehot.iiManosdlel $3,I.
tieUlgoos*s todtrivens lony good lao,- Diokiososo $3 , It. IP. ioxocot 13, ijtoito
ycto in fonohtshide, and uthese togeth- (-"'it$13, tC. t]Llo'S8i, 1.1,t)',tirlo'lo 31,
or wvihothe grealt supp~ly of new l1aw-'C.'. 1'. Atotot . J.. tox'no$.;,X. )
yes frosnth1110lbwysehosols overstock Kook $1h0, 3. ho. 1'rolo'so$,Tioos. Dloo-
thoe market. Thoe judge advised thoce to $1), HIt.' lliotrtcast $2,Pfl Ieltia
youtng suatitooseek oter ielils and Theita$235, ft. °IV. IWeeletr $2,
said Ithath110olnd not advise ny T 'othal <asisostooff Oilsori t ioo, ,$1,-
ysnng otion nowvadays to scok a locf',s-35.012. I. 1. XWINA'tttN,
siclnal caroor. T'.ioshi'-lo


Beat linen paper per lb....... M
Idesl white bond paper per lb... 25c;
Envelopes per box (250).. ,. 25c
Envelopes per 1000..........85c
Visiting cards engraved and h00
cards......... ...t0
Visiting cards from old, plate10
only .............:........... We
Monograms made to order from
$2.50 to $5.00.
.Always the best goods at under
tp Town Down Town
s. state St, Opposite Courilouse
Ann Arbor Main et.


Yale Graduating Clans. I
sItve tHoeir gt'.oIttotiott tho e lsnors
of lt' clooso of Nintyh-sevenl, Of Yalie
Uuli'i oil, ihavxe hutIt'so dhoefolot -
0113 eitoo'tutoio: Atolety-one ahe stutdy-
log bo!s'; 12 are iso bssioot'ss: ;3- re
stthiiJ'ioog ofdoif'feresnt colleges quadol soi-
ve>roitioe; 24 crc stuutyioog'uhselicisl 1138
ales teaiing; 31 tooctobers of tf loeaoss
ore stnoying ythiesoloy; 7toave startced
hum josumnabiss u, and oui-eme anti has a515h
lion in an einhassy. Thiroy-five of tow
classe iftoer have oo in.toaottnoo
defimmte work or are traveling aibrowd.
Princeton's Now Library.
Time new PoincetontUshv er-ihy l1tmr. o'y
toos been opened to Thie uimcrgrnad-
safos. The northeris half of tale Build-
hog is finished andI11 provides spate forx
Limlfitamillion volmvses. 'lime (.tbamoeb-
ber Gimeon Library will be closed tnull
oiftoos te 'C1111m,istas vacation, Time in
terior will be entirely rei,leblc d mood
ht tvill bierelaftes' be uised as a workmog
library and reading reoota. AbIouvt 21),-
001) onoefully selected 'books will It
placed in it.

Wrinkle Strikes a Snag.
Eitoor of f~lot' 1'. of 11. Doily:
Asosoedly itxxiiilsoot -h piitooto
'Tile mouo-orolis "cit-edo" os-bo, umu'ovo':m:-
eil, osL(ha.omoth 5-'Ojicsof thtelosti 's"'l
of X" rtuoioc, loor-ohy affirm, v-ow, mood
cooll toxvih 0.ss the o los. that rathoer
ftso enda.nger ft'e"t ioe-tested 005
houls" af oor' "mclim ns'itiluiouo,
fthey xvilitoolie fahur.e forego floe ox-
tso'et'pleoasure of 'buoying collies of
C iidienoood fools ame said hosp k
time trsh, but occaosolly it hthittotOqz
that thecy don't. Possibly time edhhorool
staiff limo so-ecadled "funnoy' college
pbtoabbiohian oes notl have acc",ss to
the liboary talles of every -sorority
house, There is a slight chance that
these editors do 'not know 'bxy ow amy
'ecopies of their fortoalgotby eattempts
appplear 'upon, Ihose tables. lWill
tWrinkle please note float enough "co-
eds" readis last Issue to appreciate
- the 'honos'abbe memioss" they re-ei ved.
Rutgers Collegej will coelbrate its
13st monuiversary on Nov. 10).

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