1&T ~oWW s2~ZE NEW GOO8,
iFw V,.tinlq
______ N GOOBS*
The J. T. Jacobs Co.,
SQOv ercocit I The J. T. Jamobs Co.,
The 4. T. Jacobs Co.,
2~i' ~ rr~~0 ~N. B-We still have a nice' assortment of JLight Weigh tOvercoats
I. .BLTjrxZ, to be closed out at Greatly Reduced Prices.
Anl Alior BteonlLalIIgf. Y, C O A..L. GEORGE L.. MOORE, (Mde sYt r.)+ +
WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL. AFalLnocnlcleeTOokinlsigLwadMdelBos.y eslt.
CALL ON Cheapest place or Note Boots ansi Fountain Pens in the ity. Freshmen crowd in. Come along
SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. old rriends. I new have say entice stock at amy store on No. 6 S. MAIN ST.
Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. NO. 11 WEST WASsasXoToN STILEET. GSEO.;I.. vaeoozm.
EvecryOresf Student will save money by buylig University Text-Books and all supplies at Iteadquarters. We allow! OrdeYstfrACK nsAN ris, edIwd IIAOOIAOR LIN.,
special discount 011 LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS. DENTAL BOOKS, in shorwt, every Book used in the promptily attended to.
ttiveriiy. 5,010 Blank Books at lowest prices. Telephone es. zNansSt., Opp. Pos orice.
C)ELCE~ wi irn, PANIST--
LEADING BOOK STORE IN THE CITY.4 Highest Grades Tausght. Apply atiWlsey'
gIehmond Str aight et. ( Communication. j
YNo. 1t
CIGARETTES. Editores U. 51cM.D0255,0
Cigarette Smohers who Arc we mating any progress in
morel than She price agitating tihe qitestion, "Shall the
chsrged Ioe the ordnars
rade Cigarettes, will fiad Library be opened Sundays ?' If
v. TtHtaBAaNsuperior to"Stdn"syth
/ all others. not, why not? " Student" says the
Thte Richsnond Straight
Ct No. SCigarettes are tnade frsm thehbright- probicem ought tu be solveid; it seems
cot, mosat delicately tlavored and highest cosat
Hold Leneatesw in Virginia. Thin la the Oldi to he, already.
and Original lBrand or Straight Cat Cigarettes,
snd waa hrsaght sat hyusain thte year 1st5. First, the lbaydostopn
Beware sr tmitatisns, and nsrrvethsat the
firmnameashbelow iaanevery package. and there is no greater "demand''
The ALLEN & INTER Branch
Or the American Tsbaceo Cs., for it than before. In view of the
Maaufactarers, - - Richmsnd, Virginia.
various Sunday reading rooms in the
~s ~ ~ hsIanit' ~ city, there would seem to be less
Capital, $0,000. Surplus andt Profitss$y7,000
Hoes a general anking hasineas. 'Paya in- Again, it would be no practical
terest on Saving Deposits. Has safety benefit. 'There may be a few who
tDeposit Boxes fr Rent.
H. KEMPF, Pres. F. H. BELLSER, Cashier. waste so mluch time dttring the week
BnovnSadt ving. Bnkthat it would benefit thetoi to study
Ann Arbo -avinglstock, k otn Sunday. If any, they ought to
Ana Arbsr Mieh.CaiaStc,$00,
Surplas, $10550. aen tei sheul Co hur, n
Organiaed under the Heneral Banhing Lawns mn id ciuueo .us ~
of this state. Rteceiven Deposits, hays and while learning a lesson in systema-
sells exchasge on the principal cities sf the
United States. Drafts casted apots proper izing the would soon find they had
identtfication. Officers:he
CnRSTINs MACa, Pres., more tinme for useful rest. 'There
W. D. ARANasw. Vice Pres..
CHAeS. S. HSCOCK, Cashier. may be others who would visit tile
rTE 0OR=G -N3Z Library for the benefit which "Stn-
~. (of 'Jm dent" anticipates, but most of them
,- I would find that seven days' work is
SPOONES z~ too much, and if reading, for pleas-
Win. Arnold's, i nrc is desired, who not' go' to the
36 Main Street.
5:' C. A. rooms, the Unitarian par-
g Tors, Tappan hail, Hobart hail, or
4 A A L some of the other piaces designed
FINEPHOOGRAHS, especially to meet this need ? It
MILINERYHANDGAPHSGODS seems, however, that the request for
MILLNERYAND.RT G DS !Sunday opening comes largely from
II Cnt orseSteat, those who "will study anyway,'",and
vHR U N TAKE A.'only wish the 'University to sanction
e___ CURISE, and aid them.
IaT WL t O.Sotad col jebidnga, 2MaSouh State Streeta.' ' But undes is al
tienefit, there are better reasons wlisy TUlE - EKXC]H %1010- I.AUNjPRYt
theLibaryshold ot e oen.ItHas all the isa prose~d nach'inery, atnd is tee.
the ihirry sloild no be ~1CO Itpared to turn out first class workehoit shoret so-
woulil ncourae sotn to leve ti ict'Cosamerelat worhk5trtnedt out wiea~t.
Pricssreasonahle andworktuthcarateesd. to-
Library till Sunday as tile most con- 125 East Hurotsfit .. . tet ll.', opriutor,
venient tome for it; it oold be an 0. M. MARTIN,
E inovaton o whih a argepropr-HEALER .IN
inovtin f hih lrg popr.Cloth Caskets, M~~etallic
tion of u1s would regret, it would AND C'CMSONCOFFINS.
'satisfy no healthy denland anld it J. A. POLHEMUS.
would serve no stseful end. 'The
expense might be small, bitt tilat ALSO 'aCJS RACK AND HAO(IAOE LINE,
No'rth Main Streee.
would be the least objection. IS &EAOT
If there to need for something Bakers and deaters in
more, tile citizens of Ann Arbor will Groceries, Provisions,Flour and Feed,
61 and S E. Washington St.
reading roonis for Sunday use, but
before asking the regents to open the
ILibrary let us furnish some reasons
why it would lie a wise and useftil
departure. G. E. M.
Tuesday Eve., Dec. 1."1891.
Repairing a spece~lty. 46150UT0, MAIN ST.
State, Street (Grocern
Stt~dents pationage especially solicited.
M is Ir ne {ett T For St.. West, - Detrol, it.
Tuhe younig and brilliant emnotional Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti Street
aetress supported by the well known Railway,
star actress Miss Berth a Welby nd : tsir table naking effect Octoher 4, t89t.
an artistic Dramatic Company under____
the sole Managetment of Leave Ann atbore Hosa Court IHouse at 6.15.
7.f, 9 20.t0.50, and 12.0,1.10, 3150, 5.20.
Mr. Josh B. gdew nd a 23q.0 00 aS 6''3 t0 ,
4ato .jA e l*rfit Curt h at 2.20
Prlees, = 31,50 asset i (its Yfnti 52.:0 , , 500, .3t. 8.01,
Sea tewst' - N . n -.Conpoatickets, I0
$ ason Sale at PO. nS ~si 'r aile b oeon ..
' 'v a61 wv 1.JV Y YL fJM av N W -
f J z
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